The Modern Web Platform Jump Start


Table of ContentsThe Modern Web Platform Jump Start – Learn how to design modern web platformsScreenshot Tutorials/CoursesInfo Tutorials/CoursesPassword : freetuts.downloadThe Modern Web Platform Jump Start – Learn how to design modern web platformsDevs, want a primer on the latest capabilities and features available in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? Discover the basics you need to create websites, web apps, and even native Windows apps. Dive deep into modern web APIs and tour libraries you can use to build anything from the simplest to the most complex apps.In this accelerated, foundational course, Microsoft experts demo the building blocks of the new environment, with practical tips and tricks, and they prepare you for the Developing Universal Windows Apps with HTML and JavaScript course. Learn how easy it is to add awesome to your apps! Watch this informative introduction to core platform technologies.Table of Contents:– Introduction and Primer– Styling and Layout– Transitions and Transforms– Core APIs– UI APIs– JavaScript Libraries– Recommended Resources and Next StepsGet The Modern Web Platform Jump Start – Anonymous, Only Price $53Tag: The Modern Web Platform Jump Start Review. The Modern Web Platform Jump Start download. The Modern Web Platform Jump Start discount.