The MacroCompass – Monetary Mechanics Course


JJ Dream Team Workshop Training Full Course
Start Your Transformative Journey Towards Financial Independence and Trading Mastery.
10 session course running the gamut of trading. BONUS COURSE: Adult Learning course: The Andragogy principles, the curriculum delves into the unique challenges associated with adult learning, exploring effective strategies to overcome these hurdles.
What You’ll Learn In JJ Dream Team Workshop Training Full Course

Adult Learning
How and Why Trading is a Business: Session 1
Market Profile: Session 2
JJ’s Certified Training Course: Session 3
The Five Process Trading: Session 4
Tools to Identify Trades: Session 5
Key Points to Market Profile: Session 6
The JJ Method: Session 7
The Trading Playbook: Session 8
Probabilities and Statistical Risk in Trading: Session 9
Side Hustle Businesses: Session 10

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