Top One Percent – James Altucher


Altucher’s Top 1% Advisory ReviewAltucher’s Top 1% Advisory is a monthly newsletter created by expert hedge fund manager James Altucher. It promises to help reveal a unique new approach to investing in the right startups and opportunities.Out of all the financial programs and investment products we have discovered, we think you will really enjoy our review on James Altucher’s Top 1 % Advisory and see why his backdoor investment strategies could be the perfect next play for you and your family.Who is James Altucher?When you first visit The James Altucher Confidential Report page, you’re greeted with the The 1,000% Backdoor TED Talk video presentation where James is presenting on stage revealing the methods that have made him over $15,000,000 in his career. While some might not take James serious as he is wearing an untucked shirt and sneakers but as soon as you listen, research, and ask the question of who is this guy and is he for real – you will quickly see a guy who knows his stuff and walks the talk about investing and entrepreneurial endeavors.Over the course of the video, James explains that he’s discovered a secret backdoor that lets him take advantage of investing in startups since 2008 after he purchased and read the book “The Forever Portfolio”. Using this backdoor, he can invest a small amount of money into startups and then make a 500 to 1000% profit without being a ‘credited investor’ which is having a net worth of over $1,000,000 minimum.That’s why James calls his approach the “1000% Backdoor” as it essentially showcases a loophole into big data which can predict future trends and possibilites.In any case, James claims he makes $80,000 a month with his investing strategy. He estimates he’s made $15 million to date using the approaches he offers inside the Top 1% Investment Advisory. One thing is very clear, he wants to inform you that hedge funds are a scam which is against popular thought and theory.The basic idea behind James’ investing strategy is that those who invest in the right startups early can earn an enormous return on their investment. He lists examples like Uber, Airbnb, and Dropbox. In these companies, a $1,000 investment early on would now be worth $4.5 million, or 4500 times your money.In any case, James claims he turned $2,000 into $10 million in just 9 months without leaving his computer chair.James is telling you this because he wants you to sign up for his Top 1% Advisory Review, which is a monthly email newsletter subscription service priced at $2,000 a year.A quick visit to Altucher’s Wikipedia page reveals that he’s a 48 year old American hedge fund manager who claims to have founded or cofounded more than 20 companies and “says he failed at 17 of them” James has also published 11 books. He has a weekly column in The Financial Times and regular columns on TechCrunch,, Huffington Post, and other major media outlets.With The Top 1% Advisory, James Altucher wants you to believe that you can earn several hundred percent profits by investing in the right companies at the right times and by using a special investment loophole.Does all of this sound too good to be true? Let’s take a closer look at the James Altucher Report and his backdoor approach.Get Top One Percent – James Altucher, Only Price $197How Does the James Altucher Report’s Backdoor Work?James claims that the old economy is gone. Thus, the way we approach stocks and investing must also change. He calls this new economy the “idea economy”. Your goal, as an investor, is to invest in the right ideas and be apart of the Innovation Economy.While Altucher’s Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth book was a huge hit and success for those interested in investing and the death of the salaried employee, he is now giving it away free for those who are looking at joining the Top 1% Advisory newsletter.James advocates investing in companies that are getting behind a single idea. As an example, he points to 2007 and the birth of the smartphone. If you had invested in Apple back then, you would have been a decent profit by today. Apple, however, is a company with many different industries and divisions, only one of which involves smartphones. James points to Chinese phone manufacturing giant Xiaomi as an alternative investment: all Xiaomi does is make smartphones (at least, they used to). So if you like the idea of smartphones and think it’s going to be the “next big thing”, then you should look for companies like Xiaomi.Now, the problem with investing in startups, according to James, is that the government has a “stupid rule” called Rule 501 of Regulation D, which only allows “accredited investors” to invest in startups. Accredited investors are defined as investors worth at least $1 million (or if your income has been $200,000 or more for more than two years).This rule is designed to protect individual investors from losing their life savings because they invested in some startup they think could be the next Apple or Facebook.James, however, has found a way around this rule. That’s where the “loophole” and “backdoor” comes into play.James never actually explains what his backdoor is or how it works. That’s the part he’s selling you – so he doesn’t want to give it away. Nevertheless, he assures you it’s “very real and perfectly legal.” This backdoor investment approach makes a lot of sense as he wants to ensure that only serious people are getting this kind of insight and intelligence when it comes to rolling the dice tactically and strategically.Click Here To Watch James’ Top 1% Advisory Video about his 1000% Backdoor Investment Strategies.What’s Included in The 1,000% Backdoor?The 1,000% Backdoor includes all of the following items:-The backdoor secret to venture capital investing using public companies available in the stock market-How to make 5 to 10 times your money on the biggest ideas in America without ever getting close to Silicon Valley-Three hedge fund strategies used by James, including one he’s personally used to “buy stocks for pennies…then sell them overnight for $1 or $2 a share”-Altucher’s Top 1% Advisory, which is a monthly email newsletter that sends you hot stock tips on a regular basis. James claims he saves his best investment strategies for these emails.The Top 1% Advisory PricingYou’ll need to subscribe to The Top 1% Advisory in order to gain access to The 1,000% Backdoor.The Top 1% Advisory is priced at $2,000 per year.If that sounds expensive, then consider that James is giving you a 20% discount off his regular price of $2,500 a year (however, we couldn’t find any evidence the report was ever sold at this price).In any case, that price includes one year of access to the program – so you’re paying $2,000 for 12 emails. It also appears that James emails you at other times of the year to give you “additional ideas and strategies we don’t normally offer in the top 1%”.With your subscription, you also get The 1,000% Backdoor, which is the program we explained above.You can pay online using any major credit card. After you make your payment, your credit card will be charged $2,000 every year until you cancel (which is easy to do if not happy).Should You Sign Up for The Top 1% Advisory?The Top 1% Advisory is a high-priced program made by hedge fund manager James Altucher, known for his investing books, his weekly columns in the Financial Times, and his podcast The James Altucher Show. He’s a well-known public figure who currently runs Formula Capital, an asset management firm.When you sign up for The Top 1% Advisory, you’re signing up to receive James Altucher’s wisdom. You’re paying $2,000 because you believe he’s a successful, intelligent businessman with a unique way of viewing the marketplace. After you pay, he’ll send you regular newsletters explaining his hot stock tips and any other additional information he has about the marketplace.You also get access to something called The 1,000% Backdoor, which shows you how to legally bypass Rule 501, the rule that prevents average individual investors from investing in startups.Normally, all of this advice would sound kooky sound online. But James Altucher is a real figure with a real financial background. He’s certainly a unique personality. He’s earned and lost money in the market over the years, and now he wants to share his wisdom with the world in the form of the James Altucher Report and The Top 1% Advisory. It’s up to you to decide whether or not that advice is worth $2,000 a year.Get Top One Percent – James Altucher, Only Price $197Tag: Top One Percent – James Altucher Review. Top One Percent – James Altucher download. Top One Percent – James Altucher discount.