The Master Coach Training Program – Blaine Bartlett


Purchase The Master Coach Training Program – Blaine Bartlett courses at here with PRICE $ $Important Note: To all enterprising and aspiring coaches who are ready to move out of mediocrity and make a significant impact on this planet…Learn How to Live a Life Full of Growth and Contribution And Create Financial And Emotional Abundance – Simply By Doing What You LoveWelcome to Master Coach Training: The first ever self paced Training Program for aspiring coaches which brings together an experienced coach of 25 years with time-tested and proven coaching methodologies and a young, thriving coach with powerful modern day marketing practices to train you on creating an outstanding, fulfilling and prosperous coaching practice.The Decision To Become a Coach Is Not Going To Change Your Life.It is, in fact, going to change the worldBecause whether you want to be a life coach, a business coach or a coach who’s helping aspiring authors to write their first science-fiction novel, one thing is for certain:When you decide to become a coach, you decide to CONTRIBUTE to the happiness, health, wealth and well-being of our entire planet.(And of course: Yourself!)So let me guess..Up until now, your life hasn’t been bad. Maybe you went to college, worked hard to get a degree and ended up in a “good” job.Maybe your income is slightly above the average in your home town, so you really shouldn’t complain.Maybe you have a nice house and a lovely partner and you should simply be grateful for what you have…But there’s just one little problem..Your Inner CallingIt’s the calling to do something greater and bigger than yourself.To do something MEANINGFUL with your life. To CONTRIBUTEdeeply and passionately. To constantly GROW and EXPAND into the version of yourself that makes you feel proud, accomplished and significant every single time you look into the mirror.In short: It’s your inner calling to become a coach.And, being a coach myself and helping thousands of others to answer their inner calling too… trust me when I say: I know exactly what you’re going through and you are not alone!But here’s the tricky thing about your inner calling: When you ignore it, it just becomes louder. When you try to run away from it, it WILL catch up with you eventually. And the longer you wait, the more unbearable the pain will become.The good news?The World Is Waiting For You To Become The Coach You Already Are WithinAnd all you need?A tested and proven framework, created by highly skilled and experienced professionalswho have already achieved what you want to achieve and who’ll take you by the hand and lovingly walk you through the exact process of how to become a Master Coach. So that you’re never alone, always on track and 100% certain about every single step you need to take to go from living an unfulfilled (sometimes even boring and meaningless) life to being the purpose-driven changemaker you already are within.But I get it… Right now you’re feeling overwhelmed and confused… and you don’t even know where to start.Your mind is driving you crazy with questions like…Should I get certified?Where should I get certified?How much training do I need?Am I really going to be able to deliver as a coach?How can I make sure I’ll create RESULTS?How will I find my first clients?What should I charge?Will I ever be able to make enough money to pay my bills?What do I need to do to get noticed and stand out in the industry?Get The Master Coach Training Program – Blaine Bartlett, Only Price $124Questions over questions and more questions, served with a side of fear, anxiety and frustration. (I wasn’t lying when I told you I’ve been there and I know how you feel!)But what if you could leave all the confusion and anxiety behind right now?What if there was a solution that brought answers to ALL of your questions (including the ones you didn’t even knew you had)?What if I told you that clarity, certainty and fulfillment are literally just around the corner?And all you need to do to find answers is keep reading…Yes!?Then let me make it really easy and simple for you right now:All You Need If You Want To Become A Master Coach Are 2 Crucial ThingsYou don’t need to read 839 books, you don’t have to go through 6 years of (ridiculously expensive) training and you certainly don’t have to buy 8 different courses only to go through all the material by yourself and extract the 20% of knowledge that will get you 80% of the results.Because we’ve already done all this hard work FOR you.And it can really be that simple — I promise!So what are the 2 crucial things, you wonder?Holistic Coach Training That Enables You To Get World-Class ResultsYOU are complex and multi-dimensional. And so is every other human being on this planet…So instead of “nailing” just one dimension, just one aspect of coaching… how about nailing them all?With the Three-Dimensional Coaching framework taught in the Master Coach program, you’ll learn the holistic approach by exploring three of the most influential coaching models existing today — The Seasons Model, The Performance Focus Model and The Somatic Coaching Model. (I’ll explain what exactly they are in just a minute, so keep reading!)This approach covers all the tools, methods and techniques you need in order to be able to achieve world-class results for your clients (and to achieve them fast, too) — no matter in which area of their lives they might be struggling right now.Step-By-Step Business Framework Specifically Designed For New CoachesYou could be the most talented new coach out there, but if you don’t know how to get clients, how to market yourself and how to sell irresistible packages that your prospects simply can’t say no to… you’re not going to be serving anyone.Tough love, but it’s true.So what you need isn’t the most complicated business strategies that big corporations use and that will take you years to implement (or even understand). What you need is a clear step-by-step business framework that’s tested and proven and developed specifically and exclusively for new coaches like you.And this is exactly what you’ll get when you join us for Master Coach!Holistic Coach Training + Business Essentials For Coaches = The Most Reliable Way To SuccessMe personally, I’m a very focused individual. And a big believer in “hacks”.What do I mean by that?I simply mean that I’m always looking for the fastest, most efficient and yet most effective way to success.The “gurus” might tell you that “good things take time” and that there’s “no gain, without pain” but the truth is that there’s always a shortcut to success.And not buying into all of that allowed me to build a $1.5 Million business within less than 9 months, creating a community of more than 60,000 thriving coaches.Remember: Everybody starts at ZeroI know that hearing all these big numbers and incredible success stories can feel very intimidating. And discouraging. And it makes you think “who am I to be the next Master Coach?”, “why should anyone ever listen to me?” or “there are already SO MANY successful coaches out there, does the world really need another one?”…And the answer is: YES!The world does need another coach and it’s YOU! There are billions of people out there and everybody wants to grow and thrive and get to the next level. But they don’t know HOW and they need YOUR help. YOUR guidance. And YOUR coaching to get there.You are absolutely capable, worthy and ready to do this, and if you’re doubting yourself (or whether the market needs you or not), I want you to remember a liberating truth:I, too, started at zero.And so did every other coach, including the 2 Master Coaches who are going to teach you everything you need in order to become the next Master Coach yourself. Read their inspiring stories below and you’ll see that you can only win!Meet your Master CoachesSince there are 2 crucial elements of starting a successful coaching practice — the coaching element and the business element — we brought on 2 top-notch experts who will each cover one of the 2 parts.See, Master Coach is not just some nice-to-have program… it’s all the essentials you need in order to start, grow and thrive in your new coaching business combined into one comprehensive training program, led by world-class teachers who are living proof that what they teach WORKS.Part 1: Three-Dimensional Coaching With Blaine BartlettBlaine Bartlett has served clients in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and the United States. While living in Japan in the early 1980s, he managed the business and international consulting division of one of the largest and most successful Human Resource Development and Consulting organizations in Asia.Blaine is certified as an executive and organizational coach AND also as a somatic coach.Blaine is also an Adjunct Professor at China’s Beijing University and a member of the teaching faculty at the American Association for Physician Leadership.In addition to his professional responsibilities, Blaine is a big fan of cinema (and Star Wars), an avid fly fisherman and a hopelessly optimistic golfer whose handicap is… that he “plays the game.”During over 40 years, he has consulted worldwide with executives, companies and governments. Blaine has delivered training programs to almost 300,000 individuals and has impacted close to a million people.The list of the clients with whom he has recently worked includes some of the largest organizations on a global scale such as Starbucks, Microsoft, Healthways, Coldwater Creek, Nokia, AT&T Wireless, United Systems Integrators (a Johnson Controls company), Gap, T-Mobile, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the World Bank, 20th Century Fox, and the Government of Zambia… and many, many more.Blaine is an active member of the World Business Academy; the Transformational Leadership Council — an international group of transformational CEOs, thought leaders, writers, humanitarians, film producers and educators; and a founding member of the Business Alliance for the future. In 2012, he was formally invested as a Knight of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta, the world’s oldest humanitarian organization.Part 2: Business And Marketing For New Coaches With Jessica NazaraliJessica Nazarali is a highly successful coach who runs a million dollar coaching business while traveling the world. But what I admire most about her is that she teaches from experience.Before she left her job to be a full-time coach, Jessica worked in recruitment (theHARDEST form of sales on the planet) and business development for an HR company. Her experience in sales and marketing extends way more than what she has learned through building and skyrocketing her own thriving coaching business.The first 6 months of running her coaching business were frustrating, disappointing and full of challenges for Jessica. She was struggling financially, had no idea how to get clients (let alone, clients she truly loved to work with and who were happy to pay what she’s worth) and sometimes giving up and “getting a real job” seemed like the best option.Until Jessica discovered that…Running a successful coaching business doesn’t have to be that hard.Finding clients doesn’t have to be an exhausting chase or constant struggle.And making the income you crave and deserve IS absolutely possible… even in your first year!After,Jessica discovered the formula that she’s going to teach you step by step when you join us for Master Coach, it was like everything finally fell into place:She made $257,234 in her first year as a new coach! And no, she didn’t work crazy 80-hour weeks or sacrifice her adventurous lifestyle in order to achieve this. Jessica simply applied her formula, only worked with a limited number of selected dream clients and did all of this while traveling the world.And now she’s going to teach you the exact same formula in Master Coach!What You’ll LearnIntroducing: Master Coach Training ProgramThe easiest and painless way for you to become the coach you know you’re meant to be, get the perfect clients, create the monthly income you want and finally make coaching your full-time career.This exclusive and brand new coaching program is for you if you’re:An aspiring coach who desires to work with clients one-on-one, truly make an impact and make a contribution instead of living a meaningless, mediocre lifeBrand new to coaching and have never worked with clients before (Don’t worry, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process step by step).Worried and stressed out about whether you’re going to be able to make a consistent income that allows you to enjoy the lifestyle of your dreams.Following a no-excuses policy and are willing to work smart, not hard and following what millions of coaches have done to create thriving businesses.Ready to answer your inner calling instead of ignoring it until it hurtsThis one-of-a-kind program is NOT for you if you’re:Not sure whether you want to be successful as a coach and have coaching as your full-time career.Addicted to the struggle and happy to wait months or years to find clients and get real results.Not fully committed to your goals or willing to learn what’s necessary to achieve them.But since you’re still here reading this letter… I know that this is not you!Look, here’s the truth:The fact that you haven’t started your coaching practice yet is NOT because “it’s not meant to be”. It’s NOT because you don’t deserve to follow your passions and live your purpose. And it’s not “your fault” that you didn’t take that big leap yet.You simply didn’t know WHO you should trust with this. WHO you should learn from.You haven’t had a successful coach to give you clear guidance, proven strategies and personal feedback on how to answer your inner calling, start the coaching practice of your dreams, find consistent clients and generate the income you want (and deserve!).Which is exactly why we’ve created Master Coach for you!Here’s What Master Coach Will Do For You As An Aspiring Coach:Combining the best strategies, frameworks, tools and systems of our Master Coaches and implementing them for yourself when you join us for Master Coach will enable you to…01Get World-Class Results For Your ClientsIn Master Coach, you’ll learn to create a process that is client-led, not coach-directed, so that you can form a compassionate partnership and synergy with your client… without getting trapped in psychotherapy or healing sessions. You’ll learn the holistic coaching approach, leveraging three of the most influential coaching models existing today — The Seasons Model, The Performance Focus Model and The Somatic Coaching Model, catering to the mental, emotional and physical needs of your clients. No matter what challenge your client is going to face, YOU are will be perfectly equipped to handle it.02Become An Excellent LeaderYou’ll learn how to be a leader… but you’ll lead “from behind the curtains”. Your place is to become that voice in the client’s head that they can’t ignore — not because the voice knows the answers, but because it keeps asking questions that compel movement, growth and expansion. You’ll discover how to focus on excellence instead of perfection, (because it’s excellence that keeps the action moving forward) and how to provide your clients with agreater capacity to produce results and enhanced confidence in their ability to do so. Your clients will never leave coaching feeling like they need to rely on a coach in order to produce similar results in the future.03Earn The Income You Want And DeserveI’m not promising you that you will go “from rags to riches” in your first year of business or something ridiculous like that. But what I do promise? Is that youWILL dramatically increase your income (like other people who’ve joined this program and went from zero clients to making $10,000 in just 2 days). You WILL be able to upgrade your lifestyle a couple notches (no matter whether that’s traveling the world, shopping without feeling guilty or simply telling your friends that dinner is on you). And you WILL be able to make an impact and transform people’s lives for the better full time.04Get Confidence And Certainty To Truly Make An ImpactJust because you’re able to coach others, doesn’t meant that you don’t need to work on your own mindset. In Master Coach we will shift you away from feeling small, unworthy or insecure and towards feeling confident and certain as a coach. These are the core qualities that make a successful coach who truly impacts the lives of people all across the globe and makes avaluable contribution. And the skill-sets you’ll develop during your training with Master Coach will allow you to do exactly that – with joy and ease.05Create An Ongoing Impact Through Your SessionsWhen you join us for the Master Coach training program, you’ll also learn how to execute the three essential phases of a coaching interaction to make an ongoing and sustainable impact in your clients’ lives.The three essential phases are:1. Defining a relevant context for the coaching.2. Jointly developing a structure that allows for the coaching to unfold.3. Executing within this structure.You’ll discover how to support your client on their quest, based on the concept of the classic hero’s journey06Let Your Ideal Clients Find YouIn Master Coach, Jessica Nazarali will teach you the exact strategies, structures and tools she used (and still uses) to build a multiple 6-figure coaching business within her first year. She packaged all those strategies into an easy-to-implement step by step system for you to follow and Jessica is also going to be there to personally guide and support you along the way. Say goodbye to the struggle of finding new clients and learn how to let them find you instead!07Design Premium Packages Your Clients LoveA premium package allows you to charge premium prices and only work with a handful of selected dream clients. This way you’re never undercharging or undervaluing yourself and your services as a coach. You also make sure that your clients get ultimate results because you’re not drained or exhausted and can give to them fully. But even better? The ability to design and sell premium packages also gives you the flexibility to travel and live the lifestyle you crave.08Market Yourself AuthenticallyI know that you don’t want to be a marketing expert… you want to be a coach! But in Master Coach you’ll learn Jessica Nazarali’s personalmarketing formulas that will accelerate your business success without you having to sacrifice your authenticity. (She runs a million Dollar coaching business for a reason!) What does that mean? It means that you’ll feel good and confident about leading sales conversations, writing your sales page and putting yourself out there. No more feeling icky, guilty or ashamed when you ask for the sale.Get The Master Coach Training Program – Blaine Bartlett, Only Price $124Course InformationThe Master Coach Training Program is the first ever self-paced training program for aspiring coaches that will allow you to start your new successful, prosperous and fulfilling coaching practice with confidence and joy…Led by Blaine Bartlett – experienced Master Coach of more than 25 years – and Jessica Nazarali – younger Master Coach and expert in modern day marketing practices specifically tailored to the needs of new coaches.This self-paced training program will not only enable you to become a skilled, confident and results-driven coach, it will also give you all the tools, frameworks and strategies you need in order to market your practice successfully and find the perfect paying clients for you.Here’s exactly what you learn and get when you enrol in the Master Coach Training Program:PART 1 – Coach Training with Blaine Bartlett:CHAPTER 0The ContextLet’s start with the basics. We’ll talk about the client’s “story” and its three dimensions. About the traditional life-success model… and why it’s a trap. Finally, we’ll dive into concepts of transformation and mindfulness — and what’s their place in the coaching practice. Dive into eight audio chapters with a keynote presentation stuffed with case studies and practical solutions.CHAPTER 1What Is CoachingThe world today is moving and changing too fast for our legacy models of leadership and followership to sustain our organizations a — or us. Our worlds are becoming increasingly multidimensional and interrelated. As a consequence, many who have managed to segregate parts of themselves into a work persona, a social persona, a family persona and so on, are feeling increasingly ill-equipped to cope.The experience becomes increasingly like trying to catch a ball with only one eye open — because closing one eye eliminates your depth perception, it’s almost impossible to do with any consistency. Coaching is a process designed to metaphorically open both eyes and bring depth to life. In this chapter you’ll learn more about coaching’s place, types of coaching applications and your role in the coaching process. Last, but not least — you’ll learn why PASSION (and what we mean by that) is critical in the coaching process.CHAPTER 2Three Dimensional CoachingThis is the juicy stuff — here you’ll discover how to access your client’s “story” through the major coaching models and how they build the Three Dimensional Coaching™ Model. You’ll start with The Seasons Model — with emphasis on The Cycle of Renewal.Then, you’ll proceed to The Performance Focus Coaching Model — with emphasis on the core coaching skills (AIRAD), the process of creating the coaching environment/climate, the premise of possibility AND coaching conversation. Finally, you’ll move to The Somatic Coaching Model — with emphasis on moving and engaging techniques, “ground of being”, methods for requests and declines, contraction and expansion… and more! Yes, this chapter is action-packed.CHAPTER 3The Coaching ConversationTo lead a meaningful and powerful Coaching Conversation, you’ll have to learn about Bodhimanda – The Place of Awakening. Bodhimanda is a Sanskrit word that means, literally, a place where we come together to wake up. It’s from this concept that the idea of a dojo—a place of practice — was born. All martial artists practice in a dojo. It’s a place to be a learner; it’s a place to practice to develop mastery; it’s a place that connects the “artist” to the ideal of the particular martial art being practiced. The notion that we are waking up as we practice makes a dojo a special place.You’ll also learn the CFEEB (Center, Face, Extend, Enter and Blend)technique and its special guided meditation.)CHAPTER 4The Meaning FieldAll that we do is governed by the meaning we have assigned and are assigning to the events in our lives. This simple statement is profound in its impact on the coaching process. The not so simple implication of the statement is that everything your client is doing and feeling involves his or her, often unconscious, choice. The meaning of anything is assigned or chosen by the client and does not inherently exist.This chapter will explore the ways in which the coach and client will together discover the subtle decisions the client makes and has made… what influences these decisions, and how the client can change it. You’ll learn about concepts such as: “Mood and meaning”, “Leading from behind”, “The Nature of purpose” and “The power of vision”.CHAPTER 5The ChallengesWhat are the challenges for the coach? HoPurchase The Master Coach Training Program – Blaine Bartlett courses at here with PRICE $ $