
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method

Original price was: ₹5,550.00.Current price is: ₹1,950.00.


The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method
Clarity precedes mastery. In the first stage of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method, you’ll start planning out 2022 as if it’s going to be the single finest year of your life so you leverage the power of the self-fulfilling prophecy and make this vision real.

“This course is available and delivery within one day!” The realization that your life was lived according to another person’s terms is one of the most devastating things for a human heart. File Size: 9.696GB Format File: 16 MP4, 15 PDF

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method

30-Day Life-Changing Online Course Designed to Help

Find out How to Think, Act, and Live Like a Pro.

The World’s Greatest Visionaries ● Ultra-Producers ● Sports Superstars
Stage Proven Process Based On Today’s Cutting-Edge Discoveries In Psychology, Neurobiology, And Epigenetics.

Total Value: $3.794

Take the 30-Day Challenge Now to Receive a Discounted Payment of $37
It’s only 30 days until your best year yet

Robin Sharma at the desk

Rome, Italy
When: February 28
I wish, hope, and pray that 2022 is your year. Yes—these are uncertain times.
Heroes are born in times of trouble. Leaders are made in the midst of hardship. We are given the opportunity to rebuild ourselves when all seems lost.
You can make 2022 your greatest year yet. The Question really is: Will you?
…will you give up on your resolutions and your bravest aspirations to upgrade your game because you’re scared of how successful you actually can become?
I’ve seen far too many Good people miss out on the golden opportunity Use the start of the year to create new habits and make great progress. because they just don’t start.
In the spirit of enthusiasm and service to your highest 2022 ideals I pray that you will The next 30 days can be used as a catalyst Make great gains Create new habits.

“You Still CAN make 2022 the finest year of your life. This I know to be true. But it won’t happen by magic. And it cannot happen without you taking the first move.”

Don’t waste the blank canvas in front of your face!
You and I both know that there will never be a better time than now to step into operating as the human being you’ve always dreamed of becoming…
If you’re NOT really interested in upgrading your game and de-limiting your life then PLEASE don’t keep reading because what I’m about to share will NOT be right for you.
Yet, if you’d like to discover a proven, complete and transformational system to help you break through bad habits and make 2022 the finest year of your life then let me ask you a few questions…

Please Read All The Questions where the answer is YES

You want to fulfill your life’s mission but have no idea where to start.

You have a great professional life but are you missing joy, peace, wonder, or spiritual greatness?

Do you want to be successful in your relationships, productivity, and goals?

Are you serious about being the best version possible of yourself? Do you want to live a happy life and make the world a better place?

You want to make 2022 your best year, but aren’t sure where to start?

If You Checked ANY Of The If you are interested in Boxes above, I would like to invite you to join. The ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method’And Make 2022 The Your Finest Year. Yet.

Because you CAN transform. Every day, people of all walks of the life do it. If they can grow, so can you. If they can overcome their limitations, excuses, and rationalizations, so will you.

Here’s how the 30-Day Life-Changing Challenge works…
The amazing introductory price for this world-class, brand-new training system is only $37 Because I want everyone in the world to be able discover and use this life-changing information immediately.
Your membership covers all mentoring videos, bonus materials, and other information (more info below) that are required to complete this 30-Day Challenge.
Then you can reap the transformational benefits The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari MethodMy team decided immediately to make it available at a fraction of its retail value [$3,794 or more]…

All that’s required to join is a $37 investment

No monthly payments. Only a $37 one-time investment and you’ll have access to the challenge for the life of the site.

[That’s about the cost of a few cups of coffee; for a digital program that I predict will change the game for you].

This digital program is completely risk-free and you can try it for free for 10 days. You can return your investment if you don’t believe it is worth the money. No questions asked. Send us an email to get your refund.
Why wouldn’t it?

Here’s what you’ll get

When you Invest in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method Today
30 days of structured ultra-valuable video coaching
[$2,997 Value]
Unlimited Access for the Site’s Lifetime
Additional learning enhancement resources available for download
BONUS: Robin Sharma’s 12 Audio Coaching Programs
[$797 Value]

Total Value: $3.794

TODAY ONLY $3.794 $37

No monthly payments. Only a $37 one-time investment and you’ll have access to the challenge for the life of the site.

Want more information before you make your decision…

Let me Break down Everything The Get Extraordinary Value When You Join The Method Today!

Full Access The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method The Site is Yours for Life

This incredible digital challenge, which lasts 30 days, offers hours of world-class training that goes beyond what you have learned in the past. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The book that so many people have fallen in love around the globe. [If you haven’t read the book you’ll still be blown away by this course]

Learn more about the Course Curriculum

Difficulty Level: All Levels | Difficulty: All levels | Structure: Hands-on curriculum

A quick Sample From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method

Browse Lesson Plan

Introduction The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method

VISION: Robin Sharma’s Profound Transformational Story

VISION: Be a Visionary and Avoid the Dangers [to Achieve Your Top 5 Goals]

VISION: Robin Sharma’s Powerful Yearly Planning Exercise

PRIORITIES 6 Acronyms that Accelerate Your Momentum

PRIORITIES – Top 10 Priorities to Make Yourself the Best You

PRIORITIES: Fortune-Building [in All Areas of Your Life]

PHILOSOPHY: The 8 Philosophical Beliefs about Superstars

Uncommon Methods of Personal + Professional Transformation

Robin Sharma: PHILOSOPHY – A Short Message

STRATEGY: 7 Daily Habits for The Heavyweights

STRATEGY: The Neurobiology Behind World Class Willpower

STRATEGY – 5 Time-Mastery Tactics for Superproducers

DELIVERY – How to Communicate Like A Virtuoso

DELIVERY: Transforming Adversity into Opportunity

DELIVERY: The Beautiful Day Deconstruction [for a Life Well-Lived]
Stage 1


Mastery is preceded by clarity. The first stage is called “Mastery.” The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari MethodSo you will start to plan 2022 as if this is the best year in your life.

Stage 2


Nothing can shake a person’s heart like realizing you live your life on another’s terms. Stage 2 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari MethodRobin Sharma explains powerful strategies that can help you get rid of distractions and keep the most important things to a beautiful, well-lived life. Your mornings, evenings and nights will be centered on what is most important.

Stage 3


Even though tactics can create results, sometimes the best tool is the idea. Robin Sharma’s insights and suggestions will inspire you to use the next 30 days to increase your commitment to personal mastery.

Stage 4


The The year will unfold in the way you begin the first part 2022. So—obviously—begin it strong. In Stage 4 The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari MethodRobin Sharma shares her electrifying techniques, the mechanisms to install heavyweight habits, as well as the tools to revolutionize how you think, create, and live. You can transform yourself into a master by starting this year.

Stage #5


Nature operates in cycles of calm and chaos and we just happen to find ourselves in one of the messy seasons (which always end—and make way for an even better reality). You can beat your fears, conquer your weaknesses and praise your genius this year. The final Stage of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari MethodThis book will teach you how to harness your genius and create a life that is truly extraordinary.


12 Audio Coaching Programmes

You will be blown away by the 12 amazing bonus audio coaching sessions that I offer when you sign up for the program. This includes world-class information on how to become more focused, positive, and productive, as well as proven strategies and methods for living a meaningful life.
Here’s what you should do next…

Now it’s time to finalize the details. Click the button to create your account. Then we can start making 2022 your best year yet!
I appreciate you taking the time to read and watch the video. I look for your success story after the 30-day challenge.
Robin Sharma

Humanitarian + Leadership Missionary

P.S. P.S. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Method today (for just $37) for the next 30 days I’m going to send you exclusive + calibrated mentoring videos so you get your 2022 goals done…
You’ll also have full access to 12 audio coaching courses from my digital academy of the highest quality!
Oh, and if for some reason you don’t love the 30-Day Challenge — just send us an email within 10 days and we’ll refund your full investment.
Don’t miss out on this chance to change your life!


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