The PTSD Training – Steve Andreas


Course “The PTSD Training – Steve Andreas ” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Learn specific methods for successfully resolving the many aspects of Complex PTSD.Know what to do, when, to get great results with your clients.This training program in methods for resolving PTSD was produced in conjunction with, and in support of, the Research and Recognition Project.PTSD is complex.Asingle method isn’t sufficient to resolve most Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.In this online video training, you’ll learn complete treatment protocols for the phobic response of terror and the nightmares and flashbacks many PTSD sufferers experience.You’ll also see demonstrations, discussion, and protocols for related problems that are so often a part of “complex PTSD”: guilt, grief, shame, anxiety, hypervigilance, anger/rage, and critical internal voices which often trigger these responses.In all, 16 different methods are taught in this program, helping you cleanly sort and resolve all the aspects of PTSD that your clients present.This may very well be the most comprehensive and useful training for resolving PTSD ever developed.You can go straight to the order button, or keep reading….Convenient Streaming VideoThe 15 hours of professionally recorded video is available for instant streaming in full HD quality. That means no video files to wait to download or taking up your hard drive space, and no shipping costs. Just log in and watch anytime, as often as you’d like, with no time limit.Learn on the Go with AudioIf you have time to commute or exercise, you have time to learn these methods. The audio from the 18 video clips is available for downloading and putting onto your smartphone or tablet. If you listen just 30 minutes a day, in a month you will have listened to the entire training!Step-by-Step HandoutsDownload and print handouts for each method which guide you through each step of the process, so you’ll know exactly what to do. Use these instructions to practice, and even use these notes in sessions with clients.Ask Steve Your QuestionsEach video page has a section for comments where you can get your questions answered from Steve Andreas himself. That means no more wondering why the method you tried didn’t work!Get The PTSD Training – Steve Andreas, Only Price 45$You can read the introduction to the videos here.Or continue on down to learn more…”Steve Andreas is truly a master of NLP processes…Books and written materials are very helpful, but being able to learn from actual body language, tone of voice, pacing and acknowledgement of the client was outstanding. I was also relieved of extreme anxiety during my session with Steve.”— Resolving PTSD Training AttendeeWatch a five-minute sample: “What will I learn?”How to identify and resolve the phobic core of PTSD.How to create alternative memories to help the client feel empowered instead of helpless.How to help clients reduce physical pains such as those from traumatic brain injury (TBI).Two different ways to use eye movements to help clients spontaneously resolve memories (and they are both gentler than EMDR).What to do when things do not go as planned (including a live demonstration!).How to build a life-changing experience that occurs before a traumatic event, making it easier to deal with.How to strengthen and adjust a client’s personal boundaries…or your own! (Great for “compassion fatigue.”)How to resolve grief by creating a sense of ongoing connection with the lost person.How to resolve anxiety, rage, or other strong feelings with one simple and dependable method.How to transform inner critics, bullies, and other troublesome internal voices into supportive allies.How to resolve anxiety caused by internal dialogue (without CBT!).How to sort out co-dependent and messy relationships with this powerful technique.How to forgive and resolve anger, effectively.Learn the differences between shame, guilt, and regret, and how to resolve each of them.”I received four big benefits. One was looking at many issues clustered with PTSD and how to address accompanying behaviors rather than just the traumatic event. Second, the Spinning Feelings strategy was fabulous…I can’t believe my NLP trainers didn’t teach us this one. Third was observing Steve not pushing for results, but being respectful of a client’s resistance…gentle, respectful work is powerful. Fourth was the reminder that ‘Your task is one of altering, not abolishing.'”— Judith HurlburtGet The PTSD Training – Steve Andreas, Only Price 45$Tag: The PTSD Training – Steve Andreas  Review. The PTSD Training – Steve Andreas  download. The PTSD Training – Steve Andreas  discount.