Tiny Little Businesses – Andre Chaperon


Course “Tiny Little Businesses – Andre Chaperon ” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.We Are Creators. (Manifesto)Who are “creators?”CREATORS ARE indie writers, authors, (creative) marketers, affiliates, entrepreneurs, infopreneurs, hackerpreneurs, solopreneurs, bootstrappers, freelancers, bloggers, indie tech founders, photographers, programmers; anyone who is drawn to create art for the betterment or enjoyment of others, and does it ahead of profit.… basically, anyone who chooses to earn an independent living by:creating work they’re proud of,and work that matters to the people they serve.Work that makes a difference to your market.Because you give them something they need.Work they value enough to pay for, and love enough to tell others about.The creator believes that your audience isn’t there to serve you.You serve FIRST.Creators create customer-funded businesses, where 100% of your funding comes from your customers and clients; your True Fans.It’s a simple win win dynamic:Serve first,make a living as a result.This dynamic means you are completely aligned with the needs of your customers. Because the people you are serving are also the people who are giving you money for the work you do. And they are giving you money because they are getting something they want in return.This dynamic is built right into our (“work in progress”) logo:From left to right:Attract and create a Pocket of People (POP) who will enroll in the journey (who care about making change),Create amazing deep work you’re proud of, work that solves a real problem for the people you seek to serve,MAKE HAPPY CUSTOMERS. Create a “True Fans Factory.” Matter to them. Serve them as if they were the only people left on earth.Peter Drucker said this years ago:“The purpose of a business is to create a customer.” — Peter Drucker… but we believe “HAPPY” needs to be part of that assertion. To create HAPPY CUSTOMERS.No. 3 is the driving force of creators.People like us.Most marketers are so busy yelling about their average stuff, so busy hustling for an edge, that they fail to realize that the most powerful option is to create an experience (a product, a service) that we want to talk about.Creators are driven by a higher purpose that transcends the commodity-driven dog-eat-dog world we live in today.A world powered by a greedy money-first mentality where the goal is to win at all costs.Commoditized product launches with the only motivation to earn millions.To create the next “unicorn” startup with the goal to close multiple angel rounds, then to exit and cash in. Then do it all again, like a notch on the bedpost.A world where crushing the competition is seen as a badge of honor.A world powered by “Big Data” and artificial intelligence and chatbots and automation out the wazoo. So the movements and buying behavior of every man woman and child — you and me — are tracked and piped into Black Box algorithms.… NOT (primarily) so our needs can be better met. But so mass advertising can be sold to the highest bidders; advertising that anyone with a bankroll can tap into to sell their average stuff.That’s not us.We don’t seek big. We seek small; tiny even.We seek to make a tiny little dent in the universe.A dent motivated by serving and mattering and creating an impact to the few, in some beautiful and meaningful way.We’re proud creators.We choose to never be beholden to shareholders or investors, only to our customers, our true fans who love the work we do.In 2009, after being a full-time affiliate for the past five years, we decided our mission was to serve and educate creators like us.OUR MISSION: We serve those who serve others. We help creators bridge the gap between creating deep meaningful work they’re proud of, and earning an independent living by mattering to the people they serve.As creators, we lead with empathy.We create world-class education that’s not just another rehashed “photocopy” of what’s already available for free on a hundred million pages.As creators, we create products made with love that people care about owning.Products our weird people love so much that they tell others about.True creators choose not to be in the commodity business.God knows the world doesn’t need yet another mediocre commoditized widget for the attention-deprived mass-market of “zombies.”We’re not in the unicorn creation business. Building “unicorns” isn’t a business model. It’s not repeatable, otherwise every company would be one.We’re in the tiny business, business.We’re in the human-to-human business (H2H) of serving and mattering to the tiny.The few.Other weird people like us.As Seth Godin says, “people like us do stuff like this.”It turns out we don’t need everyone (shocker!).We don’t even need a lot of people (what, seriously?).We just need a tiny few (honest!).The smallest viable audience.A few people who care.A few people who will enroll in the journey.Who care about a human-to-human connection. Where people like us do things like this.Fortunately, there are people in the world who care enough to be meaningful and specific and focused, as opposed to simply chasing MORE.As creators, we serve the weird pockets of people who care about being weird and making change.Who care about leveling the fuck up.Kicking more ass. Or more booty.Or more anything.Because it matters to them.We are creators who serve creators like you.We are creators who serve the weird few (you’re “weird” right?).We’ve been earning a full-time independent living online since 2003 (15 years and counting).Like 37 Signals (Basecamp), we’ve also chosen to keep our company intentionally small, because we believe small is a key to serving and mattering in a world of noise and distractions.We’ve prob’ly made most mistakes in the book. We’ve learnt from our failures, and we’re better for it.We’re better for it because, most importantly, it has allowed us to become world-class at serving our audience of weirdos.If you have a pull and desire to be a creator (either full-time or as a side business), that serves first, and as a result, earn an independent living online, then we think you’ll love what we have for you here at TLB.We create best-in-class marketing training and education (and have done since 2009) to serve our weird creators and change makers whose values overlap with ours.We help creators like you become better marketers. So that you can better serve your audiences and tribes and clients.We help creators bridge the gap between creating meaningful work and making money to support themselves and their family.If this resonates with you, stick around.We’ll help you kick more ass. We’ll help you be the hero to the people you seek to serve.So glad you’ve stopped by. It means the world.Look around our blog. See if what we have is for you. Reach out and say “Hey!” anytime. We read all our emails (shocker, I know!).If you are enrolled in the journey, and care about making change, we’re here to serve you. Welcome to our tiny little world.Tag: Tiny Little Businesses – Andre Chaperon Review. Tiny Little Businesses – Andre Chaperon download. Tiny Little Businesses – Andre Chaperon discount.