The Love Codes – Claire Zammit & Arielle Ford


Real, deep, lasting love with a high-quality partner is possible for you at any age or stage of life, regardless of your present circumstances or past experiences.Yet you might be feeling unsure whether love is “in the cards” for you—you might even be feeling resigned or hopeless in the wake of experiencing painful heartbreak, rejection, or disappointment…Or, you might be feeling optimistic but also nervous and uncertain about how to navigate the dating world after the end of a long relationship or many years of being single.You might be wondering if it’s too late for you to find love, or how you can possibly maintain a positive outlook about finding a partner at your age.It could be you’ve been focused for years and years on your career or on family commitments, and now you’re realizing you absolutely want to meet the love of your life… but how?Or you might be tired of feeling like deep down you’ll be unworthy of love as long as you need to lose weight or recover from a health issue or another physical challenge.Whether your experience has been characterized by pain and frustration, stuckness, or open-ended possibility mixed with nervousness and uncertainty—we want you to know that many, many women we have met and worked with were feeling exactly this way!And we promise you that if you have the yearning for big, extraordinary love, you CAN create it—just as thousands of women have who we’ve coached!You can source the power to manifest the love of your life—and when you do, you’ll receive all the love, support, adoration and intimacy you desire & deserve!You’re probably a very gifted, creative, spiritual and conscious woman, and you desire and deserve an extraordinary love!But, in spite of all your efforts, you haven’t been able to meet the right partner yet or create a relationship that fulfills your yearning and your vision.This fact alone can be painful and confusing, causing you to wonder if love is really possible. You’re not sure how to move forward.You desire a great love, and yet…The men/partners you’re meeting aren’t matching up to your vision for what you want in your life, and you wonder if your match is out thereYou fear you’re too old, overweight, damaged or too ______ (fill in the blank)You’re wondering if you’re too busy, too smart, too powerful, or too intimidating to menYou’re confused about what’s realistic to expect (especially at or after midlife) and you wonder what things you should stand strong on vs. be flexible aboutOr, you might be still in love with an ex (who is clearly never going to be your partner again), but you can’t move on even though you’ve triedYou’re telling yourself you should “wait” to start dating until your circumstances are more ideal, such as when your kids have left home, you’ve lost weight, or you’re finished with some other life transition you are in the middle of…yet years have passed and the “right time” never comesYou might be wondering if you should stay in the relationship you’re in that’s less than satisfying, rather than move on and risk opening up to the possibility of true loveAnd maybe you tried online dating and you’re feeling discouraged by the low-quality prospects or the lack of response and you don’t know how to move forward.We want you to know that EVERY conscious woman we’ve worked with has experienced some of these fears and anxieties on her way to creating great love.And we want to extend a tremendous amount of support to you if you’ve been having any of these experiences yourself!Why has it been so hard to create the loving life partnership you’ve been yearning for—the extraordinary possibility you’ve caught glimpses of?Sometimes you can taste what this kind of love is like—maybe when you think about an incredible couple you know, or you remember a long-ago infatuation that seemed so promising…But when it comes down it, your relationships have suffered and you’ve struggled with love.You’re not alone: we are in the midst of one of the biggest shifts in human history, where the dynamics between men and women are changing.As conscious women, we’ve taken on the role of actualizing our higher possibilities, stepping into power in the world, and while we have achieved success at greater levels than every measure, paradoxically, studies are showing that we’re more lonely, isolated, and depressed than we ever have been.According to a New York Times study, an increasing number of us—50% of women in the United States—are living at home without a partner.We’re working hard. We’re exhausted. We’re overextended. We’re overwhelmed.Because we are doing everything we can to level the playing field between men and women…And along the way we have learned to cultivate a masculine power, rooted in logical, linear thinking, analysis, and making things happen. This kind of power has been the system of the prevailing world.But this masculine power is not a good system for creating the things that can’t be controlled—such as true love and intimacy.The power that we need in order to actualize our higher potentials as women, especially in love, is a Feminine version of power, which is sourced from a very different place. It is a very different system.And not only have we become disconnected from our Feminine Power, our love “codes” themselves needs to be rewritten.You see, your current experience in love stems from a set of “codes” imprinted from a very early on inside your family of origin and our culture.These codes consist of the assumptions, mindsets, approaches and role models that play a crucial part in how you go about forming relationships…And behind the scenes, the codes are continually operating to tell you what’s possible for you in your life and in your relationships.Some of your old imprints or codes can manifest as a feeling, like you are “Not good enough,” or “Not worthy,” or “There is something wrong with me,” or “I’m not meant to have love,” or even, “There are no good men out there.”Or it could be a relationship pattern—you’re an empath and keep attracting narcissists, or you’re an independent, successful woman and you keep attracting men who are irresponsible, or who lose interest.You might also have the belief that you would be weak and dependent if you were to really allow yourself as a powerful women to need someone.You might have beliefs about marriage as limiting your freedom, or men as being unreliable, or untrustworthy—whatever you absorbed in your family and culture when you were growing up.A lot of these old patterns and codes are very, very deep within you, and they’ve been the root cause of your experience in relationshipsThe good news is you can learn how to activate a new set of “codes” that will give you the power to align with your true love destiny and create a very different experience.Intimate, Secure, Healthy, Loving, Committed Life-Partnership with a Partner who can “Meet You” on Every Level is Possible for you…The truth is, deep down, you are coded for a great love destiny. What you sense in your clearest moments—the possibility you’re feeling for an extraordinary relationship—is REAL.And you can discover how to access the power to create it!You deserve to be deeply supported, to be cherished, to be touched, to be adored…To experience the kind of love that gives you a safe place to land at the end of the day…Someone to share your wins with, and to be there for you when life gets rough…Someone you can respect and can count on for advice and emotional support.Someone who can share life’s responsibilities with you, and whose happiness is as important to you as your own.When you share your life with your beloved, you end up sharing a mutual safety and security.If you’re on a path of personal growth and spiritual development, there’s no greater catalyst for healing and transformation than sharing your life with a life-partner.You get to be a witness for each other’s lives, and to really, truly be there for each other.And with the kind of partnership where you feel this depth of love, you experience deep emotional support, connection, well-being, and thriving—across your entire life.We want to invite you to join us in our virtual temple of love where we’re going to give you the power to manifest it!Discover the Solution forConscious WomenAwaken Your FemininePower & Activate the6 TRUE LOVE “CODES”WITH FEMININE POWER FOUNDER, Dr. CLAIRE ZAMMIT & BESTSELLING AUTHOR, ARIELLE FORDAfter decades of coaching tens of thousands of women, creating our own successful marriages and interviewing over 200 of the world’s leading experts, we discovered the EXACT process, along with the tools, training and support that works for conscious women.For the first time ever, we brought together these teachings into an exclusive high-end program that we offered last year.We had such phenomenal results that we’ve decided to make it available to a larger group of women.Through our decades spent teaching brilliant, powerful, conscious women, and through breaking through our own barriers to love ourselves and creating successful marriages, we’ve discovered that to create extraordinary love with a high quality, developed, evolved partner, there are 6 LOVE Codes you must activate to succeed:Love Code #1: Reset Your Inner Compass to True LoveThis love code will give you the power to attract a partner who can really fulfill you (your “wish list” may actually be blocking you).Love Code #2: Rewrite Your Love StoryThis Love Code will give you the power to release limiting beliefs so that you can open up to receive the love that awaits you and let go of your old patterns so that you don’t recreate relationship dynamics from the past.Love Code #3: Become a Love MagnetThis Love Code will give you the power to raise your love frequency so that you are magnetic to a high quality partner.Love Code #4: Connection Magic: The Secret Art of Laser DatingWith your love frequency raised you’ll start attracting lots of interest—and this Love Code will give you the 3 “superskills” of Presentation, Sorting & Connecting, which will enable you to attract the right partner in the shortest amount of time.Love Code #5: Activate Your Feminine RadianceThis Love Code will enable you to become visible as your most radiant, feminine self—without dimming down your power—so that your beloved will recognize you as the partner that they are also seeking, and so they will organize around fulfilling your needs and desires.Love Code #6: Become a Love MasterThis Love Code gives you the power to navigate the early stages of dating and forge the bonds of lasting, lifelong, fulfilling love.And when you have all 6 Love Codes activated, you WILL attract a person who’s more perfect for you than you can imagine, and you’ll create a relationship that’s beyond your wildest imaginings.To gain access to all the transformation you’ll experience in The Love Codes Training, you would have likely needed to take 5 to 10 different courses over a year (or more) and invest $15,000+, however we’ve brought everything together in one comprehensive training.In response to seeing what we’d created with this training, Dr. John Gray, bestselling relationship author of all time of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus had this to say:“For single, successful, conscious women seeking to manifest a conscious partner for a lifetime of love and happiness, my friends Arielle Ford and Claire Zammit are the “go-to” experts in the field. They provide the most powerful and effective program available today.”It’s our intention to share with you everything we’ve discovered as well as our very best resources.For that reason we’re also including many high-value bonuses, including Life-Time Access to our “Love Manifesting Vault” of over 200 seminars with the world’s leading love experts, valued at over $10,000, which will enable you to get any question you have about attracting or sustaining extraordinary love answered!And in addition to the core training modules that integrate our Feminine Power and Love Manifesting approaches, you’ll also be supported by the #1 expert in the world in each of the 6 Areas that you’ll be working with in The Love Codes.You’ll access exclusive masterclasses from luminaries like all-time #1 bestselling love and relationship author Dr. John Gray, “The Marriage Whisperer” Dr. Harville Hendrix, Understanding Men Expert Alison Armstrong, Deeper Dating author and acclaimed psychotherapist Ken Page, Dating Expert Evan Marc Katz, bestselling author Susan Bratton and more!Receive the Accountability, Inspiration & Support That You Need On the Journey to LoveYou will have a massive amount of support & accountability from us and the other extraordinary women who will share the journey with you in the course.Research has shown that being accountable and supported increases your chances for success by a whopping 40%-95% or more.The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and discovered the following statistics:The probability of completing a goal if:You have an idea or a goal: 10%You consciously decide you will do it: 25%You decide when you will do it: 40%You plan how you will do it: 50%You commit to someone you will do it: 65%You have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to: 95%You already know that doing this on your own hasn’t worked out. By participating in a community of like-minded women with similar goals, you will succeed.And, we’re going to make the process fun, energizing and inspiring! Our motto is: Have the time of your life while manifesting the love of your life!Here’s What You’ll LearnActivate The Power of the Six Love Codes in 12 WeeksEach Love Code Module will consist of 2 Weekly Course Sessions led by Claire &/Or Arielle & 1 Masterclass with one of the World’s Leading Love ExpertsLOVE CODE MODULE ONEOn your journey to love, have you ever over-invested emotionally in the wrong person, only to end up feeling disappointed (and even angry at yourself that you didn’t see what happened coming)?Or perhaps you’re confused about what kinds of qualities and achievements are reasonable and realistic to expect or hold out for in a partner (especially later in life). Are you being too picky or not aiming high enough?Or on the other side of things, do you feel ambivalent about meeting someone new because you never want to experience what you did in the past again, period? (And yes, we agree, being alone IS better than that!)ALL of these experiences are symptoms of having your internal Love Compass on its old default setting and not aligned with True Love—it’s out of whack!This activating the power of Love Code you will gain the power to reset your love compass so you can easily attract a partner who can really fulfill you (your “wish list” may actually be blocking you), and ensure you don’t waste time with false starts or risk heartbreak with the wrong person.You’ll be guided to:Discover what worked and didn’t work about your previous relationships so that you can be clear about your top 3 “Must-Haves & Deal Breakers”.Vision the heart traits and qualities you need to be happy in a relationship and how to recognize them in potential partners.Release attachments to past loves so your energy is fully available for the new love you’re creating now.Heal old love wounds and open your heart to the possibility of a love like you’ve never known before.Release any resentments you’re still holding to past partners.Let go of any unconscious commitments that have been keeping you alone.Harvest the tremendous gains of your past relationships so that you feel fully prepared for the new love you’re creating.Enlist the help of partners on the other side on your journey to love.Clarify your core values & vision for life.LOVE CODE MODULE TWOIf you’re like most conscious, smart, gifted women who aren’t yet experiencing the love you desire with a high quality partner, chances are that some of the biggest blocks are the old limiting beliefs about yourself, about men/women, and about marriage itself.This is your “old love story.” It’s the story you’ve been telling yourself and others about why you can’t have a great love, and it’s rooted in these limiting beliefs, such as:“I’m too old, I’m too overweight, I’m not lovable, I’m invisible, I’ve been too damaged by the past, I’m too powerful to attract men/women, I’m too intimidating… or too _________ (fill in the blank).”These old beliefs are NOT TRUE! However, they are shaping your perception and thus your experience in love—up until now.By activating this Love Code, you’ll feel loveable, worthy, safe and confident. You’ll be guided to break free of any old and limiting beliefs and patterns, such as overgiving or attracting people who can’t give to you, honor you and fulfill your needs. You’ll have the power to create a new template from which you can attract and receive the love you desire from a high quality partner.During these sessions you will be guided to:Use the acclaimed Feminine Power approach to activating your true “love Identity” so that you become magnetic to your soulmate.Release the limiting beliefs about yourself, men/partners, marriage, and love that may have been blocking or sabotaging your relationships up until now.Cultivate a new relationship with yourself that’s deeply loving, safe, secure and kind as a foundation for receiving love from another.Transform your practice of self-care and self-love and experience a new level of self-esteem that will give you the confidence to become visible as your most authentic, lovable, magnetic self.Discover the new science of Attachment Theory and which “attachment style” you have formed, and how you can cultivate a “secure” attachment style to form bonds of lasting happy, healthy, committed love.Rewire your brain with leading-edge neuroscience tools to become effortlessly attracted to healthy, happy, loving, partners, and feel confident and comfortable being adored.LOVE CODE MODULE THREEIf you’re going through a health challenge, feel burnt out from overworking, are under financial pressure, or generally feel stressed out and overwhelmed, your personal energy field is likely to be vibrating at a super-low love frequency. You know your love frequency is low if you feel empty and devoid of love. In fact, paradoxically, these are the times when you might feel an ache and longing for love even more deeply than ever.The challenging thing, however, is that it’s pretty near impossible to attract now love on top of a love deficit.It’s not your circumstances that are the barrier—it’s where your own energy is—and what you’re “putting out there,” so to speak, that will come back to you.By activating this Love Code you will learn how to raise your own energetic love frequency so that you are radiating love, which in turn will attract big love into your life. You’ll raise your “love frequency” so that you are magnetic to a high quality partner.During these sessions you will be guided to:Raise your love frequency through practicing daily powerful self-love rituals and techniques.Release your feelings of being at a “love deficit” forever, and tap into the limitless source of love within yourself and the universe so that you can become magnetic to romantic love with your soulmate life-partner.Develop and trust your intuition to guide you toward love and repel those who are not able to give you the love you deserve.Reclaim your sensual self, learning to love, care for, respect and honor your body, just as it is, as part of the home you will offer your beloved.Embrace your desires for love in ways that enable you to become more visible and magnetic to your soulmate.Learn to receive love as much as you give love, and see why this is critical to deepening intimacy, closeness and bonding with your soulmate.Awaken your senses so that you can experience the deep pleasure and joy of the loving life-partnership you’re creating.LOVE CODE MODULE FOURHave you given up on online dating because you’ve concluded it “doesn’t work for you?”Or do you feel overwhelmed, anxious and frustrated because you get bombarded with interest from the wrong people and little response from those you’re attracted to?Or, on the other end of the spectrum, perhaps you find yourself saying:“If I’m meant to have love, I will just organically meet the right person?”…. If you can relate to any of these experiences, then chances are you haven’t yet been successful in attracting the love you desire because you haven’t understood or activated the power of this Love Code.In fact, we have come to see it’s the missing step most conscious women fail to take (or complete) that if embraced, will lead to a 100% success rate in meeting your beloved life-partner.By Activating the power of this Love Code, you will learn the 3 Dating Superskills of Presentation, Sorting & Connecting that will enable you to go from feeling overwhelmed to clear and confident with the power to attract a high quality partner in the least amount of time.During these sessions, you’ll discover:The 5 ways it’s possible to meet a high quality partner and how to be open and available in all these areas to fast-track your journey to love.How to present yourself in person and online to attract high quality men/partners who are interested in getting to know youMaster the screening process, both on line, on the phone and in person, that will save you time and heartache.Have fun and soulful conversations that will allow both of you to casually reveal who you are and your core values.Use simple, fun, authentic and easy flirting techniques that create the space for you to discover the connection between you.Understand the 20-minute coffee date format that works for even the busiest of women.Discover who to see again and who to pass on, so you can sort through your dates for the “diamonds in the rough,” while also seeing the red flags that exist so that you don’t waste any time on the wrong people.Learn how to gently let a man know that you are not interested in seeing him again – we will provide you with the exact phrase to use, word for word, so that neither of you will be uncomfortable.Know how to navigate the early stages of dating and watch for the top 5 signs that will let you know you are truly with your soulmate—without this knowledge you could accidentally pass up the love of a lifetime.LOVE CODE MODULE FIVEIf you’re a smart, successful and self-identified “powerful woman” chances are you feel “there’s no good men out there.” Or you’ve created dynamics in relationships where you’re giving more than you’re receiving.However, the deeper truth is that most powerful woman also have a hard time being vulnerable and open to receiving support, adoration and love.And this is more likely to be the block to extraordinary love than a shortage of extraordinary partners…We’ve been sourcing our power from our accomplishments and not from our very beingness.When it comes to love, you don’t need to prove anything or do anything to be worthy.Your very existence is more than enough to be loved, to be worthy, and to be cherished.And in realizing this, you’ll be able to let go of control, become more feminine, open, radiant and receptive—and highly visible, magnetic and attractive to high-quality partners!The secret is to learn how to become equally as powerful in the Feminine as you are at creating success in your life.This Love Code will enable you to become visible as your most radiant, feminine self—without dimming down your power—so that your beloved will recognize you as the partner that they are also seeking, and so they will organize around fulfilling your needs and desires.During this session you will be guided to:Understand the relationship dynamics that conscious women need to feel happy and fulfilled in a life-partnership. (This is very different from the dynamics in most of your other relationships especially if you’re smart, strong & successful)Discover the top 3 things that high quality partners are looking for in women in order to make a life-long commitment to a relationship with you.Communicate your needs and desires that inspire your partner to want to serve and provide for you in ways that nurture your potential.Make the energetic shift between work and romance so that you can be present and available to your beloved and “feed” the connection with your attention.Feel confident, radiant, and magnetic, and start living from your Feminine Power knowing you’re a high-value woman who brings out the bestGet The Love Codes – Claire Zammit & Arielle Ford , Only Price $297Tag: The Love Codes – Claire Zammit & Arielle Ford  Review. The Love Codes – Claire Zammit & Arielle Ford  download. 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