Now you can finally discover… completely RISK-FREE… why the world’s best hypnotists admit these “under-the-radar”…Secrets of Stealth Hypnotic Influence…are the KEY to quickly convincing almost anyone to say “Yes!” to nearly every covert suggestion, direct suggestion and outrageous request you make from now on!From: Igor LedochowskiDecember 21, 2019Dear Friend,Would you like to finally discover what master covert influencers (who easily get others to comply with their every request) have known for over 2,400 years…… about harnessing the spellbinding power of these stealthy, shockingly simple…… and highly-effective hypnotic influence secrets?If so, this just might be the most exciting web page you will ever read.Here’s why:Athens is the most famous city in Greece.The first settlement of Athens was established on the rock of Acropolis circa 3,000 B.C. That means this famous city is more than 5,400 years old!It is considered by historians as the birthplace of modern theatre, sculpture, art, philosophy and democracy.And…This City Has A Secret That Can Unlock And Supercharge Your Powers Of Hypnotic Influence Almost Immediately!Here’s the story: One of the most famous people in history made Athens his home. He is perhaps best known as being instrumental in the development of Western philosophy.His name was Socrates and he lived circa 469 B.C. to 399 B.C. He is credited with making major contributions to almost every facet of modern day life.More importantly (to those of us interested in getting compliance from others), he pioneered the concept known as the Socratic Method.Basically, the Socratic Method is a process of inquiry.Asking the right questions to elicit responses that lead someone to agree with you.The way Socrates applied this concept was first described in Plato’s (he was an apprentice under Socrates) Socratic Dialogues. The influence of this approach has endured for over 2,400 years.The Socratic Method is used as the basis of the scientific method.It is a mainstay in modern science, law, ethics and politics.How well does this process work at getting people to agree with your point of view? I’m glad you asked. And, as they say, the answer is simple.In Gorgias (one of the Socratic Dialogues) Plato describes a shocking scene.Socrates is speaking with and questioning his friends.And within a short time he gets them to agree that a criminal who is caught, punished and jailed is happier than one who gets away with a crime.Which, of course, sounds outrageous! But the mesmerizing power behind Socrates’ strategic questions leads people to believe almost anything.However, despite the effectiveness of this method, it works even better as part of what I call…”The Most Powerful Stealth Hypnotic Influence Formula In The World!”This formula was developed by me, Igor Ledochowski. I am a widely acclaimed Master Hypnotist & Trainer, and run an international hypnosis training organization.This formula I developed adds three extra “proven psychological x-factors” Socrates did not know about.They exponentially boost your covert influence powers. Working well beneath the surface. Getting people to positively respond… without… being consciously aware you’re subtly directing their reactions.So they willingly accept your suggestions… and… allow you to influence their decisions.And to prove the above statement is true, I would like to send you (with your permission) two breakthrough new influence-based card decks and a 7 hour associated training (delivered to you on your own USB Flash Drive) that can unleash your hidden influence powers… and… get almost anyone to say yes to you from now on!All you need to do is listen to the training and use the cards included.And, armed with the easy and fun skills you discover, I believe that you too can quickly get others to enthusiastically accept your ideas, proposals, requests, sales pitches and anything else you ask of them.Even if you’re a naturally shy introvert who hates asking for favors.Plus… if you act right now… for the next 60 days…Get The YES Deck – Igor Ledochowski, Only Price $47You Can Program These Secrets Into Your Mind And Change Your Life Completely RISK-FREE!You won’t struggle to get others to see your point of view any more.You won’t fear rejection or fight objections.You won’t have to cram your ideas down someone’s throat.… because rejection, objections and disagreements will be a thing of the past!… because the usual stress, struggle and frustration you may now encounter will vanish as if by magic!…. because you will finally command the respect, wide-eyed admiration and quick agreement from almost anyone you want to influence!A Word Of Warning!This is definitely not for anyone who is uncomfortable with getting their way. Because you’ll discover how to get inside people’s minds… and… without their conscious awareness… ethically influence them to follow your suggestions.And that’s also why if you are not someone with a STRONG ethical and moral compass then this is most definitely NOT for you either.Wouldn’t that be a power you’d like to have at your fingertips?If you fulfill the criteria above then these cards (and the training) are going to be a revelation to you!By the way, I call this the… “YES Decks! Hypnotic Influence Package.”In it I reveal the secrets of getting just about anyone to say yes… and mean it… to almost anything. These are the little-known techniques few people will ever discover about how to be ‘in charge’ of every situation.In fact here’s a small taste of the secrets revealed in the 105 Cards & 7 Hours of Training:The one root principle from which all influence springs. (Anyone who wants to live a happy, rewarding and successful life needs this without a doubt. It has the power to vaporize all limitations – self-imposed or otherwise – and transform you into an unstoppable motivating force!)The most simple and direct explanation of what “influence” really is. (Write these nine words down and read them daily! They are that important!)How to master the art of unconscious influence faster than you ever thought possible. (You’ll notice a mindset shift the first day you try this!)How to improve every area of your life by getting others to say “Yes” to you. Almost no one understands the startling psychological effects developing this mindset creates!If you get nothing else from this program… your life will improve by leaps and bounds from now on. You’ll begin to “magically” attract the right people and situations. You’ll look and feel better. Your positive outlook will magnetize all the good things you want in life. Better health… rich relationships… abundant wealth will naturally flow your way.How to convince the most stubborn and resistant people to agree with your conclusions… even if… they don’t really want to at first. (These are the most powerful hypnotic influence secrets known to man… and now… they’re in your hands!)Secret language patterns that hypnotize others to agree to your requests. Best part: You’ll mesmerize people without them noticing… and… guide them to follow your suggestions without any resistanceThe secret to getting a yes almost every time. (It’s a covert psychological tactic that works deep inside someone’s mind – below the conscious level – to make them want to comply with your requests!)Why developing the yes mindset within yourself is crucial… if… you want to influence the maximum number of  with ease!Simple and easy exercises that – if you do them – are guaranteed to skyrocket your ability to influence (Practice these exercises daily and in no time flat you’ll find people “flocking” to you wanting to be under your leadership. It’s almost spooky how fast these work too!)How combining the “Yes Deck” cards with other hypnotic principles puts you in total control of any situation. I show you how to “mix and match” certain techniques to “tease” the deep-seated agreement hot buttons nestled inside the mind… and…Put People In A Waking Trance Practically At The Snap Of Your Fingers!And a whole lot more!For example: If you’ve ever had trouble getting someone to see your point of view… then… the “salami tactic” is the answer you’ve been searching for.Because once you focus their attention on these “agreement guarantees”, you can expect inevitable consent to whatever you ask in no time.And this works on even the most rigid and negative people.You’ll see… right before your eyes… as they melt like putty in your hands.Their constricted resistance to you evaporates into thin air as they’ll gladly believe and respond positively.Listen closley: No matter how “in charge” you think you are…And no matter how influencial you’ve been before…The stone-cold truth is: Unless you’re one of the lucky insiders who discovered these closely-guarded secrets of my proprietary formula…… then you’re only tapping into a small portion of your full natural ability to induce others to listen and follow your lead and suggestions.This program helps you dig into the deep reservoir of hypnotic influence and irresistible magnetism lying dormant within you.Here’s more: Plus:How to program your mind so using the most effective and sophisticated covert hypnotic influence strategies in the world becomes “second-nature.” You may know about a couple of these techniques… but doing them correctly is almost impossible without an experienced guide. Like what you’ll find on in this exciting program.The only two things you must do to increase your hypnotic influence powers. (Note: One “force-feeds” your mind the secrets revealed in my formula. The other lets you try out what you’ve learned in the real world. This is an unbeatable combination if you want results in no time flat!)What “state-dependant” learning is… and… why it holds the key to shaping people’s behavior and getting them to do what you want when you want it!How to kick open the doors to the “yes rooms” buried far inside someone’s psyche. (Once this is revealed to you… then… you’ll have people – the closed-minded ones too – wrapped around your finger… cheerfully doing what you tell them… and… eating out of the palm of your hand! It’s amazing!)How to lock people into a “yes pattern” that they naturally don’t want to break free of!Why some people find it almost impossible to agree with others. (You’ll never guess… but… it’s the real reason so many dwell in a state of mental, emotional and physical misery! It’s easy to fall for this too!)How to turn on the brain’s natural tendency to agree… even in… the most disagreeable people. (Armed with this information you’ll help people find reasons to agree with your ideas… rather than… reject them outright!)Why getting a “yes” out of someone on an unrelated subject eventually forces them to say “yes” to your proposal. You’ll learn the neurological reason this happens… and… how to ethically turn it in your favor!)How to mentally “warm up” the mind and build an unstoppable positive momentum until you get exactly what you want. (It’s under the radar and works like crazy!)The dark secret of the “hidden no!” Pay careful attention here because if you apply these strategies the wrong way they can… and do… backfire!3 types of “yeses” and why all are important to get agreement! If you’ve ever wondered how “silver-tongued” sales people close deals without hard-selling… this is a big part!Three tools at your disposal (everyone has them) that prevents you from annoying people while trying to convince them you’re right! Get past this hurdle (it’s easy once you know how) and people will find it impossible to say no… even when… saying no is the obvious choice!Listening to my simple instructions will massively boost your ability to grasp these secrets. And… just as critical… to apply them in your life.And implemeting these secrets is your…Fast Track Shortcut To Good Fortune… And An Exciting Life Full Of Adventure!You see, an overlooked… but unexpected and wonderful… side benefit to becoming a stealth hypnotic influence expert is that your entire life improves.Here’s a true story of what developing the “yes mindset” can do for you:Danny Wallace, a British journalist and comedian, had lost his zest for life after finding himself single. Day after day he was caught up in the same boring routine.Lonely and isolated, he soon realized he was shutting the world out. He turned down invitations… invented wild reasons to get out of meeting others… and… generally became a morose and negative person.Then a chance encounter on a London bus changed his life forever. A stranger he sat next to made a three-word suggestion to Wallace…”Say yes more.”Wallace challenged himself to say “yes” to every offer, request, invitation, and challenge – no matter how outlandish – for the next year. He began saying “yes” to people handing out pamphlets on the street… credit card offers… and online solicitations.He embarks on a year-long adventure of exciting discoveries. He says “yes” to strangers who invite him on trips… gives spare change to anyone who asks… and… furthers his career by saying “yes” in meetings at his job.This simple paradigm shift quite literally improved his life in ways he had never imagined. For example…… and he writes a book about his adventures (Yes Man copyright © 2005 by Danny Wallace. Published by Simon Spotlight Entertainment – a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. ISBN-13: 978-1-4169-0066-5.) that becomes a best seller…… and a major Hollywood motion picture in 2008. Directed by Peyton Reed and starring Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper, John Michael Higgins and Rhys Darby.Get The YES Deck – Igor Ledochowski, Only Price $47So there…The Power Of “Yes” Can Change Anyone’s Life… Starting As Soon As Today! He wins a $48,000 windfall…He becomes a television executive…He takes up the “cloak” as a minister…He invents things and travels around the world…He finds romance and his smile once again…If that’s not enough to get your blood pumping… here are even more secrets revealed in the YES Decks! Package:How To Get Full Cooperation When Asking For Big Commitments From Reluctant People!Why developing a yes mindset allows you to live a fuller and richer life filled with wonderful experiences and opportunities you’d never have otherwise. (You may never be bored again!)How to become contagiously optimistic. (Your positive energy will “rub off” and attract swarms of people ready, willing and able to be influenced by you! All it takes to engineer this “magical effect” is following my simple step by step instructions.)Why your personal state of mind dictates how easy… or difficult… it is for you to get agreement from others. (Perhaps the biggest secret of all when it comes to effortless influence! If you’re struggling to get agreement from family members, friends and co-workers… this… above all others… is the reason why! I reveal how to remove the stress and frustration out of your life for good!)How to “train” the people closest to you to almost never say no when you make a request. (By the way, this will help them get more out of life too!)The core influence principle highly influential people have relied on since the dawn of time. (This is the key to eliminating rejection… while at the same time… enjoying the success you richly deserve!)How to get a yes from a “hard case” even when they think they’re refusing your proposal. (You won’t believe how easy it is!)Why you must never, ever ask for too much too soon. (Maybe the biggest “rookie mistake” people make when trying to get others to agree. Here’s what to do instead to practically guarantee you’re never turned down again!)The 4-Step Hypnotic Influence Formula that never fails. Follow these simple steps and everything your heart desires really can be yours for the asking!The power of setting “frames.” (The Greek philosopher, Socrates proved that by setting frames you could get anyone to agree to anything. This strategy allowed him to get agreement from people even on bizarre ideas!)How the consistency principle makes it almost impossible for a person to reject your ideas no matter how absurd. (Plus… a real example of this powerful principle in action. An actual experiment was conducted by behavioral psychologists. You won’t believe how easily they persuaded a high percentage of “suburbanites” to put up a huge billboard on their lawns. Many of these people didn’t even believe in the cause advertised. Yet, due to the unrelenting and innate pressure of having to be consistent in their minds they “caved in” to ridiculous demands!)A key concept you must embrace to boost your powers of influence! (People will gladly expect to be “sold” and like it too! But when this is missing it’s one of the biggest reasons others find it easy to turn you down flat without giving it a second thought!)Can my secret formula really help you become more influential? I absolutely believe it can. Because I’ve spent a large part of my life teaching others this same formula with fantastic results. So I know…It Can Work Wonders For YOU Too!Your entire life will be easier and more fun.Friends, neighbors, family and co-workers will look to you for leadership. The more “in control” you become the more they will want to be around you.Amazing things will begin happening. Opportunities – ones you’d normally miss – will pop up all the time. You will be in the “flow”… in the “zone”… and ease your way through a more fulfilling life.As I mentioned before, this formula includes four simple steps:People Won’t Be Able To Resist  Agreeing With You!Step One: You learn how to “warm up” people to your way of thinking and melt their defenses. In some cases, they become immediately responsive to your suggestions. Within minutes they give you the verbal and/or physical cues that they’re ready to agree. In no time, their guard comes down and effortless agreement follows.Step Two: You learn the psychology behind getting an agreement to even the biggest requests… or… most absurd ideas you decide to present. This is how you silence the “skeptic” inside someone’s mind. Few understand how to do this the right way. Once you discover the power of this elegantly simple technique the world is yours for the taking!Step Three: You learn how to keep people engaged and focused on you… until… the right time to ask for an agreement. If you hurry this process too fast people will shoot down even the smallest request. But if you follow the instructions… and… keep them dangling on the “hook” long enough…Step Four: You learn the real secret behind Socrates success as a master of hypnotic influence. In fact, I’ll tell you right now it has to do with asking the right questions. And getting the right answers. But in a way that sets up people to agree with what you really want them to agree with. There is a fine art of influence at play here. And you’re about to discover it for yourself.I don’t think there’s a more reliable way to inspire, influence and “sell” others on you… your ideas… or whatever.But I know that’s a bold statement to make. So, to make sure this package is right for you, I want to reveal everything… all the juicy secrets… you can look forward to when you get it. Sooo…Here’s even more:  You’ll Get Exactly What You Want, Quickly And Easily!How the right questions gently push people down a “slippery slope” of agreement until they can’t stop giving in to your demands. (You’ll discover how to use a variety of strategic questions that move people closer to total agreement in any situation. It’s a lost art that can give you the leverage to “move the world”!)Two simple, fun and easy exercises that train your brain to find the “yes” – the positive – in life. (If you allow yourself to really do these exercises I can almost bet something exciting will happen in your life as a result.)Another exercise that puts the 4-step formula into practice in non-threatening situations. (Discover how to slowly but surely develop proficiency using my surefire formula… starting in low-pressure every day conversations… “working your way up” to getting bigger and bigger agreements and massive commitments.)Why you should never ask someone for something you need. (It’s the same reason the saying… “scared money doesn’t win”… is 100% true!)How to create “loaded questions” using the YES! Decks in the package… so that… your point of view becomes virtually irresistible. (Now becoming an influential communicator is not only a cinch but a sheer joy too!)The 10 basic questions – and 5 bonus modifiers – you’ll be using to get your ideas accepted. (These are tested and proven to “hypnotically guide” the mind into a resistance-free state.)How to get people to “picture with pleasure” the outcome they yearn. (When you learn this simple skill, you’ll never have trouble getting others excited about your propositions. They’ll move heaven and earth to help you achieve any goal, outcome or mission.)3 strategic ways to get an agreement! (And… how to mix them up so people don’t spot the pattern and figure out your methods.)How to “nudge” people to accept your final conclusion! (Do this right and they won’t know what hit them until it’s too late… but… by then…How to get a positive answer from a “negative” question!What people really base their decisions on! (Even the most analytical and “sober-headed” person – who likes to check all the facts before they make a move – is at the mercy of this “force of nature!” No one… and I mean no one… is immune!)How to create “win-win” situations where everyone benefits! (Since you can use these secrets to make anything seem “attractive” it’s important you look out for everyone’s best interest… even if… they can’t see it right now!)Look, if you’re not chomping at the bit to get this package and tear into it… then… if I were you… I’d check my pulse…Just in case.Anyway, now that you know about a few of the secrets you’ll discover, I think it’s time to tell you what you get in the YES Decks! Program…First of all, you get two decks (Volume 1 and Volume 2) of cards. Both decks come with 50 cards each… plus… I’ve included the special modifier cards for a total of 105 cards.These modifiers massively increase the potency of the cards.Each card contains special questions that allow you to pierce the mental barriers people put up… and… get them to accept your point of view. Once you learn how to use these questions – it’s very easy when you follow the instructions –Being More Convincing And Influential Becomes An Unconscious Habit!… like breathing… walking… or riding a bike!The second part of the package includes over 7 hours of added training, stored on a USB Flash Drive for easy access.You’ll learn how to implement the 4-step hypnotic influence formula. And you’ll learn how to use the YES! Decks cards to maximum effect.Take a quick look at what ground we’ll be covering together in the training…When you finish this program you will be an irresistible force!I guarantee it!First… I introduce you to what I call the Power of “Yes”! I explain why this program is your ticket to getting whatever you desire. I tell you how to use the secrets in the program to control your destiny. Your ideas will be readily accepted. You’ll stand more tall. And you can now attract all the wonderful things you’ve been hoping for.Second… you’ll discover how to put the Power of “Yes” to work in your life to create miracles. Just like Danny Wallace did by accident. But you won’t fumble around trying to figure anything out. Because I detail exactly what steps to take to make this program help you develop the yes mindset.Finally… you’ll learn how to apply the formula with the questions on the YES! Decks cards. I go through the entire 105 cards. I give you practical exercises to pump up your influence muscles. And show you how to apply your new-found skills in the real world where it counts.Well, there you have it.A complete explanation of my YES Decks! Hypnotic Influence Package! This is (by far) the most detailed and comprehensive program you’ll ever find. If becoming as convincing… influential… and covertly in control as possible is important to you… then… you should at least check this program out on a risk-free basis.I’ll tell you how in just a moment.But first, in case you’re wondering, let me tell you…Who This Program Is Perfect For…After years of teaching my 4-step Formula to hundreds of people I am convinced anyone can use it.Especially…That’s why I have spent a life time perfecting this amazing formula.Remember, I am considered  the world’s leading authority on conversational or covert hypnosis… and… I am also a number one best-selling hypnosis author.It’s my “job” to get people to agree with me!I have used these secrets to secure long-term five and six-figure contracts. I’ve used them to help hypnosis patients. I’ve used them to build international training organizations starting from scratch. And I’ve used them to enjoy a coveted lifestyle. Living life on my terms (and no one else’s) and loving every minute of it.And now it’s your turn!If you happen to be a little “too skeptical” for your own good… then…check out…Anyone… who is determined to get their ideas, point of view, propositions, conclusions, suggestions and advice accepted by someone else.Anyone… who is a hypnotherapist (or any kind of therapist) helping people to improve some aspect of their lives.Anyone… who owns or runs a small, medium or large business… and… wants more customers, sales and a sharp rise in bottom-line revenues.Anyone… who is a coach or consultant at any level in any industry.Anyone… who is in sales either to the mass consumer market, niche markets or targets the affluent and ultra-affluent market.Anyone… who is in charge of other people in any way! This is perfect for teachers, counselors, managers, group leaders, high-powered executives and military personnel of all ranks.Anyone… who is sick and tired of life passing them by – of losing opportunities, of never getting their way even when they’re right, of missing out on all the exciting fun and adventure life has to offer.You Can Get This Life-Changing Information For A Steal… Here’s how:The secrets exposed in the YES Decks! Hypnotic Influence Package are worth a fortune in the right hands. I should know because they’ve been critical to my success for me. And for the few insiders privileged enough to have me teach them personally.So I thought long and hard about charging at least $500 for this program. Think of it this way: If you got others to agree with you a little more – and thereby make your life more pleasurable – how much is that really worth?I think it’s priceless!However, despite the fact this package is priceless, I want as many deserving people to get their hands on it as possible.For a limited time, I’m making this package available with a big discount. Instead of investing $500 you can have a copy for just… $297 $147.Plus I’m going to throw in FREE Worldwide Shipping!This limited offer will NOT last forever. Because my programs are best-sellers the world over, they regularly end up “out of stock”.Besides, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Because I’m putting all the risk on my shoulders.How?Simple.By giving you a…Just to get you to say… “maybe.”You don’t even have to make a real commitment… until after… you’ve had ample time to check out the YES Decks! Hypnotic Influence Package.Go ahead and test-drive it for 60 full days risk-free. If at the end of that time you don’t feel these secrets can make you more influential no problem. Let us know and we’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund.We’ll treat you with the same level of honesty and respect we’d want to be treated with.But I think you’re going to love this information! You’ll end up using it daily to ease through life like you never have before.You’ll be absolutely amazed.That would be fantastic, wouldn’t you agree?Here’s what to do right now…My program is truly a guide for quickly developing the skills of master hypnotists.You can check everything out – the entire program – for 60 days before making your final decision.Click the “Add To Cart” order button in the secure order box below.That’s all there is to it.The staff here at the Hypnosis Training Academy will have your package shipped out ASAP. I think you’re going to love this package.And all these stealth hypnotic influence secrets can finally be yours right now…Get The YES Deck – Igor Ledochowski, Only Price $47Tag: The YES Deck – Igor Ledochowski Review. The YES Deck – Igor Ledochowski download. The YES Deck – Igor Ledochowski discount.