Tom Morrison – Splits & Hips


To be honest, there’s a good reason why your CNS doesn’t think the splits is safe: it’s probably not. This course is available for Pre-order and delivery in a few 1-2 DayTom Morrison – Splits & HipsWant to learn the splits in less than 30 minutes a day with no equipment necessary?Whether you’re a beginner starting at a long lunge, or if you’re pushing for your over split, all the movements in thie program can be adjusted to your level, so you will mamke progress no matter where you’re at on your flexibility journey.This splits program combines multiple techniques to improve both your flexibility and strength, bringing about true mobility changes which your body learns to use and control over time.The front splits are a classic display of flexibility, but they require more than just being flexible. Have you ever noticed how much more bendy you are after a few drinks? In fact, many people under general anaesthetic show improved range of motion, which demonstrates the massive influence of your Central Nervous System (CNS) on your body.Unless you have underlying mobility issues you’ll find that you can put your legs individually into a splits position – so, what gives? Why are we all not watching TV in the splits? Basically: if your body doesn’t feel safe in a position it will not let you go there… and stretching both legs at the same time is a pretty extreme position.To be honest, there’s a good reason why your CNS doesn’t think the splits is safe: it’s probably not. Do your hips have adequate movement in all planes, external and internal rotation to prevent connective tissue issues, or repercussions in your legs and back? Are your glutes, hamstrings, adductors, quads strong enough to pull you out of the positions once you’re there? As annoying as it might be to be inflexible, your body isn’t stupid, and it very much likes to avoid getting hurt.WANT TO TRAIN YOUR CNS? >BUY THE PROGRAM NOWGET ALL THE HIP GAINS: BUY NOW