The Millionaire Switch For Men from Jason Capital


QUICK STORY. EVERY WORD, TOTALLY RELEVANT TO YOU.About 3 years ago, I coached this guy. His name is Nick.Nick had a thing for girls at the gym.Problem was, he couldn’t crack the code.Purchase The Millionaire Switch For Men from Jason Capital courses at here with PRICE $49 $14The Millionaire Switch For Men from Jason CapitalGet  The Millionaire Switch For Men from Jason Capital  at the CourseAvaiQUICK STORY. EVERY WORD, TOTALLY RELEVANT TO YOU.About 3 years ago, I coached this guy. His name is Nick.Nick had a thing for girls at the gym.Problem was, he couldn’t crack the code.“I think I’m kinda attractive” he’d say. “But I’m creeping chicks out.” (Sound familiar?)For Nick, picking up girls at the gym was the ultimate challenge.He loved talking to hot girls in workout clothes. It was practically impossible for him to ignore.“WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO, JASON?”In a minute, I’ll tell you EXACTLY…How he overcame the problem, and in the process…Got all the hot girls he wanted-even chasing after HIM…And best of all, as a direct result, he created a solid 7-figure income stream ($1,275,077) in the process. A business which he later sold off for almost $5 million…You see, if you know me, I have a simple rule for myself. I don’t play small. I don’t play safe.I play to win. I play for keeps. Like Warren Buffet says “Play the long game.”If you’re coached by me personally, you’re not going to get some puny plan for pathetic results. Results that just get you by.That’s bullsh*t.YOU’RE GOING TO GET A GODDAMN BREAKTHROUGH, IN WHATEVER AREA OF YOUR LIFE YOU WANT…And you should expect that from me.Michael Jordan wasn’t just talking basketball when he said…Personally speaking, EXPECTATION is part of the magic of what makes what I do work.Yes, you’re going to get a breakthrough, and if I have my way, you’re going to get a breakthrough reading this article. And…YOU SHOULD EXPECT IT.The other thing is I NEVER give anybody the answer on a silver platter.I’ve tried that enough to know, people need to OWN the strategy, as well as the results.If they don’t, they under-appreciate the method, they subconsciously sabotage the process and as a result, even though I gave them a fvcking, success-certain answer on a silver platter, they’ll come up empty handed.So… You’re going to get a breakthrough and it’s going to be YOUR breakthrough. Not mine or some else’s.Anyhoo, back to Nick…I didn’t give Nick the answer either. But I definitely sent him in a specific direction.You can guess what direction I sent him in.That’s right, STATUS.Now, since he paid me a shitload full of money, I let him “borrow” a copy of my groundbreaking program, STATUS.After he binged watched the entire program in one long three-day weekend, I challenged him.I told him I expected nothing less than for him to CRUSH this problem finally and forever.And guess what?I’ll be be damned if he did just that.He had an epiphany. IT WAS EPIC.Internally, he said while he watched the videos, he flipped a switch.Now I want to be clear, it wasn’t the STATUS program that gave him the breakthrough.It was something ELSE I told him just before he flipped that switch. Something I’m revealing in this article today. Something even bigger, especially when it comes to YOUR financial success.Get  The Millionaire Switch For Men from Jason Capital  at the CourseAvaiI KNOW YOU’RE CURIOUS, SO WHAT DID HE DO?Well, please understand, approaching women in a gym setting is hard.Girls don’t want some random guy staring at them, gawking. They don’t want to be approached when they’re all sweaty and without make-up.And if they’re the slightest bit overweight? That goes double.All in all, it just creeps girls out.Nick had his work cut out for him.So on bulletin board right outside in the lobby of the gym, he posted a small flyer. It said…GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?Girls took him up on it! Now, he could LEGITIMATELY look at girls’ bodies. The offer was cheap enough, and he got lots of inquiries.Now he was known. And he was using his newfound STATUS within the gym to get all the girls he wanted.Pretty frickin’ ingenious.He got results for them, too.But! The gym’s general manager didn’t like it. Not one bit. He thought Nick was stealing business from them.They shut him down hard.SO DID THIS STOP HIM? FUCK, NO.(THIS IS THE COOL THING ABOUT WHAT I’M ABOUT TO SHOW YOU. WHEN SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPENS IN YOUR LIFE, IT TURNS INTO AN EVEN BIGGER OPPORTUNITY.)Instead of sulking off with his tail between his legs, Nick doubled down.Nick went and got trained as a Certified Personal Trainer, and he opened up shop.Again, now even though he was at the gym and wasn’t training girls inside, girls still came to him. He was known. They wanted to be trained by him.They’d see him at the gym and want to be around him. He was magnetic. Girls would orbit around him.Other girls he didn’t know would also see that, and not get creeped out when he approached them.HE RAPIDLY BUILT UP A NICE SIX-FIGURE PERSONAL TRAINING BUSINESS THAT WAY…Then he got the idea of becoming a certified yoga instructor at a local yoga studio.Whoa! Now he had multiple GROUPS of women chasing him, after, during and before his classes. All at the same time.Get  The Millionaire Switch For Men from Jason Capital  at the CourseAvaiPurchase The Millionaire Switch For Men from Jason Capital courses at here with PRICE $49 $14