Tim Patten – Why I Cheat – Men – Marriage and Cheating


A recent survey showed that the average woman spends 133 hours per year nagging her husband or boyfriend. Up to 50% of domestic violence is Format File: [1 eBook – PDF] File Size: 1.31 MB

Tim Patten – Why I Cheat – Men – Marriage and Cheating

A recent survey showed that the average woman spends 133 hours per year nagging her husband or boyfriend. Up to 50% of domestic violence is perpetrated by women. Each year, millions of men are manipulated into marrying or impregnating their wives or girlfriends. Men, it’s time to fight back and to reclaim your independence. Freedom is here. This self-help guide contains life lessons and instructions for empowering yourself, escaping oppression by women, and enjoying more sex. These stories of courageous men striking out on their own will inspire you to seek a life of freedom and ambition.
Get immediately download Tim Patten – Why I Cheat – Men – Marriage and Cheating
Learn how to: Discover the sovereignty to go your own way Avoid the pitfalls of bad relationships and unhappy marriages Recognize how monogamy stifles altruism and creativity Embrace your masculine nature and sex drive Explain to your partner what being a man truly entails Tim Patten speaks up for men everywhere. Whether you’re seeking to unfetter yourself from abuse, cope with a jealous partner, unleash your creativity and productivity or simply start having fun again, you will find the path to liberation in Why I Cheat. Here’s to your freedom!
Readmore: http://archive.is/rvyYx