
Tom Condon – The Enneagram of Freedom

Original price was: ₹44,550.00.Current price is: ₹7,800.00.


(This course is available for immediate delivery) In this 10-week transformational intensive, Tom Condon will guide you to discover a new perspective on the Enneagram that combines the diagnostic insights of the Enneagram with the change methods of NLP, Ericksonian hypnosis and other disciplines that will open you to greater freedom, choice and possibility.

Tom Condon – The Enneagram of Freedom


Discover how to unlock your higher capacities as you receive new perspectives on the Enneagram… opening you to greater freedom, choice, and possibility.
Do you remember when you first figured out your Enneagram type and what a powerful moment it was?
Understanding your core drives, challenges and motives through the lens of this multidimensional system is nothing short of a revelation for most of us.
If you’re a student of the Enneagram, you might have spent a long time exploring your type and its many unique expressions…
Yet, at a certain point, you may wonder, “What’s next?”
This moment is a turning point on your path of transformation…where you shift from being excited by the map of your personality to truly traversing the journey of liberation, the ultimate purpose of the Enneagram.
This journey leads you to the “high side” of your type — the qualities that most embody your essence. Together, they’re an expression of the integrated dimensions of your type (or what Thomas Condon likes to call your “style”).
They’re also the foundation for a fully actualized life…
The Enneagram pinpoints your higher capacities — what you’re like at your best and how you embody and express your unique talents, resources and innate abilities.
Experiencing true freedom, happens when you surpass the limits of your style or type.
Profound Inquiry Allows Your Gifts to Emerge
Ultimately, the Enneagram is a map for living into your full potential, which requires cultivation of the “high side” of your type, while becoming more self-aware and free of the “low side” of fixations.
In the early years of Enneagram teaching, the labels for types were quite pejorative; a six, for example, was forever doomed to be a “coward.”
Instead, your Enneagram style is a resource that empowers you with certain gifts and attributes IF you do the deeper work of integration, clearing, and aligning that are required to fully own the ways YOU are doing these things to yourself.
Instead of being a “fear type,” the question becomes, “How am I scaring myself?” and even more deeply, “What are the ways that fear might be serving me?”
Such profound inquires lie at the heart of the Enneagram of Freedom, a program designed to significantly expand your Enneagram knowledge and deepen your integrative practices.
Whether you’re fairly new in your exploration of the Enneagram or a practitioner who uses the Enneagram in your work as a therapist, healer, or coach, you’ll open up new horizons of understanding how advanced methods of healing can work in synergy with the Enneagram.
When the Enneagram is merged with effective methods of change, the results can be vivid, deep and meaningful.
The Enneagram of Freedom combines the diagnostic insights of the Enneagram with the change methods of NLP, Ericksonian hypnosis, shadow integration work, and other disciplines. This powerful combination blends a deep understanding of people with highly effective techniques that you can use to grow, change and find true freedom.
This program will help you apply the Enneagram’s insights, practices, and ideas that you can transcend limits, solve problems and enhance the natural potentials of your personality style.
You’ll learn how to focus the Enneagram’s insights to find movement, vitality and new choices around the ways you respond to the world through your personality style.
Whether you’re seeking change for yourself or for your clients, this course will be a safe way to make personal and professional breakthroughs.
In many ways, this will help you fully realize the potential of the Enneagram as a tool for personal evolution and transformation.
As you actualize the “high side” of your type, you become more capable of deeper intimacy, greater creativity, and unconditional love.
You become more self-aware of your patterns AND free to choose how you ultimately engage life.
A Holistic and Multidimensional Path
While you identify with a specific Enneagram style, the essential energies, and to some degree all 9 types, exist within everyone.
As one of the world’s leading Enneagram teachers, Thomas Condon focuses on the Enneagram as a holistic wisdom path.
Thomas has worked with the Enneagram since 1980 and with Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP since 1977. Through the years he has selected techniques from a number of therapies and modified them to address the needs and pitfalls of each Enneagram style.
The result is something like a “tool-set” for personal change — useful practices and ideas that you can adopt to transcend limits, solve problems and enhance the natural potentials of your personality style.
Whether you’re a therapist, coach, healer, health care professional, teacher, artist, spiritual director, politician or parent, you’ll emerge from his program with an expanded toolkit for transformation as well as greater levels of acceptance, love and compassion for yourself and others.

In this first-ever, virtual training with Tom, you’ll:

Learn an original perspective on the Enneagram, one that leads to greater freedom and choice
Discover how unconscious attachments and motives drive your Enneagram patterns
Discover a powerful framework for overcoming personality patterns
Learn how each Enneagram style grows and changes
Uncover your Enneagram style’s hidden resources
Help clients and others in your life grow, change and evolve
Become your own best coach, counselor or therapist
Find true paths to your personal and professional freedom

More about the Specific Methods
What is NLP?
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is a set of transformational tools that enable users to change and grow in often rapid ways. NLP identifies the structure of subjective experience — how we hear, feel and see the world — as a first step to changing it. It also offers a variety of techniques to help you grow and change that are especially effective when applied to the Enneagram.
Along with offering powerful tools for change, NLP reveals the secret structure of Enneagram styles. All subjective experience has a sensory structure, an “inner architecture,” and anything you do follows a sequence of internal sensory steps — a combination seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting.
Each Enneagram style also has specific sensory qualities that shape our reactions. Whenever you behave in a typical, fixated way from within your Enneagram style that drive your behavior. You’ll learn how these subjective qualities can be identified and altered, sometimes to dramatic effect.
What is Ericksonian Hypnosis?
Ericksonian Hypnosis, also called “the new hypnosis,” is at once powerful and gentle. Based on the pioneering work of Milton Erickson, this style of hypnosis is open-ended, respectful and positive in its messages. Both its methods and insights apply powerfully to the Enneagram, helping you wake from the open-eyed trance of your personality style.
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What You’ll Discover in These 10 Weeks
Course sessions are on Thursdays at 12:00pm Pacific.
In this 10-week transformational intensive, Tom Condon will guide you to discover a new perspective on the Enneagram that combines the diagnostic insights of the Enneagram with the change methods of NLP, Ericksonian hypnosis and other disciplines that will open you to greater freedom, choice and possibility.
Each weekly, LIVE contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain a deep understanding of highly effective techniques that you can use to grow, change and find true freedom.

Module 1: The Enneagram of Freedom

Introduction & Course Overview (February 23)

In the first module, Tom will teach you a unique perspective on the Enneagram that opens it up as a framework for growing and changing.
You’ll discover how to approach your Enneagram style dynamically, not as something you are but as something you do. Each Enneagram style is a strategy for coping with reality that brings talents skills and resources as well as pitfalls, illusions and dilemmas.
You’ll discover the ways in which you unconsciously form your Enneagram experience through your senses — what you see, hear and feel when you “do” your Enneagram style.
In this module, you’ll also discover:

The unconscious attachments and motives that drive your Enneagram patterns
How you maintain the open-eyed hypnotic trance of your style
A model of change and how different techniques work for different Enneagram styles
How to evoke the strengths, talents and resources natural to your style

Module 2: Eights (March 2)

Enneagram style Eights are powerful, forthright and protective yet struggle with feeling vulnerable. They delete their deeper needs and sensitivities in favor of being strong and aggressive. You’ll discover how Eights create and maintain their defenses and how to loosen these to open to the high-side potentials of their style.
In this module, you’ll discover:

The high and low side of the Eight style
Childhood patterns and tensions
Shadows, defenses and forms of control
The sensory qualities of the Eight trance
Keys to growing, changing and breaking free
Best methods and themes to work with including finding strength in vulnerability, learning how to nurture ourselves, changing places with others, learning to apologize

Module 3: Nines (March 9)

Enneagram style Nines are loving, modest and trusting yet struggle with feeling seen. They delete themselves in favor of accommodating their environment. You’ll discover how Nines create and maintain their defenses and how to loosen these to open to the high-side potentials of their style.
In this module, you’ll discover:

The high and low side of the Nine style

Childhood patterns and tensions
Shadows, defenses and forms of control
The sensory qualities of the Nine trance
Keys to growing, changing and breaking free
Best methods and themes to work with including: owning anger, admitting you are hiding, expressing preferences, seeing with your goals with clarity

Module 4: Ones (March 16)

Enneagram style Ones are highly moral, exceptionally effective and struggle with self-judgment. They delete themselves and look for what is wrong, missing or out of place. You’ll discover how Ones create and maintain their defenses and how to loosen these to open to the high-side potentials of their style.
In this module, you’ll discover:

The high and low side of the One style

Childhood patterns and tensions
Shadows, defenses and forms of control
The sensory qualities of the One trance
Keys to growing, changing and breaking free
Best methods and themes to work with including: altering critical voices, loosening rigidities, cultivating forgiveness

Module 5: Twos (March 23)

Enneagram style Twos are deeply interpersonal, big-hearted and struggle with boundaries. They repress their deeper feelings in favor of being helpful to others. You’ll discover how Twos create and maintain their defenses and how to loosen these to open to the high-side potentials of their style.
In this module, you’ll discover:

The high and low side of the Two style
How Twos, as well as Threes and Fours, are “self rejecting”

Childhood patterns and tensions
Shadows, defenses and forms of control
How to change the sensory qualities of the Two trance and evoke a Two’s strengths and resources
Tapping and intensifying conscious and unconscious motivations to change
Best methods and themes to work with including: developing boundaries, working with pride, overcoming codependency, learning how to be appropriately selfish

Module 6: Threes (March 30)

Enneagram style Threes are active, accomplished and exemplary and yet struggle with knowing how they truly feel. They suppress their genuine feelings in favor of identifying with images of success. You’ll discover how Threes create and maintain their defenses and how to loosen these to open to the high-side potentials of their style.
In this module, you’ll discover:

The high and low side of the Three style

Childhood patterns and tensions
Shadows, defenses and forms of control
How to change the sensory qualities of the Three trance and evoke a Three’s strengths and resources
Keys to growing, changing and breaking free
Tapping and intensifying conscious and unconscious motivations to change
Best methods and themes to work with including learning to lose, redefining success, deepening your emotional life, developing intuition

Module 7: Fours (April 6)

Enneagram style Fours are creative, imaginative and original and struggle with feeling different. They confuse their deeper feelings with feelings derived from trying to be special. You’ll discover how Fours create and maintain their defenses and how to loosen these to open to the high-side potentials of their style.
In this module, you’ll discover:

The high and low side of the Four style

Childhood patterns and tensions
Shadows, defenses and forms of control
The sensory qualities of the Four trance
Keys to growing, changing and breaking free
Best methods and themes to work with including working with sadness, finding art forms, giving your inner life outer expression, seeking, finding and affirming beauty

Module 8: Fives (April 13)

Enneagram style Fives are wise, farsighted and knowledgeable and struggle with participation. Fives scare themselves with social fears and expectations and withdraw to compensate. You’ll discover how Fives create and maintain their defenses and how to loosen these to open to the high-side potentials of their style.
In this module, you’ll discover:

The high and low side of the Five style
How Fives, as well as Sixes and Sevens, are “self-opposing”

Childhood patterns and tensions
Shadows, defenses and forms of control
The sensory qualities of the Two trance
Keys to growing, changing and breaking free
Best methods and themes to work with including learning to become proactive, improving their boundaries, mastering their feelings, translating thinking into doing

Module 9: Sixes (April 20)

Enneagram style Sixes are courageous, loyal and effective yet struggle with owning their power. Sixes scare themselves with negative possibilities and compensate with worry and suspicion. You’ll discover how Sixes create and maintain their defenses and how to loosen these to open to the high-side potentials of their style.
In this module, you’ll discover:

The high and low side of the Six style

Childhood patterns and tensions
Shadows, defenses and forms of control
The sensory qualities of the Six trance
Keys to growing, changing and breaking free
Best methods and themes to work with including reclaiming projections, stepping into their power, develop their inner guidance, taking control of fears

Module 10: Sevens (April 27)

Enneagram style Sevens are well-rounded, affirming and generous but struggle with feeling trapped and limited. Sevens unconsciously jail themselves and then compensate by seeking options and possibilities. You’ll discover how Sevens create and maintain their defenses and how to loosen these to open to the high-side potentials of their style.
In this module, you’ll discover:

The high and low side of the Seven style

Childhood patterns and tensions
Shadows, defenses and forms of control
The sensory qualities of the Seven trance
Keys to growing, changing and breaking free
Best methods and themes to work with including working with self-jailing, learning to manage and integrate pain, investing deeply in fewer meaningful choices, facing facts both positive and negative

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The Enneagram of Freedom Bonus Collection
In addition to the 10-week virtual course with Tom, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Therapeutic Metaphor & the Enneagram

10-hour Audio Workshop From Tom Condon

This workshop will be valuable to anyone interested in combining effective techniques for change with the diagnostic power of the Enneagram. Tom Condon demonstrates many useful ways to work with clients and offers dozens of metaphors and teaching stories. True to its content, this audio set offers powerful practical techniques in a highly entertaining way and help you make lasting positive changes.

The Enneagram & NLP

Video Program From Tom Condon

NLP identifies the structure of subjective experience — how we hear, feel and see the world-as a first step to changing it. In this video, Tom uses NLP to identify the sensory scaffolding that supports Enneagram styles. He demonstrates the famous NLP eye movements and other nonverbal cues that reveal internal states. This is followed by a lively discussion of the biases of different therapies and how they often minister to the problems of specific Enneagram styles.
About Tom Condon
Tom Condon has worked with the Enneagram since 1980 and with Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP since 1977. These three models are combined in his trainings to offer a powerful blend of therapeutic tools.
His workshops concentrate on how to see and use the Enneagram dynamically, as a springboard to positive change. Most participants report personal and professional breakthroughs as well as a deeper sense of freedom and choice.
Tom has taught over 800 workshops in the US, Europe and Asia and is the author of 50 books, CDs and DVDs on the Enneagram, NLP and Ericksonian methods. He is a certified coach and Practitioner of NLP and director of The Changeworks in Bend, Oregon. He is accredited with honor by the International Enneagram Association (IEA).
 Here’s What You’ll Get in Tom Condon – The Enneagram of Freedom