The Mystical Power of Sufi Breathwork, Mantras & Sacred Sounds – Pir Shabda Kahn


Cultivate daily breath, rhythm, and mantra practices to find your true essence of inner light and access your happiness baseline.Did you know you have a gift within you to access happiness as your baseline — no matter what circumstances you’re facing?What if happiness has nothing to do with the outer world changing, and everything to do with your own transformation?What if you could maintain a foundation of happiness, even amidst the anxiety and danger swirling around the outside world?According to Pir Shabda Kahn — devoted disciple of Sufism for more than 50 years, teacher, performer, and spiritual director of Sufi Ruhaniat International — happiness is having access to your extraordinary inner light…… your essence, in other words, and a profound knowing that you’re part of the Oneness of the universe.We’re at a moment in history when most of us are isolated… from each other and from the things we do to feel fulfilled throughout our days — our sense of purpose.We’re being called to understand that our sacred purpose is not in the things we DO, but in merging with the ocean… with all that is.Get The Mystical Power of Sufi Breathwork, Mantras & Sacred Sounds – Pir Shabda Kahn, Only Price $87So, how can you achieve that?Sufi practitioners have demonstrated for centuries that when you incorporate breathwork and intention into your daily life, your entire inner life starts to have meaning, and your field fills with blessings…… because breath is life — and absolutely essential to the health and vitality of your body on your journey to fulfilling your divine purpose.In this deeply transformative 7-week journey with Pir Shabda, you’ll discover a beautifully curated array of Sufi breathwork practices, mantras, and sound medicine to help you experience yourself as One with everything…. and cultivate ever-increasing strength, ease, courage, and happiness.You’ll experience, for example, the sound healing practice of placing a sacred sound on the breath. As you’ll discover, these sacred sounds (mostly in the root languages of Sanskrit, Tibetan, Aramaic, Arabic, and Hebrew) are immensely transformative when chanted with an open heart.You are not just the drop in the ocean. You are the mighty ocean in the drop.— RumiDuring this intimate journey, you’ll:Find inner peace and resilient vitality through Sufi breathwork and healing mantrasPractice Fikr, a guided ryazat (spiritual exercise), and start to cultivate a daily breath and rhythm practice of your ownDiscover the roots of Sufi mysticismUnderstand how mysticism is based on direct experience, rather than philosophyRealize why the challenges and struggles of life are really your greatest teachers for transformationPractice refined rhythmic breathing as a source of healingBe guided through the applicable lessons from Sufi mystics about keeping calm — even while experiencing this destabilizing pandemicFind comfort in knowing your breath goes on rhythmically whether you’re asleep or awake, keeping all pulsations in rhythm — and why your whole-body health depends on itPractice Fikr, a guided ryazat (spiritual exercise), and start to cultivate a daily breath and rhythm practice of your ownExplore the paradox of living with passion and being at ease with whatever arisesAccess ancient sound technologies in integrity with experiential spiritual lineagesExplore the essential process of transcending your limited self (ego) so you can merge with the greater Self — the divine presenceLearn to practice the path of the lover and the BelovedProper breathing is especially important in uncertain times like these, when so many of us feel anxious, helpless, frustrated, and lonely…When we experience disturbing emotions, the flow of our breath is interrupted, disorganizing our thoughts, taxing our strength and inner will, and stealing our peace.With more tumultuous events unfolding by the day, creating a rhythmic breath practice can be the doorway to freedom and resilience.Through Pir Shabda’s mystic wisdom and transformative practices, you can learn how to enjoy life and be of benefit to the world, even as you’re sheltering in place.This training invites you to be passionate about the ultimate goal — limitless freedom — in every moment… a happiness and freedom not based on desired outcomes.At this time of uncertainty, it’s so important to cultivate equanimity with everything that arises.Get The Mystical Power of Sufi Breathwork, Mantras & Sacred Sounds – Pir Shabda Kahn, Only Price $87What You’ll Discover in These 7 WeeksIn this 7-week transformational intensive, Pir Shabda will guide you through mystical Sufi breathwork, mantras, and sacred sounds — healing practices to cultivate inner peace and resilience.The Power of Live Streaming VideoYou’ll connect with Pir Shabda and experience his teachings through live streaming video. This connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Pir Shabda’s body of work. Or you can easily connect just via audio if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer.This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Pir Shabda. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to discover inner peace, resilience, and happiness.Module 1: Discovering the Purpose of Life — Find the Compass Point & Skillful Means That Lead to Inner HappinessWe’re surrounded by the myth that if only circumstances were exactly as we’d like, we’d be happy…The truth is, happiness and freedom come from the process of transforming ourselves…In this opening session, you’ll explore why breath, sound, and attitude are the greatest transformative tools to help you on your path to limitless freedom.In this module, you’ll discover:Pir Shabda’s musical introduction to ground you as the course beginsThe roots of Sufi mysticismHow mysticism is based on direct experience, rather than philosophyYour compass point and skillful means that lead to inner happinessHow to deconstruct the notion that we’re separate beingsModule 2: Rhythm, Breath & Motion — A Perfect Marriage for HealingThe breath is the current which is established between all planes of our existence. Its current runs from the life unseen to the life on the surface, thus uniting spirit and matter both… Rhythm is the nature of motion, and motion is the nature of life. Life is not possible without motion, and motion is not possible without rhythm. It is rhythmic motion which keeps the whole universe going, and the same motion is the hidden secret of our lives, as we are a miniature universe within ourselves. Our breath is both the cause and effect of this rhythmic motion.— Hazrat Inayat KhanBreathing is a powerful source of healing, available to us in every moment. In this second class, you’ll dive deep into breathwork as a spiritual practice, and Pir Shabda will guide you to find the rhythm and natural swing of your breath.In this module, you’ll:Learn to make a habit of a rhythmic breathUnderstand the unique blessings of both inhalation and exhalationDiscover refined rhythmic breathing as a source of healingExperience how disturbing emotions always interrupt the flow of breathModule 3: Mysticism of Sound Mantras & Recitation — The Path of SoundWhy are sound and music so appealing to human beings? Indeed, humanity has been given a gift — the mysticism of sound.In this class, you’ll practice the recitation of sacred phrases… and learn how they can transform your consciousness when coupled with devotion.By reciting sacred phrases, you can transform your consciousness — and transcend your experience of your inner and outer worlds… even in the midst of turmoil.In this module, you’ll:Discover why sacred sound has profound effectsRecognize the universality of religious ideals and practice the sacred phrases from many of the world’s greatest mystical traditionsUnderstand at a profound level that the soul is musicLearn how to bring daily mantra practice into your lifeUse the 99 Beautiful Names of God as medicine for your woundsModule 4: Mysticism of Attitude — Love, Kindness & Compassion and the Practice of ForgivenessForgiveness is giving up the hope for a better past.— UnknownThe children of suffering are the bringers of joy.— HazratWhat is your attitude while you’re breathing and chanting?We’ve been falsely trained to believe that what we do will bring satisfaction and happiness. However, it’s actually how you do things that profoundly opens your heart and allows you to be of great benefit.During this integration session, you’ll explore how the ability to be in tune with the Infinite can put you on the path to fulfilling your life’s purpose…In this module, you’ll:Recognize how the challenges and struggles of life are really your greatest teachers for transformationExplore how to cultivate an inner sense of strength, courage, kindness, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, patience, gratitude, and integrityDiscover how to release anger, self-loathing, and jealousy by understanding causes and conditionsExplore the paradox of living with passion and being at ease with whatever arisesGet The Mystical Power of Sufi Breathwork, Mantras & Sacred Sounds – Pir Shabda Kahn, Only Price $87Module 5: Deepening Your Breath Practice — Learning to Be Present With Whatever ArisesI went in search of the soul. I found that I was looking for myself. And finally when I awakened, I found that if there ever was anything, I was that. Whatever there is now, I am that. Whatever there will be in the future, I am that. And there was no end to my happiness and joy! — Hazrat Inayat Khan, Pir Shabda’s teacher’s teacherIn this session, you’ll return to and deepen the practice of breath to help you strengthen your capacity to be present with whatever arises. Pir Shabda will guide you as you unite your meditation with the breath.In this module, you’ll:Experience a right and left nostril breathing practice to help you make meaning of your conditionExplore the lunar and solar aspects of the left and right nostrilLearn why your right nostril’s breath is hot (sun breath) and generates body heat, raises metabolism, and accelerates bodily activitiesDiscover the ways that your left nostril’s cool breath (moon breath) lowers the temperature of your body, slows your metabolism, and inhibits bodily activitiesEnhance your decision-making capacity by learning to read the breathModule 6: Deepening Your Sound Practice — Healing Through Ancient Sounds From Spiritual LineagesAs this class opens, Pir Shabda will guide you in a dance for universal peace, as you put spiritual practice in motion.Drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry of the many spiritual traditions of the earth, the dance for universal peace combines chant, music, and evocative movement — creating a living experience of unity, peace, and integration.This taste of your true nature will unlock the possibility of the deep spiritual revolution that can take place within you…In this module, you’ll:Dive deeper into the 99 Beautiful Names of God as medicine for your lifeAccess ancient sound technologies in integrity with experiential spiritual lineagesHow the spiritual lineages you explore can help you understand the infinite nature of God —and discover the divine potential in every soulLearn sacred phrases from Hebrew, Arabic, Sanskrit, Aramaic, and GreekModule 7: Marrying the Dual & Non-Dual — How to Make Sense of Your Human ExperienceThe Beloved is All, the lover, only a veil, not a real thing. — RumiThe goal of spiritual practice is to merge yourself with the Oneness of all things. The path toward this Oneness is called surrender because we relinquish the concept of separateness so that we can become the Whole Universe… where everything is interconnected.In this final class, you’ll explore how to deconstruct the notion of a separate self — of the “I.” You’ll learn to embrace your inner world — your home — as you navigate your outer life experience. And, you’ll discover that honoring mundane tasks of life is equal to peak spiritual moments.In this module, you’ll:Discover what it means to adopt the consciousness that God is everywhere — “La Illaha, Il Allah”Learn to practice the path of the lover and the BelovedPractice negotiating the gap between your ideals and your current experience as you receive permission to embody the path of the loveThe Sufi Breathwork Bonus CollectionIn addition to Pir Shabda’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.Live in BostonAudio Album of Live Performance From Pir Shabda KahnThis beautiful live recording, done in Boston at the Music of Life retreat in 2003, features several Dances of Universal Peace songs, some teachings and stories, and of course a few wonderful zikrs.River of Guidance: An Evening With Pir Shabda KahnAudio Album From Pir Shabda KahnIn this wide-ranging interview, Pir Shabda Kahn chronicles with depth and heart his immersion into a multifaceted life, reflections on his teachers, and the essence of the spiritual journey, including musical excerpts as performer, Zikr leader, and teacher. Pir Shabda talks about his first meetings with Murshid Samuel Lewis, his Tibetan teacher, his music teacher, and his wife. He tells about the early days of the Ruhaniat, the teacher-student relationship, and the path of Sufism. He shares with us his love of music and the Dances of Universal Peace, and how he became Pir.Becoming the BreathVideo Dialogue With Pir Shabda Kahn; Hosted by Jim MorningstarIn every sacred language, the word for breath and the word for soul is the same word. The natural swing of the breath is the most natural essence of every being.This dialogue will show you:How to approach living in the breathWhy the loss of the rhythm of breath is the chief cause of every dis-easeWays to free the natural swing of the breathHow to make a habit of a natural rhythmic breath to unlock health, wisdom, and your ability to be of benefitJim Morningstar is a licensed clinical psychologist. He has pioneered the integration of psychotherapy with mind/body techniques such as breathwork and biospiritual energetics. He’s the director of Transformations Incorporated, the co-director at the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, and the founder of the School of Integrative Psychology, the Transformations Breathworker Training Program, and InWellness. The author of five books, his lifelong quest has been to discover and teach the highest quality tools for human transformation.Get The Mystical Power of Sufi Breathwork, Mantras & Sacred Sounds – Pir Shabda Kahn, Only Price $87Tag: The Mystical Power of Sufi Breathwork, Mantras & Sacred Sounds – Pir Shabda Kahn Review. The Mystical Power of Sufi Breathwork, Mantras & Sacred Sounds – Pir Shabda Kahn download. The Mystical Power of Sufi Breathwork, Mantras & Sacred Sounds – Pir Shabda Kahn discount.