The Shogun Method – Derek Drake


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Derek DrakeLifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +7000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase The Shogun Method – Derek Drake courses at here with PRICE $79.97 $32This could well be the fastest Method for a man to wield the ultimate control and dominance over a woman, bar none…… and yet very few even know of its existence.Even the leading gurus and “Pickup Artists” have no idea.I knew this only because I had stumbled upon this Method by accident.Close to 10 years ago, being completely wrecked emotionally from a horrible breakup (and sick of getting rejected repeatedly after trying to “get back into the dating scene”)… I went on a “do-or-die” mission to seek out the quickest, most effective way to control and dominate women ever known to humankind.My year-long quest led me to an ultra-secretive group known as the MKDELTA. This was where forbidden knowledge on Mind Control was being shared freely behind iron walls closed to the outside world.Members of MKDELTA dissected insidious Mind Control techniques that put their victims into a cult-like trance and turning them into emotional slaves, in body and in mind. I was, however, interested only in one very specific thing…Unlimited power over women.During the three years I was in the group I completely immersed myself in Mind Control techniques, and I ended up formulating a step-by-step Method on how to use stealthy Mind Control techniques on women to generate raw, almost animalistic attraction to me.This Method is built around this one very fundamental (and yet little-known) truth about women –The Woman’s Mind Has A Natural Flaw That Can Be Easily ExploitedThe Woman’s Mind Has A Natural Flaw That Can Be Easily ExploitedWomen have a flaw embedded deep inside their minds which make them vulnerable to men who know how to exploit that flaw.The existence of this flaw in the female mind had been scientifically established by famous psychologists like Carl Jung, Alfred Kinsey and Sigmund Freud. However, given how controversial it is, you can understand why this important finding has been covered up over the years by the politically correct mass media…… and yet once you know what this flaw is, it will change how you view love and attraction forever, and it is this:A woman has absolutely NO CONTROL over who to fall in love with.Think about it for a minute. What could this mean?Pretty simple, actually. It means that women don’t get attracted to men just because they consciously DECIDE to feel it. In other words, it naturally happens.Try asking your female friends what made them attracted to the last guys they were with, and they will tell you the same thing…… that it just ‘happened‘.Of course, you already know that nothing ‘just happens’ without reason!Now since a woman can’t control who to feel attracted to, we can FORCE her to feel attraction… as long as we have the ability to push every single ‘Attraction Button’ that is hard-wired into her mind.Interestingly, guys are also hard-wired with these Attraction Buttons.For example, our attraction to a blonde, luscious Playboy model is automatic and instantaneous. Why? Simple really… it’s because she pushes every Attraction Button which is hard-wired into our male brains.Let’s try a fun thought experiment, okay? First, look at this picture:-Imagine this woman stepping into your room, smiling, sitting your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck.Picture this in your mind for a couple of seconds. I’ll wait. How do you feel?Next, imagine this woman shown in the picture below coming into your room and sitting on your lap…How do you feel now?Of course, if you are a healthy, red-blooded male, then you’ll be turned on more by that sexy lingerie model than that old woman.Here’s the explanation…For us guys, our Attraction Buttons are pushed when we see specific physical qualities in a woman like body and facial symmetry, breast size and shape, and waist to hip ratio for example.For a woman, however, it’s completely different because she is driven only by her emotions and nothing else.This means that if you have the ability to evoke a certain ‘hot’ emotion inside a woman, then she will feel immediate attraction for and subservience to you. And this happens without the need for her to consciously think about it.Therefore, with the right approach, you can exploit this flaw inside a woman’s mind to your advantage…In particular, with Mind Control tactics, you will have the power to hack into her mind, push her Attraction Buttons and BRUTE FORCE her to be attracted to you.And when that happens, she will be subservient to your authority, and she won’t even have a choice about it.Introducing Shogun Method™: Hardcore Mind Control Attraction Tactics Now Handed To You On A Silver PlatterMy name is Derek Rake, and I am the creator of the Shogun Method™.Unlike other dating or “Pickup Artist” products, Shogun Method™ is the world’s one and only dating system built on military-grade Mind Control technology.If you want the ability to control a woman’s mind completely and make her emotionally enslaved to you, then this is the only place where you will get it, period.With Shogun Method™, you will be using cutting-edge Mind Control techniques to directly access her mind, push those red-hot Attraction Buttons and make her fall in love with you as quickly as possible.At the same time, you will covertly bypass her emotional defense mechanism, making it virtually impossible for her to reject you.And here’s the best thing about Shogun Method™ – it works no matter if you want to meet new women or to get an ex-girlfriend or wife back.Sounds good? And it gets better, I promise you.Now before I tell you more about the Shogun Method™, I’d like to explain to you what it’s not.It is not a complicated method which you will need to study for weeks or even days to make it work.It does not require any special skills or prior knowledge.It does not require you to know any mind control or hypnosis techniques.It is not something that works only in very specific situations.It is not for advanced seducers only.It is not for ‘players’ or ‘harem builders’ only – the techniques can be used to attract only one or as many women as you wish.And most importantly it is not anything unethical, and it does not involve lying to or scamming women.Shogun Method™ is ideal for…Guys who want unlimited power and dominance over womenGuys who want to generate attraction instantly without having to rely on lame pickup lines and “openers”Guys wanting to get their ex-girlfriend (or wife) back and never to see her leave againGuys who want the ability to make women fall in love with them at willGuys looking to improve the relationship with their girlfriends or wives by knowing exactly how they think and feelGuys who want women to be subservient to their authority and dominanceGuys who want to get out from the dreaded “friend zone”… and get into the “lover zone”Guys who want to have choices with women and have a relationship without the drama, confusion and headacheGuys who are getting back into the game and want to sharpen their dating skills with the best attraction techniques, bar noneGuys looking to turn a casual friend or co-worker into a devoted lover… and get her to be physically and emotionally addicted to themGuys who are sick and tired of dating advice ebooks which are ambiguous, confusing, and require unnecessary workGuys who want to get out from the dreaded “friend zone”… and get into the “lover zone”Guys who want strong, healthy and loving relationships which last as long as they want – possibly a lifetimeNow before we go any further, I need to come clean with you…If you’re looking for yet another “Pickup Artist” fad or magical “Dating Guru” tricks then I’m telling you right now that you won’t find any of that junk here.You know what I mean, and c’mon, let’s be honest.“Dating Guru” and “Pickup Artist” stuff are not real solutions, and deep down in your gut you already know that they don’t work.Unlike “Pickup Artist” ebooks, Shogun Method™ is not some pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense. It’s the real deal, and it’s only for guys who are serious about wanting unlimited power and dominance over women.What I have done is to make it as easy as humanly possible for any guy to have any woman he wants. And so, while love and relationships are certainly no walk in the park as you have already known, Shogun Method™ makes it more of a snap.How Shogun Method™ Is Different From Other Dating Advice ProgramsENSLAVEMENT, NOT SEDUCTION“Seduction” is a fool’s game. If you want a woman to stick with you forever, you must ENSLAVE her to you. Want a happy, long-lasting relationship or marriage? Then ENSLAVEMENT is key.NO “PICKUP” OR “GURU” TRICKSPickup Artist (“PUA”) tricks and mainstream “Dating Guru” advice are too generic or just plain useless. It’s time to get serious and learn what truly works – Mind Control Enslavement.LONG-TERM, NOT SHORT-TERMShogun Method builds healthy, long-term relationships that last a lifetime. Those looking for flimsy one-night stand “tricks” and short-term flings should go elsewhere.100% BACKED BY SCIENCEShogun Method is effective because unlike mainstream dating advice, it is based on scientifically proven female psychology fundamentals as well as robust, decades-old hypnosis principles.WORKS ACROSS CULTURES AND LANGUAGESShogun Method is not limited by boundaries, cultures and languages. As long as she can understand you then Shogun Method will work on her. Women are wired the same way psychologically – no matter where she’s from or what language she speaks.GO AS FAST (OR SLOW) AS YOU WANTThe beauty of Shogun Method is that you are entirely in control. Want fast results? Use Fractionation on her (which you can learn in minutes). At the same time, make her yours forever by applying the IRAE Model on her.100% FIELD-TESTEDShogun Method has worked for more than 17,000 men around the world, and it WILL work for you. We will arm you with real-life skills that will give you the power to navigate through the maze of love and relationships with ease and confidence.NOT JUST AN “EBOOK”You’ll be joining the brotherhood of Shogun Method practitioners sworn to protect the sanctity of this precious knowledge. Get all the help and support you need from your fellow Shoguns as you embark on this exciting journey!What’s Inside Shogun Method™?You’ll get lifetime access to videos, audios and study guides (all in digital, downloadable format) as well as free program upgrades for the next three (3) yearsThis is the only complete guide on Fractionation you’ll find anywhere in the world, periodModule 1: FractionationThe grand-daddy of all Mind Control and extreme persuasion methods, Fractionation is what the pro’s use to make a woman fall in love: in as little as 15 minutes. The Shogun Method™ contains the most comprehensive guide to Fractionation ever developed – with chock full of examples of scripts that you can use immediately on the woman you want to attract today. Using Fractionation in dating is said to be like bringing a nuclear bomb to a gunfight, and for good reason!The world’s first Video Case Study on Fractionation containing a blow-by-blow analysis on how to use Fractionation to control and dominate a womanFive (5) never-before-seen Fractionation scripts: shortcut the attraction process by using these on the woman you want to attract today, and get her to surrender to you, physically and emotionallyLearn the One Sentence Fractionation, the concise version which delivers a knockout punch in just one sentenceDiscover Conversational Fractionation, the newbie-friendly version which takes very little effort to get great results like the experts doFind out about Locational Fractionation, a groundbreaking method where you can fractionate a woman using only body language – works a treat when combined with Conversational FractionationThe Fractionation module comes with a downloadable Companion Guide on the ‘Rollercoaster’ storytelling technique. Combining Fractionation with the Rollercoaster technique is like injecting a good dose of steroids into your game – there’s nothing else quite like it!Module 2 contains the three Preconditions which you must agree to for the Shogun Method to work its magicModule 2: Three PreconditionsThe Shogun Method™ only work for you if you obey the Three Preconditions described in this module. Find out what the Preconditions are, and why they are absolutely crucial to your success. If you have not been getting the results that you wanted with women, the chances are that you’ve been (unknowingly) violating one (or all!) of these Preconditions.Caution: The content inside this module may be offensive to some people. Keeping an open mind is absolutely necessary as you digest this material.Learn what the Three Preconditions are, and why they are essential to your success as a Mind Control practitionerWhy every single human being is a manipulator, and why you must be comfortable accepting your true nature as a manipulator (controversial!)Discover why Mind Control and covert persuasion is so frighteningly effective when used to control and dominate womenFind out about the “Stealth Mode” – on how to be completely under the radar with a woman until it’s too late to resist your advancesLearn how to keep the Shogun Method™ a secret: you’ll want to keep this knowledge to yourself once you acquired it!In Module 3, you will learn the flaws of the female mind which make her vulnerable to Mind ControlModule 3: Flaws In The Female MindThere’s no need to sugarcoat the fact that the Shogun Method™ is designed to be manipulative! The reason the Method works so well is that it exploits and manipulates the psychological flaws which are naturally found inside the female mind. In this module, you’ll learn what these flaws are, and how to manipulate them to your benefit.Learn what the “bug” in the female psyche is, and how you can exploit this “bug” to dominate any womanDiscover the female Attraction Buttons, and how to push them to generate intense attractionKnow about the Repulsion Buttons, and how to avoid pushing them mistakenly which will make a woman find you repulsiveLearn about the “Moist Robot Hypothesis” and how you can psychologically program any woman to respond to you the way you wantAcquire the key to ultimate devotion by triggering the right emotions about you using covert Mind ControlThe IRAE Model is the blueprint to the female mind: know it and you’ll understand how and what she thinksModule 4: The IRAE ModelWelcome to the heart of the Shogun Method™ action! The IRAE Model is the “gut” of the Shogun Method™ – it is the definitive, 4-stage roadmap you can use to attract any woman from start to finish: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Enslavement (“IRAE“).The IRAE Model greatly simplifies the process because with it, you’ll only need to do just one thing at one time. It will give you a clear head on what to exactly do and say without feeling overwhelmed.Learn what the IRAE Model is, described in a simple diagram which you can download and printGet a birds-eye view of the four stages in the IRAE Model: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and EnslavementLearn the real reasons why guys fail with women (this section will explain why women lose interest, or put guys in the “friend zone”)Learn what the “Three Core Elements of Influence” are, and why they must all be present for a woman to fall in loveFind out about the two Mind Control concepts (“Pain Limit” and “Action Limit”), and how to use them to force a woman subtly to do what you want her to doDiscover the Desirability Scale and how you can quickly and simply gauge how attractive you are to the woman you want to attractBy mastering the art of generating Intrigue, you will be able to control any woman’s attention span, and captivate herModule 5: IntrigueGenerating Intrigue is the first step in the IRAE Model. If you’re choosing to obtain just one “superpower” inside the Shogun Method™ – then it should be the ability to capture a woman’s attention with Intrigue. This module will show you how to do exactly that.Learn the one particular flaw in the woman’s psychology which makes her especially vulnerable to Mind ControlDiscover why if you have the ability to guide and influence a woman’s “intuition”, you will have the power to control her emotionsFind out about the “Hot” and “Cold” modes of the female brain, and how you can force her brain to be in “Hot” mode constantly with a simple hackKnow why the female brain is always looking for novelty and amusement, and how you can exploit this need to make a woman intrigued by you quicklyDiscover the easiest method on developing your own provocative Intrigue Story which you can use to capture any woman’s attention the first three seconds you meet herLearn the five elements of a good Intrigue Story: B____, F____, D____, T____ C____ and C____Find out how to capture her attention like an expert with a subtle technique that is used by master storytellers and Hollywood movie makersDiscover how to use “Multiple Sub Plots” to get her brain in “Hot” mode continuously and captivate her imaginationLearn the magic of an Intrigue Ping – the first sentence that you must say when you approach a woman (with sample lines you can use immediately today)Discover a covert Mind Hack technique that makes her desperately eager to talk to you… so that she seduces herself for youKnow why being ambiguous will increase your Desirability automaticallyLearn how to avoid the biggest mistake that you may already be making – especially when you have been using “Pickup Artist” (PUA) style openersUnearth the secrets of the ultimate Shogun Method arsenal – the Shogun Sequences. These are patterns or verbal scripts used to invoke desired emotions in a woman… linking those emotions to youLearn how to deliver Shogun Sequences smoothly like a seasoned pro without sounding awkward and like a weirdoDiscover the “Magic Locket Sequence” which exploits a woman’s inability to tell fantasy from reality, and bring out her hidden needs in a manLearn about three “Higher Powers” mini Sequences which exploit her built-in fascination for esoteric beliefsFind out how to ignite her passions and transfer them to you using the “Passion Binding Sequence”Get answers to all your Intrigue creation questions in a detailed FAQ Section – we leave no stones unturned and no questions unansweredTrying to build attraction without first establishing rapport is a classic newbie mistake. This module gives you all the essentials in creating rock-hard rapport with a woman you’ve just met, or have known for agesModule 6: RapportTrying to attract a woman without first building rapport is a classic newbie mistake. In the “Rapport” stage of the IRAE Model, you’ll get industrial strength Mind Control rapport building tactics that will make a woman eat out of your hands absolutely in no time at all.Learn the little-known fact that a woman psychologically is designed to “seduce” herself to a man with minimal or no outside intervention (controversial!)Discover the Shogun Method™ Rapport Development Model (RDM), a simple tool to help you go from low rapport to high rapport with a woman in the shortest time possibleSidestep the classic “Pickup Artist” mistake of forcing familiarity to build rapport – this tip alone will stop you from getting rejected for being deceitful, needy and unauthenticLearn how to use “Mind Control Mirroring” and covert body language to build subconscious rapport with a woman – she will feel as if she has known you for years even though she has just met youDiscover the top six Mirroring “hacks” you can immediately use to establish rapport at breakneck speedInstall the Social Calibration System inside your subconscious so that you can rapidly and automatically sense if a woman likes youLearn how to detect the smallest signals of attraction, like, a twitch of the eyebrows or changes in breathing patternUnderstand how to use the Anti-Demand Tactic to create an automatic desire inside her to pursue you (she has got absolutely no control over this!)Learn how to make her the “aggressor” in the interaction by using a set of Mind Control tactics called Conversational HooksFind out how to combine Conversational Hooks with Fractionation, giving you a unique and effective way to deepen emotional rapport and give your own level of Desirability a boostLearn the top five deadly rapport mistakes that most guys make, and how you avoid making themDiscover the Emptiness Sequence which is designed to elicit a woman’s deepest and darkest needs in two simple stepsLearn the Shared Universe Sequence, developed to exploit a woman’s need to belong to social groups – you can use this to create an imaginary world consisting only you and her, giving you the opportunity to isolate her from other guys (read: her boyfriend!)Inside the Shogun Method, you’ll only need two (yes, two) to get a woman attracted to you. Inside this Module, you’ll get armed to the teeth with these two techniquesModule 7: AttractionOnce you’ve laid the foundations of Intrigue and Rapport, it’s time to kick into high gear and start to Attract her. Inside the Shogun Method™, you’ll only need two (yes, two) techniques to make a woman attracted to you. Learn what these two techniques are, and how you can use them in a simple, step-by-step roadmap inside the Attraction Development Model (ADM).Learn why you should never start to attract a woman before establishing rapport (a classic newbie mistake!)Find out about the two flaws in the female mind which you will exploit to generate immense attraction in a womanDiscover the ENTICE / REPEL cycle which exploits the two flaws in the female mind to hack into a woman’s mind and push her Attraction Buttons, completely under the radarLearn how to speak in the same way that a woman talks to herself so that her subconscious believes that whatever you say are her own thoughts (sneaky!)Know how to ENTICE a woman using the covert Mind Control technique of Implanted Commands that will subconsciously make a woman desire you immensely, bypassing her conscious and rational mind completelyGet the world’s one and only complete list of 44 Implanted Commands to be added to your Mind Control arsenal – think of these as your secret weapon that you can use to attract any woman you see, anytime and anywhereLearn how to use the B______ tactic to camouflage the Implanted Command so that it goes undetected by her conscious mindDiscover how to make a suggestion to your target that gets automatically accepted since it is not possible to be rejectedLearn why you must REPEL a woman to make her fall in love with youGet to know a killer Devalidation technique which makes a woman desire and think about you all the timeDiscover a little-used (but deadly effective) Negative Body Language technique which compels a woman to chase after youLearn how to use the B____ P_____ to make a woman work to develop and maintain rapport with you – you will exploit her fear of losing out to force her subconsciously to pursue youFind out how you can use the Shared Experiences Sequence to short-circuit her rational mind and appeal directly to her emotions so that she falls in love with you helplesslyDiscover the Dream Guy Sequence by making her imagine her Dream Guy, and by hacking her mind, forcing her to see you as her Dream GuyEnslavement strategies are unique to the Shogun Method – you’re likely never to find these anywhere else, guaranteedModule 8: EnslavementThe first three stages of the IRAE Model (Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction) are about making a woman fall in love. The fourth stage, Enslavement, is about making a woman stay in love. If you want to dominate and control a woman for life, then these one-of-a-kind Enslavement techniques are what you need. As these tactics can cause irreparable harm to a woman’s psyche (usually permanently), we must ask you ONLY TO USE IF NECESSARY. We shall not be held responsible if anything goes wrong (i.e. if she turns into a stalker). Thank you for understanding.The Black Rose Sequence is the single most powerful hypnotic pattern ever developed, and is the heart of the Shogun Method’s Enslavement module. This is the only place in the world where the real Black Rose Sequence can be found. If you’ve seen an alleged copy of it elsewhere, you’ve seen a fake. Don’t get duped!Discover how Enslavement techniques can bestow to you the superpowers to captivate a woman and put her under your thumb for as long as you wantLearn how to segregate a woman from the outside world so that she overly depends on you (at least psychologically) to survive (caution: may be offensive to some)Know how to isolate a woman emotionally using the combo tactics of Shared Experiences and Shared SecretsDiscover why you should introduce “disasters” in the relationship to make it strongerFind out about “Inoculation”, and learn how to protect your woman from being mind-hacked by other guys who know mind control or Shogun MethodLearn the “Prophesy” tactic and use it to install “virtual walls” around your target, making it impossible for her to leave you for another manDiscover how you can use “Hearsay” to plant ideas in her mind covertly: you will be the puppet master pulling her strings and she won’t even know itFinally, add the infamous 4-step Black Rose Sequence into your Mind Control toolset – with this one pattern, you will be able to dominate any woman completely and make her yours foreverCAUTION: If you are the kind who is easily offended by straight talk about human manipulation then you may not want to learn the tactics inside this module.The Enslavement techniques I teach here come from the real world, and are used by every single dictator and cult leader to brainwash their followers. If you don’t think you can handle the straight talk about the darker side of psychology, then don’t look.Get The Shogun Method – Derek Drake, Only Price 32$Tag: The Shogun Method – Derek Drake Review. The Shogun Method – Derek Drake download. The Shogun Method – Derek Drake discount.Purchase The Shogun Method – Derek Drake courses at here with PRICE $79.97 $32