Todd Brown – Your Winning Offer Workshop


A different way to set up and structure the one part of every marketing campaign that every top marketer agrees …is the biggest needle mover when done right. What I’m talking about is engineering a true, legitimate WINNING OFFER! A Winning Offer presents a wildly attractive Panacea … is packaged in a Superior Irresistible, No – Brainer Proposition … and is communicated with a uniquely structured Presentation . What This Will Do For You: You’ll have a “Winning Offer” that beats your current sales conversion rate in any one of your funnels. You’ll have a “Winning Offer” that consistently converts a higher percentage of funnel visitors into new buyers. You’ll have a “Winning Offer” you can use with cold traffic to bring in front-end sales. You’ll have a “Winning Offer” you can scale with paid traffic to grow a bigger and bigger list of customers. What You Get: You get the Winning Offer Creation System with your access to the half-day Accelerated Intensive recorded training… so you can have Winning Offers for all your new funnels going forward. You get the Winning Offer Construction Bundle… the Cheat Sheets, Worksheets, and all the Winning Offer Templates… so it’s brain-dead simple and easy for you to have a Winning Offer for all your campaigns.