The Perfect Day Formula – Craig Ballantyne


Tired Of Being Overworked, Sacrificing Your Health, And Missing Out On Time With Your Family?Why You Must IGNORE 99% Of The “Lifestyle Gurus” If You Want To STOP Working So Hard And Finally Regain Control Of Your LifeRead This Article And Watch The VIDEO Below For The 3 Secrets To SuccessBy Craig Ballantyne, Editor, EarlyToRise.ComNo matter how many books you’ve read on productivity, time management, and life hacking, life just seems to get crazier and busier every year…You’ve read The 4-Hour Work Week… but you’re still not working any less. In fact, you’re probably working MORE than ever.You’ve studied The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People… but you still don’t feel like you’re highly successful.Get The Perfect Day Formula – Craig Ballantyne, Only Price 39$You’ve listened to, watched, and maybe even attended a seminar on Tony Robbins’ Personal Power and Awakening the Giant Within… but that motivation was fast and fleeting, and whatever Giant awoke has now gone back to bed.You’ve finished Getting Things Done… but you still aren’t Getting Things Done!And yes, you’ve even read The Secret.But if sitting in a chair “manifesting your dreams” just hasn’t worked out for you, well, join the club. It hasn’t worked for anyone (not even the author of the book!).All you’ve done is waste precious hours daydreaming about the “easy life” you should be living.These books might motivate you for moments, but the truth is they just cause you more frustration and bitterness because you can never seem to turn what you read into reality.Adding another book to your shelf is NOT the answer.So what are you doing wrong?The answer is nothing.It’s not your fault that a few books — full of general information for the masses — have failed to change your life… they were never intended to. That’s NOT why those authors wrote those books…As you’ll see below in this new “leaked report,” you’ve been had… conned… LIED TO… and flat out tricked into believing that adding another book to your shelf would be the answer to all your problems.So you can’t blame yourself anymore.You see, those books were more for entertainment and encouragement than they were for making significant, lasting changes in your life.Sure, books can be a gateway to better habits… but they are not the solution you need.No one can expect you to change your life and achieve all of your big goals and dreams just by reading a simple book.That’s not how success works. But you already knew that…After all, it’s not by accident that you found your way to this page…You’re what’s called a High-Achiever, the type of person who thinks differently, and you’re well aware that if you want to see and feel the level of success you desire that you must first model success…That’s not new information to you.It’s simply logical and intelligent thinking, and that’s exactly why you’re reading this letter right now.You know that you need to model — and use the secrets of — other success stories that have already achieved the level of success you desire…The problem is that until now you’ve been fooled into believing that those secrets were available in a book.The most successful men and women of our time, including Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, and even Mark Zuckerberg, did not get to where they are because they read a book.Do you really think the privileged information passed down from the 1% of the 1%, from some of the most secret societies in the world, would really be found in an ordinary book that you can pick up at your local bookstore?While these icons differ greatly in what they’ve achieved in life… HOW they achieved it does not.In fact, you’ll be shocked to know that these billionaires and celebrity icons actually achieved their success using the same 3 “success shortcuts” revealed below.Combined, these are the 3 secrets to achieving your perfect life.And it’s what allowed the icons mentioned above, plus hundreds more, to achieve their perfect life and to have a massive impact on the world.Even if they don’t know it, these 3 secrets are what’s allowing them to breeze through life achieving what appears to be overnight success while you’re forced to struggle and slog through each day being drained of your energy, time, and willpower……Only to find yourself “STUCK” and spinning your wheels when you really just want to be on the fast track to success.So what you’re about to discover is the exact privileged information passed down from the 1% of the 1% and what’s usually only discussed behind closed doors in private clubs.This information is NOT available anywhere else on the Internet.It is only available for the first time ever on this very page.The bad news is that people like you and I will never have the opportunity to be a member of these organizations that are sworn to secrecy and virtually hidden from the general public.The good news is that in today’s information and technology age, it’s virtually impossible to keep at least a few of these “success shortcuts,” like the 3 revealed below, from slipping through the cracks and getting leaked to the world… provided you have someone — like me — obsessively searching for them night and day.You see, these 3 “success shortcuts” that you’re about to discover are the answer to what researchers are now calling the mysterious “Perfect Life Paradox.”This is the phenomenon that has allowed the most successful people in the history of the world to achieve far greater success in less time than what was thought to be humanly possible, and all…Without always having the best education or the mastery of high-level skillsWithout coming from money and privilegeWithout sacrificing their family’s happinessSure, being born with a Silver Spoon can help… but as you’re about to see, that’s not required for achieving the level of success you desire.The cold, harsh, truth is that 99.9% of average people — including the people you work with — will never figure out these 3 success secrets.And so they’ll spend a lifetime slaving away towards their dreams of financial freedom — but continuing to fall further and further behind with each passing year.But once you discover how quickly and easy it is to implement these 3 success secrets……You’ll finally have the success roadmap you’ve been looking for and you’ll finally start achieving more, working less, and actually making it home in time for dinner with your family every night.The 3 secrets I’m about to reveal below have been used by thousands of the greatest leaders, scientists, and the wealthiest entrepreneurs in history.These success stories include Marcus Aurelius, Winston Churchill, John D. Rockefeller, Marie Curie, Andrew Carnegie, and Presidents Roosevelt… and the list goes on.But these secrets are also now available to us, and they will work for you, just as they did for dozens of men and women that have started using this system, including…Men and women of all ages that have taken back control of their livesBusy parents — some with five kids! — that are finally getting quality family timeEntrepreneurs now able to earn 6- and 7-figure incomes because they control their daysMillennials that are getting out of debt and off to a FAST start in lifeA Pastor that uses these 3 secrets in his spiritual mentoringIt will even work for your children! It’s never too early (or too late) in life to start applying these simple success secrets… First, there’s something you absolutely must start doing right now…Why You MUST Stop Wasting Your Days And Start Knocking Off Your To-Do List Before NoonIf you suffer from working too hard with nothing to show for it at the end of the day, if you feel like you’re stuck in life but want to get to the next level, here’s GREAT news…There’s a way you can get more done without working harder. There’s a way for you to finally succeed in life.There IS a way you can have it all, experiencing big breakthroughs in your career and still being able to spend quality time with your family.You don’t have to sacrifice your time, health, and family just to get ahead.But it does require you to do something different than what you’ve done in the past.Now you’ve probably heard this old saying…The Definition Of Insanity Is Doing The Same Things Over And Over Again And Expecting Different ResultsIf you ignore the root cause of your frustrations, things will only get worse. Sure you can try to take advantage of “resolution momentum” and start working harder…Or you can go to a weekend seminar and get inspired for a day…And yes, you can put your nose to the grindstone, put in more hours, sleep less, and sacrifice more.But that didn’t work in the past, and it won’t work this year either.Like the losing gambler that keeps betting more and more money on wild speculations, this “doubling-down” approach only makes things worse.Your to-do list grows longer. The pile of work on your desk grows bigger while the time you have for family — and yourself — grows smaller.The stress builds. The tension mounts. Your frustration peaks. And eventually it all blows up and the people closest to you get hurt.The ‘I’ll just work harder’ approach to life is honorable, but it’s killing you — and your dreams. And if you don’t change, your dreams will wither and die.Every day that you don’t take action on them, your dreams move further and further away while the treadmill of life drags you backwards faster and faster.And as a result of putting in more hours and sleeping less, life will only get more stressful.Your family will grow even more frustrated with your excuses for missing out on time with them.And you’ll be left all alone, overworked, unrewarded, and totally defeated.You’ll grow older and jealous of those around you who are using the 3 success secrets to make more money, have more fun, and spend more quality time with their families.It doesn’t have to be like that.So what do you do when you’re stuck and sick and tired of spinning your wheels?There are 3 directions people can go.First, some people just quit.They lose their motivation and resign themselves to a mediocre existence, like those poor folks in the movie Office Space.That’s not you.You’re a high-achiever. You’re motivated. You want to succeed.That brings us to the second direction, the one you’re probably taking right now.You’ve started working longer hours and you’re sacrificing your health and family, but it’s just not worth it.So now what?It’s the third direction that you must take. It’s the ONLY way out for you.It’s called the Fast Track for Success.And to get on the fast track for success, you need a step-by-step blueprint.But where do we find this blueprint for success?It’s not on your bookshelf. Otherwise you wouldn’t be in this situation right now.And it’s not to be found in a YouTube video.You won’t even find it at the latest guru’s weekend seminar.You need more than just the motivational ‘flavor of the month’.What you really need is wisdom.Wisdom is the gift of life-changing knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation.You’ll recognize wisdom as the invaluable lessons you learned from your Grandmother or Grandfather.Wisdom doesn’t come from Twitter.Wisdom isn’t found on Facebook.And it certainly won’t be discovered in a “viral video.”These methods don’t go deep enough.So where do you get wisdom in this day and age of the ‘quick hit?’The answer is to have a mentor walking you through a step-by-step blueprint of how to change your life.But you must choose your mentors wisely…Why You Must Do The OPPOSITE Of What 99% Of “Lifestyle Gurus” Tell You To DoChances are you’ve followed the traditional path to success so far in your life.You listened to your teachers, got good grades, worked hard, and followed the rules.You did what you were told.You’ve had your ups and downs, but you’re still not as successful as you want to be, and more importantly, you KNOW that you deserve better.And when you go looking for advice on how to fix these problems, the popular Lifestyle Gurus of today tell you to let others control what you do, think, and feel.They are letting you off the hook and giving responsibility for your life to someone else.Join the crowd, they say.Don’t upset anyone, they insist.Blend in, don’t make a noise, and stay up late so you don’t miss the latest hot show on Netflix, because you don’t want to be left out.The pressure to conform is stronger than ever.But this pressure will destroy you.Following this advice robs you of your life.And won’t put you on the path to success.It only puts you further and further behind.Get The Perfect Day Formula – Craig Ballantyne, Only Price 39$How To Find Your Focus And Purpose To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality And Live The Perfect LifeThere’s a common theme among all the high-achievers that I’ve met.They are living the Perfect Life because they have applied the proven secrets from Perfect Day Formula. Now they have more time for their families and themselves.They’ve eliminated the shackles of working too much and too hard. They’ve found the freedom they’ve always deserved and desired.If you’re not achieving your goals it’s simply because you aren’t sure exactly how you should be controlling your days.No one has ever stopped and taken the time to walk you through creating the blueprint for your PERFECT life.But as you’ve read above, it is possible.It doesn’t matter how busy you are, or how old you are, or what you’ve gone through in the past.It’s time for you to move on and to take advantage of this brand-new opportunity that lies before you.This is your year.Your time is now.You can finally live a life of freedom when you put in place these 3 Secrets:Secret #1 You Must Create Your Personal 10 CommandmentsThe philosopher Immanuel Kant believed that we must all have Maxims, a short list of essential rules for living that should be strictly adhered to and followed for the rest of one’s life.When I first wrote out my personal maxims (what you might also call your personal Commandments), it felt as though I had painted a masterpiece.I realized that following my Commandments had brought me all of my success in the past, and any time I had struggled it was because I had strayed from these boundaries.From that day forward, my wealth, my success, and my happiness skyrocketed, while feelings of guilt, anxiety, and stress virtually disappeared from my life.Soon I began coaching my personal clients on creating their own 10 Commandments.I taught them how to create core, guiding values to live their Perfect Life.Your personal Commandments will do the same for you.They are essential for achieving your big goals and dreams.With your sacred boundaries in place, you’ll finally access your untapped potential.Below is one of my favorite client success stories.When I first met this man I could see his potential, but there were so many roadblocks in his way and temptations taking him off course. It was only when he created his 10 Commandments that he began having big personal breakthroughs.I can’t wait to help you create your code and unlock the riches in your life.Secret #2 You Must Plant The 5 Pillars For SuccessAlmost 10 years ago, I began giving away money to men and women for losing weight in my Body Transformation Contests.And over and over again I realized the winners all had 5 “Pillars for Success” in place. If all five were present in their lives, success was ensured. But if even one were missing, it would derail all of their efforts.It’s almost certain that you’re missing one or more in your life right now. But that’s not your fault. First of all, they didn’t teach you the 5 Pillars of Success in school. And second, even if you knew what they were, no one has ever shown you how to use them.That will all change today when you get The Perfect Day Formula.I’ll mentor you through identifying and implementing the 5 pillars for your life.When you organize your life according to these 5 pillars, you’ll regain control of your days, overcome procrastination, and finally achieve your big goals and dreams — just like the winners in my body transformation contests have done.Their secrets are now available to you. And you can use them to live your Perfect Life.Secret #3 You Must Have A North Star To Guide YouYou’re almost there. With your personal Commandments and the proven 5 Pillars in place, you’ll finally be able to control your days, get more done, and move ahead towards your big goals and dreams.There’s only one thing still stopping you.Temptations are everywhere these days. Life is not as simple as it once was.There are so many roads you could travel in life, and the last thing you want to do is take a wrong turn.You need a roadmap for success, and the 3rd and final secret reveals exactly how to find yours.Recent surveys reveal that over 90% of people don’t know what they want in life. And if you don’t know where you want to be, then it’s impossible to create a roadmap to get there.That’s why creating the North Star — your guiding light, your roadmap for success, your step-by-step blueprint — is so important.This is about more than just goal setting. It’s about creating the perfect vision for your Perfect Life. And with that in place, you’ll finally be able to achieve your wildest dreams and overcome the temptations, procrastination, and obstacles in your way.How Did I Discover These Little Known Success Secrets?My name is Craig Ballantyne, editor of the world-renowned success website, I’m also known as the “most disciplined man in the world.”But that wasn’t always the case.In Fact, By Nature, I’m Lazy, Unmotivated, And Love To Sleep Late.Just a few years ago I’d wake up and hit the snooze button (three to four times) before getting out of bed.That left me feeling behind and demotivated every morning.Without structure in my days, I was working non-stop as a personal trainer from morning to midnight, but no matter how hard I worked, I was never able to finish my to-do list or end the day with a powerful sense of accomplishment.I worked until my eyes burned, my back ached, and my fingers nearly bled.But the treadmill of life never let up, and I was left simply spinning my wheels without gaining any ground on my biggest goals and dreams.I was so frustrated… sitting there on the verge of tears each night wondering, “I’m working so hard, why can’t I get ahead?”Then I’d collapse into bed, exhausted and defeated, knowing that I had to start all over again in just a few hours time.Looking around at my more successful friends, and my wealthy personal training clients added to my frustration and, I’m embarrassed to admit this, also left me feeling jealous and bitter.I knew I deserved better.And so do you.So I set off on a journey.I’ve traveled to Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and all across America looking for the answers at the latest cutting-edge seminars.But I didn’t find my answers from any of the Lifestyle Gurus I studied.Little did I know, the solution existed in the wisdom of a philosopher that lived over 2000 years ago.When I first stumbled across his teachings, I was skeptical.Could these 3 secrets really be the key to a Perfect Life?Shouldn’t it be more complex?As I launched myself into a deep dive of his wisdom I found myself crossing paths with more and more men and women that were using his wisdom to live life on THEIR terms.They didn’t make a big deal about themselves, and none of them sought fame or fortune as Lifestyle Gurus.But they were wealthier, healthier, and much wiser than I was. And most importantly, they didn’t seem to be working as much or as hard as I was.So I studied them, investing over $300,000 of my own money to track down and learn from these successful people.I sought them out in remote locations like their beach estates in Panama and Nicaragua, at Porsche racetracks in Germany, in fancy hotels in London and New York City, and at their multiple homes all across America.And after two years of interviewing these high-achievers, I was able to start creating a system for my life … and soon the results and success started coming faster than ever into my life.I was attracting more opportunity without working harder.My to-do list was miraculously getting finished before noon.Money was finally flowing my way.I had turned my life around.And I was able to quit my job as a personal trainer working for someone else and pursue my dreams of building my own business and transforming the lives of millions of people just like you — all by sharing the 3 secrets with the world.Today I run Early To Rise, a business in Denver with over 20 team members dedicated to improving your life.You Are Part Of Our 10 Million Transformation MissionAt Early To Rise, we help men and women from all over the world lose weight, get healthy, make more money, and have more time for what really matters in life.In fact, it’s our mission to transform the lives of 10 million people — just like you — physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.We are bound to do this. Our entire company is based on this one simple goal.Nothing will stop us. And that’s why I had to share these secrets with you.That’s why…If You Want Something You’ve Never Had, You Must Do Something You’ve Never DoneIf you want be living your perfect life like the most successful men and women of our time, including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Mark Zuckerberg, then you must have a mentor to walk you through your personal blueprint for success.That’s the secret to achieving true breakthroughs.Now I know what you’re thinking…“I can’t afford Tony Robbins to be my personal coach…”You’re right. I can’t either.But don’t worry, there is a solution — one that is exponentially more effective than reading the latest ‘success book’ and one that doesn’t require you to mortgage your house so you can fly off to a Tony Robbins’ retreat at $50,000 a day.There IS a way that you can get the mentoring you need at a price that’s a STEAL for you.Let me introduce you to The Perfect Day Formula.The Perfect Day FormulaThe Only PERFECT Step-By-Step Blueprint That Allows Anyone To Achieve More Freedom In Less Time And Finally Start Living The Perfect Life.It’s like having a mentor-in-a-box. And you get the same results as if Tony Robbins was there in your home walking you through the exact steps to unlocking your peak potential and achieving the success you’ve always dreamed about.The Perfect Day Formula eliminates every obstacle in your way. It allows you to control your time and own your days so that you achieve your big goals and dreams and still have time for your family — and for yourself — at night.It’s the Holy Grail of Success.The Formula shows you exactly how to achieve your dreams — all in the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to trek through the airport to another seminar, coaching meeting, or motivational gathering.Everything you need is delivered directly to your doorstep so that your success comes as quickly and easily as possible.If you want more success, more time with your family, more money, better health, or simply peace of mind and less stress in your life, then The Perfect Day Formula is perfect for you.When you finally focus on what matters you’ll easily eliminate the distractions in your life and be able to move ahead — and ACCOMPLISH — big things every day.Just LOOK at all of the “regular people” like you and I who discovered these success secrets and were able to change their lives, stop working so hard, and finally live the life of their dreams…All of these people were once just like you. They were busy, overwhelmed, and tempted with distractions. This left them overworked and frustrated.But then they discovered what’s known as The Perfect Day Formula and were able to overcome the obstacles in their life and, as one said, “Escape a Mediocre Existence.”It’s the formula that worked for Emperors and Noblemen, and it works just as well for busy people today.This wisdom is priceless, and when put into a formula for the crazy world of our present day, it allows you to:Make more progress on your big goals in lifeOvercome the chaos that the world throws at you each daySpend more time with your familyBuild the career of your dreams and dramatically grow your wealthAnd finally make time to improve your healthIt works if you want to lose weight, improve your relationships, make more money, achieve financial freedom, and even if you want to find the love of your life.That’s The Power Of Getting This Guiding Light On Your Side.So stop stumbling through the darkness in life. Stop spinning your wheels.Start making progress every day… while working less than you were before.This is your year.Your time is now!So stop stumbling through the darkness in life. Stop spinning your wheels.Start making progress every day… while working less than you were before.This is your year.Your time is now!The Perfect Day Formula Walks You Through EXACTLY How To Apply The 3 Secrets To Your Life So That You Stop Feeling Like You’ve Squandered Your Days.There will be no more evenings where you feel stuck spinning your wheels while you watch everyone else fly past you on the fast track to success.The Perfect Day Formula pulls you out of the mud and puts you on that fast track so that you can speed ahead and finally achieve your big goals and dreams in life.This is exactly what you’ve been looking for.Not having The Perfect Day Formula is the only thing that’s been holding you back.But now it’s here.And now your time has come to regain control of your life and take your success to the next level — at home, at work, and wherever else you want to accelerate in life.Let’s take a look at everything you’ll get when…The Perfect Day Formula Shows Up On Your Doorstep…Inside this beautifully handcrafted package you’ll discover the exact tools you need to create your personal 10 Commandments, to set in stone your 5 Pillars of Success, and find the North Star you need to give your life’s vision the clarity it needs.The Perfect Day Formula eliminates every obstacle in your way. It allows you to control your time and own your days so that you achieve your big goals and dreams and still have time for your family — and for yourself — at night.It’s the Holy Grail of Success.The Formula shows you exactly how to achieve your dreams — all in the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to trek through the airport to another seminar, coaching meeting, or motivational gathering.Everything you need is delivered directly to your doorstep so that your success comes as quickly and easily as possible.If you want more success, more time with your family, more money, better health, or simply peace of mind and less stress in your life, then The Perfect Day Formula is perfect for you.That’s why you must take action today and get the Formula in your hands as soon as possible.Let me show all of the amazing goodies that you’ll get when you open up this incredible gift box that will be delivered to your door. It’s like Christmas all over again!Believe me, nothing like this is available anywhere else today, nor has it EVER been.Here’s why…The Perfect Day Formula is priceless. These tools deliver lasting results that are exponentially more effective than what you’ll get from the latest “success app.”This wisdom, passed down from one generation of great leaders to the next, gives you the pillars of success for finally accomplishing your big goals.The workbooks, planners, and guides that you’ll receive as part of the formula show you exactly what changes to make right now to get the life you’ve dreamed about.This is as Done-For-You as success can ever get.You’ll now be able to attract the abundance, prosperity, and success that you so greatly deserve and desire after all these years of hard work.This is your opportunity to rewrite the story of your life and begin living your dreams.It’s worked for thousands of men and women of every age and background, and even for people starting out in much worse circumstances than you.It’s worked because they decided to Take Action and Follow the Formula.It’s that simple.If you want be living your perfect life like the most successful men and women of our time, including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Mark Zuckerberg, then you must have a mentor to walk you through your personal blueprint for success.That’s the secret to achieving true breakthroughs.Now I know what you’re thinking…“I can’t afford Tony Robbins to be my personal coach…”You’re right. I can’t either.But don’t worry, there is a solution — one that is exponentially more effective than reading the latest ‘success book’ and one that doesn’t require you to mortgage your house so you can fly off to a Tony Robbins’ retreat at $50,000 a day.There IS a way that you can get the mentoring you need at a price that’s a STEAL for you.And that mentoring solution is having The Perfect Day Formula shipped to your doorstep.It’s like having a mentor-in-a-box. And you get the same results as if Tony Robbins was there in your home walking you through the exact steps to unlocking your peak potential and achieving the success you’ve always dreamed about.So YES, you can get amazing results and live your Perfect Day without spending $50,000 to hire Tony Robbins.And because this is the first time The Perfect Day Formula has ever been made available, you have the exclusive opportunity to get started at a Charter Member Price.But the investment will never be this low again.Once we run out of our first batch of kits, the price will increase dramatically.Right now it’s an absolute steal to get the complete blueprint to your success.If you wanted to hire me as your personal coach and spend the next 12 weeks working through the formula via one-on-one phone coaching, you’d have to wait at least 7 months to get started, as that’s the length of the current waiting list.And when you got that chance your investment would be $1000 per month (and I only work with clients committed to at least 3 months).But to get the life changing results from The Perfect Day Formula, you don’t need to invest $300,000 flying around the world and creating your system.You don’t even need to invest $50,000, or $3000, or $1000, or even half of that.Because this is the first time I have ever offered this system to the world, you can get full access to The Perfect Day Formula to create your Perfect Life for just $199.This is an absolute killer deal on getting everything you’d receive if I were right there at your kitchen table or office desk taking you through every part of designing your new and perfect life.And not only will you get The Perfect Day Formula to fix your life right now, but you’ll also get a FREE year of my Perfect Life coaching program sent to you each month to keep your momentum going when other people get in your way, and to renew your motivation when new obstacles pop up and leave you feeling like you want to quit.That’s why The Perfect Day Formula is so much better than attending another seminar or reading another book. The success you get from this formula NEVER wear off because I’ll keep showing up with new ways to keep you on track and moving ahead to your big goals and dreams. Let me explain…Let Me Remind You Of The 10 Life Changing Tools You’ll Receive In The Perfect Day Formula.Let Me Remind You Of The 10 Life Changing Tools You’ll Receive In The Perfect Day Formula.#1: The Create-Your-Own-10 Commandments Guide(Retail Value: $29)We’ll go through the exact Step-by-Step interview process that you and I would use if we were doing a 1-on-1 phone coaching session. Using this power interview, we’ll create your Perfect Personal ‘Commandments’ so that you’re able to make 99% of the BIG decisions in your life with less guilt, less stress and less anxiety than ever before.When I first wrote out my personal commandments five years ago, my wealth, my success, and my happiness skyrocketed, while my feelings of guilt, anxiety, and stress virtually disappeared from my life. I can’t wait to help YOU do the same for your life!#2: The