Todd Durkin – Fitness Business Success Coaching System


Discover the ONE BIG SECRET that will create more streams of INCOME, trim away expenses and mistakes, add creative TIMEback into your schedule, and help you create MASSIVE SUCCESS and IMPACT in your business & life…even if you have NO team,NO equipment, and NO previous experience!”Purchase Todd Durkin – Fitness Business Success Coaching System courses at here with PRICE $497 $56Todd Durkin – Fitness Business Success Coaching SystemATTENTION; STRUGGLING trainers, coaches, independent contractors, group-X instructors, boot camp and gym owners: Read If You Want To..Get Todd Durkin – Fitness Business Success Coaching System at the CourseAvaiDiscover the ONE BIG SECRET that will create more streams of INCOME, trim away expenses and mistakes, add creative TIMEback into your schedule, and help you create MASSIVE SUCCESS and IMPACT in your business & life…even if you have NO team,NO equipment, and NO previous experience!”Have you ever thought.. “If I could just get More CLIENTS, help more members, make More MONEY, run a leaner and better business with a staff that operates like a team, so that I can enjoy more time off,have less stress, and achieve More SUCCESS in my business”?If so, Then Read Or Listen To Every Word Of This MessageYou can quickly INCREASE your sales and take-home profits…with a time tested, simple SYSTEM and TOOLKIT for systematically building your marketing, operations, and leadership regardless of where you currently are in your business development…Guaranteed!Dear Savvy Fitness Professional:My name is Todd Durkin and I want to introduce you to a high-performance world where an ordinary hard-working fitness professional, regardless of certifications, IQ, talent, age, and background, can make an EXTRAORDINARY income. IN fact, this letter is a MUST READ if YOU are looking to achieve the freedom, independence, and liberty you desire!”Before I give you the secret that unlocks the system, I’d like you to take a little trip with me…Imagine having absolutely no worries in your business. And imagine being in the top 10% of your industry, and having the highest respect from your clients, prospects, staff, and peers.Imagine having the time and financial freedom to go on more guilt-free vacations, spend more time with family and friends, to be at the kid’s games and on a date night without thinking you should be back at the office.Or, how about enjoying an advantage over your competitors that makes you the “go-to” fitness professional in your area, maybe even in the industry, and having more of your ideal customers and staff who come to you?Now, Think About Your Current Situation:I want you to think about some of the challenges you might be going through in your business today:Struggling to find time to get your marketing right so you get the exact clients you want.Wrestling with the best way to get independent contractors/staff believing in a culture of unity and mission, and the consistency of following throughStress of missing systems, and refined processes that allow your business to operate without you so that you can pursue other creative ideas for growthDoubts and uncertainty that seem to haunt you on a daily basis?Do you question your ability to lead a thriving business in the future?Am I going to be in business 1-2 years from now?Can I cover rent, payroll, and the costs of rising expenses each and every month?Can I grow a team that is built on success and sustainability?Will I be able to keep this hectic pace for the next 5-10 years before I burn out?Am I always going to be lying in bed…wondering where my next client is coming from?Did I set my business up in a way that it will run successfully for the long haul – without me?I speak to fitness professionals every week, so you’re not alone if you feel like you’re shackled to your business right now – where you visit the question: “is this as good as it gets?”It sometimes feels like you want to fall back on blaming things like the economy for the lack of growth, or the stiff competition, or “I feel stuck and don’t know what else to do.”Get Todd Durkin – Fitness Business Success Coaching System at the CourseAvaiACCUSATION: You’re a WorkaholicMost fitness business owners I know experience great conflicts between their commitment to business and other aspects of their lives: balancing their spouse, the kids, friends, family obligations…and more.Well, I’m here to tell you that:Your Current Business Frustration orStagnation Is Not Your Fault!Now, you may have taken business advice and marketing suggestions from well-meaning friends or colleaguesin the industry that told you how they would do things when it comes to running a well-oiled machine. My firstquestion would always be “Are they doing itthemselves and worth emulation?”Or you may have gotten caught up in what’s called ‘Shiny Object Syndrome’ or ‘Squirrel Chasing’ where you’re constantly trying new things in order to add to your bottom line.This includes: the latest software, media platforms, coaching programs, and various “tried and true” strategies from a host of marketing and business consultants and gurus……those that should have worked, but never quite did.How Fitness Professionals & TrainersThink About Their Current State OfBusiness Is Completely Wrong.Now, what I’m going to tell you goes against the grain of what you’ve probably heard about running your business, whether you’re on the floor training for someone else, getting ready to open up your own business, or you already took that leap to open up your business.Most people won’t agree with what you’re about to discover when you step behind the curtain of what I’m about to reveal to you today is probably going to challenge a core belief of yours. It’s something that goes way deeper than you probably think:And that is this: heart, purpose and passion are not enough by themselves to take your business from ‘run of the mill’ to WORLD-CLASS.And while passion, purpose, hard work, enthusiasm, positive energy and attitude are all critical, they aren’t NOT ENOUGH.You see, it’s getting tougher and tougher to get people to pay attention to you, to respond to you, to invite you in, and ultimately, to believe in you enough to stay with you so that your business can build the culture and fulfill the mission that lives in your heart.If you’re like me, the impact you want to leave as a legacy is of utmost importance and you urgently need higher performance strategies and tools to cut through the clutter and competition. You simply have to rise above the other discounters who are slashing their prices in panic, and fighting for scraps if you want to survive.Now is the time to motivate your community and customers to come to you, choose you, trust you and buy from you – especially if they’re resisting everyone else.“Waiting” just won’t do. You can’t just “wait this out” for things to change. Or “hope” that things are going to change. The emerging new economy and industry is going to demand that you show up uniquely different with these new and superior strategies permanently.I’m an Overnight Success…Only After A 21+Year Track Record Of Making Small FitnessBusiness Owners Successful.…and transforming “average” fitness businesses into top 6-figure and 7-figure businesses.But, it wasn’t always that way……and while I’ve become known for training dozens of professional athletes, winning IDEA Trainer, ACE, and Canfitpro Presenter of The Year awards, running a multi-million dollar business, industry masterminds, live-mentorships, and presenting all over the world……that’s not where it all began.Years came and went…I was still struggling.My first studio was small; about 2,000 square feet, I had old carpet, refurbished equipment, no mirrors on the wall, and a small boom box to blare music. I also had a small staff of wonderful, hard working people. I wanted more than anything to make this business thrive. Not only for me, but for my staff, and my clients.Despite business being “simple”, I was often overwhelmed. I was working 7 days a week, I rarely saw my wife, and I had very little downtime. And when I did, my mind was always thinking business, worrying about bills, how we would get more clients, make payroll…Ughhh…I get a headache just remembering those days.Then one day, it changedI prepped to massage a new client, a gentleman by the name of Wayne Cotton. Wayne happened to be a productivity and sales specialist for financial advisors.Little did I know that he would become one of the most impactful mentors in my life, and teach me the greatest lessons of mentorship and giving back.Over time, Wayne shared lessons on time management, productivity, having a strategic plan, systems, mindset and much, much more.I was blown away each moment I was with him. His knowledge was encyclopedic and I was learning faster than ever before.It was those conversations that began on my table that opened my mind to the power of a business mentor and it became the turning point of my understanding that having others to guide you was the fast track to success.That’s when I set the intention to grow systematically, versus haphazardly.Mentors were essential.You see, I was trying to do everything myself in my business. I was trying to figure out every strategy, all the marketing, operations, and I was still not sure how to manage my time properly yet.I had a feeling after many of those conversations that something was shifting.The result was frankly, a breakthrough that changed my business and my life.Imagine experiencing a time-crunch of years of business and life being condensed down into chunk size and manageable lessons that you can go take action on. That’s what every session with Wayne was, like years of wrong turns and trial and error sidestepped.Just the goal setting and productivity systems Wayne’s taught me were invaluable and led to many of my success systems that hundreds of trainers now use to master their time and productivity through my mentorship programs.Now It’s YOUR Turn To Breakthrough!I have personally mentored many fitness business owners toward handsome 6 and 7-figure incomes in multiple markets – from sports, fat loss, studio owners, boot camp owners, health clubs, product creation, and presenting.In fact, in my 21+year career, there isn’t a sector I haven’t been involved in that has achieved HUGE break-throughs in their business and life thanks to either my personal guidance, or “virtually” through my TD Mastermind programs and products. And they all had one common thread:Successful Businesses & Trainers Have AMentor To Show Them How It’s Possible ToCreate Achievements, Not Tomorrow – NOW!I’ve always said that… And every year, for the past 5 years, I’ve hosted a LIVE 3.5 Day Mentorship program in San Diego for both new and veteran fitness entrepreneurs that want to learn more & become part of the high-performance world. These savvy, hungry, and passionate folks come in to San Diego, immerse themselves in our program, get extreme clarity, and go out and create massive IMPACT in their businesses and lives.Trish BlackwellSince her Mentorship experience; Winner of Ali Brown’s Entrepreneur to watch, Author – The Skinny Sexy Mind, Host of The Confidence Podcast, Creator of over 10 fitness apps, current Mentorship presenter.Ashley SelmanSince her Mentorship experience, Owner of Top Rated Gym Evolution Trainers, CO-host NorCal Fitness Summit, Winner of Todd Durkin’s Day of IMPACT Challenge for Trainers, current Mentorship Presenter.Brent GallagherSince his Mentorship experience; Owner of Top Rated Gym West U Fit, Upcoming Author, Featured in and Presents with with Club Industry Magazine, current Mentorship presenter.Anthony TrucksSince his Mentorship experience; Owner of Trucks Training, Global presenter for the health & fitness industry, Developer of Trucks Training Academic All-Star program.None of these people had any extra talent or an IQ that you don’t already possess. They were just ordinary people who put their pants on one leg at a time every morning like you do. They just discovered the process of mentoring and the psychology of success and the practice of systematizing the business skills that I teach, and are learnable by anyone.…By YOU.What’s been holding some back from attending my LIVE 3.5 Day Mentorship has varied from kids, finances, not being able to leave the business unattended, schedules not matching up for LIVE dates, etc.But, a lot of fitness professionals have been asking me to open the doors to the “mentorship experience” and “business success systems” I designed in different ways.This is why I decided to combine the best of my mentorship content, my award-winning business systems and all the hours I spent researching and testing how to sell, market, operate and grow a business into a simple proven success system that’ll make growing your business a simpler, more enjoyable process.It’s my greater mission to mentor peopleto live with deep PURPOSE, followtheir PASSION, take ACTION in big waysand to create more IMPACT!I care deeply that you design a business and life you desire.A life where:You’re at the top of your niche…and no competitor can touch you.You only work as much as you need or desire.You enjoy your time with family and friends.You never miss out on time with your children and grandchildren.You’re able to do anything you want, when you want, and without anyone’s permission.You’re not stressed about money.Your facility is buzzing with raving fans and customers for life.You are changing the life of every person that walks through your doors.You are focused in on your purpose in life and know exactly what it is you are meant to do.You have created a culture of success and sustainability within your business.Your team is thriving and growing because of the leader that they have to mentor them.Your marketing efforts are WORKING and business is better than ever.You’re making massive IMPACT in your community and on the industry.And now you’ll get access to all my systems, presentations and strategies packaged into an At-Home fitnessbusiness success system that’ll allow you to run a quick and sustainable profit generating business from A to Zright from your home or officeHaving said all that, it’s time to introduce you to:Todd Durkin’sFitness Business Success System: Transform Your Business & LifeMy Fitness Business Success System is undoubtedly the most POWERFUL toolkit you’ll ever use in your business. It’s simply everything you need in order to develop your business systems so that you’ll be able to attract more clients, operate more smoothly, systematize your business quicker and easier, and create an income and lifestyle that allows for freedom of time and finances.This System will save you HOURS of time, DAYS of “false starts”, and YEARS of trial & error, and testing when it comes to building a successful brand.You’ll get it all right here when you take action today and get your hands on this system which has helped hundreds of business owners & trainers get to the next level.The Todd Durkin Fitness Business Success System will be THE stimulus for you to make a serious income, create impact, and enjoy a better life. Expect to:Expand Any Fitness Business No Matter The Size or Market. Athletics, boot camps, weight loss, corrective therapy, youth, seniors, studios, clubs, anything in the fitness service-based industry.Live A “Big Life.” You became a trainer to change lives. Now you just have to scale it in order to reach more people. And whether you own a business, work for a studio or health club, or you are a mobile trainer, you probably dream of impacting as many lives as possible, working with the best, presenting on stages, and having a voice.Experience Unparalleled Freedom: “Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will. ” Nelson Mandela.Perhaps you just want to have an extra $1,000-$2,000/month to pay off some debt, take over the mortgage, wipe out your car payments. Or, you just want to make things financially easier for you.Or, you’d be happy with an extra $50,000-75,000 per year on autopilot as a second income. Or, perhaps systematize your business so you can spend more time with family, friends, and people you love.Of course, if you’re already kicking butt and taking names, you’ll find even more strategies and tactics, and perhaps rub shoulders with other 6-7 figure fitness business owners who will catapult your fitness empire even further.The Todd Durkin Fitness Business Success System can take you there. If you already have interest or a passion for running a fitness business then you can do this.These are real business success tacticsthat will work to create six andseven figures businesses.You don’t have time to attend dozens of seminars all over the country and then figure out how to piece it together and implement. I am a huge advocate of attending 2-3 LIVE events a year. Heck, I’m at most of them and always love seeing my fitness friends and fans there.But unfortunately, you can’t always attend all the ones you want LIVE.So I have created this program for every ONE that has always wanted to come to my LIVE Mentorship event, get access to all the content I offer in it… and see inside our multi-million dollars business systems.Get Todd Durkin – Fitness Business Success Coaching System at the CourseAvaiAnd now you can have my entire program, AND THEN SOME!We’ve crafted together a “Big Box of Success” to go right along with and deliver to you my mentorship experience in the comforts of your own home. And you can have it NOW!!!I’ve also bundled several years of my LIVE Mentorships and organized them into the most powerful, intensive “in-home” study program that you can possibly invest in.The Todd Durkin Fitness Business Success System is broken down into 6-Modules of Business Success:Business DevelopmentMarketingLeadershipPersonal DevelopmentIn The TrenchesMulti-Media Resource LibraryEach module has accompanying:System ObjectivesWorksheets & Action GuidesTemplates and sample copyGuided audio/video tutorials from me to help you maximize each moduleCourse design based on developing foundation systems for your businessThis way you can jump right to the ones you MOST NEED or go through it from start to finish.I will personally be guiding and coaching YOU to make sure you maximize these systems. Until your purpose and dreams are fulfilled.In this program, you will have access to, and learn in-depth strategies on topics such as this:Skyrocket your productivity and clear your life of clutter.Systematize your trainer hiring so you can retain, train, and inspire your team effectively.Land corporate clients for an additional 6-figures in revenue.Develop group training marketing systems so that your yearly marketing calendar is complete.How to implement 30-minute training sessions for a 20% increase to your revenue and results.Network with affiliates so that you can make money with your feet up.Enhance your websites with 5-Easy Steps so you can put your online marketing on autopilot.Run effective team meetings that get your team working in one direction.Give raises.Learn new media like podcasting 101 to get your voice out on the airwaves.Implement the evolution from a trainer to an expert to an entrepreneur.Discover the #1 thing you can do to become a more effective trainer.Position yourself as an expert in your market for more sales – 3 Step Formula.Use scripts to help you raise your rates, negotiate leases, and much more.Master The 3-In-30 System that will have you accomplishing more than ever before with less time and better focus.Apply the 8 Forms of Wealth so that you can live a world-class lifestyle.Design Your Annual Road Map & Strategic Plan so that you can track, measure and define your business success and have peace of mind.Attend my “Speaker School.” This is a presentation where I give away every tip, method, and lesson learned as a speaker and presenter. This one program alone is worth the price of the program.And much more… I call it “And then some”So, What The HECK isTodd Durkin’s Fitness BusinessSuccess System?What I’d like you to have:Module 1: Business DevelopmentPart 1: 15+Hours “Blueprint for Success Breakthroughs” Video Series Plus: Action Guides to Success($4,000 VALUE)This is over 15 hours of my coaching exercises & presentations from my Live Mentorship organized into a business and personal development series that can lead to a quantum shift in your business and life.Including:“Blueprint for Success in the Fitness Business”, with Todd Durkin“Systemizing Your Business: Business Operations You Can Bank On”, with FQ10 Operations Manager, Julie Wilcox“Blueprint to Create Your Business Plan: How To Architect Step-by-Step Your Business Game Plan” with, Larry Indiviglia“Unlock your WHY and the Power of HUMAN: Putting Purpose in Your Business”, with Larry IndivigliaBusiness Plan in a Box Systems- step-by-step build you business plan workbook.Front Desk Operations Systems-including Opening Procedures, Closing Procedures so that your staff can open and close without you, customer service expectationsHiring Systems- including interview packets, new hire questionnaires so you know how to find world class staff and on-board them properly.Pricing Systems- set up your prices and services quicklyWhen you implement all these breakthroughs in your business, you’ll enjoy more income per customer, your equity in your business will explode, and you’ll have more loyal and appreciative clients.All this could multiply your income by at least 10 times… and you’ll also get an Action Guide to Success that’ll serve as your business blueprint for years to come.Part 2: “How To Master NEW Lucrative Niches: Growing Your Business Model’s Success Outside The Norm” Video Training($3,000 VALUE)Not sure of the new rising niches where success is being created everyday? This training will delve deep into areas of new profit and growing incomeIncluding:“The Power of Small” with, Brent Gallagher, Owner West U Fit“The 30-Minute Business & Training Model” with Brent Gallagher, Owner of West U FitThe Evolution of A Fitness Professional & The New Profit Paradigm” with Ashley Selman,“Everything You Need to Know About Corporate Fitness” with Trina Gray, Creator of The Corporate Fit Challenge“Growing Your Team: Creating a Culture of Togetherness” – Todd Durkin“Speakers School: How To Get Yourself on the Industry Stage” with Todd DurkinThis is where the industry is evolving and most businesses are slow to adapt. Be ahead of the curve for maximum advantage.Module 2: MarketingPart 1: “How To Craft A Compelling Marketing Message & Attract A Flood of Ideal Clients NOW!” Systems($3,000 VALUE)This is how you get your ideal client and customer’s attention with your marketing and get them to buy from you.This training system will help you create your marketing message so you don’t have to struggle. This is something that 99% of most business owners don’t grasp and implement. You’ll get a huge advantage over your competitors.Including:“Healthy Branding: Feed Your Brand, Feed Your Business ” with Randy Hetrick, TRX CEO,“Your Marketing Filter: Streamline Your Message & Grow Your Business ” with Lindsey Richardson, FQ10 Marketing Director“Develop Your Brand” with Tori Hanna, Marketing Director at Under Armour“Building Your Email List: Certainty & Security for Your Business” with Lindsey Richardson & Todd DurkinMember Retention Systems- including New Member Welcome Packets, Seasonal Retention programs like Perfect 10 Club, Holiday Contests, and more…Winning Marketing Systems & Samples- like 10 Day Boot Camp systems, Facebook marketing systems, Special offers, Class templates, Membership flyers, Email sequence examples for new clients, Member policies and moreConsultation & New Client Systems-Close your prospects and move them through the funnel of success in your business. Templates for new client systems including, liability, goal setting,Purchase Todd Durkin – Fitness Business Success Coaching System courses at here with PRICE $497 $56Reviews There are no reviews yet.Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.Related products Health and Medical The Heart of Complex Cardiac Care: Strategies for Rapid Action – Marcia Gamaly, Robin Gilbert$249.99 Original price was: $249.99.$85.00Current price is: $85.00.= 85 Points Add to cart Health and Medical Lawsuits and Wounds: The Latest Trends and Risk Reduction Strategies to Protect Your Patients and Your License – Ann Kahl Taylor$199.99 Original price was: $199.99.$85.00Current price is: $85.00.= 85 Points Add to cart Health and Medical Exhilarate – The Ultimate Zumba Fitness – Zumba Fitness$40.00 Original price was: $40.00.$18.00Current price is: $18.00.= 18 Points Add to cart Health and Medical MyBeliefworks for Pain Relief, Chronic, Pre Op/Post Op to Pain-free Recovery – Jimmy Mack$57.00 Original price was: $57.00.$25.00Current price is: $25.00.= 25 Points Add to cart Health and Medical Train Your Mind for Athletic Success – Mental Preparation to Achieve Your Sports Goals – Jim Taylor$36.00 Original price was: $36.00.$18.00Current price is: $18.00.= 18 Points Add to cart Health and Medical EXOS Presents: Tactical Training Systems$190.00 Original price was: $190.00.$53.00Current price is: $53.00.= 53 Points Add to cart Health and Medical “Male Physique Training Templates” – Renaissance Periodization$119.00 Original price was: $119.00.$42.00Current price is: $42.00.= 42 Points Add to cart Health and Medical Emerging Adults: Clinical Strategies to Gain Independence, Defeat Anxiety and Succeed in the Real World – Kimberly Morrow & Elizabeth DuPont Spencer$59.99 Original price was: $59.99.$34.00Current price is: $34.00.= 34 Points Add to cart