The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur – Dan Kennedy


How To Make Enormous Amounts of Money   Packaging & Marketing InformationBy Dan KennedyYes, we WANT to know. America’s thirst for inside information, for how-to-do-it-ourselves, for secrets, for information of every imaginable variety is insatiable.Look around. Bookstores are bigger and busier than ever. Specialty-interest how-to videos sell by the millions. Specialty-interest magazines proliferate. Newsletters. Seminars. Courses. 900 Numbers. Infomercials. Talk radio’s boom. On-line services. Everywhere you look, you’ll see “information” being sold, bought and consumed at an unbelievable pace. Fortunately, anybody can get in this game, “cheap” if necessary, and make a fortune.I have personally made my fortune marketing “information” – but I’m not a college grad; I have no formal training in writing or in advertising; I stuttered as a kid and barely survived high school speech class; I have no special, technical expertise; and, for me, a computer is a big, fat paperweight. I suppose I’m woefully unqualified for this business. I doubt if I could even get a job at a New York ad agency or publishing company. Still, this year I’ll sell over a million dollars worth of my own “information products.” (And help my clients sell 100 times that much!)If you’re a “novice”, how can you find out about all the opportunities in this field? I have one big, giant, all-encompassing resource that will absolutely astound and amaze you.If you’re already a “pro” in some aspect of the information business, I want you to know that THOUSANDS of knowledgeable, experienced and professional pros have bought this resource and praised it as their best-ever investment.The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur Super Manual 5th Edition/Up-DatedThis huge 589-page Manual covers EVERY imaginable way you can make enormous amounts of money By packaging and marketing information. I’ve included a partial Contents List on the next two pages. Now, let me tell you a little bit about the background of this very unusual resource:It All Started With A Chance, Off-The-Cuff Remark Over A Friendly Chivas & WaterI was sitting with a long-time client, at a patio table, at a popular resort in southern California, sipping a Chivas; we were relaxing after a long day of meetings, mostly talking about nothing, when he said: “I’d give a thousand dollars just to root through your file cabinets.”“Root?” I asked.“Yeah. Look. Dig. Treasure-hunt. Poke. Maul. Swipe. Root.”So I Dumped All My File Cabinet Drawers Out On The Floor….. and he was right; there was a fortune there in information – including countless little ‘tidbits’, examples of unusual strategies, little-known sources, stuff I pretty much kept to myself. Anybody trying to market “information” in any form would kill for all this – or spend nearly 20 years accumulating, saving, sorting like I did. So, the first edition of this book was born.By the way, ads I’ve created for my products and my clients run in many national magazines and other publications, to the tune of $20,000, $30,000, $50,000 or more every month. Some ads have been running and producing every month for years. One client’s in the 5th consecutive year airing the same infomercial I created for him. Another client mails tens of thousands of the letters I helped him develop every month. Another has a $200,000.00+ per month home-based business. I could go on and on. And all that how-to know-how is in this book.Get The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur – Dan Kennedy, Only Price $18This May Have Been The Ugliest Book Ever Published.I took the piles on the floor, sorted ’em by topic, photocopied a ton of stuff, wrote explanations to go with it, and spiral-bound it all together into a rather ugly, lumpy, very unpretentious, fat book. And, largely thanks to enthusiastic endorsements from such people as Gary Halbert (arguably the all-time greatest practitioner of “salesmanship in print”, publisher of The Halbert Letter) and Greg Renker (Guthy-Renker Corp., famous for infomercials and information products like ‘Think And Grow Rich’, ‘Personal Power’, etc.), I quickly sold over 1,000 copies – at the fat-as-the-book price of $199.00. And I have received more praise, more testimonials and more recognition for this ugly, fat book than for anything else I’ve ever done. Heck, it even won the Book Of The Year Award, in the ‘Mail-Order’ category, from the North American Bookdealers Association.Since then, thousands more copies have been sold throughout the U.S., Canada and in several other countries. Harv Eker, one of the leading seminar leaders in Canada, dealing with entrepreneurial subjects, offers it at all of his seminars. Ted Thomas, joint venture marketing expert, says it’s the very best resource he’s ever found.If Somebody Tries To Take Your Copy Away From You, You’ll Be Tempted To Fight Him To The DeathI was on an airplane with one guy; he pulled it out of his briefcase; and, geez, it looked like it had been through a hurricane and run over by a truck – pages were loose, there were Post-It Notes all over it, the visible pages were covered with handwritten notes and hi-liter pen markings, and the whole mess was held together By two thick rubber bands. “Use that a lot?” I asked.Not recognizing me, the fellow said, “I’ll tell you something – after nearly twenty years in mail-order, I’d given up on finding anything really new AND useful in any book until I got this thing. I use this just about every day. I won’t even travel without it. I’m trying to absorb it all into my brain before it self-destructs completely. Most valuable thing I ever bought.”I’m pretty confident you’ll feel the same way about your copy. And I’ve got good news. We’ve added a detailed Index, so you can find things. (The first edition didn’t even have page numbers!) I recently went through and up-dated it and even added a few more things. We even strengthened the spiral-binding. But we didn’t raise the price. It’s still $199.00.A Partial List of Topics included:HOW TO PRODUCE YOUR “INFORMATION PRODUCTS”….12 Steps to an audio product….18 Steps to a video product…. How to save 25% to 75% from most video production quotes!…. How to create and sell a “Moneymaking Business Opportunity”…. The 39 best kinds of ‘Information Products’….UNDERSTANDING AND PROFITING FROM “THE MONEY ISSUES”…. How to replace up-front costs with royalties and: how to convert vendors to at-risk partners….PREPARING MARKETING MATERIALS FOR YOUR “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” ….Everything you need to know about what works and what does not (based on 5-Million-$ research and experience)….HOW TO MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING YOUR “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” WITH CHEAP CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING…. The”best” media…. Classified ad Copywriting tips….HOW TO BE A “BIG PLAYER” IN THE “INFORMATION PRODUCTS BUSINESS” WITH PRINT MEDIADISPLAY ADVERTISING…. How to get Agency Discounts…. First-Time Advertiser discounts…. and save 17%-50% off “rate cards” (price lists).HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAILING LISTS TO PROFITABLY SELL YOUR “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” VIA DIRECT-MAIL….  How not to get ripped off (Most beginners do!)…. Where to learn about and ‘comparison shop’ thousands of good lists….MARKETING STRATEGIES OF SPECIAL IMPORTANCE WITH “INFORMATION PRODUCTS”…. How to use Guarantees to boost response…. “The Charles Atlas Method” can double your profits….”HOW TO REALLY GET “FREE” ADVERTISING FOR YOUR “INFORMATION PRODUCTS”…. How to get on lots and lots of Radio Talk Shows…. be interviewed over the phone, long distance…. give out your 800#…. sell your products!UNUSUAL WAYS TO MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR “INFORMATION PRODUCTS”…. How to sell by mail to Libraries…. How to sell by mail to the Military….HOW TO GET YOUR “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” ADVERTISED ON TV – IN INFOMERCIALS…. Transcript of my complete speech on the Information Business from the famous Gary Halbert Key West College Of Millionaires Seminar, which direct marketing entrepreneurs pay $7,000 to attend….HOW TO MAKE A LOT OF MONEY, BUILD WEALTH AND NET WORTH AND SELL “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” VIA THE NEWSLETTER BUSINESS….Why the Newsletter Business may be the best business in the world…. Advice directly from the most successful newsletter entrepreneurs in America….HOW TO MAKE MONEY SELLING “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” AS A PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER…. 5 ways to establish and promote yourself, your credibility and your value as a speaker…. Why and how being a “part-time” (not full-time) speaker” is a marketing advantage….HOW TO MAKE MONEY SELLING “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” IN THE SEMINAR BUSINESS…. 5 types of seminars you can make money promoting….12 best ways to market ANY seminar….12 ‘tricks’ for boosting attendance….HOW TO MAKE MONEY SELLING “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” BY PHONE…. New ways to make money and sell products via ‘recorded messages”…. How to get “information Products” telemarketed by professionals on commission – with no investment, no hiring, no hassles….HOW TO MAKE MONEY SELLING “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” VIA MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING AND/OR HOW TO SELL A MULTI-LEVEL OPPORTUNITY BY MAIL…. Facts & Myths…. all about MLM/Network marketing…. What you must know about “the legal issues….HOW TO MAKE LOTS OF MONEY FROM THE MAILING LIST(S) YOU DEVELOP BY SELLING “INFORMATION PRODUCTS”…. 3 ways to make BIG MONEY, even from “small” lists…. Who will pay you 50 cents per name?….HOW TO OPERATE YOUR “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” BUSINESS PROFITABLY AND EFFICIENTLY…. AND HELPFUL INFORMATION ABOUT VENDORS AND SUPPLIERS FOR YOUR “INFORMATION PRODUCTS” BUSINESS.… Best “short run” book printers…. How to self-publish books at amazing low costs.Get The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur – Dan Kennedy, Only Price $18Tag: The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur – Dan Kennedy  Review. The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur – Dan Kennedy  download. The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur – Dan Kennedy  discount.