The Writer’s Starter Kit


If you’ve ever thought about launching a freelance writing business, chances are good you’ve asked yourself this question:“Where do I start?”Truth be told, there are dozens of answers to that question … and just as many paths you can take to make a career out of writing.But there’s only one way that’s proven to set up your freelance writing business — all in a single weekend.It’s called The Writer’s Starter Kit.It’s the easiest, most accessible way for creative people like you to go from “aspiring” to “working” writer as quickly as possible.You’ll see what things you need to get in place before you “open up shop,” like how to track your writing income and how to “officially” set up your business … you’ll decide what writing services to offer … what to charge … how to approach prospective clients (and where to find them) … and so much more.It’s all in there for you … So you can start generating an income as a writer fast.Everything has been distilled into bite-sized pieces that are super-easy to follow and you’ll get a real sense of progress with each and every step you complete.Just a small sample of what’s in store …A simple “test” that shows you the best kind of writing business you should start (that’s 100% aligned with your long-term goals) …How to decide if you should dive in with both feet and write full-time or just do it “on the side” (no matter what you choose, you’ll know exactly what to do next) …How to really “zero in” and get laser focused on creating a super-successful writing business that works for YOU …A simple method to set your writing income goals in a way that you’ll practically GUARANTEE success …“Done-for-you” checklists for making sure you’ve laid the right foundation for getting paid as a writer …The best way to gain crystal-clear CLARITY for yourself as a writer, so you can create your writing business in the shortest time possible (just do this one simple exercise) …What are the best writing projects out there? You’ll be introduced to some of the most lucrative and “in-demand” projects available for writers today — so you can easily pinpoint what you’d have the most fun doing, while making a great living from home …The “ABC’s” of any successful writing business and whether or not you should form a legal entity around yourself (not knowing this could cost you a lot of time and money) …How to craft a simple response to the question “what do you do” that could actually LAND you paying clients right away …A simple method to “clear your mind” as a writer … so you never have to feel stressed when staring at a blank page again …How to deal with “Imposter Syndrome” — something that practically every writer faces — and succeed anyways …The best place to write from — is it a home office? A café? Discover how to “create” YOUR optimal environment, no matter where you choose …The nuts and bolts of any six-figure writing business — and how to keep track of all your writing income …How to maximize your productivity and output as a writer (whatever you think you can do now … DOUBLE it!) …How to create a simple one-page “marketing plan” that attracts clients to you fast …The proven process for committing and STAYING committed to your writing success …The website you need to be on in order to easily land clients …Why understanding the different kinds of clients you’ll encounter is critical to the health of your writing career …You’ve landed your first client — now what?! Here’s how to prepare to work with your first client and act like a total pro …Do you know the freelancer’s lingo? Take control of your projects by understanding common freelance writing terms, arrangements, and more …How to beat writer’s block every time …And much, much more!The Writer’s Starter Kit will give you the tools, resources, blueprints, checklists, and forms you’ll need to get set up as a professional writer.Get The Writer’s Starter Kit – Anonymous , Only Price $59Tag: The Writer’s Starter Kit  Review. The Writer’s Starter Kit  download. The Writer’s Starter Kit  discount.