The New Face of Anxiety: Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Age of Texting, Social Media and 24/7 Internet Access – Margaret Wehrenberg


6 Hours 22 MinutesReady or not, the rise of social media and 24/7 Internet access has changed the way we relate to one another (and ourselves), leaving in its wake a whole new set of challenges for those who use it.   As therapists, you see people of all ages with these issues:   The girl who can’t put her phone away during session. The boy who isn’t sleeping after reading messages on social media.Purchase The New Face of Anxiety: Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Age of Texting, Social Media and 24/7 Internet Access – Margaret Wehrenberg courses at here with PRICE $199.99 $84Texting rather than talking. Gathering “likes” and followers. Making friends via a gaming console. Unrelenting 24/7 news cycles.Ready or not, the rise of social media and 24/7 Internet access has changed the way we relate to one another (and ourselves), leaving in its wake a whole new set of challenges for those who use it.   As therapists, you see people of all ages with these issues:   The girl who can’t put her phone away during session. The boy who isn’t sleeping after reading messages on social media.“Friends” of all ages who shame each other for life choices and argue by text.  The socially anxious young adult who struggles to meet people in person because all of his “friends” are online.  The parent who has to contend with “Facebook shaming” for every parenting decision.  The older adult who feels out of touch and disconnected.  The impact is rampant and pervasive – as a result, treatment of anxiety doesn’t look the same anymore.Watch this unique and engaging recording to learn innovative ways to treat this new facet of anxiety with today’s client.You’ll discover:Key questions to ask at assessment to uncover problematic use of technologyHow excessive screen time effects mood, anxiety and self-worth in clients of all agesTools to help clients regulate their emotions and make wise decisions (on and offline)Innovative techniques for promoting healthy use of technology with clientsDeliberate strategies for managing time, device use and “information overload”Evaluate the impact persistent “screen time” exposure can have on the neurobiological and psychological health of clients.Implement strategies to effectively reduce excessive use of technology that leads to avoidance and increased anxiety.Increase clients’ capacity to utilize technology in a healthy manner to decrease risk of anxiety and other mental health symptoms.Establish clinical practices that decrease rumination and build resilience to the stress of the digital world.Teach clients five strategies for overcoming irrational fears of social interaction in order to improve clinical outcomes.Implement cognitive-behavioral strategies for challenging distorted beliefs and the “comparison fallacy” as related to online interactions.Get The New Face of Anxiety: Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Age of Texting, Social Media and 24/7 Internet Access  of author Margaret Wehrenberg only  price 79$Neurobiology: The Impact of 24/7 Internet and “Information Overload”Is it an addiction?  The role of dopamineVariable interval rewards:  The most powerful reinforcementPerpetual state of “fight or flight”Impact of technology on the prefrontal cortex“Multi-tasking”:  Changing the landscape of learningThe impact of screen time on ruminationImpulse control at all ages:  Instant v. delayed gratificationWhy the Increase in Anxiety? Understand the Problem to Help Clients Find SolutionsThe psychological hook of “checking in”Broad skills deficits for coping with normal situationsCollective anxiety due to 24/7 news cyclesGenerational differencesIllusions of perfection onlineNew fears created/exacerbated by digital media:Negative evaluation/rejectionHaving behavior recorded or posted publiclyFear of missing out (FOMO)ConfrontationTaking on responsibilities (“Adulting”)NomophobiaUse of technology to avoid emotional experiencesThe meaning of “friend” has changedCyberbullying at all ages:  The power of anonymityStrategies that Promote Healthy Use of TechnologyKey questions that uncover anxiety related to digital media useTechniques for providing meaningful psychoeducationUse “demand delays” to diminish impact of rapid screen shiftingTools for setting device boundaries to create more balance“Be still” techniques to tolerate time away from devicesTherapy Tools to Improve Emotional Regulation, Reduce Anxiety and Build Self-WorthExposure Therapy/CoachingAvoid avoidance!How to provide meaningful psychoeducationThe 3 C’s:  Calm, Competent and ConfidentAccurate anticipation:  The power of imagination exposureTechniques for teaching social skills5 ways to overcome fears of social situationsUtilize FOMO (fear of missing out) as a tool for goal developmentAddress “adulting” fearsCognitive-Behavioral TherapyChallenge the “comparison fallacy” of online interactionsIdentify and challenge distorted beliefs about the selfCreate new self-talk by changing the scriptCombat perfectionism and procrastinationEllis’ ABCD approach to identify inhibiting beliefsStress Management         Eliminate the stressor – incorporate media “time outs”Manage time and environmentShifting attitudesRelaxation and MindfulnessSkills for calming the persistently vigilant nervous systemInterrupt rumination and build resilienceApps that promote calming breathing techniquesClinical ConsiderationsIdentify and address personal bias/countertransference issuesBetween-session recommendations that reinforce skillsLimitations of the research and potential risksGet The New Face of Anxiety: Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Age of Texting, Social Media and 24/7 Internet Access  of author Margaret Wehrenberg only  price 79$Tag: The New Face of Anxiety: Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Age of Texting, Social Media and 24/7 Internet Access – Margaret Wehrenberg Review. The New Face of Anxiety: Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Age of Texting, Social Media and 24/7 Internet Access – Margaret Wehrenberg download. The New Face of Anxiety: Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Age of Texting, Social Media and 24/7 Internet Access – Margaret Wehrenbergdiscount.Purchase The New Face of Anxiety: Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Age of Texting, Social Media and 24/7 Internet Access – Margaret Wehrenberg courses at here with PRICE $199.99 $84