The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification – Katrina Ruth


The Rebel Millionaire Coaching CertificationScrew The Rules. Unleash Your Madness Onto the World. Get Paid Like a Mofo to Be Fully You.The Coaching Certification for Badasses Who Know They Were Born to Appoint Themselves Straight at the Top, Monetize TF Outta Their Crazy, and Let the Systems & Structure Flow From There As They Impact Their Soulmate Clients and Community to Do The Same!Aka:Learn how to run the damn thing like you invented it.What it comes down to is simple:The way to create the success you want, as well as to feel like you’re finally being YOU and that you can BREATHE fully, that you’re creating from the right freaking place and are fully expanded in the energy of YOU is to go all in on your edgy AF madness and tear the world up fuck the system approach to life.And that is precisely what we’re gonna do!Truth is you’re not like the other entrepreneurs, and never have been.And the fact that you continue to try and stand out amongst a sea of whatnot that, if you’re honest about it, actually stinks like shit to you, is, well,funny.Bizarre.Strange.And again, plain SAD.(Not to mention low-key suffocating)Worse still, it is ROBBING you, day by day, of what actually makes you you and always did.And allowing you to buy into the same old same old bullshit that everybody else out there is perpetuating.That there is a way to win at this game that in ANY WAY REMOTELY INVOLVES DOING IT LIKE THEM.When are you going to rip the bandaid and simply position as YOU?No, not the ‘this’ you, the ‘that’ you, the ‘whatever’ you.You.’Name’.The End.No mofo description needed.WHY WOULD IT EVER HAVE BEEN NEEDED?!Let’s get clear – ‘You Mofo You’ may still DO this or thatCOACH this or thatCREATE this or thatUNLEASH this or thatBe KNOWN for this or thatand so on,I mean – Duh.OBVIOUSLY YOU ARE ALWAYS GOING TO DO THE THINGS AND HELP THE PEOPLES AND MAKE THE MONEY AND BE THE DAMN DIFFERENCE YOU JUST, WELL – ARE.Of course you are!But it’s an energy shift a labelling tear down a wake up call back to soul, a swift exit stage right away from trying to be seen more by dancing better or faster or twirlier than the other girls and most of all?IT’S A REMEMBRANCE THAT ALL YOU CAME HERE TO DO WAS BE YOU,AND TO PUNCH PEEPS IN THE FACE WITH THAT SHIZ.I mean,think about it – !What else would you even wanna do except for punch people in the face with being you?Answer:Nothing.There is nothing else you would ever wanna do, because that is the reality of what you CAME here to do, however things play out and look and feel and flow FROM that place,but no girl, no –Not TOWARDS it.And that’s the problem, isn’t it?You STILL don’t get that you’re never gonna get to ‘THERE’ while you continue to try to work your way there, all the while accidentally (INSIDIOUSLY!) being influenced by everything you’re surrounding yourself with to SURE –You sing a pretty song about being different, but at the end of the day the rules have been laid down and you are dancing to ’em like your life depends on it!Well – NO MORE.The truth which YOU have always known about you, and which they would too if only you’d let ‘em see you, is that YOU WERE NOT MADE FOR THE WORK YOUR WAY THERE LIFE.You were born to go straight to the top baby.And plant your freaking freak flag right on the damn mountain of YOU.The reason it’s not WORKING for you yet, not the way it’s meant to be or could or should be is simple:You’re trying to climb somewhere when you were made to just GO there, and you’re doing it by trying to stand out from the crowd.YOU DON’T STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD WHEN YOU’RE THE DAMN HEADLINE ACT.You go be the headline act.You tear shit up.And down.And all over the place!Because here is what it comes down to, yeah?And the way it was always meant to be, for you.Your energy ALONE shifts people. Excites people. MAGNETIZES them.And now?It’s time to it.THE WAY YOU CAME HERE TO DO.It’s time to say screw the rules! Screw being a good girl, a good boy, a PRETTY little polished and perfect ‘preneur, with a shiny white unicorn.Screw every.single.bit of it.The coaching world?It’s a fishbowl you’re damn sick of turning circles in, a mountain you never wanted to climb, a pile of shit you somehow find your way forging to the top of, a bubble of rules and ideas and ideals you DON’T ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT.And yet there you are.Swim swim swimming and climb climb climbing and forge forge forging, and damn near having t-shirts made to pronounce yourself as one of ‘em.“Look at me! I can coach like a pretty polished meme-tastic ‘preneur too! My things are nice and shiny and JUST the right colour palette! Like me! Buy my things!”It’s gross.Nauseating.HORRIFIC, actually.And just plain sad.The reason your shit ain’t working the way you want is simple:You hate so much about the way everybody does it, and yet you continue to try and be like them, keep up with them, catch them if you can, and make like you’re all pretty and shit.You’re not pretty and shit.I mean, sure … you’re pretty AF! Cute as a button! A delight to the eyes.But a pretty polished little preppy ‘preneur, like all these girls you simultaneously wanna barf at and yet somehow worry about being liked by, accepted by, good enough to play at the top with?I don’t think so.It’s time baby! Introducing:The Rebel Millionaire Coaching CertificationScrew The Rules. Unleash Your Madness Onto the World. Get Paid Like a Mofo to Be Fully You.The Coaching Certification for Badasses Who Know They Were Born to Appoint Themselves Straight at the Top, Monetize TF Outta Their Crazy, and Let the Systems & Structure Flow From There As They Impact Their Soulmate Clients and Community to Do The Same!Aka:Learn how to run the damn thing like you invented it.What it comes down to is simple:The way to create the success you want, as well as to feel like you’re finally being YOU and that you can BREATHE fully, that you’re creating from the right freaking place and are fully expanded in the energy of YOU is to go all in on your edgy AF madness and tear the world up fuck the system approach to life.And that is precisely what we’re gonna do!The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute is here! If you believe in dreaming big and working hard to create a business and life entirely on your terms, and led by being FULLY you, AND you’re ready to create your next level profitable AF coaching business in a way that lights you up to where you KNOW you’re doing what you came here to do, all while helping your clients create their dreams too – I made this for you! The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification Program is the ONLY coaching certification in the world which will teach you to be FULLY you as an entrepreneur and coach who knows they really can have it all, wants a systematic and proven framework to do so, and wants to help their clients to do the same.As a Certified Coach with The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute, you will:Complete a 4-month LIVE (beginning September 30) Coaching Certification under the tutelage of Internationally Recognised Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Coach and all-round Badass Extraordinaire Katrina Ruth​Receive live support all the way through from Kat and her experienced team of incredible #KatNinjas ​Work through 8 in-depth Modules (outlined below) teaching you the strategy, how-to and application of running a profitable, successful and highly acclaimed coaching business all the way up into the multiple MULTIPLE millions of dollars per year, and beyond, and all entirely built for YOU​Learn how to effectively coach others on how they too can create their incredible outcomes in their lives, become the person who does the work, and get those results as you at the same time further your own success in these areas. The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification is for coaches across all industries, and of all levels of experience! It’s about who you are as a person, and what you are called to – not where you are now​Learn the secrets to mastering an abundance and receiving mindset and attracting money and success to yourself and your clients
​Understand exactly how to run your coaching session for maximum flow, results, implementation, understanding and breakthrough from your client, all while being in highest integrity to YOU in how you’re showing up, and knowing you’re doing exactly what you’re meant to be doing, trusting yourself fully every step of the way and being COMPLETELY in the vibe of the most fully expressed you!
​Upon successful completion of the certification, be certified and fully accredited internationally as a Rebel Millionaire Certified Coach, and able to use our company name to promote and enhance your current business credibility!
​Receive the opportunity to have your business promoted via The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute as a recommended coach!
​Receive downloadable tools to track and plan the administrative and financial side of your business
​Receive blog and newsletter editorials with a step-by-step plans you can ‘plugin and use’ in your business to rapidly build your own email database and maximise profit and growth. Also receive learning on exactly how to ignore every single ‘template’ I share with you as you drop into creating things YOUR way, using what I teach as and when it pleases you, and predominantly as a springboard to create your OWN systems which work!
​Create your Automated Income Funnel and a plan to move potential clients from being ‘just another subscriber’ to being paying customers who work their way through your offerings in order to maximise the value they receive and the profit you and your business receive
​Learn tools for self-belief, confidence, motivation and accountability so that you understand how to keep yourself on track and avoid procrastination, self-sabotage and fear as you create your dream business and life – and so that you can help your clients to also create their dreams
​Learn how to effectively prioritise and be a powerhouse of productivity and a ‘content creation machine’, so that you can become recognised as THE expert and take your industry by storm whilst building your own wildly profitable business, and all without having to sell your soul or give up having a life, in fact in such a way that it will ADD time and space.
​Learn tools for maximising your physical and mental energy so that you can be the best you possible for your business as well as yourself
​Create an in-depth plan for your ideal business, life and lifestyle, as well as both a personal and business Destiny Blueprint and learn how to set soul-led long-term, yearly, monthly, weekly and daily intentions to ensure you CONTINUALLY create what you choose. Learn also when and how to COMPLETELY ignore this sort of structure, and when to know to come back to it. (It’s a dance back and forth ;))
​Receive weekly video, audio and/or written training in keeping with each months training module and with clearly outlined learning material and action tasks to ensure you are both keeping up with course material and confidently able to apply what you’re learning week-by-week so that you can watch your business grow
​Craft your own unique coaching offers, and receive full templates and outlines to create your own ebooks, online programs, membership programs, on and offline workshops and events, 1:1 sessions and group coaching, from low / medium ticket and recurring income all the way through to the highest ticket offers, I’ll show you exactly how to put it all together in a way that works for YOU! 
​Receive complete ‘swipe’ files for pre-launch, launch and post-launch sales emails, as well as social media promotional templates, examples and instruction on how to implement for YOU for every part of selling effectively on email and social media!
​Receive step-by-step templates for 3 different sales page outlines that you can use to best promote your products
​Understand what makes a great coach, how to coach for results, and developing the life-long coaching relationship
​Learn how to increase your sales conversions using soul-based selling and a proven soul-led conversation to shift your ideal clients past their blocks and into KNOWING they are ready to say yes to how you can actually help them
​Receive ‘swipe files’ of a full length funnel series you can use to take new subscribers through a journey about you, your business, and your offerings, so that you are increasing your sales and income with every new email subscriber to your community
​Receive a full outline of the 5 essential pages your website must have in order to best position and promote you as the expert of your industry​Receive additional motivational videos or podcasts to support you and help you move smoothly through your own blockages and stumbling points, so that you can remain positively focused on completing your coaching modules and building your business
​Complete assessments based on each module’s training, designed to give you valuable feedback and strategy, the completion of all of which will allow you to graduate as a fully Certified Rebel Millionaire Coach
​Build up a complete Rebel Millionaire Coaches Manual that you can refer to time and again for everything you need in your successful coaching business​So much more besides! Continue reading for full module breakdown + Rebel Millionaire Bonuses!As a VIP you receive:Your place in The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification!​​Not one but TWO private 1:1 phone based Alignment & Asskickery mentoring sessions with Katrina Ruth – your chance to get your butt personally kicked around wherever YOU most need to step up and create results from soul!​Soul led funnel and automated income creation strategy session (phone based) with The Katrina Ruth Show Chief Operating Officer and Head Marketing Ninja Ash​7 full days UNLIMITED access messenger (audio + text) mentoring / implementation advice and direct feedback on YOUR offers, selling, creating and more with both Kat and Ash. Get your marketing sorted and your identity recoded Kat style!​​Mindset of an 8-Figure CEO VIP / Private Client Immersion Bootcamp with Kat and her other VIP / private clients. This 7-day immersion intensive will take you DAILY inside what Kat and her team are doing, LIVE and in the moment, how they’re doing it, what and how they’re creating and selling, and also give you daily implementation instruction to create in that 7 days more than what most people usually would in a year! #FORREALCAUSETHISISHOWIROLLEVERYWEEK 😉​VIP only immersion chat thread with Kat and other VIPs to follow this intensive!​PLUS! $1000 #KatCash credit back for use on future mentoring and new or existing Kat courses and programs!The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification – How It’s Going Down!4 months.LIVE (starting September 30)Of day in and day out badassery to get you activated from the inside out on EVERYTHING you always came here to be,And creating the structure, systems and flow that only YOU could ever have ultimately created to go with it,So that you can KNOW you’re fully ‘monetising your crazy’,COMPLETELY tearing shit up just by being you,And laying down serious roots for long-term income and business growth!Without a single freaking bit of it requiring you to do shit you don’t wanna do, in a way that doesn’t FULLY suit you, with people you don’t adore!8 modules​New module every 2-3 weeks over the course of the 4 months ​Each module includes a live component as well as supporting videos, audios, PDFs, workbooks, templates, examples, ‘behind the scenes’ breakdowns, homework exercises and journal prompts and more​Access to all content and future updates for life​Everything you need to know, see, understand, learn and IMPLEMENT in order to bring the empire and brand you dream of to life, where being a magnetic AF coach to YOUR ideal clients, both high ticket and in every different possible kind of group or lower cost offer, is just a natural by-product of YOU BEING YOU, a flow on effect from the fact that you planted your damn flag AS being you, and that you truly stopped giving a fuck about anything EXCEPT being you!​Fully certified as a Rebel Millionaire Coach, under the banner of The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification, which is the ONLY certification in the world built and run by somebody who is in the game all day every day showing up and creating FROM madness and flow rather than TOWARDS a one day idea of it which never happens. You’ll be on the ground with Katrina Ruth and her team of #KatNinjas DAILY throughout your time in this certification and then graduate with the Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification and ALL IP which goes alongside that under your belt like the ultimate arsenal of soul-led badass money makin’ tools, and everything you need in there in order to create EVERY single part of your own badass coaching empire!NOT as a coachNOT as a course creatorNOT as an online business ownerNot even as an entrepreneur!JUST also happens to make a truckload of money coaching, mentoring, creating, unleashing!Hint: it’s exactly how I’ve made well over $15,000,000 online and counting!Your Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification Modules Revealed!Module 1: The Niche is Mofo You​Module 2: The Biz Model is Exactly What You Want It To Be​Module 3: Being the Actual Damn Coach You Came Here to Be​Module 4: Magnetic Messaging & Soulmate Audience Explosion​Module 5: Offer Creation​Module 6: Making Money Easy​Module 7: Systems, Structure, Strategy and Automation That Actually Light You Up & Excite You​Module 8: Badass Mindset for Life, Fully Backing and Trusting in YOU​Module 9 (Yes, it’s a Bonus Module!): The Moving Parts of a YOU-Led Coaching Empire That Stands the Test of Time, and Only Gets Easier WITH TimeModule Details in Full!Module 1: The Niche is Mofo YouThe foundation of all of this, how it works and the only way it CAN work, is that the business you dream of? The empire you KNOW you’re here to head? The ‘you’ you’ve been waiting so long to become? The WHOLE ENTIRE MOFO THING ALL ON YOUR TERMS, with the way you coach, the way they come to you, the way they can’t NOT, the way your shit SELLS, and most of all the way you get to go to bed each night KNOWING you did the job of being you and that of COURSE YOU GET TO GET PAID FOR IT, is this and only this:The niche? Is mofo you. This means that every bit of your madness, your mayhem, your randomness, your ‘all over the place’ badassery GETS TO COME TO THE TABLE IN YOUR BUSINESS, and indeed it must.My job, and our focus in this first Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification? Show you exactly how to make it that there IS no niche except you, that your soulmate people are automatically magnetised to it (and you), and that you get highly paid for it.The way it was always meant to be. I’m so excited for this module as nothing excites me more than reminding you that you get to be and also have to be all of you, and then showing you how to connect that into the exact outcomes you want!How this module works:LIVE deep dive ‘The Niche is Mofo You’ training with Kat​’The Niche is Mofo You’ main training audio and video recordings ​’The Niche is Mofo You’ PDF Workbook, filled with exercises and journal prompts​’The Niche is Mofo You’ Q&A / hotseat session with Kat​LIVE ’24/7′ support in The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification Facebook group throughout​Plus additional supporting trainings, resources, tools, templates, and bonuses as needed and as this Module is brought to life right before your eyes! Here are just a FEW examples of additional resources and bonuses / some of my favourites from this Module:Creating Your Business Vision and Values PDF Bonus​​Creating Your Dream Life Vision and Values PDF Bonus​Tapping in To Your Values PDF Bonus​​Your Personalised Rebel Millionaire Rule Book​Finding Your Ultimate Success Motivation PDF Bonus​​Rebel Millionaire Business Plan Creation Bonus​Coaching Expectations Document​​Perfect Client Job PDF Bonus​Becoming the Written Word in Your Niche Audio BonusThese are just a sample of the EXTRAS you’ll be able to draw on and refer back to again and again in your biz, from our work in Module 1!Our ‘Niche is Mofo You’ Module will run for approximately 10-14 days before we continue seamlessly into Module 2! All content PLUS any future updates are yours to keep for life!By the end of this module you will:Be crystal clear on exactly who and what YOU are​Know how to let that flow out of you, day to day, in a way that is organic and natural AF, feels amazing for YOU, and also results in the continual magnetic attraction of your ideal clients and followers into your space ​Be COMPLETELY certain and confident around what separates you from EVERYONE, so much so that it’s almost hilarious you ever even could have thought competition was a thing​Understand how to break all the ‘rules’ of positioning, why you must, and why that is critical to your path of expansive receiving and results​Fully get how to take the most messy, chaotic, random, ‘all over the place’ parts of you and have it be on of your strongest advantages yet​Understand how to be the ‘see-first’ person who everybody can’t wait to hear from and soak up the vibe of, as well as BUY from​Understand how to automatically position yourself as a person people love to and EXPECT to spend money with​Have unleashed the next level of brand you in such a way that you go straight to the top of the mountain you’ve been waiting to climb, YOU feel it, THEY see it, and the results begin to flow accordingly!​Learned how to separate yourself from the rest and become known for doing things differently​Know why breaking the rules is one of the smartest things you can do IF you’re smart about it​Module 2: The Biz Model is Exactly What You Want It To BeWhat is the actual business you want to create? The empire you WISH you one day could run? The wave a magic wand scenario of how you would do it if it were COMPLETELY up to you, and there was no.possible.way you’d even CONSIDER anything else except gettin’ to the EXACT destination you want, and having every little bit of how you get there be the vibe you dream of?​Whatever it is, every little bit you already see and wish for, and all the bits you can’t yet see but can start to FEEL, all of it – ​is exactly what it does get to be. And indeed what you MUST choose, if you actually understand how receiving works. Because here’s the thing:​You can fight for your entire lifetime to ‘get things working’ by doing what they tell you. Or you can go straight to the end goal of doing what you’d do if you ran the entire world. Guess what? IT’S YOUR WORLD AND YOU RUN IT. Oh oh, and by the way – as your Coaching Certification mentor, director, ass-kicker back to soul extraordinaire, guess what I am brilliant at? Gettin’ you in the mindset of ONLY being all of you, and helping you to VERY clearly extract the strategy and how that’ll bring it to life.​With bells on.​How this module works:​LIVE deep dive ‘The Biz Model is Exactly What You Want It To Be’ training with Kat​’The Biz Model is Exactly What You Want It To Be’ main training audio and video recordings ​’The Biz Model is Exactly What You Want It To Be’ PDF Workbook, filled with exercises and journal prompts​’The Biz Model is Exactly What You Want It To Be’ Q&A / hotseat session with Kat​LIVE ’24/7′ support in The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification Facebook group throughout​Plus additional supporting trainings, resources, tools, templates, and bonuses as needed and as this Module is brought to life right before your eyes! Here are just a FEW examples of additional resources and bonuses / some of my favourites from this Module:​Creating Your Outcomes and Destiny / Mission PDF Bonus​​Choosing the Right Business Model for You PDF Bonus​​What Do You Want to be Known for YOU Creation PDF Bonus​​Coaching Intentions Document​Create your Signature System PDF Training​Pre-coaching Questionnaire and Exercise Examples for New ClientsThese are just a sample of the EXTRAS you’ll be able to draw on and refer back to again and again in your biz, from our work in Module 2!Our ‘The Biz Model is Exactly What You Want It To Be’ Module will run for approximately 10-14 days before we continue seamlessly into Module 3! All content PLUS any future updates are yours to keep for life!By the end of this module you will:​Feel SO freaking clear and excited about the exact coaching empire YOU are bringing to life, so much so that it just feels DONEBe in the energy of already BEING ‘that’ sort of badass leader, coach, you, such that you naturally start to draw people in FROM a place of being there​Have begun bringing your ‘first next level you’ offers to life as a result of the creative unleashing we’ve already begun diving into (yes, this will happen naturally in this Module, even before we ‘officially’ get to that part of the certification!)​​Understand what it means to work ‘from’ already having the business, money and life you want, and how it makes things SO much faster, easier, more fun. Also have begun to do it!​​Shedded and shred about 98% of what you THOUGHT you had to do to grow your business and income​​Got clear on the exact 3-5 things YOU need to do each day in order to allow your dream coaching empire to unfold, as well as know exactly how to do them … in the fastest, most flow and most ‘you’ way​​Understand how to kill your resistance, fear, self doubt dead, around anything and everything relevant to being ‘that’ sort of leader or coach now​​Have planted or re-planted your damn flag at the top of your industry, and feel clear on what that means for HOW you show up as well as the vibe of it​​Know and have created the SO next level ‘things’ you need or want in place for YOUR dream business as far as web and social media magnetism. ​​Understand what makes someone go straight to the top of being seen on these different platforms, no matter how long they’ve been in the game and what they have in place or no!​​And! As an important bonus to this module – understand exactly how to ‘balance’ all of this with living the life you want to live, now, so that you never need to feel you’re selling out on one area in order to build your dreams in another!Get The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification – Katrina Ruth, Only Price $999 Module 3: Being the Actual Damn Coach You Came Here to BeIf the niche (which is you!) is the umbrella, the big picture, the overall thing that helms up BRAND BADASS OF ALL BADASSES YOU, and essentially gives us the viiiibbbbeeee of the thing, then the coaching part of what you do is, well, just that – ​It’s the coaching part of what you do, and HOW you do, when you do you. Because here’s the thing. And it’s a thing which sounds a little funny for somebody who is selling you a coaching certification to say, but I’m gonna go ahead and say it anyway – ​You are not ‘coach Name’! I mean … you are, you can be, you are absolutely the most badass coach there ever was! But – who you really are is YOU. ‘You Brand You’. ‘You Mofo You’ if you like 😉​The fact that you coach, and that you also get to build a multi-gazillion dollar coaching business, is just a PART of being you. And in this module, we’re going to get into the nitty gritty of exactly how that part gets to look, flow, and monetize TF outta itself for you! Because being the best coach in the world that YOU can be, and getting the money and other results to go with it? Means that every tiny little AND big part gets to be completely down to the DOT point on your terms.​I’m so excited to dive into this Module with you, and showing you how easy it gets to be to bring your coaching dreams to life!​How this module works:​LIVE deep dive ‘Being the Actual Damn Coach You Came Here to Be’ training with Kat​’Being the Actual Damn Coach You Came Here to Be’ main training audio and video recordings ​’Being the Actual Damn Coach You Came Here to Be’ PDF Workbook, filled with exercises and journal prompts​’Being the Actual Damn Coach You Came Here to Be’ Q&A / hotseat session with KatLIVE ’24/7′ support in The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Certification Facebook group throughout​Plus additional supporting trainings, resources, tools, templates, and bonuses as needed and as this Module is brought to life right before your eyes! Here are just a FEW examples of additional resources and bonuses / some of my favourites from this Module:​Getting Their Attention PDF Training​Planning Your Dream Life, Boundaries, and Coaching ‘Style’ Audio Training​​Personality Traits and Characteristics of the MOST Magnetic Coaches Bonus Training​​Coaching Your Clients to Maximum Results Bonus Training​​Over 30 Exercises / Tools You Can Use in Coaching Sessions 1:1 / Group Based, Or Even Incorporate Into a Book or Program!​Coaching Expectations PDF​Perfect Client Job PDFThese are just a sample of the EXTRAS you’ll be able to draw on and refer back to again and again in your biz, from our work in Module 3!Our ‘Being the Actual Damn Coach You Came Here to Be’ Module will run for approximately 10-14 days before we continue seamlessly into Module 2! All content PLUS any future updates are yours to keep for life!By the end of this module you will:​Have completely ‘blank slated’ all ideas, conditions, ‘rules’ you thought were required in order to be THE coach your ideal clients can’t get enough ofBe absolutely nailed down on the exact vibe of how YOU want to engage with, support, kick the ass of, and / or lovingly call forward (or whatever else it is you do) with your clients and customers, regardless of what you think THEY or anybody else think you have to do​Know how to have this all be SO ‘win win’, aka how to run your coaching in such a way that it COMPLETELY suits your needs and desires and energy and vibe whilst also COMPLETELY exciting and satisfying and ensuring results for your peeps​​Understand exactly how to coach at the highest level, to your ‘most’ soulmate peeps and also at the highest price point, right down to the lower or even free levels, how to speak to their souls every time no matter what the ‘thing’ is that your doing, talking about or selling​Know how to create lifelong coaching relationships, where your clients come back to you again and again even for decades, and also refer people to you regularly​​Understand what to do about ‘the things you don’t wanna do but think you have to’​Be clear and locked in on the vibe and specifics, personality traits, descriptions, copy, wording, etc of everything to do with YOU as a coach, so that you always know how to express and also market yourself and your offers​​Understand how to easily put aside your own triggers, insecurities and doubts, and own (from integrity) just how much you can ACTUALLY already help people​​Know how to ‘tap in’ every time in order to be the most effective and powerful coach you get to be​​Have complete clarity on the flow, the energy AND the structure / how of letting your coaching empire seamlessly become part of just ‘how you do you’ each day, whilst also making you the money you want in a way that feels amazing to you and to your clients, and simultaneously results in you getting what’s in you out into the world so that your soul stays fed and full!!​What sort of coach you want to be – different coaching models and how to choose what’s right for you Know how to build your coaching practice around your ideal lifestyle not the other way around Understand how to set result based coaching goals Be nailing your coaching communication skills and how to build close trust and rapport with your clientsModule 4: Magnetic Messaging, Soulmate Audience ExplosionThere are people who posts things on the internet –​And there are people who magnetise others to them like some kind of manna from heaven that’s never gonna fall again.​​There are people who ‘show up’, are ‘consistent’, even prolific, who create some REALLY quite great stuff that actually could help people, and who indeed put their heart and soul in to letting what’s in them out –​​who can and often do in the end build a really quite nice little business, even a decent one, make some money, make a difference, GET there b