The Mindvalley Yoga Quest – Cecilia Sardeo


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Cecilia Sardeo Lifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase The Mindvalley Yoga Quest – Cecilia Sardeo courses at here with PRICE $199 $52The Mindvalley Yoga QuestA 21-Day Quest That Empowers You With A Fun, Rewarding Yoga Practice You’ll Love And Stick To (No Matter Your Lifestyle Or Physical Condition)The glistening abs. The unshakeable calm. The boundless stamina. The poses that bend the laws of physics.When people who don’t do yoga observe people who do, many often think:“I’m not slim enough…”“I’m not flexible enough…”“I’m not young enough…”“I don’t have enough time…”“I don’t have the discipline…”But if any of these thoughts sound familiar to you, know that you ARE enough. And that you too can lock in a lifelong yoga practice that gives you all the incredible rewards of this timeless practice.We’ll prove it to you when you join the inaugural 21-day Mindvalley Yoga Quest. Even if you think you’re too busy, old, unfit, or out of shape.And speaking of rewards…Did You Know That Yoga – When Done Right – Gives You Far More Than Just A Supple And Sexy Body?If you just scrolled through Instagram or Facebook, you might think yoga is only for bendy young people showing off in their new lime green leggings.But while yoga does get you incredibly fit and flexible, the truth is it’s way more than that.In fact, yoga is perhaps the only practice on the planet that perfectly balances the four dimensions that make you, you:1. Your Body2. Your Mind3. Your Heart4. Your SoulThis Is Why Yoga Isn’t Just A Workout – It’s A Work-InTraditional workouts and personal growth practices don’t typically give you this kind of balance. Which is why many people end up sacrificing one form of wellbeing for another.For instance, there are physically fit people with strong and healthy bodies, but who haven’t read a single book in years.There are mentally fit people with a high level of knowledge and intellect, but who don’t take care of their physical bodies.And, you’ll also find people with a strong spiritual practice, who struggle to show up and perform in the ‘real world’.With yoga, you don’t need to make any of these compromises. You can have it all, which includes:A heightened sense of self-awareness, so you can make better choices that serve your Higher Self and nudge you towards your best lifeDramatically improved flexibility, muscle strength, and posture – no matter your current age, shape, or conditionGreater compassion and empathy for others, which elevates your personal and professional relationshipsLiberation from traumatic past experiences that weigh heavily on your mind, heart, and spiritHealthy and sustainable weight loss (once you shed the excess weight, it stays off)Lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and a stronger immune system so you heal faster and fall sick far less oftenA sharper memory and a more organized mind, so you can remember more and slip up lessA natural shift from negative to positive habits (your body starts knowing what’s good for you)Deeper and more rejuvenating sleep that leaves you feeling completely refreshed the next dayRelief from chronic pain, including back pain, joint pain, muscle pain, and moreEnhanced clarity, focus, and productivity throughout the day, so you get more done in less timePowerful resistance to stress, anxiety, and depression, leaving you with a lasting sense of bliss and peace of mindA stronger connection to your natural intuition and creativity, so you’re always channeling brilliant solutions and seeing what others can’tA spiritual sense of oneness with the people and environments around you, so you always feel connected and supported in the worldAnd so much more (you could fill a textbook with all the incredible benefits of yoga)How Does Yoga Do All That?(Brief) Scientific ExplanationYoga gives you all the expected benefits of a good physical workout (some more intense forms of yoga even count as a cardio workout).But there’s also something else going on when you do yoga, and it’s connected to your body’s autonomic nervous system: a ‘control panel’ that regulates many of your automatic functions like your breathing, digestion, and heartbeat.This autonomic nervous system is further divided into two sub-groups:1. The Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS):Associated with your fight-or-flight response, which is triggered through potentially harmful situations like growling dogs, extreme stress, or sudden loud noises.2. The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS):Also known as the rest and digest system, it conserves energy by slowing your heart rate, regulating digestion, and managing intestinal and gland activity.The SNS and PNS are connected to each other like a see-saw: when one goes up, the other goes down.Unfortunately, since modern life assaults you with endless stress and jarring stimuli, your mind and body spend a lot of time in a state of imbalance – leaving you struggling to relax, recharge, and focus in your daily life.Studies show that yoga returns this balance to you by activating both your SNS and PNS at different points of your workout. This brings you back to a state of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance, both on and off the mat.In short, yoga has a profound effect on your body’s inner workings – which in turn strongly influence how you feel, think, and show up in the world.A Handpicked Team Of The World’s Best Yoga InstructorsWhen you join the Mindvalley Yoga Quest, you enjoy intimate guidance from not one, but nine world-class yoga instructors – each with their own unique perspective and approach to yoga.Your main designated host is Cecilia Sardeo: Mindvalley’s resident yoga instructor, who has personally helped thousands of people reap the rewards of this life-changing practice in a fun and accessible way (including Vishen himself and the entire team at Mindvalley).Joining Cecilia are a selection of critically acclaimed yoga instructors from across the world; including international sensation Tymi Howard, the “Anthony Robbins of yoga” Dashama Gordon, and yoga rebel Erin Motz.Under normal circumstances, it would be nearly impossible (and extremely expensive) to learn from all these amazing teachers under one unified curriculum – but that’s exactly what you’re getting with the Mindvalley Yoga Quest, all at an incredibly affordable enrollment price.Meet 8 More Of Your Mindvalley Yoga Quest InstructorsTymi HowardInternational yoga teacher and certified holistic health coach. Tymi will guide you through a combination of Vinyasa and Yin yoga that awakens newfound strength, healing, and freedom.Richard SchultzHatha and dynamic Vinyasa yoga teacher with 20+ years of experience. Richard will show you how to perform a selection of potent yoga poses with a sense of impeccable rhythm and flow.Delamay DeviSenior Prana Vinyasa yoga teacher with an infectious enthusiasm. Delamay will guide you on how to use movement as medicine, and sync your being with the natural cycles of existence.Erin MotzKnown to many as the Bad Yogi. Loves teaching the Vinyasa flow, in a fun and accepting space that’s free of judgment and limiting rules. Also loves red wine and French cheese.Dashama GordonAffectionately called the Anthony Robbins of yoga. Dashama will guide you through a fusion of yoga styles from across the world, designed to heal you as they uplift your consciousness.Aaron KleinermanAcrovinyasa teacher specializing in taking yoga from the earth into the air. Aaron will show you an exhilarating side of yoga that embodies physical excitement as much as it embodies calm.Lindsay SukornykVinyasa yoga teacher and transformational leadership coach. You’ll love Lindsay’s unique blend of yoga and personal growth principles, which empower you on a variety of levels.Bryan KremerHatha yoga teacher with a deep connection to the ocean. Bryan will help you unleash a free flow of mental, spiritual, and physical energy through a meditation practice.Get The Mindvalley Yoga Quest – Cecilia Sardeo , Only Price $52What You’ll LearnThe Mindvalley Yoga QuestThe Easy Way To Cultivate A Yoga Practice For Your Mind, Body, Heart & SoulThe Mindvalley Yoga Quest is a fun, accessible way to lock in a rewarding yoga practice for the four dimensions of you.For 21 days, you join your head yoga instructor Cecilia Sardeo, and eight world-class yoga teachers in a series of easy-to-follow 20 – 30 minute daily sessions and weekly pre-recorded Q&A sessions.Whether you’re a complete beginner or you already have some experience – you get all the love and guidance you need to enrich your life with the remarkable power of yoga.8 Reasons You’ll Love The Mindvalley Yoga Quest01. Yoga Becomes An Effortless HabitThe Mindvalley Yoga Quest is carefully designed to complement your busy lifestyle, and dissolve the beliefs and thought patterns that may have held you back in the past: like a lack of discipline, confidence, or focus. By the end of the Quest, your regular yoga habit will come to you as effortlessly as breathing.02. It’s Simple & GentleWe promise: you won’t need to memorize any strange yoga jargon, or twist yourself into agonizing shapes. Each training session with Cecilia and her team is lean, easy-to-follow, and focused on getting you amazing results in the simplest, most gentle way possible. There is no rush and no pressure.03. Learn From The BestWe’ve pulled out all the stops to bring you a selection of the most in-demand yoga instructors on the planet. Teachers like Tymi Howard, Dashama Gordon, and Erin Motz often charge a premium price for their skills (if you can even book a spot in their calendars) – but through this Quest you get access to all of them at once.04. Choose Your Own StyleRepeated practice can be boring, but not this time. Cecilia and your eight instructors each have their own unique but complementary approaches. As you progress through the Quest, you’ll discover true yoga from a variety of different angles. So you can quickly realize what practice is best for you. It’s yoga on YOUR terms.05. A Beautiful Combo Of Theory & PracticeOn some days, you’ll sit down for an intimate exploration of yoga philosophy and self-reflection. On others, you’ll roll out your yoga mat and experiment with some fun new poses. This multi-dimensional approach to learning guarantees you’re getting the ‘big picture’ of what yoga is really about.06. Personal GuidanceYou may be practicing at home, but you’re never alone. Every aspect of the Mindvalley Yoga Quest is designed to bring you closer to your yoga instructor and fellow students. Apart from your daily lessons, you’ll enjoy weekly live group calls with Cecilia, where you can bond and get your questions answered.07. Transformation For Every Area Of LifeRemember, you’re not just working out, you’re working in. And so as you progress through the Mindvalley Yoga Quest, you won’t just notice physical improvements – but also changes in the quality of your thoughts, habits, beliefs, self-discipline, and self-identity. The impact this will have on every area of your life is priceless.08. Results That Last ForeverWe’re not doing yoga for 21 days and calling it quits. We’re guiding you through an empowering process that locks in your yoga practice for life. Yoga won’t just become something you do every day or a few times a week – it will become a highlight of your life, and a tool you use often to show up as the best version of you.Mindvalley Yoga Quest 2019 ScheduleWeek 1: Flexibility, Energizing, DetoxingYou’ll begin your first week of the Mindvalley Yoga Quest by creating space to energize your body and mind. A big goal here is not to strive for perfection, but to release all judgment and flow in the direction your body feels like. The tensions and frictions you release in this first week will help you begin expanding your boundaries, and get the most from the coming weeks.Highlights include:Power & grace with Tymi Howard: strengthen your core and upper body, allowing you to stand strong in your power and grace.Forward bends with Richard Schultz: a simple yet effective way to strengthen your hamstrings, calves, and back muscles.Energizing you with Delamay Devi: gentle movements that center you and bring energy back into your body.Break a sweat with Erin Motz: a strong flow focused on your legs; get ready to work up a nice sweat.Creating space with Cecilia Sardeo: discover Santosha, an empowering state of mind that allows you to focus on what matters.Root to rise with Tymi Howard: fortify your lower body with a balance of Vinyasa and Yin yoga, allowing for greater mobility, strength, and flexibility.Seated moving meditation with Delamay Devi: release tension and return to a state of blissful flow with this water-inspired movement.Week 2: Core Strength, Stability, BalanceIn your second week you’ll move onto strengthening your base and core, so you can access greater confidence and stability, on and off the mat. The benefits of this are life-changing and include better resistance to injury and back pain, hardier inner organs, a healthier central nervous system, and better posture.Highlights include:Self-love with Aaron Kleinerman: experience sun salutations and standing asanas that connect you with a deep sense of self-love.Strength & balance with Dashama Gordon: a dynamic Vinyasa sequence that boosts your strength and balance as it raises your confidence and focus.Holy hips & hamstrings with Tymi Howard: unclog the emotional issues in your tissues through a series of hip-opening Yin & Yang yoga poses.6 pack yoga abs with Dashama Gordon: a Dynamic Vinyasa routine that tightens your abs, with the added benefit of enhanced confidence and digestion.Love & respect with Cecilia Sardeo: infuse your life with the philosophy of Ahimsa, a sense of deep respect for all living things, including yourself.Find your center with Erin Motz: a rejuvenating core workout that challenges your muscles and returns you to balance.Motivation meditation with Bryan Kremer: strengthen your third chakra, access a higher sense of self-awareness, and reconnect with your sense of purpose.Week 3: Overcoming Fears, Balancing Core & Arms, Final IntegrationYour final week takes your yoga journey to thrilling new levels. You’ll harness the energy and strength you’ve gained so far to soar beyond the limitations and frustrations that once pinned you down – and create a new reality defined by unbreakable courage and authenticity. This week may challenge you a little more, but the rewards are life-changing.Highlights include:Prepare to invert with Delamay Devi: a warm-up flow for the feathered peacock pose, which will leave you amazed at what your body can do.Release your inner warrior with Lindsay Sukornyk: a Vinyasa flow that clarifies your clearest intention for what you truly want in life.Core strengthening with Richard Schultz: a Hatha flow for building a strong abdominal foundation, while toning and burning fat.Feathered peacock pose with Delamay Devi: improve your balance, calm your mind, and vaporize stress as you invert your body.Truth and courage with Cecilia Sardeo: explore the concept of Satya, which means staying true to yourself and having the courage to reach for your highest potential.Self-loving balance with Aaron Kleinerman: experience a series of arm balances and inversions designed to push your limits and release your fears.Follow your bliss with Lindsay Sukornyk: a restorative wrap-up that encourages you to fully surrender, recharge, and receive all the benefits of your journey. Get The Mindvalley Yoga Quest – Cecilia Sardeo , Only Price $52 Tag: The Mindvalley Yoga Quest – Cecilia Sardeo  Review. The Mindvalley Yoga Quest – Cecilia Sardeo  download. The Mindvalley Yoga Quest – Cecilia Sardeo  discount.Purchase The Mindvalley Yoga Quest – Cecilia Sardeo courses at here with PRICE $199 $52