The Prop Trading Code – AXIA FUTURES


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: sizes: – include: Buy now $139 $1200, The Prop Trading Code – AXIA FUTURES Course.The Prop Trading CodeThe Prop Trading Code is a 4-part, 53-day trading masterclass. This course instils structure and control into the traders decision-making process through a practical, process-driven course programme. Traders learn real trading skills including strategy development, pattern recall, risk-management and so much more. Traders can now sidestep the most common trading mistakes by adopting the processes, methodologies and trading tools used by professional traders.Sample the course now, with 5-hours of FREE course content.COURSE CURRICULUMSAMPLE FREE SECTIONSLesson 5 – Part 1: The Mistakes 95% of Traders Commit and The MBA Method to Solving These Problems Practically    FREE    00:43:00Lesson 11 – Part 1: Access Trading Methodology Introduction Objectives    FREE    00:35:00Lesson 14 – Part 1: Structural Breakouts Strategy    FREE    01:00:00Lesson 19 – Part 1: Risk Management Tool – SRM Introduction    FREE    01:03:00Lesson 23 – Part 2: The Trading Process Flow Live    FREE    01:13:0COURSE STRUCTUREIntroduction    00:35:00PART 1 – TRADING FUNDAMENTALSLesson 1 Alpha: The Traders Timeline    01:59:00Lesson 2 Beta: The Stoic Trader    01:11:00Lesson 3 Gamma: Failings Of The Greatest Investors    01:53:00Lesson 4 Delta: The 10 Most Important Trading Wisdoms    00:58:00Lesson 5 Epsilon: The Mistakes 95% Of Traders Commit    01:07:00PART 2 – TRADING PRINCIPLESLesson 6 Zeta: Fail.Learn.Grow.Repeat    00:45:00Lesson 7 Eta: The Key Trading Principles    01:18:00Lesson 8 Theta: Effectively Utilise 4 Elementary Trading Tools To Add Edge    01:14:00Lesson 9 Iota: 10 Highly Effective Habits and Processes of Elite Traders    00:36:00PART 3 – TRADING STRATEGIESLesson 10 Kappa: Strategy Playbook Development    01:23:00Lesson 11 Lambda: ACCESS Trading Methodology    01:42:00Lesson 12 Mu: Playbook Strategy 1: Strong Initiative Volatility    07:44:00Lesson 13 Nu: Playbook Strategy 2: Extreme Range Day    07:01:00Lesson 14 Xi: Playbook Strategy 3: Structural Breakout    07:35:00Lesson 15 Omicron: Playbook Strategy 4: Initiative Low Volume Areas    07:02:00Lesson 16 Pi: Playbook Strategy 5: Inside Range Days    07:14:00PART 4 – PROBLEM SOLVING TRADING TOOLSHow to Activate the Trading Tools    00:05:00Lesson 17 Rho: The Trader Training Calendar    03:10:00Lesson 18 Sigma: Filtering And Signalling    00:25:00Lesson 19 Tau: Risk Management Tool – SRM Introduction    03:08:00Leson 20 Upsilon: Risk Management Tool – SRM Strategy    02:12:00Lesson 21 Phi: Strategy Playbook Cue Cards    00:29:00Lesson 22 Chi: Performance Metric Analysis    01:43:00Lesson 23 Psi: The Trading Process Flow    01:49:00Lesson 24 Omega: Lessons and Blessings    00:32:00PART 5 – BONUS MATERIAL8-Week Video Access Methodology Drill-based Learning Series    11:39:00Tag: The Prop Trading Code – AXIA FUTURES Download, The Prop Trading Code – AXIA FUTURES review, The Prop Trading Code – AXIA FUTURES Discount, the prop trading code, the prop trading code download, the prop trading coupon code, prop trading reviews, prop trading companies.