The structure of Narrative TimeSliding & storytelling Program By Joseph Riggio


Sale page, Archive, Total size: 720MBFormat: Evergreen ProgramStarting date: 5 January 2022Duration: 2 HoursTotal size: 720MBUnlock the Persuasive POWER of Story NOW!Everyone lives from a story they tell themselves about who they are … I know this because I’ve spent the last thirty years helping individuals, families and even entire organizations uncover the story that guides their perception, decision-making and actions … including the habits they just can’t seem to breakThis is a very special opportunity to get exactly what to do to design and deliver stories that entertain, motivate, inspire, instruct, influence and persuade just like master storytellers do … starting with the stories you tell yourself.I’ll show you exactly how you’re organized in time and how to reset how you do that, so the future becomes an experience of “NOW” for you, allowing you to be in the moment who you need to be to achieve everything your put your attention on to accomplish.About Author:Dr. Joseph Riggio is the architect and designer of the MythoSelf Process & SomaSemantics, a neurocognitive scientist and program developer, and he’s the designer of ACT | Adaptive Cogntive Training and Generative Flow performance enhancement training. Joseph is a published author, international speaker and the host of the Performance Alchemy podcast, and, holds additional certification as an IBLEC Certified Master Executive Coach, Society of NLP Master Trainer and Certified Master Hypnotist.