
Tim Denning – Twitter Badassery

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Tim Denning – Twitter Badassery
Get More Views, Followers, and Money From Twitter
15 Modules to Take You From Zero to Hero on the World’s Fastest-Changing Platform
Which means you’re probably skeptical of what Twitter can do…
Which means that you’re probably still imagining Twitter as it was back in 2018.
(It has changed BIG time. We’ll get to that.)
It’s ALSO possible that you didn’t click “Enroll Now” because…
You see Twitter as a place for political shouting matches and silly memes.
Home of the culture wars, giving a voice to anyone, even if those people are saying STUPID, UNINFORMED, or DOWNRIGHT INCORRECT things.
And you DON’T see it as a place where you can learn, earn, and connect with people unlike ANY other place on the internet.
(Luckily, this is also wrong. And we’ll ALSO get to that in a minute.)
But it might ALSO possible that…
You just hate Twitter’s CEO.
Mr. “Let me tweet something and see how angry I can make people.”
And it’s true.
You’re probably seeing the worst parts of Twitter.
But you’re not seeing what Twitter can do for a person with fingers, a brain, and a little will to succeed.
For example.
Let’s take a look at Josh.
Not too shabby, I guess, huh?
Before we go further, let me be clear on this:
Josh did NOT just log on to Twitter one day, post a few things, and then start getting these big paydays.
And if you’re the kind of person who falls for get-rich-quick schemes…
You’ll want to go somewhere else.
Find an Amazon Dropshipping Bro or something.
If you’ve got a little resilience and 15 minutes per day, Twitter is going to be very beneficial for you.
Twitter is not the platform it used to be. And people who ignore it may find themselves filled with regret in a few years’ time.
I haven’t been this excited about an opportunity since 2017.
When I saw THAT change, and when I set myself up to take advantage of it, I made a cool seven figures in a matter of 18 months.
And I have every reason to believe this opportunity will be just as big.
Or bigger.
By the end of this page, you’ll be convinced as well.
Now, I don’t really use phrases like “biggest online writing shift in the last decade” often.
I’ve seen enough platform changes to know most executives just exaggerate how cool they are to impress investors, and keep the stock ticker going up.
But when I DO get a real “hunch” about something new…
I have a tendency to be right. 
You don’t need my whole damn backstory.
But I also can’t expect you to blindly trust me.
(Even though you probably should. lol)
So, as a reminder of my history…
I know a thing or two about taking advantage of a trend. 
Most of you found me from Medium dot com
That’s the place where I saw a chance at the right time, doubled down on myself, and RACED past A-list “influencers,” pop culture leaders, and even a politician or two.
Recognize any names on this list?
In fact, I have the highest active following on the platform. (Higher than that guy you see in second place up there).
Obviously, that’s pretty cool. But Medium isn’t the only place I’ve dominated.
It’s possible you may know me from LinkedIn.
And let’s just say… well, I go viral pretty much every week on that platform.
I guess you could say I’ve got a knack for going viral.
I can do it again and again.
These are only a few samples. To be honest, going viral on LinkedIn started to happen so regularly, I got tired of it screenshotting them.
Even before my online writing journey, I was building my “instincts” for rare opportunities.

Like the time I invested in Bitcoin at only $1,050 (an investment which has earned me, at minimum, 30x in value). At a time when the media, the mainstream news, and your mother were all calling cryptocurrency a scam, I did my research, saw the writing on the wall, and jumped in.
Then, there was the time when I saw an opportunity in the e-commerce space in the early days of the internet (2009-ish). My friend and I built a company, a 100-person team, and an 8-figure revenue business.

And over the last 3 years or so, I’ve been teaching students of my online academy to take advantage of opportunities like this.
Get ready to scroll…..
Not bad, ey?
I could show you more, but then you really would be scrolling all day.
Safe to say, I help people find opportunities.
In fact, Even before my online writing journey, I was building my “instincts” for rare opportunities.

Like the time I invested in Bitcoin at only $1,050 (an investment which has earned me, at minimum, 30x in value). At a time when the media, the mainstream news, and your mother were all calling cryptocurrency a scam, I did my research, saw the writing on the wall, and jumped in.
Then, there was the time when I saw an opportunity in the e-commerce space in the early days of the internet (2009-ish). My friend and I built a company, a 100-person team, and an 8-figure revenue business.

Twitter Badassery
Twitter is about to solve some MAJOR problems for writers, business owners, and freelancers.
Right now, many people who want to build an audience are starving for attention.
Writers can’t find readers.
Business owners can’t find customers.
Freelancers can’t find clients.
The sad consequence of this is that all these groups will likely end up back in the old corporate chains.
These problems (usually) aren’t a result of lazy habits.
Many people I know stay up deep into the night, tapping away at their keyboard, trying to finish a blog post. They squeeze time in between meetings, after lunches, early in the morning, or wherever they can to make it happen.
But they aren’t able to get traction.
They don’t find a following.
They never get a viral post.
It’s not because they aren’t willing to invest.
I know people who have shelled out paycheck after paycheck, lunging at any opportunity to grow. They may try Facebook ads. They may pay to be sponsored in a newsletter. They might shell out big bucks for a super-expensive writing mentorship.
Despite the hard work and willingness to invest, these people never get what they want out of their writing.
They don’t get the fame.
They don’t get the money,
They don’t get the freedom.
That’s where Twitter comes in.
Right now, something is happening with Twitter that almost never happens. 
New management has stepped in. A new path has been laid down. A new opportunity is opening up.
(Yeah, yeah, I know you want to talk about Elon. I’ll get to him in a minute)
This type of shift doesn’t happen very often. Normally, when a new CEO steps into an existing platform, the changes are slow, clunky, and ineffective.
I thought this might be the case with Twitter too.
The changes at Twitter are fast-moving, useful, and opening up opportunity for everyone on the platform.
Obviously I don’t expect you to take my word for that (even though you just saw my track record), so…
Let’s walk through this in true “online writer” style.
Here are six reasons the Twitter Revolution is a breakthrough…
Reason #1 – Twitter is rapidly becoming the best place for creators to build an audience AND earn money
Compare Twitter to other platforms.
LinkedIn got stuck in the professional world (not necessarily a bad thing). Facebook and Instagram got greedy and drowned their audience in ads. YouTube got saturated.
For a while there, Twitter was stuck in a weird spot. By not defining itself as anything, it… well, wasn’t clearly useful for anything. Meeting people maybe? Twitter was a little bit of everything.
Now, the path is clear.
It’s going to double down on CREATORS.
(And reward people who want to build an audience.)
The new CEO revealed that people who CREATE will take the front seat in the future. That means people who want to build an audience can and will be able to do so.
Check this quote from a leaked text message:
“Splitting revenue…could be a huge unlock. We could literally give video creators 100% of their ad revenue up to $1m then do split.”
He was talking about video creators there, but in slide decks to investors, the new CEO made it clear writers will win as well. That’s why he intends to launch Twitter blog posts as well as tweets. (Expected any day now)
As one of my students, Donna said:
“Look, you can build a business on Twitter alone.”
And… I’ve seen it happen already. I’ve seen nobodies become 6 and 7 figure creators on Twitter in under a year. Sometimes less.
Twitter is already a great place to build a business. And now, it’s actively building infrastructure to pay out EVEN MORE to creators than almost any other platform.
Don’t miss this.
YouTube shares ad revenue.
Medium shares subscription revenue.
Twitter is planning to share BOTH ad revenue AND subscription revenue with people who post on their platform.
People like you and me.
Hello extra income.
Once you make some extra income, you’ll be less fearful of layoffs and recessions.
Once you’re less afraid, you’ll have the option to quit your job, dial back your working hours, or build an automated side hustle.
Whatever your long-term goals are, they can start with Twitter.
Reason #2 – Twitter has over 500 million users
500 million is a conservative estimate. We know for sure it’s over half a billion users. That’s a big freaking opportunity. And the new opportunity we’re discussing here will likely make it much higher.
Ask yourself: What could I do if I had the attention of 500 million people?
I bet the answer is: a WHOLE DAMN LOT.
Skeptics are saying “Tim, I’ll never reach all 500 million people on Twitter.” You’re right! You probably won’t.
But imagine if you reached 1% of that user base, 1 time. That’s “only” five million people.
If you reach 0.1%, that’s a “little bitty” group of 500,000 people.
If you reach 0.01%, that’s a “teensy weensy” sliver of 50,000 people.
Should I stop?
Nah. One more.
If you reach ONLY 0.001% of Twitter’s user base, that means you still get the eyeballs of 5,000 people.
That’s 5x more than technology expert Kevin Kelly says you need.
For many of you 5,000 people is enough. For some of you, 500 is enough. For some of you 5 might be enough. Again, I’ll ask: If you were given a pool of 500 million people, don’t you think you could make something happen?
I’m thinking so.
Now, for the super skeptics, one more level of detail.
If you really know your stuff, you know YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok all have more daily users than Twitter.
But if you really, REALLY know your stuff, you know these platforms have a sketchy history. YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok have all made big algorithm changes in the last seven years that sent creators from the spotlight to the dumpster overnight.
Reason #3 – The CEO shift has everyone rethinking the platform
Social networks follow a predictable pattern:
(This is dense, but it’s the best way I can say it)
Phase One 
The “early adopters” jump on the platform. They look for like-minded individuals. They fill up their feeds with new and interesting people. They post a few times to see how the site works. Important: MANY potential platforms NEVER get past Phase One.
Phase Two
More people join the platform. A “network effect” begins to take hold. Consumers enjoy all the new and fresh content. Creators find a fresh audience. Certain individuals begin to stand out.
Phase Three
The platform is established. More and more consumers rush in. Guess who benefits most from that rush? That’s right: the creators who established themselves in Phase One and Phase Two. The algorithm makes sure of it. During this phase, consumers start getting set in their ways. They are much less likely to follow new people. Their feeds are full.
Phase Four
The platform is mostly saturated. Consumers have WAY more information than they can handle. They are almost completely set in their ways. The algorithm makes it harder and harder for new people to get seen.
Most platforms you can think of are deep in Phase Four.
Phase Four never ends (as far as I can tell). Once the patterns are set, and the number of creators is high, it’s more difficult to get “big wins” for little effort.
UNLESS they hit the reset button.
That’s what Twitter has just done.
What happened when Twitter’s new CEO came on board? Do you remember?
Yep. Lovers of the “status quo” threw a fit. They swore off the platform and jumped ship to Mastadoon or some other infant, unproven platform in Phase One.
What does that mean?
It means there is now a gaping hole in people’s feed.
It means the users (all 500 million of them) have been forced to rethink who they follow and who they don’t.
When they start looking for new people, why shouldn’t they find you?
Reason #4 – The CEO is Elon Musk

I can’t possibly leave you without addressing the elephant in the room.
The big, PayPal-founding, Tesla-owning, Twitter-ranting elephant.
Now, look. I’m not here to defend the guy. There’s no room for that here, and I probably can’t change your mind about him anyway.
The way I see it, everything you use is built by a human. Sometimes that human is wonderful. Sometimes that human is terrible. Bezos cheated on his wife. Bill Gates visited an ex-girlfriend for a sexy rendezvous each year in his marriage. Steve Jobs was a dictator at Apple.  Zuckerberg is… well, you know that one.
When it comes to opportunity, the CEO matters much, much less than the service or product they offer.
Odds are, you willingly fork over money to Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and all the rest. And it’s also likely you gritted your teeth and took money from a crappy boss because you wanted the cash to fund your long your long-term goals.
That’s called: smart.
This is what I’m asking you to do now.
Elon owns Twitter. That’s a fact.
Since 2023 started, he’s also rolled out all 3 platform changes he promised. That’s also a fact. There’s no reason to believe this trend will stop.
ALSO, he’s going to step down as CEO in a matter of months. He announced this willingly.
I humbly suggest you see an opportunity for what it is,
and use it to improve your life.
Reason #5 – Twitter is the best “meeting place” for ambitious people.
You can reach anyone on Twitter, right now.
I’ve personally grown my network like gangbusters there, meeting with creators who have a combined 3.5 million followers. (I’ll talk about some of them more down below)
More importantly, you can connect with people who CARE ABOUT what you care about.
My friend Todd Brison is a super-writing nerd. In his little nerdy universe, he’s directly connected with his favorite movie critic, the co-founder of Kickstarter, a Stanford professor leading the Artificial Intelligence conversation, a marketer that worked for Google and HubSpot, a video editor who worked for ESPN, HGTV, and the CMAs
(Apparently the CMAs are a big deal in Tennessee, America where he’s from.)
My point is: not only can you go WIDE with your network on Twitter. You can also go SUPER deep and form advantageous friendships that launch you forward.
Reason #6 – Twitter is going to pay creators directly.
This is not guessing.
This is not speculation.
This is not “it’s in the pipeline”.
It’s going to happen. It’s happening already.
Elon has shipped everything else that he’s talked about.
Just like YouTube, Twitter is going to start paying out some of the ad revenue to creators on the platform.
But wait, there’s more.
Because they are also going to pay out some of the subscription revenue from Twitter blue.
Let me be super clear on this.
In the old Twitter, the path to money looked like this:
Write tweets -> Put a link in your bio -> Hope that people click on it -> Hope that people join your list -> Build a product -> Sell it to those people -> Hope they buy it.
In the new Twitter, the path to money looks like this:
Write tweets -> Earn money.
This move might put certain other greedy platforms out of business.
It will definitely change the entire game for online writers.
Twitter Badassery
I don’t use the phrase “opportunity of a lifetime” very often, but… we’re looking at one now.
And if you’ve read even half of what I wrote up there, I’m hoping you’ll understand why.
Obviously, I’m planning to go all in on Twitter in 2023.
The opportunity is too good to pass up.
And I want to help you get there.
Which is why…
I’m introducing my new online course: Twitter Badassery.
Oh wait.
I already told you the title, didn’t I?
Let me show you this cool image instead.
Here’s exactly what you’ll get when you join

Getting Oriented

Lesson 0 – Using Twitter (for Beginners)(7:01)

Lesson 0 (Part 2) – Twitter Threads(8:02)

Lesson 1 – The Surprising Truth About Twitter (Part 1)(11:25)

Lesson 2 – The Surprising Truth About Twitter (Part 2)(13:15)

Lesson 3 – Is Twitter Blue Worth It?(4:22)

Lesson 4 – The Five-Point Profile (Part 1)(12:12)

Lesson 5 – The Five Point Profile (Part 2)(13:28)
“Reading the Room” on Twitter Like a Pro

Lesson 6 – Learn to “Read the Room” Like a Pro(18:05)

Lesson 7 – Secrets of the Twitter Algorithm(20:49)

Lesson 8 – Accelerate Your Idea Creation With The Best Tools(7:56)

Twitter Content Creation: Not Just Another Platform

Lesson 9 – Put on Your “Twitter Brain” and Prepare for the Platform(18:48)

Lesson 10 – The Secrets to Single Tweets, Tweet Threads, and Rapid Twitter Growth(38:42)

Lesson 11 – Infinity and Beyond – Using Analytics and Data to Show You What Works(19:05)

Lesson 12 – The Future of Twitter – Long Form Writing(3:37)
Twitter Content Distribution: Go Further, Faster

Lesson 13 – Push Your Tweet Further, Faster(24:30)
How to Monetize On Twitter: Now, Later, and Every Day In Between

Lesson 14 – How to Use Twitter for Indirect Earnings – Your Newsletter, New Clients, or Potential Customers(22:46)

Lesson 15 – Get Prepared to Make Money DIRECTLY from Twitter(20:35)
Last Lesson Before You Go

Lesson 16 – Biggest Takeaways from Twitter Badassery…and a Special Offer(13:37)
Bonus Lessons

Open this to find your bonus lessons

Print Version of Twitter Badassery

Twitter Badassery is a self-paced course that will help you prepare yourself for the coming opportunity.
It’ll be 15 lessons, covering only the “best” tricks I’ve learned.
(These tricks come from the last 4 years of “Twitter Detective Work.” I deleted my old Twitter, started from scratch and crushed all my assumptions. Even with a new account, I’ve made more progress in 9 months than most are able to make in 9 years.)
And just like LinkedIn, I’m starting to get a knack for this “going viral” thing.
I also personally took every Twitter course I could find, and, well… 
Most suck. 
Some are good. 
None are what I would call a “complete” look at Twitter, and none of them cover the nuance of this new Twitter revolution (that I talked about here). There’s a whole underground world to Twitter that most people don’t know. I’ve interviewed Twitter creators who have follower counts ranging from 250K to 1 million.
This course is the result of all that research, all the testing I’ve done on my own time, and all the “grey hat” tricks other teachers use but don’t teach.
Like I said, I’ve been researching this stuff for years. I’ve been sitting on this course.
Now, the timing is absolutely right.
This Twitter course is NOT for everyone.

If you will ALWAYS get triggered by Elon, Twitter ain’t for you.
If you don’t have the time to write even 2 or 3 tweets per day (even after I teach you the templates and formulas I use), go ahead and close this screen.
If you’re dead set on “long-form only,” you can also keep spending your life doing the time-heavy stuff and keep on moving.

But if you AREN’T one of those people.
And you DO have the time to take advantage of this Twitter Revolution in 15-30 minutes per day.
You’re gonna want this course.
Final point:

I want to make this course a complete no-brainer for you, so I’m lowering the price for a limited time.
The way I see it, if I’m beating Gary Freaking Vaynerchuk on any platform, I should probably be charging $5,000+ for everything I do.
But again – it’s a new course.
I want to make it as easy as possible for you to join.
You know what’s possible. You’ve seen the opportunity.
Now, it’s up to you to decide