The Unify Activation Series 2023 – Azorah Sandara


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $65 $222, The Unify Activation Series 2023 – Azorah Sandara Course.Beloved Family, WELCOME!Delve deeply into an adventure, an exploration of the Quantum YOU, as the Holographic Self – unites with your Core Self, the Quantum Unified field of All there Is on Earth. The Golden Key gifted is to Unite with Soul family and actively Co-create synergies, projects, Communities, and Playgrounds together.We are inviting YOU to a journey of CONNECTION AND REMEMBRANCE!You will be able to work on your own with all the pre-recorded material you will receive upfront by purchasing this product, in your OWN TIME, following the guidelines in the main document. No QA’s will be provided if you work at your own pace.The Unify Activation SeriesThe Golden Key gifted in this energy will assist YOU to Unite within, with your Soul family and actively Co-create synergies, projects, Communities, and Playgrounds togetherSpecial Offer #1 Includes:The Unify Activation Series11 Week Program – work at your own paceActivations, Meditations, and Soul Teachings + Visionary Art Printed Code for each weekA Multi-media workbook with activating graphics, MP3s & videosSpecial Offer 1: The Unify Activation SeriesThis package contains:An 11 Week Programme of Soul Topics in video format:Activations, Meditations, and Soul Teachings + Visionary Art Printed Code for each week to work with during the program.You will also get a few articles under certain topics and weeks on the multimedia workbook PLUS 3 x FREE E-BOOKS!The 11 key focus areas of this Activation Series are:Dismantling Imprints & OverlaysAlchemy of FireTransfigurationThe Age of UnionExpanding PerceptionZero Point SelfResonanceCoherenceFusionTranscendence Space/TimeUnifyUnify Course Series Guideline to work with the MaterialDuring this time :You will be able to work on your own with all the pre-recorded material you will receive upfront with a clear guideline per week with the following: LIGHT LANGUAGE ACTIVATIONS (15 min ea)These 12D DNA/RNA light tuning frequencies, root cause Quantum accelerator attunements & Light of the Creator Sound vibrations will assist you to collapse, erase and un-create, internal programming, beliefs, values still stuck in the old templates of separation which are an integral part of Unity Consciousness.Example: EXPRESSING YOUR DIVINITY MEDITATIONS AND JOURNEYS (30 min ea)These transmissions will assist to rewrite the Light Body template as your Portal within opens and activates an elevated awareness of your Cosmic Consciousness Mastery in the rebirthing of Soul Tribes and community. Consciousness actions in whatever area of skillset, gift, and talent/you are bringing forth to build/add synergies too are welcomed to the Group.Example: Soul Transfiguration – Magdalene Activation in 432HzSOUL WISDOM ON DIFFERENT TOPICSGuidance and experiential support technologies to assist You to innerstand and navigate through the different stages of your multi-dimensional Light body templates, its integration/embodiment, and Unification within an area of skillset, gift, and talent/you are bringing forth to build and co-create with the Community.Example: Council of Light Sirius B – Ascension of Core SelfSome of the topics:Dismantling Global misalignments and constructsDismantling & Transmuting collective Imprints and OverlaysTransfiguring genetic and Bloodline ancestral lineageThe nature of the Soul/BodyCreation of new Holographic Realities – Harmonic Resonance practicesOpening Stargate holographic new realitiesPreparing for Contact Star FamilyBilocation understandingTeleportation understandingPortal and Stargate activationEmbodiment of Star Ship into a physical vessel, connecting to Star family.Key upgrades re: immortality encodements from within the “Quantum Field, the radiance of the Eagle” re: Eternal Nature of the Human expression and experience.Holographic Light Frequency Visionary CodesDownloadable and printableThese will assist to anchor all relevant tonal expressions as per your Co-Creator intentions at DNA/RNA and cellular memory circuitry by allowing the full receipt of Infinite Quantum Knowingness from all anxiotonal Filament’s now fully switched on to Star, Sun’s and Interplanetary wisdom forgotten into Remembrance within all kingdoms.PLUS You’ll also recieve 3 e Books:eBook – The Great Remembering Gift to LifeChapter I of my book that is in Progress.Introduction: It is a Day out of Time today and we have been gifted with the presence of two luminous One’s; Pachamama (Gaia), the Cosmic Child within the inspired Source of All things, the radiance of the Eagle. Trinity in this gathering brings the equilibrium of unities into Oneness.Among the sparkling golden beautiful red rocks, the Love, the Sunshine and sacred ceremony shower us gently with the music from the Spheres…Pachamama (Mother GAIA) smiles and the Cosmic Child dances to the tune of an old song played Long time ago in the Land of LEMURIA.In the flow of embracing the Great Remembering, the elements unfold its own tapestry of Love and Light around us from the Heart of All things and the dialogue begins between Patchamama and the Golden Child…eBook – The Architecture & Technology of The Soul/BodyProfound detail and clarity on this topic have been activated in this EBOOK, highlighting the Soul MAKEUP within the physical structure of the Human Body, with its potential and possibilities for regeneration.eBook – CHRIST LIGHT BODY ACTIVATION LEVELS & INNERSTANDINGThe contents within this ebook have been experienced and lived through my own expression in integrating the Christ light body of Light. They will shed clarity and assist others to activate it and Integrate it into their own Core Self.Special Offer #2 Includes:Two Online Group Sessions about the Unify Activation Series Enjoy 2 webinar meeting with Yukia and a small group. These sessions will be scheduled periodically, and you’ll be notified of the dates. You will recieve the recording if you can’t join live. These sessions allow you direct contact with Yukia so you can ask your questions about the material as it relates to your own experience. These are integration sessions that benefit your home-study.Get The Unify Activation Series 2023 – Azorah Sandara, Only Price $65Tag: The Unify Activation Series 2023 – Azorah Sandara Download, The Unify Activation Series 2023 – Azorah Sandara review, The Unify Activation Series 2023 – Azorah Sandara Discount, the unify activation, the unify project, the unifying force, the unifying force star wars, the unifi controller is currently unreachable