The Whole-Brain Child Approach: Develop Kids’ Minds and Integrate Their Brains for Better Outcomes


Are you struggling to effectively treat behavior disorders, anxiety, and mood disorders in children and adolescents?Join bestselling authors of The Whole Brain Child, Dr. Daniel Siegel, M.D., and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D, present the latest scientific research — with a special emphasis on neuroplasticity and the changing brain — in a way that’s clear, interesting, and immediately practical. You will learn how the role of experience and focused attention effects the ever-developing brain within children and adolescents.Revolutionize your assessment and treatment for…AnxietyAffective DisorderExecutive FunctioningDisruptive Behavior DisorderInterpersonal NeurobiologyReactive and Resilient StatesUsing stories, case studies, practical suggestions and a lot of humor, Siegel and Bryson provide creative strategies of how to use brain science in your practice. You will learn five different types of integration that can lead to health and wholeness. This video will highlight types of integration and provide case examples demonstrating practical strategies to integrate into your practice.Help kids acquire new tools to become resilient and feel hope about achieving lasting change in their lives. At the end of the recording, you will have a new framework for treating your clients, along with 12 Whole-Brain strategies to help kids move from reactivity to resilience.Identify the framework of integration, and how it can help lead clients to health and wholenessExplain how the Whole-Brain Child Approach can be used in the clinical treatment of anxiety, affective, executive function, and disruptive behavior disordersAnalyze the efficacy of movement as a method to shift a client’s automatic emotional and bodily responses.Apply the framework of interpersonal neurobiology with pediatric and adolescent clientsImplement twelve Whole-Brain strategies into clinical practiceShow children how to take implicit memories of painful/traumatic experiences and make them explicitIntroduction-Integration as a theoretical frameworkPart 1-Two Brains are Better than One: Integrate the Left and the RightWhole-Brain Strategy #1-Connect and Redirect:Surfing Emotional WavesWhole-Brain Strategy #2 – Name It to Tame It:Telling Stories to Calm Big Emotions and Build Resilience for Difficult TransitionsPart 2-Building the Staircase of the Mind: Integrating the Upstairs and DownstairsWhole-Brain Strategy #3-Engage, Don’t Enrage:Appealing to the Upstairs BrainReducing flight, fight, and freeze responses and increase thinking responsesWhole-Brain Strategy #4 – Use It or Lose It:Exercising the Upstairs BrainStrategies for executive function, anxiety disorders, ADHD, and oppositional defiant disordersWhole-Brain Strategy #5 – Move It or Lose It:Moving the Body to Avoid Losing the MindUsing movement to shift automatic emotional and bodily responsesPart 3-Kill the Butterflies! Integrating Memory for Growth and HealingWhole-Brain Strategy #6 – Use the Remote of the Mind:Replaying Memories to Resolve Little Traumas and Big TraumasWhole-Brain Strategy #7 – Remember to Remember:Making Recollection a Part of Daily LifeCreating new neural connections for self-identity formationPart 4-The United States of Me: Integrating the Many Parts of MyselfWhole-Brain Strategy #8 – Let the Clouds of Emotion Roll By:Teaching that Feelings Come And GoWhole-Brain Strategy #9 – SIFT: Paying Attention to What’s Going On InsideTools for improving self-awareness and insightWhole-Brain Strategy #10 – Exercise Mindsight:Intervention for anxiety and mood disordersPart 5-The Me-We Connection: Integrating Self and OtherWhole-Brain Strategy #11 – Increase the Family Fun Factor:Creating new family dynamicsWhole-Brain Strategy #12 – Connect Through Conflict:Teaching Kids to Argue with a “We” in MindExpressing feelings appropriately in ways that improve relationshipsTag: The Whole-Brain Child Approach: Develop Kids’ Minds and Integrate Their Brains for Better Outcomes – Daniel J. Siegel , Tina Payne Bryson  Review. The Whole-Brain Child Approach: Develop Kids’ Minds and Integrate Their Brains for Better Outcomes – Daniel J. Siegel , Tina Payne Bryson  download. The Whole-Brain Child Approach: Develop Kids’ Minds and Integrate Their Brains for Better Outcomes – Daniel J. Siegel , Tina Payne Bryson  discount.