The Shame Spiral: Release Shame and Cultivate Healthy Attachment in Clients with Anxiety, Trauma, Depression and Relational Difficulties – Debra Premashakti Alvis


6 Hours 15 MinutesDebilitating and complex, shame is among the most destructive of human emotions. Depression, violence, anxiety – it emerges in a variety of ways that are profoundly damaging to your clients’ lives and the lives of those around them.Purchase The Shame Spiral: Release Shame and Cultivate Healthy Attachment in Clients with Anxiety, Trauma, Depression and Relational Difficulties – Debra Premashakti Alvis courses at here with PRICE $99.99 $49“Who could ever love you?”“I knew you’d fail.”Debilitating and complex, shame is among the most destructive of human emotions. Depression, violence, anxiety – it emerges in a variety of ways that are profoundly damaging to your clients’ lives and the lives of those around them.Working with clients experiencing unhealthy shame presents you with a formidable therapeutic challenge. How do you effectively manage something that hides in the shadows … that by its very nature is so excruciating that it pushes people toward avoidance? How do you heal something that lurks behind masks of anger and defensiveness? How do you break through to suffering individuals who’ve spent a lifetime viewing themselves as wrong, unlovable, and unworthy of getting better?releaseWatch this recording and help your clients end avoidance, face their shame, and rewrite their story of dysfunctional self-worth and condemnation into one of compassionate acceptance.Key Benefits:Teach clients to manage shame without resorting to destructive measures.Reduce judgmental thoughts and reactivity with mindfulness.Cultivate secure self-attachment with somatic approaches.Discover how shame complicates trauma treatment and how addressing shame can help you expedite recovery.Build resiliency to shame with interventions based on empathy, forgiveness and compassion.Enhance client attunement with clinical strategies that replicate conditions for healthy attachment.Characterize how shame complicates the treatment of trauma and specify how shame can be worked with in traumatized clients.Evaluate how shame can be addressed in your treatment plans with self-forgiveness interventions that can help facilitate recovery.Communicate how anxiety generated by feelings of shame can be managed with breathing techniques that can be taught in-session.Establish how depressed clients can manage shame generated negative emotions with imagery-based compassion exercises.Analyze how mindfulness can be incorporated into therapy with shame-prone clients to reduce judgmental thoughts and reactivity.Get The Shame Spiral: Release Shame and Cultivate Healthy Attachment in Clients with Anxiety, Trauma, Depression and Relational Difficulties of author  Debra Premashakti Alvis only  price 44$Recognize Shame: Assessment ToolsShame vs. guiltMulticultural perspectivesHow addressing shame expedites treatmentReading the body – non-verbal signs of shameInterviewing questions for assessing shame in:Key relationships and current patternsSexual, physical or verbal abuse, trauma, and neglectShame and Attachment Styles: Clinical Strategies to Cultivate Secure Attachment and Self-CompassionCharacteristics of shaming environmentsConcerns of adults shamed in childhoodStrategies to replicate conditions for healthy attachmentHow to enhance presence, attunement, resonance and trustDignity in the telling – titrating shame exposureSomatic approaches to cultivate secure attachmentDevelopmental movementsHorizontal processingSelf-compassion exercisesInterventions to address interpersonal difficultiesBefriend bodily sensationsCommon humanity visualizationsAddress Shame in Your Trauma Treatment Plans: Reclaim the Body from Shame with Breath and MovementHow shame complicates trauma recoveryPolyvagal theory – shame and the shutdown responseShame and victims of sexual assault – from victim to survivorExercises to strengthen connectionsBelongingness treasuresDivine child mandalaI am meditation – choosing visibilityInterventions based in breath and movementHeart mudra and breath – embracing resistanceThe peaceful warriorEffectively Intervene in the Downward Spiral of Shame, Anxiety and Depression: Cognitive approaches that lean into ruminatory shamePut shame into perspectiveDispute shame messagesAnxiety interventions for the shame-prone clientBreath and movement strategies to stem panicHow yoga addresses anxiety symptomsBreak through shame fueled depression with:Techniques to bring shame to lightProsocial behaviorImagery-based compassion exercisesThe Devastating Impact of Shame in Relationships: Build, Maintain and Repair Couple and Family RelationshipsUnmask shame – anger and other disguisesEngage partners in shame reparationShame resiliency strategies – empathy, forgiveness and compassionForgiveness in practice – Releasing breath with mantraIdentify shame wounds and antidotesMindful RAIN for shame – regulate emotions and reduce judgmental thoughtsShame Research, Limitations and Treatment RisksGet The Shame Spiral: Release Shame and Cultivate Healthy Attachment in Clients with Anxiety, Trauma, Depression and Relational Difficulties of author  Debra Premashakti Alvis only  price 49$Tag: “The Shame Spiral: Release Shame and Cultivate Healthy Attachment in Clients with Anxiety, Trauma, Depression and Relational Difficulties – Debra Premashakti Alvis Review. The Shame Spiral: Release Shame and Cultivate Healthy Attachment in Clients with Anxiety, Trauma, Depression and Relational Difficulties – Debra Premashakti Alvis download. The Shame Spiral: Release Shame and Cultivate Healthy Attachment in Clients with Anxiety, Trauma, Depression and Relational Difficulties – Debra Premashakti Alvis discount.Purchase The Shame Spiral: Release Shame and Cultivate Healthy Attachment in Clients with Anxiety, Trauma, Depression and Relational Difficulties – Debra Premashakti Alvis courses at here with PRICE $99.99 $49