The Profitable Creator – Melyssa Griffin


The proven method to create a buzzing community and profitable online course business (without the overwhelm)!Have you ever seen super successful Bloggers, YouTubers, or Podcasters and wondered,“How on earth are they making money?”If you’ve been creating free content online and trying to use it to grow a profitable work-from-wherever business, it can be frustrating to see people who appear to be doing the same thing as you, but are earning way more money!And if you’re newer to blogging, podcasting, or creating videos for your audience, then seeing other people’s revenue numbers can be totally intimidating. It can be especially upsetting when the content they’re creating isn’t even as good as yours……Perhaps you’re thinking, “If only people just knew I existed, then I’d be able to turn my content into a bonafide business…and help a lot more people in the process!You’d love to get the same results, but how? Do these other creators have something you don’t? Nope!You can do it, too. Just imagine…Being the go-to leader in your niche and having hundreds (or thousands) of customers thanking you for making an impact on them.Blowing the cap off of your income goals and having a limitless income potential.Finally being able to take amazing vacations, pay off your debt, and spend more time with your friends and family while working from home.Making money for your creative work without having to actually trade hours for dollars.Get The Profitable Creator – Melyssa Griffin, Only Price $127You can turn your free content and passion into a seriously profitable business without needing to do sponsored posts, become an affiliate marketer, or do one-on-one services.Am I too late to the game?(Nope! But you need to know how to stand out.)Many, many years ago, it was easy to earn thousands per month from your website by simply putting ads all over your site, using affiliate marketing, and doing sponsored posts.Well… things have changed. These methods don’t work the way they used to, and frankly, there are much more fulfilling ways to earn an income by creating organic, helpful content!Besides, if you’re building a following based on ads, you’re literally sending traffic away from your site and content once they get there. What’s the point of building a following, only to send people away?Real Talk:What is “content” anyways? Oh, just that thing you’re probably already doing or want to be doing! In my eyes, there are a few major content platforms – I call them The Big Three: blogging, podcasting, and creating videos for YouTube.Many years ago, I started a blog where I would create helpful content for my readers each week. Within 3 years, that ballooned into a million dollar business! Later, I started a podcast, and had my first multi-million dollar year in business that same year my podcast launched. The foundation of my entire business was the free content I created online. And in my opinion, it’s the BEST way to create a business that has longevity. If you create helpful, free content, you can use that to attract an online audience. And once you have an audience following your content? You will have a sustainable business for years to come! Many of my own followers have been around since I launched my blog… seven years ago!But of course… it’s not as simple as throwing up a blog post, podcast episode, or YouTube video and expecting the money and community to roll in. You need to use a specific strategy that’s designed for content creators AND that works in 2020.The best way to earn an income from your free content is by creating and selling online courses.BY USING MY “PROFITABLE CREATOR METHOD” TO CREATE AND LAUNCH ONLINE COURSES, I’VE TURNED MY CONTENT INTO A 7-FIGURE BUSINESS.Yes, my content-based business brings in over a million dollars per year. You just can’t do that with one-on-one services or ads (believe me, I tried!). I like to think of it this way:Grocery stores sell groceries.Mechanics sell auto repairs. And content creators sell online courses.HERE’S WHY CONTENT CREATORS ARE THE BEST PEOPLE TO CREATE AND SELL ONLINE COURSES:You’re already sharing information through your blog posts, podcast episodes, or YouTube videos! Online courses allow you to package up that information into a product that your audience will be dying to buy. It’s the natural next step.With online courses, you become a leader in your industry and can create a business based on your skills and passion vs. ads and traffic. That’s more like it!Your income potential is limitless. It takes you the same amount of time to make a course that sells 20 spots as it does a course that sells 2,000. And you can make a full-time income from your courses even with a small audience!It takes hard work to make this happen, but it’s not overly complicated if you have a step-by-step plan to follow. You can absolutely get results like me and my thousands of Profitable Creator students have.“Is the online course industry too saturated for me?”Ahh, I get this question a lot!SEE ALSO:“What if someone else already created the course I wanted to create?”OR:“Why would someone buy MY course when there’s someone else with a much bigger following already selling a course on the same topic?”It’s a good question, sure, but it’s missing something important: YOU. Think of it this way, why do Pepsi AND Coke both exist? What about Trevor Noah AND Stephen Colbert? Or the zillions of Disney movies that all basically have the same plot?The reality is that either someone has already created a course on the same topic as you, or someone will. But that’s no reason why YOU shouldn’t create your course. The reason someone buys a course isn’t JUST because of the information they’re going to learn; it’s because of the person teaching it. Read. That. Again.Now, you might be saying, “Why would someone want to buy a course from little ol’ me when the Oprah of my industry has a course on the same topic?!”Well, just because someone is popular doesn’t mean their personality, experience, or teaching style will resonate with everyone.In fact, the things that make you different are also the things that make you profitable!So, to answer the original question? Nope! The online course industry isn’t too saturated, boo. In fact, it’s estimated that the e-learning industry will be worth $325 BILLION by 2025. Holy cannoli! This means that while more people might be creating online courses, waaaaay more people are buying them, too. So, the people who create courses NOW are in for an exciting surprise as the industry continues to skyrocket!So, who cares if your course has already been done! It hasn’t been done by YOU, and in the marketing world, that’s a pretty big deal.Get The Profitable Creator – Melyssa Griffin, Only Price $127I created The Profitable Creator to give you the complete system I used to turn my passion into a thriving business.I haven’t always had a successful, content-driven business. I know what it’s like to work constantly and feel like you’re getting nowhere. Truuuust me.When I started my blog, I was a busy classroom teacher living paycheck-to-paycheck in a 300-square-foot studio apartment on a tiny income. I didn’t feel valued at my job and my creativity was withering.In other words, I. freaking. get. it.And despite spending all of my time creating free content, I felt like my growth was slow and sporadic.I looked at other content creators whose growth seemed effortless and wondered what they knew that I didn’t. My content was just as good – so why was no one reading it?Then, things changed.After a year of throwing spaghetti at the wall, I started to find my footing. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was developing a system – one that actually worked – in order to turn my blog into a wildly successful business. Nine months into blogging, I was able to quit my day job to run my blog full time.Now, a few years later, the community I’ve grown through my blog includes over 350,000 subscribers and followers! Not to mention, I was able to turn my blog into a multi-million dollar business… all because I learned how to use my free content as an insanely effective tool to build an online empire.The Profitable Creator compiles the most powerful lessons + strategies I’ve learned into a fool-proof, step-by-step method that will turn your content into a money-making biz.In The Profitable Creator, I’m showing you the exact strategies I’ve used and steps I’ve taken to grow my following to over 350,000 subscribers and followers and a million dollars in annual income.You may feel overwhelmed right now. Should you use Facebook ads? What about Instagram? Do you need to create dance videos on TikTok?! Nope! You need to simplify and focus on the best and most sustainable method…The free content you create on your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel is your #1 asset.And inside The Profitable Creator, I’m going to break down my Profitable Creator Method to show you how to increase your income, launch your first online course, and grow an engaged community that absolutely loves what you create.Are you ready to jump off the hamster wheel of overwhelm by trying to do All The Things? Ready to simplify, get clarity, and use the same system that turned my content into a ridiculously profitable business? As a member of The Profitable Creator you’re going to:GROW YOUR AUDIENCEINCREASE YOUR TRAFFICNURTURE YOURONLINE COMMUNITYBECOME THE GO-TO LEADER IN YOUR NICHEPICK A WINNING ONLINE COURSE IDEACREATE AN ONLINE COURSECREATE PROFITABLE WEBINARSWRITE HIGH-POWERED LAUNCH EMAILSEARN PASSIVE INCOME IN YOUR SLEEPLet’s take a look at what you’ll learn in each of the six modules:MODULE 1: RAPIDLY GROW YOUR WEBSITE’S TRAFFICMODULE 2: THE FOUNDATIONS OF MASSIVE AUDIENCE GROWTHMODULE 3: MASTER EMAIL MARKETING + LIST-BUILDINGMODULE 4: MAP OUT YOUR PROFITABLE ONLINE COURSEMODULE 5: BUILD YOUR ENTIRE COURSE FROM A TO ZMODULE 6: MARKETING AND LAUNCHING LIKE A BOSSYou also get tons of bonuses when you enroll…$4,382 worth of bonuses, if you’re keeping track.Let’s take a peek at the extras you’re gonna get when you enroll:BONUS 6-FIGURE LAUNCH BLUEPRINTSHave you ever launched a course or product? Maybe just the thought of that feels so overwhelming. Well, there can be a LOT of moving parts, even for first-time launches. In this bonus, you’ll get two strategically mapped out launch master plans – one that is perfect for beginners (and is easy to implement), and another that’s a little more advanced and extensive.Both master plans include a checklist and calendar of events so you can be as organized as humanly possible.You’ll also get access to a special masterclass with launching expert, Dee Reller, who is a master at planning and organizing launches, and will help you do the same. And yes, these are the same blueprints I use in my own business!BONUS MEMBERS-ONLY FACEBOOK COMMUNITYYou’ll get access to our exclusive Facebook group with thousands of Profitable Creators. In addition to Melyssa, you have access to a Business Coach and Mindset Coach inside the group to ensure that you always have clarity and support when you need it. We aim to answer ALL questions within 1 business day or less – no one gets left behind here!BONUS 10 COPY-AND-PASTE MONEY MAKIN’ LAUNCH EMAILSAs you’ll learn in The Profitable Creator, your email list is one of your most important assets. But sending “sales emails” during your course launch can be tricky, and the right emails can make the difference between blowing your income goals out of the water… or barely scraping by.This 10-part sequence includes the exact language I’ve used to sell millions of dollars worth of courses to my audience.And the best part? In this bonus, I completely guide you through everything you should say – even including “fill in the blank” sections to make it all SUPER simple (and profitable) for you.BONUS LIVE, WEEKLY COACHING CALLSFor two weeks of every month, I personally host a live coaching call to answer your questions related to business, content creation, email marketing, and more! And for the other two weeks of each month, our Community Mindset Coach hosts live calls to help you bust through fear, overwhelm, and all those tricky mindset blocks that keep you stuck.This is a place where you can show up and seek support when you feel scared, confused, or need deeper clarity than just a quick fix strategy. Many of my students purchase my courses just for the coaching calls – they are THAT good.I offer high-level group coaching programs that are tens of thousands of dollars to join. But you’ll get these coaching calls as a free bonus when you join The Profitable Creator!BONUS THE GETTING STARTED GUIDES FOR BLOGGERS, PODCASTERS, AND YOUTUBERSWhile the The Profitable Creator System works whether you’re a new or seasoned blogger, podcaster or YouTuber, this special bonus will help you get set up with these 3 platforms even if you’re just starting out.TPC walks you through how to get traffic, grow your email list, and create a profitable course… but what do you need to do BEFORE you dive into those things? How do you pick the right platform for your website? What should you include in your blog posts, podcast episodes, or YouTube videos to help them stand out and turn visitors into raving fans? This bonus shares all the secrets that experienced content creators already know, in order to help you get started with ease.BONUS SALES FUNNEL ACCELERATORSales Funnel Accelerator is a mini course that breaks down HOW to set up a high-converting sales funnel. What is a sales funnel, you ask? Well, it’s a system you can set up so that your course makes consistent sales, day after day. Without a sales funnel, you’d have to constantly launch your course, which can be tiring! This way, you’ll be bringing in passive income on the daily. This bonus course even includes three prototypes of sales funnels I’ve used in my business to earn millions of dollars (literally on autopilot)! It’s the perfect “next step” after you complete The Profitable Creator, which is why I’m giving it to anyone who pays for TPC in full!Get The Profitable Creator – Melyssa Griffin, Only Price $127Tag: The Profitable Creator – Melyssa Griffin  Review. The Profitable Creator – Melyssa Griffin download. The Profitable Creator – Melyssa Griffin discount.profitable makerspaces. profitable sign maker