Unlock The Secrets To Getting More Listings That Will Actually Sell, Learn How To Make It Virtually Impossible For Prospects To Tell You “No”, And Produce More Freedom In Your Life Than Ever Before!When I moved to Dallas from a dairy farm in Missouri, I was brand spanking new to the real estate world and these systems saved me from having to go back to the farm in defeat and propelled me to become a top-producer in a highly competitive market.By my third year in the business, I was selling upwards of $20 Million a year using these techniques. These aren’t just hype from someone who has never sold a home, these are practical approaches that work in real-life and that have been featured in numerous industry publications like RisMedia Magazine, KW Outfront Magazine, R.E. Real Estate Magazine, and Real Estate Performance Systems.I have also shared these with agents and coaching clients all across the country that have now built highly successful businesses and I have covered them at over a thousand seminars in 45 states.Now they are available to you without being a member of our coaching and training program. The entire system is designed to allow you begin immediate implementation so you can begin to get results from Day 1.Being THE recognized authority in your market is easier than you think. The key is having the best strategies and the most effective systems for total market domination. So, I’ve compiled the systems that I developed and implemented into my own business to go from zero listings, zero closings, and zero cash after my first six months in the business to $7 Million in sales at the end of my very first year!Uncover The FSBO and Expired System That Will Eliminate The Fear And Loathing These Types Of Sellers Have For Real Estate Agents And, Will Make Them Eager To Work With You.FSBO and Expired listings are the very best source of “warm” leads, because they have already raised their hands to say that they want to sell. Contrary to what many “experts” teach, door knocking and trickery is not required to get these listings.Both my FSBO and Expired systems are packed with proven scripts, dialogues, emails, and letters that will have sellers lined up to list with you. I’ll also share with you the secret that I used to list 25 FSBO’s the first month I started targeting them.Get The Listing Boss – Anonymous, only price $59The program is designed to take you step by step through the process from absolute ground zero to full-fledged market domination. In it you’ll find a goldmine of actionable items that will instantly begin to impact your business, such as:My blueprint for Implementing Operational and Lead Generation Systems. You’ll be more organized, know exactly what needs to be done everyday, and learn to employ action plans to automate your business.Conversion strategies that will secure agreement from even the most difficult prospects. If you’ve ever had difficulty getting agreement from anyone,you are going to love this because this works in any situation.Howto finally differentiate yourself from every other agent—ina real and tangible way thatyou can articulate in less than 30-seconds. Turn every seller objection you have ever encountered into part of your value proposition and become the only agent they would ever use or recommend.A sneak Peek Into the Listing Boss System: Trigger a Flood of INCOMING Prospect Calls, Consistently List More Houses Every Month In Any Market, and Close More Transactions Starting Immediately Change Your Business And Change Your Life With The Listing Boss! Click The Button Below RIGHT NOW And Get /nstantAccess To The Entire Program. Start Dominating Your Market Today!With the Listing Boss system, you’ll learn:Listing Presentation Mastery and Turning Listings Into Leads—we’ll walk you through the entire process of crafting the perfect listing presentation and converting those listings into massive automatic lead generators.How to take advantage of short sales, probate, and direct marketing to dominate niches that others neglect and don’t understand.How to grow your business with a team and leverage human capital and intellectual resources to maximize your success.It’s important to surround yourself with like-minded professionals in order to accelerate growth, so you’ll also have the opportunity to network with other agents across the country to sharpen your skills through group conversation and role-play.This network will become a powerful part of your business as you share ideas, experiences, and build a strong referral baseStop Selling Yourself (Short)! Generate And Convert An Avalanche Of Highly Motivated, Willing, and Qualified Leads Who Are Eager To Work With You And Refer Business To YouThe Listing Boss is the only system of its kind to provide all this in one package at such a low ONE-TIME cost! You’ll get instant access to everything I mentioned and lots more! Move at your own pace or follow along with our 12-week intensive program.In addition to everything above, you also get 20 LIVE prospecting calls with complete and accurate transcripts AND my entire Marketing Arsenal!Get The Listing Boss – Anonymous , only price $59Here’s wherethe Listing Boss goes hard-core. Over a 12-week priod I’ll be giving you the full rundown on nearly everything I’ve learned in this business.Week 1 “The Foundation”In week 1, “The Foundation,” I will walk you through a step-by-step process for defining your vision and purpose, and setting clear-cut goals. This is where it all begins!Week 2 “Tools and Systems Part 1”In the first part of Week 2, “The Blueprint,” we will implement both operational and lead generation systems. After this training, you’ll feel much more organized, and you’ll also know what you have to for your business every day. You will also learn about some essential tools that you are must-haves for your business.Week 2 “Tools and Systems Part 2”In the second part of Week 2, “The Blueprint,” I walk you through a video tutorial of how to implement action plans. This stuff is easy breezy!Week 3 “FSBO System”In week 3 of the LB90 “FSBO System” you’ll learn how to dominate FSBOs in your market. You’ll receive all my FSBO letters, emails, and scripts. I also show you how I took 25 FSBO listings within my first month of targeting them!Week 4 “Conversion Strategies”This is the week that’ll pay you the rest of your life! I will teach you very specific “Out of the Box” strategies, that will hypnotize people into telling you YES! Can you say “Jedi Mind Trick?”Week 5 “Expired System”This week lives up to the hype! After Week 5, you’ll have an Expired system that absolutely DOMINATES! You’ll even get all the scripts, letters, emails, and secret sauces for crushing Expired listings!Week 6 “Time Management”In Week 6: “Time Management.” I will teach you how to flawlessly master your time on a daily basis. You’ll be blown away by how much more effective you are after this training!Week 7 “Mindset Mastery”Mastering your mind is what Week 7 is all about! You’ll be granted a bulletproof mindset after this training. Tell Mr. Doubt to start packing his bags!Week 8 “Listing Presentation Mastery”Oh, how powerful Week 8 (“Listing Presentation Mastery”) is going to be for you! We’re going to take your listing presentation skills to a whole new level this week! I’ll walk you through the process of crafting your perfect listing presentation step-by-step, no problem.Week 9 “Turning Listings Into Leads”For this week of the LB90, I’m going to teach you how to generate a SICK amount of leads from your current avalanche of listings. This is why they say “list to last” Listings generate leads when you know how to market them.Week 10 “Short Sales-Probate-Direct Mail Marketing”During Week 10 you’ll learn how to get listings from other sources. By the end of it you’ll have your PHD in listings! I will show you how to dominate niches that others simply neglect! By the way…by now you should really be enjoying the results from the LB90. Good job! Week 11 “Team Building”Now that you have all this business, you need help servicing your newfound listing inventory. In Week 11 you will learn how to build a team around your success. Everything is laid out for you in a very easy step-by-step process! Delegate to Escalate!Week 12 “Maximizing Everything You’ve Got”This is the final week of a very successful 90 days! The last week of the LB90 is all about maximizing what you have just built. The growth and success you have experienced this far will continue once you wrap your head around Week 12: “Maximizing Everything You’ve Got!”Get The Listing Boss – Anonymous, only price $59Tag: The Listing Boss Review. The Listing Boss download. The Listing Boss discount.