Tiger’s Waist – Daoist Qigong Restoration

Tiger’s Waist – Daoist Qigong Restoration[printfriendly]The Tiger’s Waist The best type of qigong is exercise. This exercise is also known in traditional Daoism as Willow WaistTriple Bracelets Around the Moon (or Swimming Dragon), The practice has been modified to make the waist slimmer and more flexible. It also helps to break down fatty tissue, regulate the intestines and strengthen the spine. The primary effect is to strengthen the lymphatic system which is a problem area for many women.Additional benefits of performing the Tiger’s Waist include:Stretching the whole body and limbering.The regulation of the liver and kidneys.Firming the breasts, and tightening your vaginal muscles.This will prevent curvature of your spine and an excessive waist.For a cervix alignment, strengthening the pelvic muscles.Stimulates strong, flexible back muscles and gives grace to body movements.