The Warrior Warmup – Tyler Bramlett


PLUS You Can Still Get A Free Copy Of The Warrior Flexibility Program And Warrior Recovery Program!An Important Message From Tyler Bramlett Are you obsessed with becoming better? Are you always looking for that edge that will make you look better, feel better and perform better in and out of the gym?Are you interested in discovering a simple to follow, done for you system that will teach you EXACTLY what you need to do in order to turn your typical pre-workout routine into a MASSIVE, result producing warm up to increase your strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination?Then you MUST discover the secrets of the Warrior Warm Up!!But this isn’t for you if……You’re happy with your current level of strength, if you have all the flexibility you’ll ever need, if you can walk on your hands easily and have perfect balance or if you have a warm up you already use that is getting you awesome results. If this is you then read NO more because this system only works for people who seriously want to build super strength and flexibility in their spare time, not for people who are only mildly interested in becoming true physical specimens.If You Are Interested In Learning The Single Most Effective Way To Warm Up For Your Workouts That Builds Massive Strength, Flexibility, Mobility, Balance and Coordination Then Keep Reading…Hi, I’m Tyler Bramlett, I’m the guy in the pictures above and like many of you there was a time when I followed the mainstream fitness philosophy of doing some basic stretching followed by some simple cardio before you touch the weights to make sure your body is prepared and warmed up for your workout ahead. The only problem is I never saw any gains in my flexibility, I wasn’t becoming stronger and I certainly wasn’t moving any better. The bottom line is, the old way of warming up for your workouts SUCKS! There is a better way.As the years went on I had the privilege of training with some of the top performance experts in the fitness industry. I have literally spent over $20,000 to learn the secrets that these people know that allows their athletes to become not only strong and powerful but also to build and maintain their flexibility, balance and coordination which makes them not only perform better but less likely to get injured. I took these secrets and began applying them to my training and within a few months people were amazed at what I was capable of doing.This made me realize that there was a good amount of strong people out there and a good amount of flexible people out there but very few people who were both strong and flexible. I couldn’t help but think to myself, “don’t these yogi’s also want to get strong?” and, “don’t these power lifters and bodybuilders want to be flexible and move well?” After all why have world-class strength if you can’t tie your shoe, and why have world-class flexibility if you cant pick up your own bodyweight? Why not aim for both?Why not aim for superior strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination?That’s exactly what I did! I took the methods that I learned and organized them into a system that was initially only taught to 7 people who were very interested in acquiring the “Unbelievable Strength And Flexibility” that I had developed. They were amazed at the results they were getting from doing the routine for only 15 minutes 3 times a week. Finally I decided to put my routine which I call the Warrior Warm Up into a step by step, easy to follow program that will teach you the exact exercises in the exact order that will take you from tight, immobile and uncoordinated and show you how to acquire the strength and balance of a gymnast and the flexibility and coordination of a yogi in the 15 minutes you usually spend warming up.Now you may be thinking to yourself, “what this Warrior Warm Up is all about?”Right?Well, first the Warrior Warm Up saves you the hassle of traveling around the world, paying $10’s of thousands of dollars to seek out the secret methods that the top fitness professionals are using on their exclusive high-end clients. And it saves you the time of testing what sequences work the best for getting OUTSTANDING RESULTS in the shortest amount of time.Second, the Warrior Warm Up works so well because it was designed to not only replace your traditional warm up of basic stretching and cardio. But to replace or introduce you to the following elements that have been proven to develop a world-class body.The Warrior Warm Up Replaces The Following Activities:Traditional Stretching – Static stretching is outdated; it takes too long and is hard to get results on unless you practice everyday. I will show you how to get extremely flexible in less time.LAME Cardio Warm ups – This boring and ineffective way of warming up is the reason why I created the Warrior Warm Up (Need I Say More, Cardio Sucks!)Deep Breathing & Meditation – The WWU teaches you how to breath to activate the rest and digest side of your nervous system making you more focused for your workout and giving you faster recovery.Yoga Postures – Although effective, yoga just takes too much time. I would rather be weightlifting or at the beach! In the WWU You will learn only the best yoga exercises that will get you awesome results.Core Stability – Crucial for anyone who either wants a ripped 6 pack or an injury proof spine. I’ll show you how to get it done in less time.Core Mobility – Very few people truly understand the role of core mobility and many trainers run from the thought of things like bridging gymnastics. There is a safe way to learn this skill, I can teach you!Dynamic Warm Ups – Replace your old dynamic warm up (if you are even doing one) with the WWU and get even better results!Inversion Training – In the upper body sequence you will learn inversion training (or upside-down training). If you don’t know how to do things like headstands or handstands this is the easiest way to learn.Balance Training – Throughout the WWU you will be building your balance and coordination that will lead you to being able to do handstands and advanced yoga poses with ease!Gymnastic Skill Work – Gymnastic training is awesome!! I can teach you a few simple progressions that will teach you to move like a gymnast in record time.Joint Mobility – Mobility has become very popular over the last few years and although it has its uses, the bottom line is it takes a while to see any benefit from. In the WWU you will see benefits in the first week!Body Control & Awareness – Getting better at moving is the foundation of all athletic achievement. As you progress through the levels of the WWU you will begin to unlock your true potential!But Here’s The Real SECRET…The real secret to why the Warrior Warm Up works so well isn’t that it replaces all of the systems listed above but that it combines them. This way you develop several different skills all at once.By replacing your old warm up routine with the Warrior Warm Up you are going to see massive gains in your strength, flexibility, balance and coordination that you didn’t think was even possible. And all of this from a system that takes only 15 minutes to perform.You’re Going To Be Shocked At How Easy It Is To Get Awesome Results!I’ve not only created a program that show you the EXACT PROGRESSIONS that you need to do, but as a special promotion if you order today you will receive 2 FREE BONUSES that you can use to accelerate your results even further!!Here’s What You Get WithWarrior Warm Up SystemThe COMPONENT #1The Warrior Warm Up Manual($49.99 Value)In The Manual You Will Learn:Every exercise used in The Warrior Warm Up including detailed pictures of every movement.Q The 7 areas you need to work on to build massive strength, flexibility, balance and coordination!IQ The 5 progressively harder exercises in each of the 7 areas you should be doing before your workouts.COMPONENT #2The Warrior Warm Up Follow Along Guide($39.99 Value)In The Manual You Will Learn:The EXACT movements in the EXACT order you should be practicing before your workouts so you can quit wasting your time.H 5 Different 15 minute follow along workout warm up routines that you can use before your training to accelerate your results!COMPONENT #3The Warrior Warm Up Success Tracker Journal($19.99 Value)In The Success Tracker Journal You Will Learn:The best way for you to keep track of your workout warm ups and when to move from the level 1 warm up exercises to the level 2,3 and beyond! PLUS AS A SPECIAL BONUSYOU WILL ALSO RECEIVE:BONUS #1The Warrior Flexibility Program($29.99 Value)In The Warrior Flexibility Program You Will Learn:QThe best no B.S. stretches you can use to literally double your flexibility fast!The #1 technique that will improve your flexibility by 20% in only minutes.My personal stretching routine that I use to develop extreme amounts of flexibility in every part of my BONUS #2 The Warrior Recovery Routine($29.99 Value)In The Warrior Recovery Routine You Will Learn:The best way to reduce post exercise muscular soreness while improving your flexibility at the same time.My exact foam roll routine I use on myself and my athletes to reduce injuries and build monster mobility! Get The Warrior Warmup – Tyler Bramlett , Only Price $37Tag: The Warrior Warmup – Tyler Bramlett  Review. The Warrior Warmup – Tyler Bramlett  download. The Warrior Warmup – Tyler Bramlett  discount.