The Native Ads Master Class – David Ford- Tom Bell


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: sizes: – include: Buy now $39 $997, The Native Ads Master Class – David Ford- Tom Bell Course.The Native Ads Master ClassA Step-By-Step System to Build a Highly Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business With Native AdsWe’ve Been Featured InLearn How to Make Up To $1,000/Day With Our Step-by-Step Training“Yeah but I could never do that…” – StudentYou’ll be happy to know – you can! We’ve coached thousands of students and there’s one thing we can tell you with 100% honesty:We can show you a solid plan to succeed. If you’re ready to put in consistent effort, we can show you exactly how our students can earn thousands per day and beyond. Nice to Meet You!David FordDavid’s been a full-time affiliate for two decades now, earning millions of dollars while living life on his own terms. Along the way, he’s also coached thousands of other affiliates to success.Tom BellTom is a ClickBank Platinum award winner who has generated millions of dollars in affiliate commissions across virtually every traffic source. He has a passion for helping students reach their ultimate goals. Imagine waking up to stats like these..Imagine how your life would change if you could generate $1,000’s online every single day. No more worrying about bills. No more dreading the 9-5. No more missing out on the life YOU want to live. Success is about more than earning $1,000 per day. Success is about the freedom that kind of money gives you. Freedom to work where you want, when you want. Want to travel around for a while? No problem, just bring your laptop! Freedom to spend more time with friends and family. Maybe you want to see your kids more before they’re grown and gone? Maybe you want to spend more time with your partner? Or maybe you want more time to explore your hobbies, volunteer, collect yoyo’s (like David does), become a professional pianist (like Tom is), or try things you’ve always dreamed of but never had the time or money. Don’t get us wrong, the money is great. But it’s the FREEDOM our income gives us that’s truly valuable. Life isn’t meant to be lived working for someone else. Life is short – it should be lived on your terms. That all sounds great right? But…you still have doubts you can achieve that. You can absolutely have all those things too! If you’re willing to put the knowledge in our course to work, you can have success much faster than you thought. Both of us have been in your shoes – you take a course that sounds great, but end up not learning anything, or feeling like you’re ‘missing something’.When we set out to make our own courses, we wanted to be different – we wanted to show you exactly what we do and how you can do the same. Does This Sound Familiar?You buy the latest course or product that promises to teach you how to be successful. It start out great, but you have disappointing results, lose momentum then eventually quit. We’ve taught thousands of students over the years, can 100% honestly tell you that anyone who wants to can succeed with affiliate marketing. The problem isn’t you. The problem is the approach. Most courses are good at getting you excited, and giving you a broad overview of the topic BUT they don’t give you a clear action plan to follow.You’ve probably experienced this – you take a course, then try to put what you learned into action but you’re not really sure if you’re doing the ‘right thing’. The course might have told you how to do something, but they didn’t tell you WHY you’re doing it or WHAT to do next. We’ve seen people from ALL walks of life have massive success from our training. People who are younger, older, highly educated, didn’t finish high school, and everything in between. None of that matters. You do NOT need ANY special abilities to make our training work. Our students have proven one thing over and over again – If you’re willing to put in consistent effort you WILL get results. We Care About Your SuccessBoth of us have achieved great success as affiliates and in other online ventures. We’ve generated millions of dollars AND we’ve done it for years – through boom years and recessions, through fads and changes in the industry. The mark of a truly successful marketer is being able to generate revenue year after year. We’ve seen countless people make a lot of money in the short term, but they can’t sustain it. We’re proud of the fact we’ve been consistently successful over the long term. It hasn’t been easy and we’ve worked hard to get where we are. Above that though, we’re great friends who share the same outlook on marketing and teaching. We met on a well-known industry forum David ran, immediately hit it off and have been working together ever since. We share a passion for teaching, and put an enormous amount of time and energy to giving our students everything they need to be successful. We’re obsessed with finding the best way to teach students how to get started making money now, and well into the future. Watch Our Awesome Student, Joel, in Action! $6k a Day Campaign Revealed!Play VideoA few more of our student success storiesWe don’t want to teach you how to make a quick buck. We don’t rent Lamborghini’s and hire bikini models for our videos. We’re not going to show you a pile of money and promise it can be yours overnight. This is a real business, not a get rich quick scheme. Tom is a ClickBank platinum award winner – meaning he is one of ClickBanks top affiliates. That’s a significant achievement (and no they didn’t give it to him for his suave British accent) that few affiliates attain. David has been recognized as an industry expert for a loooong time now, and has been successful on almost any traffic source imaginable. The point is – we don’t have to pretend (although we will try to get Tom in a bikini next time). Our Native Ads Master Class has been put to the test, and our students have had phenomenal results! We’re so proud of the work they put in, and love to see them succeed. Introducing the Native Ads Master ClassThe complete step by step blueprint for building a highly profitable business with native ads. We’re super excited to announce our Native Ads Master Class!This course is ideal if you want to:Build a solid, profitable stream of incomeBuild a business that generates consistent revenueLearn what’s working with affiliate marketing right nowFollow a proven plan for successYou’re tired of courses that leave you confused about what you should be doingThis course isn’t for you if:You expect to ‘get rich quick’You don’t want to put in the work it takes to be successfulYou think there’s some magic trick to making moneyYou don’t want to take actionYou don’t like cats (ok just kidding…kind of) This is the exact system we use every day to generate massive profits. Our system simply works. No hype. No empty promises. No BS.We say that confidently because the students who take the Native Ads Master Class and put in the effort have success. We don’t just mean a few students, we’ve helped thousands of people go from nothing to earning more than they ever thought possible. Nobody else is teaching this – these are things that took us years to learn. You’re getting years worth of knowledge and won’t have to make the same costly mistakes we did. We don’t teach fluff. You’re not going to wonder what you’re supposed to do. You’re not going to wonder if you’re doing the right thing, or if you’re missing something. You’ll know exactly what to do at every step of the way with NO GUESSWORK involved. This is the course we wish was available when we started. You’ll literally look over our shoulder and see EXACTLY what we do. This is a chance to see the campaigns and strategies of two world class affiliates. Why would we do this? We want you to succeed, and know how to make that possible. What’s The Class About?In our Native Ads Master Class you’ll learn how to build a highly profitable business using affiliate marketing and native ads. What are native ads? It’s simply buying ad placements on popular websites. Obviously there’s more to it, but in a nutshell the idea is very straightforward. You place an ad on a website which links to your affiliate offer. Every time someone clicks on your ad, then purchases the product you’re promoting, you get a commission!We break things down into easy to follow, step by step plans starting from step 1. You won’t be left guessing what to do – you’ll have everything laid out for you. We know our course works because it’s the exact same system we use every day. We’ve seen countless students put our strategy into action and become successful. If you’re willing to follow our system and put in the work, there’s no reason you can’t be another success story!Student TestimonialA Step-by-Step System to FollowInside the course we’ll teach you step-by-step how to start generating money with native ads, even if you have no experience. You’ll literally have an exact roadmap to follow, so you’ll never have to worry ‘what am I supposed to do?‘ or the dreaded ‘am I doing the right thing?’Both of us have been in your shoes – you take a course that sounds great, but end up not learning anything, or feeling like you’re ‘missing something’.When we set out to make our own courses, we wanted to be different – we wanted to give our students everything they need to succeed.If we could travel back in time, this is what we would tell ourselves when we started out (Fire up the DeLorean Tom!).Our training will give you a step by step, actionable plan for growing your affiliate business.You won’t be left guessing what you should do – everything will literally be laid out in a clear way. Inside The Course You’ll learn:Module 1 – Intro to Native AdsIn this module you’ll learn everything you need to get up and running with native ads FAST. Why native ads are the absolute best choice for affiliate marketing todayHow affiliate marketing works with native adsSetting up your system for successModule 2 – Choosing Profitable OffersFind out the EXACT niches and offers you should promote. You’ll learn about the highest converting offers that we use ourselves. Why affiliates usually choose the wrong offer & what you should be promoting insteadThe specific niches & subniches to promote and what to stay away fromThe affiliate networks we recommend and work with + how to get ‘special treatment’ from the networkModule 3 – Researching Your AudienceMost affiliates completely ignore this, but it’s absolutely essential to your success. This is the difference between being a regular affiliate and a super affiliate. How do you demographic research the right way (you’re probably doing it wrong)How to find & target your customers pain points to dramatically improve your conversion rateHow thinking like your customer can dramatically increase your conversion ratesModule 4 – Making CreativesYou’ll see the exact creatives we use, and learn how to make them yourself. Get a crash course in copywriting and learn what other courses don’t teach you. The EXACT types of images to use for native adsCompetitive intelligence research to outsmart your competitionStep-by-step instructions to create high converting creativesCopywriting – How this skill can turn you from a ‘good’ affiliate to a super affiliateModule 5 – Landing PagesWe’ve done the work for you! Learn how easy it is to create our best converting landing pages. We’ll even give you landing pages templates so you can get started right away. Research the competition & find the highest performing types of landing pagesBuilding your landing page step-by-step + free landing pages templatesHow to create any kind of landing page without any special skill or knowledgeA simple ‘trick’ for an immediate ROI boostModule 6 – The BEST Places to Get TrafficIt’s easy to waste your money buying traffic. In this module you’ll learn what traffic to stay away from and what to focus on. The best traffic sources to use & the ones to stay away fromJoining your first traffic exchangeHow to track your affiliate campaigns to optimize and scale your profitsModule 7- Campaign Setup WalkthroughLook over our shoulder and learn how to set up your campaigns the right way. Avoid costly mistakes and get set up to maximize your revenue. Setting up your first campaign (don’t worry, we’ll hold your hand)Basic marketing funnels and how they workThe key metrics to look at when evaluating your campaignModule 8 – Testing StrategiesWe’ve developed our system for affiliates of every level. Learn why some people focus on the wrong metrics and what to focus on instead. How to budget & bid – Learn how to make the most of your advertising budgetSplit testing – How to double or triple your profits by learning the simple art of split testingEvaluating your campaign – You’ll know exactly what to do every step of the wayModule 9 – Optimization Stage 1Optimization is cutting costs while boosting profits. Turn to turn a losing campaign into a winner. Learn why most people waste their money by not split testing correctly. Optimizing creatives and CTRFiltering traffic to maximize net profitsUnderstanding why variance is something you MUST learnLearning what metrics to focus on for the best ROIThe optimization process – make more and spend less? Sign me up!Module 10 – Optimization Stage 2This is our deep optimization module. It’s how we take a campaign from losing money to wildly profitable. Get a look at exactly how we do this. Next level optimization strategies used by advanced marketersHow to measure performance over timeScaling campaigns past $1,000 per dayThe key difference between optimizing and scalingModule 11 – Case StudiesEver wish you could peek inside accounts of super affiliates? That’s exactly what we’ll show you here. You’ll see our exact campaigns – how we set them up, ran them, and how much we made.  One of a kind chance to learn how top affiliates run campaignsOur thought process and how we decide what to do nextHow we know we’re onto a winner even if it’s not profitableModule 12 – Scaling Your CampaignsWe’ll show you the methods we use to grow our campaigns exponentially. Instead of throwing darts blindfolded, you’ll learn how experienced affiliates approach it. Building your campaign is one thing but how do you grow it?Why you MUST treat optimization and scaling differentlyWhy most affiliates get ‘stuck’ and can’t grow beyond a certain pointModule 13 – Advanced FunnelsLearn to squeeze maximum revenue from each visitor. We’ll show you how to build a funnel and get multiple conversions per visitor.Analyzing the flow of traffic to identify what you should focus onMapping your funnel visuallyHow to recognize trouble areas in your funnel and what to do about themEarn more from your funnel using retargeting and opt-insModule 14 – Going DirectFind out how to grow beyond traditional affiliate tactics. You’ll learn how to find opportunities that most affiliates don’t know exist. The advantages of going direct – when to do it or notFinding golden opportunities you never knew existedOpportunities to build and grow campaigns with way less competition than normalTag: The Native Ads Master Class – David Ford- Tom Bell Download, The Native Ads Master Class – David Ford- Tom Bell review, The Native Ads Master Class – David Ford- Tom Bell  Discount, native ads master class, native ads masterclass, native ads affiliate marketing, best native ads examples, best native ads.