The S.I.N. Offer Protocol Training – Todd Brown


How We Generated 3,425 Leads, 1,511 New Customers And $154,539 In Sales…WITHOUT A Long Winded High-Ticket Webinar Or Headaches Of Hiring And Training A Bunch Of ‘Closers’This Simple Leads and Sales Solution Seems To Be Ultimate Shortcut To Having Your Marketing Produce Customers, Clients and Profits Almost On Demand For You…From: John MulryDirector of Marketing for Todd BrownIt seems everyone and their grandma these days are hell bent on convincing you the only way to generate a leads and sales online is by…Creating a long winded high-ticket webinar funnel in combination with hiring and training a bunch of ‘high ticket closers’…Pure hogwash! And today I’m going to prove it to you.I’m going to share with you a simple way for you to start generating more leads and sales online (as quickly as tomorrow)…Without wasting weeks or months creating the perfect webinar or having to watch Boiler Room and the Wolf of Wall Street on repeat…It all begins with the THREE flaws with high-ticket offers online AND an interest fact about the success rate of online businesses.Before I share what they are, I want to start by saying this…We are not against high-ticket offers or having a sales team.Not by a long shot. We have our own high-ticket offers and we have a small team of sales strategists in our business.But when we use them and how we use them is the difference.More on this in a few moments.Let’s address the three big flaws with how high-ticket offers.1. Creating High-Ticket Offers Are Very Time Consuming:Creating a high ticket webinar is no mean feat.It takes a ton of time, effort and skill.You have to create the perfect webinar, record it, build a webinar funnel and launch and promote it. Sounds easy but the reality is a different scenario altogether.2. High Ticket Sales Are Not As Easy As They SoundWith the proliferation of high-ticket groups and high-ticket ‘gurus’ online it seems everyone is a high-ticket sales expert these days.The reality is high-ticket sales is not easy and you’ll likely attest to this yourself, closing deals in the region of $5k, $10k or kore is not a walk in the park.Regardless of whether you’re doing the closing yourself or you’re putting your businesses reputation, and livelihood in the hands of some closer who’s just finished some HTC course and is now calling themselves an expert.3. Most High Ticket Sales Ignore One Fundamental Truth Of Marketing Your Business Online (For The Most Part)…High-ticket sales absolutely can work.But they are not the best way to generate a consistent flow of leads and sales in your business.In order to do that you need to understand the…Two Umbrellas In Every Business…Every marketing campaign that you create and launch falls under one of two main umbrellas.Or at least it should.These two umbrellas are:1. The Front-End2. The Back-End.The front-end consists of all marketing activities and campaigns created for prospects.People who have never heard of you.Front end campaigns and offers are created to turn prospects into new buyers, turning them into customers, really in essence, producing that first transaction.The backend is all of the marketing activities and marketing campaigns created to go out to existing customers.They’re designed to generate additional transactions, to monetize further customers to deliver more value and to grow what is called the lifetime value of a customer for you.This is important because I want you to understand that these two marketing campaigns serve a very different purpose.They have a very different objective.All of your front-end campaigns are designed for one thing and one thing only.That is to acquire new customers, generate new buyers, and ultimately generate that first transaction.The backend is where we generate all of the profit.The most expensive activity, as you’ll learn in any business, is customer acquisition.The most expensive activity is the front-end.And so, all of the profits in your business come on the backend, come from that second transaction, third transaction, fourth transaction, fifth transaction, and so on.The front-end is all about maximum customer acquisition.The backend is all the marketing campaigns created for existing customers designed for customer monetization, that second transaction, etc.Get The S.I.N. Offer Protocol Training – Todd Brown, Only Price $29The BIG Unspoken Problem With High-Ticket Webinars And High-Ticket Sales…Most high-ticket offers are being sold on the front-end when the reality is they should be sold on the backend.The reality is, high ticket offers absolutely work but most people use them in the wrong way.Instead of trying to use high ticket offers to acquire customers who have never heard of you.You should instead use front end offers to acquire a consistent flow of customers and clients.Then and only then offer them your high-ticket offers in the backend.This does two things for you:1. It allows you to create very easy to launch and sell front end offers your most ideal clients and customers will love.The front end offer example I shared with you at the beginning generated 3,425 leads, 1,511 new customers and $154,539 in sales for us…Then as we add value to these new customers – a certain percentage will naturally ascend and want more from us making them perfect for our backend high-ticket offers.Does this make sense?2. It makes your high-ticket offers more profitable.When you keep your high-ticket offers in your back-end your profit will be much higher because you’ve already spent the money to acquire a customer or client.Remember – the backend is where the money is in your online business.Ok John I Get It!  But How Do I Create An Amazing Front-End Offer My Clients And Customers Will Love?Easy…This strategy for front end offer creation I’m going to tell you about is working right now — in some of the most competitive marketplaces — to bring-in premium new buyers every day for ordinary experts…Even for those who have mediocre marketing and no industry credibility, yet are now seeing absolutely astonishing business growth.Sound interesting?If so, you’re about to understand why…In the next 96 hours alone this one “front-end offer tweak” can bring you a hefty spike of new sales… followed by consistent, daily new sales… from new clients, customers, or students who…See YOU As The Clear Top Choice In Your Marketplace!And, in minutes you can apply this “front end offer tweak” to any of your marketing campaigns…Without changing any other piece or part of your marketing…  And… it PROVES to prospects why they should “do business” with you… and PROVES why you’re the superior choice over every other option they have.In more official marketing terms:You can start getting daily new buyers at a high-conversion rate… lowering your cost of generating new sales… making paid traffic affordable and profitable for you….Just like it has for Doug and so many other experts…And this strategy — what you’re about to see — is working in many of the most saturated markets right now.So, no matter what market or niche you want to become successful and known within, this will work for you.It’s even producing a large influx of new buyers for experts with average to below-average marketing campaigns.So even if you don’t have “high-level marketing chops”, you can still use this to see consistent daily sales.What I’m talking about is…A Unique Front-End Offer Construction & Presentation Method:S.I.N. OFFER PROTOCOLIt’s not only a very different way of constructing a high conversion offer around your expertise…It’s also a unique way of presenting the offer……which makes it immediately apparent to prospects that they would be foolish to pass-up on your offer.Simply put, it’s a…Different way of engineering your offer…​Different way of presenting your offer…And, without question, it’s…The Easiest Way On Earth To Make Your Marketing Generate More Sales And New BuyersHi. My name is John Mulry.I’m the Director of Marketing for Todd Brown.That’s Todd in the picture there.(I couldn’t pull off that beard lol)You may recognize his name…He’s the marketing advisor other well-known marketing experts come to when they need help with their own campaigns.Most of the funnel experts you see today at one point were or are Todd’s students.And it’s been said, he’s helped engineer more six and seven-figure marketing campaigns for clients than any other expert on the planet.Fact is…With entrepreneur clients and students in over 45 different countries, bringing-in almost a combined billion-dollars in annual sales…He’s seen every type of marketing campaign, tactic, and strategy under the sun.So, he knows what works to generate sales…And, more importantly, what doesn’t, and why.While tons of experts struggle to make the typical sales funnel models work for their business…He’s yet to see the S.I.N. Offer Protocol not work within a campaign to produce a consistent increase in monthly new buyers.Not only that…It seems to be generating an immediate spike of new sales for almost every expert who tries it.And that’s because it’s an easy, fast way to absolutely nail THE most important piece in all of your marketing…Get This WRONG… And Nothing Else Can Make Your Marketing WorkEvery successful expert, entrepreneur, and marketer knows…Your offer makes or breaks the success of your marketing efforts.Aside from your audience, your offer is the single most important element of your marketing campaign.It can mean the difference between you seeing a random trickle of sales… or… a steady wave of new buyers.Your offer…Not your headline.Not your story.Not your credentials.Not your testimonials.No. None of those.And this is why, when it comes to direct marketing and driving response…Your… offer… is… EVERYTHING!And…The Most Accomplished Marketing Experts Agree…Fact is:Even if you have a great marketing message… and a gorgeous funnel… with everything powered by the best marketing automation technology…None of those things will overcome a weak or ordinary offer in your campaign.In other words, the conversions and sales volume you enjoy will always be a direct reflection of the quality of your offer.It doesn’t matter how great or smart or results-oriented you or your expertise is…You have an average, ordinary offer; you’ll only ever experience average, ordinary sales.Plain and simple:The magic is in understanding how to construct THE RIGHT OFFER for your marketplace.But that’s not all.You also need to understand…How To Present Your “Right Offer” The Right Way!Constructing the right offer is only half the puzzle.This goes for both FRONT-END offers and higher-ticket BACK-END offers.What your offer is or includes is only one piece which can make or break your marketing efforts. You also need to understand how to best frame and present your offer after it’s constructed properly.This is another reason why trying to sell high ticket offers on the front end can be so difficult.Present your offer to your prospect incorrectly, or even a little off, and you, your sales, and your business suffer.You must have the “right offer”… AND…. the “right presentation” of that offer.This is why legendary ad man, Bob Stone, preached…Not sure what Bob means by “the manner in which an offer is presented”?Well, take a look at this little example below…Do You Know Which Of ThesePrice Presentation Approaches Works Best?Look at this list below of discount statements which could be part of an overall offer…Each one presents the same discount offer…But each one uses different words… different positioning… different framing to present the price.Same pricing offer; different price presentation.So…How Big Of A Difference Does Offer Presentation Like This Make?According to Bob Stone, testing to the same audience proves one of those price presentations above produces a WHOPPING 40% INCREASE in sales conversions.That means… you could be losing-out on a lot of sales simply by how you’re presenting your offer.And that’s just the impact of how you present price in your offer.What about the impact of how you construct and present all the other pieces of your offer?…You can see why Pat Friesen, the first woman Direct Marketer of the Year, says…And this is why, today, with everything going on in the economy… the level of competition online we all have online… and the widespread skepticism of prospects…Having An “Irresistible Ofer”Is No Longer Enough!Not today…Not if you’re in a competitive or crowded marketplace…And not if you want to make it easy for your prospects to see why they should choose you over every other option they have.And, don’t fool yourself…Your prospects have lots of other options to choose from besides paying you.They can choose a competitor… they can keep doing what they’ve been doing… or… they can simply do nothing.You should NEVER… ever… underestimate the task of getting your prospects to choose to spend money with you.Please recognize…Your prospects have a crazy high level of doubt and skepticism today.So it takes extreme, extraordinary measures to move lots of people to spend money with you.The Most Effective Front-End Offer Is…So, what’s the most effective way to construct and present an offer…. that busts through this wall of hesitation and distrust?……that makes it immediately apparent to prospects why they should choose you over every other option?……that makes it clear why prospects would be foolish to pass-up on the chance to spend money with you?Simple…Having A S.I.N. Offer Makes YOU Incomparable!A S.I.N. Offer is NOT simply an “irresistible offer”.Look: Every expert worth their weight in salt has heard about having an irresistible offer.Because the idea of an irresistible offer is everywhere today. It’s all over.So everyone knows it.Get The S.I.N. Offer Protocol Training – Todd Brown, Only Price $29Tag: The S.I.N. Offer Protocol Training – Todd Brown Review. The S.I.N. Offer Protocol Training – Todd Brown download. The S.I.N. Offer Protocol Training – Todd Brown discount.