The 7 ways having a well-created ‘About Me’ will help you get more people to know you, like you, and trust you.When people Google you, they’ll find your story. Your perceived worth is directly linked to your personal story – especially if you’re an entrepreneur or expert of any kind. Since your “About” page is a top page people visit on your website, and all your social media breadcrumbs point back to this one place, there’s a lot at stake. This is especially true if you are an author, speaker, coach, consultant, blogger, or advisor of any sort. Why else do they hire you, above another? It’s the story of “YOU”.Your business becomes more profitable. If the story you’re telling is compelling and distinctive, your perceived value is going to go up. By taking ownership of your history and reinventing it into an engaging story, you give your audience a reason to believe in who you are and what you do. When they can believe in you, purchasing from you is a no-brainer — because they trust and relate to you as a person.You feel confident and secure knowing how to talk about yourself. Knowing how to tell your story means the next time you’re at a cocktail party and someone asks you what you do, you won’t stand there like a bad contestant on American Idol. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, speaker, coach, or an aspiring circus performer, when you know your story, describing your interests and background comes easy.You attract more of your ideal clients. Most people visit your About page to decide if they want to follow you, buy from you, and believe in you. And that means your backstory needs to be compelling enough to give people something to believe in. Your story has to present something the audience can see in themselves. Ah-ha! The holy grail of storytelling. Tell a story others can identify with as their own, and the need to persuade, convince, or sell disappears. (Sounds so obvious, right?)You get recognized as an expert people can trust. The noise online is overwhelming, so people look to your story for resonance. Do they trust what you’re all about? Can they believe in your message? There’s a lot at stake. Tell your bigger story, and you immediately start to attract your tribe, like-minds, peers, and the people you’re truly meant to serve and work with.You’ll have a foundation for branding yourself online. The most frustrating part about writing your bio is often you have no pre-existing material to work with. A resume won’t cut it, but making it up as you go won’t either. By having a storyline that makes sense, branding yourself becomes easier and feels more genuine. That’s because you’ve already done the work necessary to turn past experiences and credentials into real relevance.With more recognition, you’ll get to play on a bigger stage and platform. When your story gets aligned with your mojo, you automatically start playing on a bigger platform. Getting paid what you’re worth comes down to sharing how you see the world. Remember, people are buying your ideas and opinions. You know, your personal story of how you think the world works. Are you ready to play big? Then it’s time to write a bigger story.So how does this work? You learn how to craft an amazing backstory. It’s what The New About Me is all about.The New About Me is an online toolkit which teaches you step-by-step how to tell and share your personal story – without the need for bragging, boasting, or hiding. You’ll emerge with a new bio story to use on your “About” page, LinkedIn, Facebook, and anywhere you need to talk about you.I designed this curriculum to help transform your personal presence, both online and in face-to-face meetings. Through a killer combo of video lessons, worksheets, and dozens of real examples — you’ll learn how to reveal your story to the world. Designed for entrepreneurs and creatives, this program shows you how to communicate who you are and what you offer in distinctive and relevant terms.Telling your story is challenging. We’ve been brought up in a culture where none of us think we’re good at talking about ourselves – and we certainly wouldn’t call ourselves storytellers! That’s why I’ve made this course easy to understand and implement. And don’t worry, there isn’t any of the manufactured garbage associated with the term “personal branding.” (*We don’t need to inflate our egos with a fake persona to tell a great story around here.)When you are confident about your story, the feeling is contagious. You begin to attract more of the right opportunities and connections. You align with the inherent blueprint of your talents, strengths, and personality. By reinventing your bio into a distinctive story, you position yourself for accelerated growth and recognition.Sign-up now for instant access to the programYou can order The New About Me: Online Toolkit for $297. You can get started with the program in the next few minutes just by clicking the order button below. You’ll receive access to the entire program – the videos, the worksheets, library of bio examples, and everything – all for just $297.The course is built around 7 core video lessons. Each lesson is 20-30 minutes in length and includes slides, concepts and examples. The video recordings are also delivered in additional formats: MP3 audio and PDF transcriptions to address your learning preferences. At the end of each lesson, you go through a corresponding mission – a hands-on worksheet to get you applying the concepts to your own bio story. Each worksheet exercise takes 30 minutes or less to complete, so you’ll be well on your way in no time.My 100% happiness guaranteeIf you sign-up and decide it’s not right for you, just let us know. Contact us within 60 days for a full-refund. It’s our 100% money-back happiness guarantee. If you have questions about signing-up, just email us. We’re here to help you shine. Like polished wood floor kind of shine. But without the fake lemon smell.Get The New About Me – Michael Margolis, Only Price 49$Tag: The New About Me – Michael Margolis Review. The New About Me – Michael Margolis download. The New About Me – Michael Margolis discount.