The Traffic Matrix – Rob Cornish


Course “The Traffic Matrix – Rob Cornish” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.If You’re Truly Serious About Crushing It Online This Year, I Can Show You…”How To Make Consistent Product Sales, Affiliate Commissions And Build Your List Using This Toolbox Of Battle-Proven Targeted Traffic Sources…”Dear Web Entrepreneur,Rob Cornish here and welcome to The Traffic Matrix.In The Early Days…It wasn’t long after I started online in April 2010 that I became infatuated with driving traffic.I spent hours on end consuming every bit of information I could find on PPC, SEO, Web 2.0, PPV, forums, article marketing and countless other jargon-named strategies.The result?Hardly anything.Hundreds of hours of work spread across several months barely moved the needle in terms of bringing visitors to my sites.At the time, I really couldn’t understand it.I certainly found it frustrating and actually pretty stressful as well.What was I doing that was SO wrong?Well, since those early days I’ve sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of products and services online.You won’t be surprised to learn that the key essential ingredient that has allowed me to do this is large and consistent amounts of high quality traffic.So what changed and how EXACTLY did I do this?To explain, first consider this:The 3 Big Traffic RoadblocksRecently, I took some time to look back and consider what I was doing wrong in my early days.Now of course, hindsight is a wonderful thing but when it came to traffic I realized my mistakes were pretty much the exact same ones I see most people making today.Time and time again, the struggle is basically the same… You see it in emails, forums, live events, blog comments and sometimes even amongst my own private clients when they first come to me for help.Perhaps you can relate to these problems too….TRAFFIC ROADBLOCK #1: LOOPHOLES & MIRAGES​I’m sure you’ve seen these “magic pill” traffic solutions yourself.Often presented as “traffic loopholes” in slick sales videos they promise the latest and greatest “top secret” traffic tactics.Or even better traffic software which magically “siphons” visitors from some secret source that apparently exists out there on the web.It can look SO appealing, just like the ONE missing piece of the puzzle that you need to get boatloads of traffic.Until you actually try them out of course…Either they generate little or no traffic at all or in the case of “1 penny dirty cheap clicks” type stuff, the traffic is so low quality it’s not worth having (often because it either comes from automated robots or developing countries like India, Pakistan or Thailand).TRAFFIC ROADBLOCK #2: “THE CREDIBILITY GAP”Have you ever suspected that the advice being dished out by some “experts” is not what they are actually using themselves?In my early days I spent $5,000 on private mentoring.My coach showed me how to get traffic using, amongst other things, SEO. I spent hundreds of hours spread over many months implementing his advice to very little effect.Only later on did I realize that he never used SEO himself to drive traffic for his own business!He wasn’t teaching what he was using himself (which in hindsight was actually very outdated, even at that point). This is The Credibility Gap – a huge problem when it comes to traffic in particular.TRAFFIC ROADBLOCK #3: OVERLOAD PARALYSISDespite the two problems above there ARE a lot of traffic strategies out there that are extremely good, well taught and from reputable sources.That is true today and it was also true when I began in 2010.But the problem I had and so many others still do is sorting the good from bad.This can be so difficult not least because traffic is probably the most complex subjectin our entire industry.Especially when you consider the convoluted way it’s usually taught.It’s almost inevitable that with such a bulk of information from so many different sources you become overloaded with different information.Like a rabbit caught between the headlights you become paralyzed.But that’s not all…If you’ve previously struggled with traffic yourself then you might also recognize some of these additional problems:Unleveraged “Web 1.0” traffic sources such as forum marketing and Yahoo! Answers that involve huge amounts of manual work for uncertain and typically very limited resultsOutdated traffic strategies like Squidoo lenses and article directories that simply waste your time in today’s online environmentTraffic strategies that only work in certain areas such as the internet marketing (IM) nicheWhat if You Could Access a Toolbox of Proven, Evergreen & Highly Leveraged Targeted Traffic Sources That You Can Put to Work for Fast List Building, Sales and  Affiliate Commissions?Well now you can.Introducing….”The strategies and tactics inside The Traffic Matrix are responsible for driving hundreds of thousandsof targeted visitors to my sites…”But it’s not just me…Inside The Traffic Matrix you’ll discover how my successful clients and other independent work-from-home money makers are quietly deploying these strategies across multiple niches with some amazing results in terms of list building and sales.Sounds Great, but What do I Actually Get in the Traffic Matrix?When you arrive inside the members area, the first thing to do is download the Traffic Matrix Mindmap…#1: The Traffic Matrix MindmapThe mindmap will give you a handy, easy to understand overview of the range of traffic techniques inside the members area.In the short video that accompanies the mindmap I talk you through it, explain the main points so you can get the maximum benefit from the rest of the material.No more confusion.No more hunting around for “the missing piece in the jigsaw”.Instead you have everything mapped out in a single PDF reference you can revert to time and time again.#2: The Traffic ModulesAfter going through the mindmap you’ll have a clear understanding of where to start with the main matrix:Use it as a complete traffic discovery platform or a reference you can revisit time and time again.If you watched the video above you’ll have seen that you can also switch to the “List” view where each module is categorized with more detail.Remember: Real Life Examples & Case Studies Are Included Too…There’s nothing worse than wading through a boring, dry and drawn out training course which just consists of theory.That’s why the modular layout of The Traffic Matrix is laced with as many real life examples and case studies as possible.Here’s a small taster of some of the actual real life examples and case studies waiting for you inside The Traffic Matrix:Starting from scratch in a brand new niche, how we used Facebook Ads to generate quality traffic, a list and make affiliate commissions within a just few daysFree and passive buyer traffic and list building without doing product launchesPulling in free traffic from national papers and magazinesHarnessing the power of the fast growing “platform traffic” scene to literally multiply salesThe exact formula used for getting list owners who had never heard of you to send over bulk traffic. Literally, copy and paste the pre-written templates I use myself!…And loads more…!Sounds AWESOME Rob!I understand that The Traffic Matrix is proven for driving targeted traffic that converts and that I can deploy it in any niche, but what else do I get?If you’ve invested in any of my other products you’ll know I aim to under-promise and over-deliver in everything I do online so thank you for asking… Is The Traffic Matrix For You?The Traffic Matrix is for you if you are serious about building a real web-based lifestyle business AND one or more of the following categories applies to you:Brand New OnlineStruggled Previously With TrafficSpeakersConsultants & TrainersAffiliate MarketersProduct CreatorsSoftware PublishersCoachesThe Traffic Matrix is NOT suitable for “shiny object” hunters, loophole chasers, spammers, “biz op” tire kickers or get rich quick dreamers. If that’s you, I wish you well but please don’t invest in the Traffic Matrix because it won’t help you and neither can I.Look, Right Now, You Have 2 Options…Option 1: Close this page and carry on with your day.Keep going with your existing traffic methods and picking up tips from around the web.A product here, an article there, a video somewhere else…Sure it can work.​You can find all the pieces of the jigsaw one by one and then with consistent time and effort you have a reasonable chance of fitting them together in the right order.​Don’t forget though, this is the situation that I was in during my early days and thousands of others who struggle with traffic today also suffer from.It certainly wasn’t pretty for me, or them, but maybe, just maybe, you are different.….Or….Option 2: Be proactive and grab yourself a huge competitive advantage today with The Traffic Matrix.One of the common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs online and offline is that they leverage the experience and knowledge of others.Why reinvent the wheel or blaze a brand new trail into unknown and risky territory when you can simply deploy the same tactics that have been PROVEN to work by others?​If a map to your destination already exists, wouldn’t you just grab it and use it?I’ll see you on the inside. Click the button below and let’s get started…Tag: The Traffic Matrix – Rob Cornish Review. The Traffic Matrix – Rob Cornish download. The Traffic Matrix – Rob Cornish discount.