INTRODUCING THE SITTING SOLUTIONThe sitting solution is a series of videos and guides where we personally teach you the exact movements you can use to restore your body and relieve chronic pain by gently unlocking the “mutated” and “conditioned” muscles.These are the exact methods we have taught in our practice for years, saving hundreds and hundreds of people thousands in medical bills.Each movement is specially designed to have you feeling relaxed and stress-free within a few days, so you can expect FAST results, even if you sit for HOURS each day.The Sitting Solution will gently restore a strong and upright posture, decompress your chest and improve spinal alignment…which in turn forms a beautiful erect stature, freeing your internal organs, opening up your circulation and restoring ease and mobility through your entire body.Imagine lasting relief from intense chronic pain, stiff necks, constant headaches, cloudy thinking, and poor sleep…Imagine a life not controlled by your latest pain-management appointment, your movement not limited due to fear of causing pain, and years of life without aches and pains on the very edge of your consciousness every second of the day.We help you get your freedom back so you can look forward to life again.Here Is Exactly What You Get:We have 42 movements specifically designed to reverse the effects of sitting.Each movement has a video, a visual guide, and in-depth written instruction explaining what the movement is doing and why it helps your body. Plus the movements are organized into 5 different programs to fit your exact needs and workspace environment such as:A workspace without wallsNo access or wish to use any equipmentAccess to minor equipment (like a resistance band)Access to gym equipment (kettle bell, foam roller, etc…)And special circumstances (like a long flight or car ride)  The entire solution is simple and gentle – so you can start immediately even if you are in massive pain. In fact, the movements are gentle enough that practically any age can use The Sitting Solution without a problem – and we’ll be with you every step of the way.The movements can also be done in as little as 2-4 minutes. This allows you to restore your body’s natural form and function without having to worry about crazy exercise routines, or huge time commitments. Plus the movements feel GREAT and are FUN, so you actually look forward to doing them! (It’s like the glorious stretch you have in the morning after a night of deep sleep…)Because The Sitting Solution has programs that can be performed anywhere…you don’t need any special workout accessories, a special outfit or a workout room. You can do the movements wherever you are – on the go, in your office, in your living-room…it doesn’t matter.So whether you don’t want equipment or you are a die-hard gym lover – we have you covered.After YEARS Of Sitting And Annoying Pain…Your Body DESPERATELY Needs This…Your body will love returning to its natural state…and you will love a boost in confidence and the new reservoir of physical energy your body will give you throughout the day.By investing in your body and feeling great, you will love the peace and comfort that comes from knowing that you are protecting your future and ensuring your body is reacting and functioning properly – even while sitting.No more feeling guilty or trapped by a sedentary habit that you just can’t avoid – and no more suffering the daily discomfort and pain from that habit.I KNOW You Care About Your Future Health… And You Don’t Want to Eat Healthy And Exercise For Nothing!We all do little things, week after week, because we want to look and feel great. Maybe we don’t eat a second slice of pie. Maybe we’ve stopped smoking or drinking soda.Some of us might even workout every day or avoid sugar.Whatever it is – no one wants to suffer a few years from now. We want to be fully alive, attractive and sexy. And we want to do what we can to invest in our future.The Sitting Solution is one of the most practical, easy and effective methods to invest in your future…and more importantly…if you invest in other areas and ignore this area?You could be sitting in an empty, sterile white room…waiting to hear the horrible news that changes your life forever.Save yourself from heartache, a disease-ridden body and thousands and thousands in medical bills.It is vitally important you do something about sitting…before it’s too late.Now, I’m Sure You Might Be Wondering…How Much?This is the first time that we’ve made this product available to the public, so we have a special introductory early bird price.We’ve already had reviewers say that our starting price was too low for how amazing this solution has made them feel each and every day…But don’t worry. Today the investment is still the “early bird” special price…and we’ve even included some extra bonuses worth well over $100.For perspective, let’s just look at what our patients normally end up spending trying to relieve just one small issue caused by sitting: their chronic back and neck pain.Remember, 80% of people in the United States will likely deal with this issue at some point in their life because of chronic sitting.A single Chiropractor treatment usually costs them $45 – $60…A massage session runs $50 or more…And Acupuncture usually costs between $45…and even up to $100.Not to mention the time, gas money and effort it takes to show up for these appointments each week…And when people are in pain, it’s really easy to spend at least $20 – $30 a month on painkillers, hot patches, rubs, and other “instant relief” items.The reality is that most people end up spending at least $200 a month (or $2,400 a year) – just trying to get relief!But trying to “band-aid” a deep problem while it gets worse means you end up spending EVEN more money a few months down the road.Things like medications and advanced treatments bring the annual average to over $3,000.And I know several of our patients got epidural shots for their back – which was a reoccurring $1,500 dollars every three months! (Which is another $6,000 a year – not to mention a $2,000 MRIs and X-Rays).And back surgery? Anywhere from $2,500 to a shocking $80,000 – even though it only has a 50% success rate!And this example only touches on the chronic back pain issue…it doesn’t even address the other multiple health issues sitting can cause!We wanted to make The Sitting Solution affordable for anyone…because NO ONE deserves to be in chronic pain from something so simple.But Just To Make Sure That You KNOW You Are Getting Over-The-Top Value…We’re including five key bonuses that will accelerate and expand your results – so you can dismantle the internal stress caused by sitting even FASTER.1 The Anti-Inflammatory Diet GuideWhen your body is stressed by sitting, inflammation often triggers back and neck pain. This guide explains inflammation and how it drives pain in your body, and gives you the tools to manage the inflammation with diet and lifestyle changes.After this guide, you will be able to confidently reduce inflammation, feel great, and even lose a little weight!2 The Anti-Inflammatory Shopping GuideThis shopping guide takes the principles in the Inflammation guide and gives you “done for you shopping” list. Now you can stop stressing out in the aisles and walking all over the store. This list of great tasting foods makes shopping incredibly simple and easy.3 The Sexy Shoulder SecretSitting destroys your naturally attractive and sexy posture. If you want to supercharge your sex appeal – you know posture is critical. These 9 exercises accelerate your results so your confident self shines through in no time. 48 Steps to a Pain Free Back (and how to solve it!)Are you in back pain RIGHT NOW? This guide shows you seven specific exercises that deliver back pain relief, pushing your results with the sitting guide into overdrive and speeding up your healing process. 5 The Simple Solution To Pain-Free JointsA Yoga instructor’s personal joint mobility routine will give you 10 minutes of bliss to keep you out of joint pain and feeling great. This small routine has unbelievable results and is so fast and easy, it’s a breeze to add to your day.Get The Sitting Solution – Chad Walding, Only Price $27Tag: The Sitting Solution – Chad Walding Review. The Sitting Solution – Chad Walding download. The Sitting Solution – Chad Walding discount. sitting solutions. sitting solution pdf. advanced sitting solutions. the sitting solution book.