The Paradoxical Nature of Change – Video Book – Christina Hall


The Paradoxical Nature of Change – Video Book by Christina Hall, Ph.D., NLP Meta-Master Trainer“Generative NLP for the 21st century, delivered out with crystal clarity by the ultimate wordsmith. A concise and delightful learning boost for fresh and seasoned practitioners alike!“Recorded from a live 3-day workshop in the U.K. in 2010. Paradox and related strategies to open up its self-imposed limits has not been explored and taught so explicitly at any level in NLP – until now. This is particularly powerful, since Paradox plays an essential role in problem formation as well as problem resolution: so, whenever someone presents something as a problem, there is most likely a double-bind involved.ContentIn this Video Book, Christina presents generative change strategies to guide the process of generalization beyond paradoxical either-or thinking to open up possibilities where there appeared to be none – therefore, an indispensable tool for anyone who desires to make a timely contribution to the development of their clients.Discover the difference as youfollow Christina’s artfully nested, yet clear and informative her life demonstrations and experience the beauty and power of generative change in action.listen to Christina’s renown and artful use of language – brush up your language skills and see new material presented.“I have been training with Chris since the mid-90s, and have been delighted by this workshop. It is fascinating how Chris evolved the content as well as her teaching throughout the years. Though familiar with the reoccurring foundational themes in her work, new perspectives keep opening up, freshening up my understanding of how to relate to and work with people, appreciating diversity as the powerful source for exploration, learning and evolving.“(Licensed Psychotherapist, NLP Trainer)Get Dr. Hall’s latest Video Book!Download the Video Book and view it on your iPad (or other tablet), your computer and your TV screen (with a mp4-capable movie player).Want help? See our step-by-step guide on how to buy!Particular areas of exploration and “paradoxical” intervention will include:Contextual Mapping: Identify double-binds that produce problem states and learn how to open up possibilities in ways that enrich your life and interactions with others.Structure of Integration: The Polarities of Balance: Experiment with the Interdependence of Opposites to create generative change.Structure of Paradox and Transcending the Paradox: Chunk up and out of the double-bind using Meta-Chaining.Transform Conflict into Creativity: Utilize innovative counter-example strategies to chunk out of problematic double-binds, opening up greater flexibility in thinking and in action.CHI Strategy: Transcend the dilemma of either-or thinking to liberate the expansion of choice.Diamond Strategy: Reorganize beliefs to build a solid foundation of resource, choice and accomplishment, advancing your personal development.Aikido Strategy: Experiment with a simple and artful path of discovery by acknowledging with non-judgmental awareness, inner power and compassion the situations of life as a springboard to greater freedom and perspective.Lotus Swish Pattern: Chain swishes as an unconscious future-pacing pattern to accomplish outcomes in ways that actualize greater potential.Get The Paradoxical Nature of Change – Video Book – Christina Hall, Only Price $59Tag: The Paradoxical Nature of Change – Video Book – Christina Hall Review. The Paradoxical Nature of Change – Video Book – Christina Hall download. The Paradoxical Nature of Change – Video Book – Christina Hall discount.