The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program ( Silver Package) – Melanie Tonia Evans


Discover how to release the addiction to the narcissist, so that you are free to do your life on your own terms without this person living on inside you anymore.Purchase The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program ( Silver Package) – Melanie Tonia Evans courses at here with PRICE $195 $52Finally … An effective system for healing your toxic relationship trauma that doesn’t involve years of therapy.By using the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) you will:Discover how to release the addiction to the narcissist, so that you are free to do your life on your own terms without this person living on inside you anymore.Eliminate abuse symptoms as caused by a spouse, love partner, a family member or any other person, regardless of how long you have suffered.Learn how to stop experiencing toxic relationships that destroy you, and instead be able to attract and generate conscious, loving, supporting and kind relationships.Be able to live free of trauma symptoms such as PTSD, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, and many other states that come with narcissistic abuse.Know how to let go of what happened to you and release your toxic shame, leaving it in the past without needing accountability or remorse from anyone.Feel joy, inspiration and hope for the future and enjoy energy and health to be able to create it.Be filled with a deep abiding self-love and self-confidence that you never knew existed.Even if this seems a million miles away right now, NARP can make this real and true in your life.Who Is NARP For?Anyone who has had enough of suffering disappointing and painful relationships with others, life and self, and who is willing to put in the inner work to heal.Any individual suffering an abusive relationship with an intimate partner, family member, friend, colleague, neighbour or even their child.Anyone 18 years and older.Men and women.People from all religious denominations, cultural backgrounds and sexual orientations.Those still in the relationship or who have left one recently; those who have been separated for many years; and those who are co-parenting, whether still in contact with the other parent or not.We Understand YouNARP takes your personal circumstances into accountSafetyYour members area is secured under your private log-in and is accessible from any of your devices anywhere in the world. There is no need to receive any physical goods.At your own paceUse the program as much as you want, when you want. If life gets in the way, that’s okay. You have lifetime access – it’s not going anywhere!Support Gold OnlyYou will be connected to a 24-hour-a-day support network, complete with guidance, encouragement and support from thousands of Thrivers at different stages of recovery. Also, you get direct access to Melanie and the NARP moderator team for help and support with all your questions.Step-by-stepYou don’t have to work anything out because the program has already been charted for you. Each module comes with instructional videos and learning material so that you never feel stuck or get lost.NARP Quanta Freedom Healing ModulesProven to be the most effective system in the world to recover from narcissistic abuse. The ten NARP Quanta Freedom Healing Modules take you on a journey from the early stages of utter despair, shame and devastation, to relief and hope, to getting peace and normality back into your life, to finally detaching from the narcissist, freeing yourself and beginning your new, abuse-free life.No matter your situation, if you’ve been hurt by toxic or painful relationships, the NARP modules are life-changing.01. MODULE ONERelease the Immediate Pain and Feeling of LossIn Module One you begin releasing the intense painful charges and trauma of narcissistic abuse.By doing so, you will start to break free from painful inner constriction. Your panicked thoughts start to ease as space opens up inside of you.As a result of working with Module One, you can expect to start feeling relief as layer by layer you shift the pain and fear out of your body. At this stage you are clearing out the first, all consuming, level of pain to set up a base to propel you forwards in your healing journey.02 . MODULE TWORelease the Illusion of This Person as My Source of SelfAfter starting to feel relief and hope, it’s time to release this deadly hook – the feeling that you can’t live or generate your life without the narcissist.At this vital second step, you will release the illusion that the narcissist was your source of love, approval, security or survival, and reverse this to become your own solid source to yourself.After completing this module, you will experience a significant decrease in your feelings of addiction, loss and longing for the narcissist.03. MODULE THREEForgive Yourself and Life for What You Have Been ThroughOne of the biggest blocks to healing from abuse is dealing with internal shame.In this module we target and release blame, shame and non-accepting yourself and your life because of what’s happened to you; we heal these emotions into self-love and self-acceptance.As a result of working with this module, you can expect feelings of freedom, peace and renewed inspiration for your life.04. MODULE FOURRelease and Heal the Pain of Injustice and BetrayalStep four of your healing journey is about releasing your trauma created by the narcissist’s behaviour.This module is invaluable to clear away the pain and fear of lies, deceit, smear campaigns and other narcissistic tactics.After working with this module, you will feel like an intense weight has been lifted as your obsessional thoughts melt away and you start to live free from abuse patterns and the narcissist’s ability to keep hurting you.When you are no longer vibrating in the pain of injustice, you cease to be a magnet for it. The narcissist’s ability to continue acting out against you is disarmed.05. MODULE FIVELet Go of the Fight to Win and Your Need for JusticeTrying to make the narcissist accountable is one of the greatest hooks to keep you attached to handing your power over.When you release yourself from the painful and panicked feelings of needing to get justice or to make the narcissist be accountable, peace and power arises from within.After working with this module, regardless of what the narcissist does or doesn’t do, you will have total emotional closure and feel a profound sense of detachment and relief.It is usual after you work through this module, for the narcissist to completely lose their control over you.06. MODULE SIXRelease and Heal the Need to Take Responsibility for the NarcissistFeeling responsible for the narcissist keeps you attached – painfully and dangerously.If you are empathetic and stay attached, you will be scapegoated and blamed for the narcissist’s poor behaviour.This module is vital because it grants you relief, detachment and a release from believing it is your responsibility to fix the narcissist and take the blame for their shortcomings.Incredible clarity and the ability to partner healthily with yourself and others, in a way that no longer enables others to hurt you, comes as a result of working with this module.07. MODULE SEVENConnect to the Gift of Your Own Spiritual EmpowermentIn step seven of your journey, you will shift into the deeper acceptance and purpose of why you were in a narcissistic relationship.This creates a powerful anchoring into realising that life is operating ‘through you’ and not ‘to you’, granting you the ability to transcend your woundedness and to evolve.After completing this module you will start feeling optimistic about your goals and, as your life begins to flourish, start to sense many future possibilities.08. MODULE EIGHTRelease and Heal the Fear of the Narcissist and Whatever He or She May Do NextThis module is one of the most-used healing sessions in NARP, and for good reason.Narcissists can be ruthless in custody and property settlements, with abuse by proxy through the use of authorities, and when trying to hook you back into the relationship.When you can shift your pain and fear out of your Inner Being, you extinguish their ability to hurt you. This is because narcissists are energetic vampires who can’t generate their own energy.Many NARP members have had false charges dropped, smear campaigns against them dissolve away, and miraculous custody and property settlements in their favour as a result of working this module diligently.09. MODULE NINERelease and Heal the Connection to the NarcissistThis module is not just about cutting the energetic ties, it’s the process to raise your energy into your True Self state where you are no longer a vibrational match for a narcissist.After using this module, you will experience the release of the last pieces of grief, loss and pain connecting you to the narcissist.As a result, you will have a much greater ability to move forwards into your new life without memories and old wounds resurfacing.10. MODULE TENRealise Your Liberation, Freedom and TruthThis final module allows you to align with living in love, truth, integrity, peace and joy.After working solidly through the other modules, you’ve reached a level where you can claim your True Self within this final healing session.You will expand forwards with feelings of joy, liberation, freedom and confidence, as the result of working with this module.Master Your Healing Journey8 Part Video SeriesThis 8-part series provides you with a roadmap to effectively master the Quanta Freedom Healing process, no matter how new you are to this type of healing. The modules address with energetic healing each roadblock our members have faced, and grant you empowering tools and strategies to overcome them. You’ll also learn Melanie’s favourite tips to getting the most powerful shifts and breakthroughs.01. VIDEO ONETHE COMPLETE GUIDE TO SELF PARTNERINGSelf-partnering is the true key to healing abuse trauma, but sadly it’s something very few of us were taught. In this module you will learn the vital ingredients to self-partnering effectively, allowing you to become your greatest supporter and advocate through any difficult situation.02. VIDEO TWOHOW TO CONNECT AND COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR INNER BEINGBy learning how to communicate with your Inner Being in this module, you will be amazed and relieved at how good it feels. Not only will you feel the love you always wanted to receive, you will start drawing to other genuine, supportive and healthy people.03. VIDEO THREEHOW TO GET THE BEST RESULTS OUT OF NARPEver since NARP was first released, the gathering of member feedback has allowed us to clearly identify potential blocks in your way and what helps people heal the fastest. This module is dedicated to explaining the most effective approach to healing as well as providing lots of tips to help make the process simpler and more rewarding.04. VIDEO FOURHOW TO PROPEL YOUR HEALING WITH SELF-CAREModule four guides you on how to honour, nurture and nourish yourself, creating an Inner Identity, a ‘Self’, who will not accept less and who knows how to generate healthy relationships with others. The self-care techniques included are vital in supporting your emotional, mental and physical being throughout your healing journey.05. VIDEO FIVEFACING THE MOST COMMON HEALING ISSUESWith any new direction, there are challenges that come up as you progress. This module answers the most common road-blocks you will face as you heal and provides you with the best strategies to overcome them and keep moving forwards.06. VIDEO SIXHOW TO HEAL THE EGOYour ego wants to remain stuck in pain and hold onto the negative stories you tell yourself. Module Six teaches you how to recognise when the ego is rearing its ugly head and gives you the most effective way to break free from its previous power over you.07. VIDEO SEVENTHE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF TRAUMA AND HOW TO HEAL THEMWhen you start releasing trauma, it’s almost a certainty that there will be another layer waiting for you underneath. This module helps you recognise the truth about how your Inner Being unfolds trauma and how to continue evolving yourself, one layer at a time.08. VIDEO EIGHTTHE NECESSARY SELF-COMMITMENT TO THRIVINGThis module is all about putting you into the most powerful orientation throughout your recovery journey, which you will carry forth into your new abuse-free life. Here you will learn our best tips for not getting snagged in victimisation so that you can break your cycle of pain and abuse as soon as possible.Get The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program – Melanie Tonia Evans, Only Price $47Tag: The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program – Melanie Tonia Evans Review. The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program – Melanie Tonia Evans download. The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program – Melanie Tonia Evans discount.Purchase The Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program ( Silver Package) – Melanie Tonia Evans courses at here with PRICE $195 $52