The Selling Family – Amazon Boot Camp v4.0


Did you know that people just like you and me are selling everyday things on Amazon and making a full-time income doing it? Are you ready to take your savvy shopping skills and turn it into a money generating business? Or, maybe you aren’t even the best deal finder, but you’ve heard that people are buying out clearance aisles and cashing in using the Amazon FBA program? Either way…I am ready to show you exactly how you can start taking the sad items that end up on dusty clearance shelves and turn them into bright shiny products that the RIGHT buyers are searching for and are ready to pay premium prices for! Maybe none of your local neighbors are wanting to purchase that funky turtle shower curtain that Big Lots grabbed during a liquidation deal…But I bet there is someone across the states that has been looking for that exact piece to finish off her bathroom masterpiece. I mean, you’ve probably even found yourself in that scenario, right? Your favorite shampoo gets discontinued, so you pay a premium on Amazon? Or you can no longer find that game your son has been asking for, even though it was just on clearance! Now you have to head over to Amazon and pay full price for it! Trust me, I’ve been there, done that too…You are not alone. This is exactly what makes the Retail Arbitrage business model work so well with the Amazon FBA Program! You get to bring the products people are looking for to the Amazon marketplace and make a profit while doing so. And the best part: Amazon will do all of the packing and shipping for you! STEP-BY-STEP STRATEGIES REVEALED: I’ll show you exactly how to create a full-time income from home buying products locally (or online) and reselling them for a profit on Amazon! MOST PEOPLE WHO TRY TO START AN AMAZON FBA BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN END UP RUNNING INTO ONE PROBLEM AFTER ANOTHER, WITH NO ONE THEY CAN TRUST TO GET HELP! It’s no secret. Trying to build a full-time income with your Amazon Business is frustrating, confusing and extremely difficult. You are often met with headaches and closed doors at every turn. Finding solutions and answers seems next to impossible. I’ve worked with thousands of people just like you who were tired of struggling to make selling on Amazon work for them. Let me guess, you have found yourself… Stuck At Ground Zero. Completely Lost And Confused About How To Even Get Started. Felt Overwhelmed By All Of The Conflicting Free Information That Sends You In Multiple Directions And Takes Up Too Much Of Your Valuable Time.. Been Running In Circles Trying A Lot Of Things But Getting Zero Results And Just Feeling Frustrated. …and oh yeah, you’ve probably even… Gotten Discouraged Trying To Find Products In The Store…Either Everything Is Restricted Or Not Profitable! Felt Like Maybe You’ve Missed The Boat And There Isn’t Room For You As A Seller On Amazon Now. DON’T QUIT! I know you’ve been having those feelings because I remember being there MYSELF! And I’ve helped thousands of students get started on Amazon, even after feeling all of those same frustrations. PEOPLE WERE ASKING…”HOW DID YOU FIND SUCCESS?” What Was The Magic Formula?? Could ANYONE Make This Work? After struggling to make money online and really scale my business, I couldn’t believe I had stumbled on the answer. However, I knew I wasn’t alone. I knew others suffered from this exact problem. There was no doubt in my mind I had to share my secrets for success. After all, I wasn’t anything special. I wasn’t highly trained in sales or internet marketing. I simply had a stroke of luck. Wonderful – business building, breakthrough luck. Which is why I’m so excited you are here! Right now, in this exact place. This can be your success story. You can change your life right now with… I CREATED THE AMAZON BOOT CAMP TO BE THE COURSE I WISH I HAD WHEN I WAS GETTING STARTED ON AMAZON I Had Successfully Taught People In Person, It Was Time To Take This Information Online! STEPS COVERED IN THE AMAZON BOOT CAMP Amazon Business Basics Setting Up Your Amazon FBA Business & Accounts Scanning Apps & Other Supplies You’ll Need Exactly How To Evaluate If A Product Is Profitable Or Not How To Source Products Locally And Online Listing, Shipping & Selling Your Products On Amazon And More! I’m going to walk you (step by step) through EXACTLY how I am able to create a full-time income from home while letting Amazon do ALL of the fulfillment! You will be ready to head to your local stores and start finding profitable inventory in no time. Or, if you prefer, you can browse stores online and find products that will ship directly to your house. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy…Because the truth is, it’s gonna take some time to master Retail Arbitrage. BUT ONCE YOU DO, IT WILL BE SO WORTH IT! Imagine, being able to shop and essentially get paid for it…All the while getting to stay at home with your kids, or supplement your income without taking on another job outside of the home. We’ve got students from all walks of lives who’ve made this work. There is no reason you can’t do it too. I believe in you!