Tonja Reichley – Botanica Magica Series


Tonja Reichley – Botanica Magica SeriesSeries: 5 Videos, 4 Guided Audio Journey’s + Written Guide PDFSpiral through the Elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth and the magical powers and blessings associated with each. We will ally with herbs as alchemical thresholds to the liminal and learn how to create herbal incense and aromatherapy ritual sprays, lunar anointing oils and candle magic, gem elixirs and ritual teas and baths, spell jars and herb bundles. We will call in Irish goddesses Brighid, Maeve and the Morrigan to co-create with us as we find the power in reclaiming our magic.Includes written curriculum and recipes plus five instructional videos including setting up your elemental altar and creating herbal incense, lunar infused oils, gem elixirs and spell jars. Plus four audio guided journeys to awaken ancient pathways to magic through the wisdom of the goddesses.Take the entire series or each class individually.Entire series: $160 ($20 savings) or individual classes $45 each.Your InstructorTonja ReichleyTonja Reichley Herbalist (Bsc, MBA) spends her time in the urban alleyways of Denver and on the windswept coast of western Ireland foraging for wild herbs to nourish, heal and revitalize the whole self: body, mind and spirit. She loves the power and connection of ritual and ancient Irish traditions. She practices alchemy through the synchronicity of the natural world and her own connection to the healing arts, inspired by Brighid of Kildare, Irish goddess and saint. Tonja teaches classes on herbs and Irish spirituality in Denver and in Ireland. Her classes inspire the senses and focus on the use of herbs and aromatherapy for living a more connected and radiant life. She leads sacred journeys to Ireland three times a year including a two week Herb School, inspiring students with the holy landscape, deepening through ritual, prayer, intention, and opening to the mysteries of ancient sites and herbal thresholds. She recently published Wild Irish Roots: A Seasonal Guidebook to Herbs, Ritual and Connection and her deck of Way of Brighid Oracle Cards has been selling worldwide for many years. website: FB: Dancing with the Wild/ FB: Tonja Reichley/ Instagram: @TonjaReichleyCourse CurriculumFundamentals: Botanica MagicaSpiral through the Elements (13:33)Botanica Magica: AirAwakening Inspiration (8:34)Botanica Magica: FireCourageous Transformation (9:59)Botanica Magica: WaterCreative Potential (13:56)Botanica Magica: EarthRemembered Connection (7:24)DocumentsBotanica Magica GuideGuided MeditationsBotanica Magica Air: Brigid and the Holy wellBotanica Magica Fire: Maeve and the Mountain PilgrimageBotanica Magica Water: The Flowing water of LifeBotanica Magic Earth: An Offering to the Morrigan (18:34)