The One Command Circle Leaders – Asara Lovejoy


Discover the Power of The One Command Circles®In This Amazing Training Program You Learn:How to Start a CircleHow to Run a CircleHow to Get People to Come to Your CirclesTeach People The One CommandAnd How to Run TeleCircles!!!Hello Everyone,For the first time our incredible One Command Certified Circle Leaders Training is Available in an MP3 audio and MP4 video Training Package delivered right to you online!WHEN YOU BECOME A CERTIFIED CIRCLE LEADER…You Make a Huge Difference in People’s Lives on a Regular Basis!Here’s What People Say About The One Command Circle Leaders Training:“I was looking for ways to inspire people to understand The One Command. The Training easily met that need providing me with lots of stories, such as the one about the £5 note in front of the pub door, which I used in my very next Circle to illustrate the need to look for evidence of Commands manifesting. I also picked up a range of tips, like the one to assure people they have reached the theta state. Altogether it deepened my understanding of The One Command process, and made me feel more confident in the Circles I’ve since led.”May JohnstoneCertified Circle Leader, UK“I just wanted to thank you for the amazing One Command Circle Facilitator Training! It was absolutely fantastic.The One Command Certified Circles Leader Training is a gift that’s well worth the investment!It’s clear that teachers Dr. Katie Garnett and Asara Lovejoy are masters of using The One Command with Circles and have a profound understanding of this process.What makes Katie and Asara exceptional (and this course) is their ability to convey this knowledge to people like myself, which they do so creatively and skillfully. As a result, my experience of The One Command has deepened, and I now feel equipped to facilitate groups using this powerful practice.Thanks, again, for sharing your knowledge and your gentle, beautiful energy.”Blessings,Mary D.Benefit from Our Combined Knowledge and ExperienceMeet Your Trainers:Katie Garnett, PhD, MPH, Author,Program Creator, Master Coach and Certified One Command Worldwide TrainerDr Katie, co-developed The One Command Circle Leaders program based on her experience as a corporate trainer, teacher, program developer and psychologist in conjunction with Asara Lovejoy, The One Command founder. One Command Circles are now held around the world, from California to Israel and New York to Italy and Norway to Antarctica and on every continent. We just certified three Circle Leaders in Montana and Amsterdam! You go Leaders!!Dr. Katie is one of only two certified One Command trainers worldwide and impacts thousands of individuals in her trainings and through her one-on-one coaching. We celebrate her enormous contribution in the worldAsara Lovejoy, Author of The One Command and Founder of The One Command Global ProgramsAsara says, “I am thrilled to co-facilitate The One Command Certified Circles leadership training with Dr Katie and Bonnie Strehlow because it has such a positive impact around the world. Those of you who are becoming certified to help others discover their untapped power in 6-esy steps and by One Command are exceptional.Creating community and support is so important, especially right now with all of the worldwide changes affecting so many. Not only are you increasing awakened consciousness as a One Command Circle Leader, but you also can earn a living right in your living room – spreading more prosperity for all.”Bonnie Strehlow, Co-author of The Theta Code: Activate Your Blueprint for Health and Wellness and Certified One Command Worldwide Trainer and Master Coach.Bonnie’s voice in the program touches our hearts and minds and enhances each segment of the training with stories, knowledge and incredible support. It is a joy to deliver The One Command Circles program with such a dynamic team.Get The One Command Circle Leaders – Asara Lovejoy , Only Price $95And learn it all… ONLINE!HERE IS WHAT YOU RECEIVE:A ready made program that you can bring right into your living room or take to your church or your business office – a program that is making a fantastic difference in success, achievement, satisfaction, personal growth and physical healing from those holding the circles and those attending – and you can be the LEADER that brings THIS PROGRAM right into your world.Now that is a powerful opportunity!If you’re ready to increase your income and career satisfaction,If you’re ready to lead the life you truly want, a life of wealth, health, and happiness,And if you’re ready to help people change their lives dramatically, on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis..Then you’re ready to be a ONE COMMAND Certified Circle® Leader!LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE PROGRAMHere is what you get in The One CommandCertified Circle Leaders Training ProgramAn online audio visual presentation with the entire Course with Katie and Asara – That includes:The live 6-session Certified Circle Leaders Course.Teaching the ‘how-to’s’ of running a Circle successfully.Teaching the ‘how-to’s’ of helping people formulate successful Commands.Knowing how to explain the three parts of The One Command.Knowing how to manage group behavior for the highest success for all.A Complete Manual with Teaching on The One Command itself and…Covers everything needed to become a highly competent Circle Leader:Understand the framework of the process of Circles.Develop the skills for group process management.Develop a sense of competence in leadership.Recognize the primary goals of the program.The method, skills and techniques for running Circles and teaching The One Command:Understand the way people learn.Understand how people are reinforced in their changes.Overview the conceptual foundations of the program, teaching how to teach:The One CommandThe Six StepsThe Support StatementThis is package is worth $997.00 but we aren’t going to charge you anywhere near that. In fact you will be Certified for our super 90% discount!!!That is correct – you can attend to become fully Certified as a One Command Circles Leader!!You are highly trained and certified in our program for just $97 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Once trained and certified as a Circle Leader, you are part of The One Command worldwide organization with global influence.You are part of a greater support system with personal access to Asara Lovejoy, the author of The One Command herself.And you learn how to hold Online Group circles so that people can be reached anytime and anywhere. The Online Circles started in response to requests from people in Australia, U.K., Spain, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, and all over the world. In fact… The One Command Circles® program is already global – held on every continent in the world.You, as a Circle Leader get to be a part of this growth by starting your own business, offering The One Command to all the people who will be walking through your door.Here is MORE of what you get in The One Command® Certified Circle Leaders Training ProgramAs a One Command Certified Circle Leader you are trained in depth to lead Circles right in your home, at your local community centers, or churches, and to bring it to the business world right at their office. Circles are based on the best-selling book, The One Command by Asara Lovejoy, and trainers are taught:The amazing power of your own mind to overcome resistance and make instant changes in your life.How you can easily use you own brain waves to supercharge your lifeA simple sound technique that you can use on your own that can instantly release old emotional painHow to activate your DNA blueprint for financial successA proven method for reprogramming your subconscious so you can let go of old patterns and move forward with your lifeHow to open you mind to new ways of thinking and behaving that can lead to positive life changesThe secret to taking Inspired Action that successful people all knowA doorway to self-love and self-respect that, once opened, can draw in everything you needHow to create cooperative relationship that can lead you to a major increase in your incomeA few simple protocols for dealing with the new money that is going to come in so you aren’t overwhelmed by unexpected incomeThe one factor that keeps you stuck financially and how to overcome itSimple techniques for overcoming your fear of your own inner power so you can finally experience your true ability to manifest what you wantGroup process skills and techniques to make leading your Circle easy and compellingGroup sharing ideas, managing group interactionAnd much, much more..The One Command teaching is the knowledge that you have an amazing capacity located in that resourceful part of your mind known as the theta state. By directing your mind to that greater intelligence in 6-Easy Steps you quickly access new and innovative ideas from a much deeper level of your consciousness.The One Command is very different from affirmations. This is a physical event in your brain-affecting your very DNA-as well as an extraordinary event in expanding your capacity for a new life.Once you are able to enter into theta at will, you issue the One Command in a unified state of mind; the results are powerful in creating what you desire in a moment.Get The One Command Circle Leaders – Asara Lovejoy , Only Price $95Tag: The One Command Circle Leaders – Asara Lovejoy Review. The One Command Circle Leaders – Asara Lovejoy download. The One Command Circle Leaders – Asara Lovejoy discount.