The Social Heartistry Academy


Attract High Quality Women Without Any Tactics, Manipulation And Pick Up RoutinesATTRACTION IS AN EXPRESSION OF YOUR AUTONOMYBecome self-fulfilled and autonomous, with or without womenAttain real core confidence that is not dependent on any situationHave fun and express yourself freely, by letting go. not by doing more tacticsConnect with women in a healthy and effortless way, that feel rightBecome like a sun that women gravitate towardsBUT FIRST… WHO IS JOHN COOPER ?REVEALED !The instructor who escaped the community tells you what the industry doesn’t want you to know. John Cooper is…Relationships CoachAuthor of Amazon Bestseller – Game OverLeader of Social Heartistry MovementArt Director & Former Pick-Up ArtistJOHN’S STORY. . . After a breakup John joined the Pick Up Community: “If I can’t be with the love of my life, I am gonna learn to get ANY girl ANY time ANY place.”He improved rapidly as a “gamer” using the mindsets and techniques of the community, and was “getting” laid  But there was a splinter in his mind. Something was flawed.After some years of teaching at Pick Up companies for men and for women (The Natural Lifestyles, Get the Guy, etc.) he came to realize that scoring a “result” with  women doesn’t make you good with women.PICKUP MADE ME WORSE WITH WOMENPicking girls up with strategies was empty and dishonest and was ultimately making him worse with women than before he got into PUA. Furthermore, he got the insiders view of the industry and how PSYCHOPATHIC everything was.Women were left traumatized as a result of being on the receiving end of these Pick Up acquisitions. They were not met with a loving embrace but were merely collateral damage to feed the egos of the PUAs.There needed to be change…He left the community, made a full recovery and reflected on how the PUA context was DEEPLY FLAWED. He realised that it was built upon the notion of acquiring women to desensitize the inner pain of the community members.He became an internationally recognized authority and started to train the key influencers of the Seduction Community.Has taught in more than 18 countries, wrote an Amazon best seller (Game Over) and before John leaves the dating world to take on new challenges, has collated all his wisdom into one body of work – The Social Heartistry Online Academy.IT’S NO WONDER YOU FELT ANXIOUS DOING PICK UPImagine this…  You are at a club with your “wings” to “pick up” girls, after much sharking around, you notice a beautiful “target”. Immediately a feeling of tension comes up: you know you should “approach” her.You have anxiety but you need to man up and do it. Every step feels like someone’s put lead in your boots and those small steps demand huge courage. Finally you “cold approach” her, but she doesn’t notice you. You wait for a moment, and realize there is no perfect moment.You ‘open‘ with “hello” and ‘transition‘ the strategy into asking her for a dance by touching her hand and she ‘rejects‘ you and gives you that look.You feel ashamed, but at the same time a sense of relief, because you did your mission and it is now over. You go home thinking: Obviously, I need to practice my “game” more. Shit, my friends are going to ask me if I had success and results that night.Sound painfully familiar?PICK UP IS A BLACK HOLE“Pick Up” works like a drug. It is a quick fix for a problem deeply seated inside. You feel a sense of lack and pain, and you quickly go out and seek someone to get away from your pain.You want someone to fill the hole within you, either consciously or subconsciously. The dating industry won’t tell you this, because the sugar rush of “getting laid” is more appealing and marketable than the hard reality of self-exploration and working through emotional pain.Also most of these organisations and their coaches are so deep in pain themselves that they know no other way.So what happens? You finally capture a women, feel good for a fleeting moment and you then quickly need your next hit.This process has no end in the Pick Up paradigm.THE SEDUCTION COMMUNITY QUICKLY SUCKS YOU IN. . .HERE’S WHYWe are starved of women, we need them, we need sex, we find a community promising us a sexual utopia – so long as we follow their how-to guide.However, chasing girls with the acquisition mindset, will push you further and further down the rabbit hole of :ANXIETY & NEEDINESS CONTROL & MANIPULATION SUFFERING & ILL HEALTH99% of the dating world is founded upon the notion that success is “getting” laid. The more you get laid, the better you are with women.  The less you’re getting laid, the more of a loser you are.Falling back can be more painful because when you start to understand and feel the concepts presented in The Social Heartistry Online Academy deeply, with your soul, you liberate yourself from tons of anxiety.When you switch on the Pick Up mindset again (even Natural Game) you start to feel the anxiety again and you chain yourself back to the PUA prison walls.Falling back can be more painful because when you start to understand and feel Social Heartistry deeply, with your soul, you liberate yourself from tons of anxiety. When you switch on the Pick Up mindset again (even Natural Game) you start to feel the anxiety again and you chain yourself back to the PUA prison walls.THE TRUTH ABOUT “NATURAL” GAMEEven within the most evolved type of “Natural” Game you have a specific goal to acquire girls. You need a result to achieve your accomplishment and feel balanced. Inside we know we don’t want to take from others to feed ourselves and so anxiety comes up everytime we see a girl “target”. You want to be honest and use “natural game” but you know deep down that all types of game are wrong because the baseline of game is to acquire.THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE – THE SOCIAL HEARTISTRY WAYImagine now you went out for the night with a group of friends and just wanted to have fun. You don’t feel any pressure to “cold approach” and get “results” because you feel completely at ease, and have this new intention for the evening.You guys are goofing around and totally immersed in the atmosphere of the night.Then you all feel hungry for a snack. You sit down at a table to eat and you notice that two good looking girls are sat next to you.So you extend that fun you’re having out to them. It’s unconditional, it’s an offering and it’s so light and fluid that you do not even have the time to realize that you are deep into a fun conversation with them.NO NEED FOR STRATEGIESThere is no “building attraction” or any other strategy.You add her on Facebook, as you are off to continue your night. An hour or so later you remember to message them and they join your group. They want to too, because you’re the rare breed of guy that’s not in pac man mode, and they feel safe and warm and attracted.You laugh together, flirt, hug, and kiss. You have a GREAT VIBE between you two. She’s that kind of girl you want to see again. And you do. All in all, a fantastic carefree night of fun and enjoyment  and the girl you met was just a nice perk.You felt whole and autonomous, and totally content with or without her. This way it was so effortless that you eventually did not have to perform and do anything to “get” her.This is THE SOCIAL HEARTISTRY way.WELCOME TO THE SOCIAL HEARTISTRY ONLINE ACADEMYA course designed to lead you through to total transformation from being a Pick Up Artist to BEING truly ATTRACTIVEHOW WE ARE DIFFERENTIn The Social Heartistry Online Academy we focus primarily with the relationship with ourselves. Healing the pain and emptiness inside and learning to be totally happy and fulfilled without the need for women.Desiring women is fine.Taking masculine action is fine. Craving for women like a starved wolf and needing sex is certainly not. If you can embody concepts presented in this progam, as a side effect the right women will be more into you than ever before.As a result human relationships will not be a source of using each other to run away from our pain, but a place of beautiful and honest relations motivated by co-creation.Simply put:You can have happiness and create intimacy with girls at the same time being fulfilled long-term. INTRODUCING THE EFFORTLESS WAYSOCIAL HEARTISTRYIs about self-fulfilment and the sharing of this with othersLook at women as real human beingsYou are internally validatedYou have fun and let go, expressing honestly to peopleFeel that you are enoughYou choose quality instead of quantityYou feel already fulfilled with or without womenYou are driven by honesty and integrity in every actionYou don’t need to DO anything to prove yourselfYou don’t need to hide or mask your actions with fake confidenceConnecting with women is healthy and effortless, it feels rightConnect with their soul as well as their bodyFeeling totally healthy, radiating and attractiveCo-create and share yourself unconditionallyTHE HIDDEN DARK SIDE OF GAMEIs all about the need to get results from womenLook at women as objects and targetsAct as if they would not validate you but they doNeed to strategize and use techniques to get an outcomeSeek a quick fix to your deep emptiness and unresolved painConstant need to prove yourself to girls, to your friends and yourselfFeel you are not enough nowYou feel anxiety and you need to blast through your fearsYou need to do things your soul does not want you to doYou seek control of women by using strategies and manipulationNeed to hide your real emotions and vulnerability even to yourselfFeel like a creep and have a creepy vibe (even if it is masked)You constantly operate from survival and FEARConstant Hunting and Aquisition mode with womenINSIDE THE SOCIAL HEARTISTRY ONLINE ACADEMYThe Social Heartistry Online Academy is a the last program about women that you will need, period. It transcends the pick-up paradigm, and introduces a new simplified way of seeing the world. Instead of learning hundreds of different techniques, you will learn the overarching principles that make success with women as well as any other area of life possible.30+ VIDEOSMore then 30 videos that will explain in detail all the principles you need to know to be amazing with women and crush it in life.EXPERIENCED COACHESYou’re in good hands.  John has more then 6 years of experience in the dating world, and Sean, is a CEO of one of the biggest self-improvement websites.6 MODULESAll videos are divided into 6 modules. To structure your learning accordingly we recommend working through each module separately.PDF SUPPORTThroughout the academy, there will be PDF’s of important theory so you can digest in your own time, and have more of an intellectual understanding of the video materialPRIVATE COMMUNITYYou get instant access to the private facebook group, sharing stories, insights and overall support from the alumni community.6 EXTRA BONUSESGet the exclusive bonuses, that include texting guide, first date mastery, lifestyle guide, sex guide, and much more.HIGH QUALITY VIDEO LESSONSMenprovement and John Cooper have worked really hard to create the most powerful training product for you to watch and learn the exact steps you need to take to grow in your confidence with women and life in general.MODULE I : ESCAPING THE GAMEMODULE II : RAISING YOUR VIBRATIONMODULE III : PROJECTING DESIRE & INTENTMODULE IV : EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE & CONVERSATIONMODULE V : INNER BONDING AND HEALING THE HEARTMODULE VI : SOCIAL HEARTISTRY IN ACTIONREMARKABLE TRANSFORMATION ON BOTH SIDES OF YOUR BRAINMost products focus only on the left brain, teaching you linear processes, mechanics, techniques and tricks to memorizing concepts.This can help initially, but these instructors forget that human relationships are based on emotional intelligence not so much the intellect.In this program you are going to learn how to synthesize both LEFT and RIGHT brain.THE RIGHT BRAIN MAGICSocial Heartistry is a right-brain developmental system in its core message. The right brain “thinks” with the heart. And heart-centred awareness is where all the magic happens. It dissolves barriers, moves beyond the dualism of us vs them, transmutes fear into love and creates better relationships with ourselves and othersImportant to emphasize again:The key is to integrate the mind with the heart. If you not only learn with mind, but feel with your heart, changes and benefits occur automatically.THE LEFT BRAIN SHIFTTo understand holistic concepts you first need to engage your left brain and so you will have a series of exercises that piece together the process for you.Once you learn these, you can practice letting go and reclaiming the playful artist in you, that expresses willingly.Most likely you have overwhelmed your intellectual self with unnecessary material. And the effect of this, is that it creates nothing but social and emotional paralysis.WARNING – 100% HONESTY – The Ugly TruthIF YOU WANT A QUICK FIX – THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FOR YOUYou have had 20/30/40 years of programming by society (and by the Pick Up Industry) so turning the tide takes time. The academy is not designed to give you instant pleasure, for e.g you feel pain – go out, pick a girl up and give yourself a high five.That is not success even if you think it may be. It is to instill real, long term principles – healing the deepest pains and turn the neediness into an overflowing life flow.It is going to shift your consciousness and help you to feel whole within yourself, connected and loving, but it won’t promise enlightenment!  The fundamentals are layed, as a solid base that you can build upon.Fortunately, after you start the transformation, there is no way back. Once you embody Social Heartistry there is no unknowing. Your understanding as well as your worldview is going to evolve.THIS PROGRAM IS NOT ABOUT MANIPULATING, CONTROLLING, OR PICKING UP WOMENThis course is not about the acquisition of women. In fact, when you go deep into Social Heartistry, you will find it’s not even about women.This academy will teach you to fulfill yourself, live life with purpose, unconditionally give, come from the heart and offer a co-creative potential to everyone you see (including girls you find attractive) without needing anything at ALL in return, even sex. While a nice perk of this mentality is sex, fun and powerful connections with women – it is not the goal.And if it was the goal, it would just be another tactic to acquire women and inherently fail. This program is unlike anything seen in the community or on the web and is quite advanced. But if you can embody this way of living, your life, your happiness and yes, your sex life, will never be the same.This program is about revealing your true self. Not by becoming someone else, but by arriving into your deepest self under the layers of the lies, the toxicities of “pick up,” social programmes, anxiety, fear, and the ego mind.AMAZING SIDE EFFECTSIf you are still here it means that you are the guy who is driven by his heart. A true heartfelt warrior, and we want true warriors. For your interest let us show you some of the results and side effects that you are going to notice in 6 weeks:Transcend The Current Pickup ParadigmLearn Powerful Unconditional States of BeingStep By Step Guide To Complete Inner TransformationBecome Truly Magnetic To WomenUnderstand The Principles That Create AttractionLearn The Main Differences Between Hunting for Women And What We Teach (That Makes Pick Up Obsolete)How To Really Let Go And Understanding What Attraction MeansSee Through The Matrix Of Social Conditioning And See The World For The First Time How It Really isLearn The 3 Core Principles That Turns Strategy into Unconditional ExpressionHow To Eliminate Rejection With Women Through A Shift in PerspectiveLearn what Attraction Actually Means, and How you Can Never Be Attractive If You’re “Approaching”Learn One Simple Concept That Will Help You Project Your Intent To A Girl Without Making Her UncomfortableLearn Intimate Touch And Lead a Situation That Will Make Her Feel AppreciatedApproach Anxiety Demistyfied – Why You Feel It And What To Do About ItNever Again Run Out Of Things To Say – How To Talk To a Girl In a Way That Makes It EngagingLearn How To Navigate The Situation In Any Group ScenarioBecome Social Genius By Understanding All The Different Social Nuances That Are At Play When You Interact With PeopleLearn How Actions of Game/PUA Are Coming from a Wound of AbandonmentHow To Reconnect Back to Our Inner Child And Be The Loving ParentBring Yourself Back Into Wholeness and Eliminate NeedinessLearn How To Live And Breath The Principles We Presented In Your Daily LifeTurning Every Transaction into an Interaction & RehumanisingMove Through the World Coming from Creation not ContaminationHUMAN RELATIONSHIPSBetter Quality PeopleBetter Sex LifeMore ConnectednessEMOTIONAL WELLBEINGHealing The Inner PainInner PeaceFeel YoungerEVERYDAY LIFEMore CreativityMore AuthenticityMore EmpathySPIRITUAL EVOLUTIONHigher ResonanceHigher ConsciousnessAttracting Better PeopleMOST FULFILLED YOURadiate Positive EnergyNo more Guilt or ShameFeel PowerfulLIFE MISSIONUnlocking Your PotentialFinding Your Core GiftFinding Your PassionTag: The Social Heartistry Academy Review. 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