Think Like an A-List Copywriter – Roy Furr


Here’s what’s going on in the mind of an A-List Copywriter when they’re cranking out hugely profitable marketing campaigns…Why is it that some copywriters and marketers find fast success… While others struggle for years to get traction?Why is it that a handful of copywriters, marketers, and business-builders seem to be able to generate results at will… When others can’t get results for themselves or clients, no matter what they try?The secret is in how you think — your mindset.YES, the world’s best copywriters and marketers are able to generate more leads, customers, sales, and profits because they understand techniques and tactics that generate response.  But that’s not all…They understand something deeper — more primal — more powerful.They understand the thinking behind those techniques and tactics.They understand the underlying principles…How principles inform strategy…What techniques to use, based on the strategy in play…And what the tactical implementation of the technique needs to be to generate maximum sales and profits.While rookie copywriters “swipe and deploy” and only hear crickets chirping in response… True pros and masters of results-accountable marketing can create a message that doesn’t look, feel, smell, taste, or sound like marketing — and move the mass millions.I sat down and identified 17 principles that the world’s best copywriters who live and die by their results consistently use to guide their decisions and actions.These are the same principles I internalized and installed in my mindset to go from a nobody to an in-demand copywriter among A-list clientele, in about a decade.  (And really less than 5 years if you only count my freelance career.)These principles ARE the secret to the “A-List Copywriter” mindset.This is how copywriters that make millions of dollars for themselves and clients think.This is the mindset you need if you want to rise to the top.And if you want to generate real, reliable results with your copywriting, marketing, advertising, and selling messages…  Delivered and multiplied through any media…You MUST adopt these 17 principles into YOUR thinking, too.I revealed these principles in a live, members-only webinar — and now you get instant access to the recordings…Course CurriculumThink Like an A-List Copywriter WebinarVideo Recording (1:07:20)A Quick RequestDownload: SlidesGet Think Like an A-List Copywriter – Roy Furr, Only Price $137 Tag: Think Like an A-List Copywriter – Roy Furr Review. Think Like an A-List Copywriter – Roy Furr download. Think Like an A-List Copywriter – Roy Furr discount.