The Path of Feminine Fulfillment – Devaa Haley Mitchell


Are you one of the millions of women attempting to truly “have it all” on the outer levels – career, meaning, family and service – and yet you still feel a deep yearning in your heart and soul?Are your days filled with busyness and “to-do” lists, but often lack those things that really bring you deep joy, embodied happiness and soul satisfaction?Too many of us modern, liberated women have tried to be “super women.” But we are quietly withering inside.We know that we’re here to live extraordinary lives and change the world along the way. We’ve gotten the education, many have manifested good careers, and we are committed to lives of meaning. We’ve attended the workshops, done our healing work, and stood powerfully in our truth.We should be more happy knowing how far we’ve come.And yet, our collective rates of happiness have gone steadily downhill. At the same time that women are rising in power in the world, we’re sinking in life satisfaction.We’re losing touch with our uniquely feminine blessings – the very things that can heal the world!There’s something deeply and fundamentally off with how we’re going about becoming the women we’ve dreamed of becoming, and much of it boils down to one fundamental recognition:We’ve taken on masculine visions of success, and ended up undermining our deep feminine fulfillment.And in the process of doing that, we’ve sabotaged our joie de vivre, our pleasure and our relationships. We’ve become more stressed, less healthy and lonelier.It’s time to change all that – not just for ourselves, but for the sake of the world – which NEEDS us to shine with all the life-giving feminine radiance that is our birthright.As women alive at this unique moment of history, we have a wonderfully juicy opportunity to create a model for living that goes beyond worldly achievement and expresses what truly brings us joy in our bodies, minds, hearts and soul.We have the chance to move beyond the desire to survive, or even succeed, to THRIVE.This notion is clearly alive right now in the collective consciousness. Arianna Huffington, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group, uses “Thrive” as the title of her new book. There, she writes that we need to move beyond our desires for money and power, and now incorporate a “third metric” – which includes our well-being, our ability to draw on our intuition and inner wisdom, our sense of wonder, and our capacity for compassion and giving.The Path of Feminine Fulfillment training is designed as a powerful step-by-step approach to focus you on developing that third critical metric – and doing it with fun and flair!As you shift and put more of your precious energy there, your sense of life fulfillment dramatically increases.As we make this shift, we begin to truly LOVE our life, rather than struggle through our days. Our bodies and souls become better nourished, and we can design our careers, families and communities to mirror, support and reflect this more satisfying paradigm of living – one that is fully integrated with our feminine side.Your Path to FulfillmentSo, if you were to imagine a life that has you feeling deeply loved, nourished, celebrated, and self-expressed, what would it look like?There are many different pathways to fulfillment. Most of us are fulfilled when we experience deep connection and intimacy with those we love. We find fulfillment when we fully express ourselves and our creativity – and have it joyfully received.We are fulfilled as we experience immense pleasure and witness exquisite beauty (not to mention, when we feel beautiful ourselves). We are fulfilled as we feel juicy, supple and ALIVE in our bodies!Yes, we desire financial success and the freedom it brings. But we also realize that money cannot buy us happiness. It’s only one ingredient of a more holistic picture of what will really quench that quiet longing inside.One way to approach this question is through reflecting on your own eulogy at the end of your life. Eulogies often focus on cherished stories, shared adventures, acts of generosity, lifelong passions, and the things that made us laugh.What do you want people to say about you at the end of your life?Starting with the end in mind, we can evolve a different vision of a well-lived life, and write our own unique script based on our personal values and dreams.More than a Course – a MovementMore and more of us are coming to the recognition that it’s time for a third wave of feminism that isn’t about rights or access to power, but about a genuine integration of feminine qualities at every level of our lives.This wave requires each of us to design our lives from our most authentic selves, and honor the feminine qualities that bring us joy.It’s really about a movement of juicy, free and delight-filled women who are not conforming to the old paradigms. Are you part of it? If so….Let’s laugh far more, and make being juicy, vibrant, healthy and alive the baseline of our lives.Let’s dress with style and whimsy, rather than try to fit into stiff grey pantsuits.Let’s dare to LOVE our colleagues while we speak our truths in the face of outdated ideas.When we start businesses that express our highest purpose, let’s make sure they still work around our preferred schedules and natural rhythms.When we join a social movement, let’s make sure we can dance and celebrate.When we work, let’s bring our souls ALL the way into it… turning our work into our most joyful self-expression AND our most powerful contribution.And, by the way, let’s stop celebrating sleep deprivation, and instead, brag about how much rest we got!If the above notions speak to you – even if it’s a very small voice, deep inside, that you’ve been afraid is too idealistic to see the light of day – you are already part of the next wave of women who are creating a kinder, more loving and more vibrantly creative world.The world will change, not only because we are marching and protesting, or breaking glass ceilings, but also – and perhaps more importantly – because we are showing up in a way that is simply so deliciously authentic, wildly vulnerable and powerfully real – that it is magnetic to more and more people.That means showing up in a way that INSPIRES, not only ourselves, but our sisters – and brothers. And children. And mothers. It’s about creating a new way of life that is based in joy and is healthy, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous – a life that is filled with meaningful service and anchored in beauty.Once our own unique path toward fulfillment is clear, then we can empower ourselves with the tools and resources to walk the path to a divinely inspired life – one that is truly aligned with our vision.That’s really what, in the heart of all hearts, we all want. That’s what will fulfill us at the deepest level.There are hundreds of thousands of women who are pioneering a new way that is radiant and joyful, while making a meaningful contribution to our world.And perhaps you are one of them.If so, the Path of Feminine Fulfillment program has been designed JUST for you.A Perfect Guide for YouThere are very few women alive today who have worked with as many women and at the level of spiritual depth that Devaa Haley Mitchell has.The Inspiring Women Summit that she founded has touched the lives of more than 80,000 women, and has featured the teachings of more than 100 of the most inspiring women leaders alive.She’s facilitated powerful, archetypal mystery school work for hundreds of women, and coached and initiated many more women into their power.And yet, those statistics don’t tell the whole story. Devaa’s story is one that began with privilege… and disillusionment. It went through Stanford and corporate America… and into the arms of healing circles with women.Devaa has journeyed to the heart of the Amazon and the heights of the Himalayas searching for a life of deep meaning.And over the last decade, she has not only found it, but facilitated thousands of other women in THEIR journey into greater fulfillment.She’s now living a truly amazing life of service, impact, teaching, love and joy (and mostly sleeping 8-9 hours a night).She feels deliciously alive in her body, AND she does work in prisons, and has helped in the healing of conflict zones like the Congo.She launched an influential philanthropy AND she delights in snuggling, long baths and The Bachelorette.She has put out a beautiful music album, and traveled the world. And she has the relationship of her dreams with Stephen Dinan, with whom she co-founded The Shift Network.And, in the Path of Feminine Fulfillment, you’ll receive a clear and powerful program for your own life fulfillment that Devaa has distilled from her personal experiences, her work with so many of the planet’s brightest women lights, and from teaching women how to become fully, authentically, joyfully themselves.What You’ll Learn in These 8 SessionsIn this 8-module transformational program, Devaa will guide you through the fundamental shifts required to manifest your own inspired vision of feminine fulfillment – and really live it.Each session will include a blend of engaging topics, experiential exercises, guided meditations, as well as opportunities for reflection and dialogue.Each module builds harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to expand your feminine radiance, increase your impact on the world, and live an extraordinary life.Module 1: Strengthening Your Foundation for FulfillmentIt’s almost impossible to live an actualized life when your underlying foundation is shaky. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, finding “fulfillment” is parallel to “self-actualization,” which is at the top of the pyramid. In order to focus our attention there, though, the lower levels must be solidly in place and addressed. So in this first session, you’ll have a chance to assess the outer foundations of your life, and understand where you need to strengthen in order to build toward fulfillment. But even more importantly, we’ll focus on the INNER foundations of your life. And you will learn tools and practices to connect more deeply with your embodied wisdom, and enhance your feminine radiance.In this module, you will:Understand why women are less happy now than ever before in history, and what you can do to beat the oddsExplore Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and how you can use it to build a more solid foundation to thriveIdentify the core areas of your life that are out of alignment and are preventing you from reaching feminine fulfillment – and learn what to do about itDeepen your connection with your body wisdom, so you can take actions that will feel good at every levelUnderstand how to boost your frequency using sound and light – so you can be more magnetic for what you truly want to create in your lifeModule 2: Understanding How to Satisfy Your Soul – and Why it Can Seem So Hard to Get ThereFor most women, a true sense of fulfillment often does NOT come from those things we were told would bring success or happiness. So what does? And why do we so often feel like “we don’t have what it takes” to pursue our deepest dreams? In this session, you’ll have an opportunity to dream into what truly brings you joy and meaning, and how you can leverage your unique skills and talents to move towards the your ideal life.In this module, you will:Learn how to cultivate a regular current of joy to enhance your daily life so you truly do love your lifePractice infusing your deepest intentions with your unique energy signature to magnetize your ideal life with greater easeUnderstand the biological reasons why it’s difficult for women to feel really confident, and how you can build your self-esteem despite your genesLearn a model for identifying your personal “sweet spot” that leverages your talents, passions and background, and where those interact with the needs of the world, so you can make a big differenceModule 3: Leading from Within, and BEING a Radiant PresenceWho do you need to BE in order to step into the life you most want to LIVE? Like it or not, your sense of fulfillment is greatly influenced by how you are perceived and received by those around you. So it’s central that you show up with your feminine radiance and leadership presence – including your loving heart, a strong sense of confidence, elevated emotional intelligence and impeccable integrity.In this module, you will:Connect with your deep heart and loving presence, and practice sharing it in a way that cultivates connectionLearn how to show up with your vulnerability, and use it as a strengthUnderstand how to utilize your emotional intelligence to communicate with others in a way that engages and mobilizes them in synergistic waysGet clear on how others are experiencing you, and what may need to shift in YOU to generate the experiences you are seekingModule 4: Claiming Your Power and Speaking Your TruthYour sense of fulfillment will be bolstered as you claim and stand in your feminine strength. Yet, many of us have instead made ourselves small, or given our power away in an effort to maintain harmonious relations or to be loved. This pattern is extremely common, but it can sabotage us truly cultivating our deepest fulfillment.In this module, you will:Identify those relationships or situations where you are leaking your power and how to come back to your centerLearn the key ingredients for speaking your truth in a way that others can truly hear you – especially when your truth may not be popular – and then practiceClarify where you are walking your talk, where you’ve fallen out of alignment, and how to get back on track with your authentic selfCultivate greater coherence between your inner truth and your outer expression, so you feel fully “you” rather than compartmentalized in different areas of your lifeModule 5: Facing Your Fears and Navigating Them With EaseAs you clarify your path toward a fulfilling life – and become aware of distance between where you are NOW and where you want to be – fear and resistance naturally arise. These may take the form of procrastination, feeling that you don’t really “have what it takes,” or worrying others will tear you down, among others. The key is learning to navigate these fears and resistance with relative grace and ease, so they will be mere speed bumps on your destiny path.In this module, you will:Come to understand your fears more deeply, love them, and address their core needs – while not allowing them to run your lifeLearn embodied practices for moving through fear and other obstances as they show up in your body, so you can feel strong and freeGet in touch with younger aspects of yourself that need attention, and learn to self-soothe so you can move into deeper fulfillmentEngage in a ritual process for letting go of old patterns and stories that no longer serve you, so you can experience the deep fulfillment you desireModule 6: Deepening Your Intimacy, Beauty and Pleasure!In this module, we’ll explore three topics that are closely connected: intimacy, inner beauty and pleasure. You will be invited to take a deeper look at the intimate relationships in your life, and how you can lead the way to more loving relationships. We’ll open up the space of luscious beauty that can open the heart and connect us more deeply with the Divine, and we’ll open the doorways for ever-deepening pleasure and ecstasy. Mmmm!In this module, you will:Learn tools for deepening into greater intimacy with those closest to you, so you can feel an even deeper sense of love and passionExplore the ways that you block your own heart to avoid pain, and how you can soften and open to more connectionEngage in simple, sensual practices to expand your capacity for pleasureEnter the realm of The Goddess of Love, and explore deep beauty as a pathway to connect with the divine feminine as she lives inside of youIdentify those relationships that you may have outgrown, and learn how to shift toward the appropriate level of connectionModule 7: Living Your Legacy, and a Lifetime of LearningWhether we are older and younger, it’s powerful to explore the legacy we want to leave for our family and this planet – so we can move forward with that destination in mind. So, at the end of your life, for what do you want to be remembered? And what do you need to learn and develop to move more strongly in that direction right now?In this module you will:Dream into the legacy you want to leave for yourself and our planet, so that you can shape your life in the direction of where you want it to leadImagine what you’d like people to be saying about you at the end of your life, and what they might say right now. Notice if there’s a gap, and what you can do to bridge it – starting nowAssess your current areas of mastery, and those areas you would like to develop – with a roadmap for how and when to add in each pieceDesign a pathway for learning that will keep you passionately engaged for years to comeModule 8: Turning Your Insights into ActionDuring this final module, you will have developed a clear vision for what will truly fulfill you, and what needs to shift – with an array of practices and tools to keep you feeling radiant, alive, and in love with your life. Your insights can become wisdom as you take time now to stop, reflect on your journey and your learnings, and metabolize it all. From there, you can use this wisdom as a compass to steer these next chapters of your experience. And then that wisdom can be mapped into bite-sized chunks you can weave into the fabric of your daily life. And when that’s all done… it’s time to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of this journey!In this module, you will:Reflect on the journey we’ve taken together, and the major shifts that you’ve made, so you can integrate it at a deeper level of your beingIdentify the key actions that you are committed to for moving forward, so you can gracefully continue your journey towards soul satisfactionBe witnessed and celebrated by the other women in our community in your progress toward a deeply fulfilling life – so you are supported by the whole group, instead of going it aloneEnjoy a closing ritual where we seal the experience that we’ve co-created throughout these sessionsGet The Path of Feminine Fulfillment – Devaa Haley Mitchell, Only Price 87$Tag: The Path of Feminine Fulfillment – Devaa Haley Mitchell Review. The Path of Feminine Fulfillment – Devaa Haley Mitchell download. The Path of Feminine Fulfillment – Devaa Haley Mitchell discount.