The Last Ad Standing System – Glenn Livingston & Howie Jacobson


Dr. Glenn Livingston announces an extremely profitable way for AdWords marketers to spend 87-minutes this week…increase YOUR click-through-rates, impression share and.  All while slashing yourconversionsmost importantly — advertising costs as much as 30% or more!As you know, the more competitive advantages you have in AdWords, the better. If you have an UNFAIR advantage, better still.  And, one of the quickest, easiest ways to gain an “unfair” advantage is to write better ads—so prospects click on your ad before they click on anyone else’s.At this point, most people cringe after reading that last sentence. And you know what?   I understand. That’s because one of the biggest frustrations I keep hearing from clients and students is this: “I have a difficult time coming up with new Google ads because I’ve run out of ideas. I’m stuck-in-a-rut. How do I come up with more and better ideas for new ads?”Now, if you’re asking the same question more or less, let me explain why you’re stuck-in-a-rut. First, it’s possible you’re thinking the same thoughts repeatedly. For example, let’s say you mention “Free Shipping” in your Ad copy. How many different ways can you write the “Free Shipping” benefit in your ad?Obviously, there are a limited number of things you can say about “Free Shipping” and ways to say it. And, by now, you’ve probably said them all. My point is, if you write six ads with “Free Shipping” in the copy, you’re not really testing six different ads. In reality, you’re testing the same ad… six times!Last but not least, it’s possible you’re using your brain in ways that actually inhibit creativity. And, unless you use a new model of thinking, you’ll keep writing the same old kind of AdWords ad.   Here’s the thing: Creativity can solve almost any problem. And to create super-effective ads, you must be able to come up with great ideas—quickly and easily. So if you want to make coming up with great ideas for your ads a sure thing, I have some exciting news for you.In the next few minutes, you’ll learn about a breakthrough system for awakening and unleashing your natural-born creativity in AdWords.  As a result, you’ll soon have the ability to come up with more and better ads faster than you ever thought possible… and with a whole lot less effort.Better yet, ads that get immediate attention and, therefore, higher click-through-rates. How to Quickly GenerateAll the Great Ideas ThatYou’ll Ever Need to WriteAttention-Getting AdsIn fact, you’ll find yourself consistently generating ideas that give you a critical advantage over 99% of your competitors. Some might even say it’s an “UNFAIR” advantage.Yes, it’s true! 87-minutes from now, you’ll know a simple system for immediately coming up with great money-making ideas for your ads. You see, this NEW, radically DIFFERENT, and infinitely more POWERFUL ad writing system arms novice and seasoned AdWords marketers alike with ways to:Make it astonishingly easy for your brain to generate brilliant ideas for new ads—quickly and easily…Learn the ad writing secrets 99% of your competitors will never know for almost magically turning words into higher click-through-rates and lower bid prices…Immediately use competitors’ ads to improve your own, so you can leapfrog your way into the market—even leap over seasoned competitors…Raise your landing page quality score because the number one component of quality score is click-through-rate (only 1-in-5 of my advanced coaching students know how strongly click-through-rate influences quality score)…Beat the blank page blues with brand new skills that give you the writing muscle to belt out breakthrough ads on demand…Entice people to click on your Google ad before they click on anyone else’s—to gain an UNFAIR advantage for all your keywords…Rescue underperforming ads and slash advertising costs as much as 30% or more to line your pocket with newfound money…Make the product in your ads stand out even in a market crawling with competitors…Be privy to the quickest, easiest ways to attract the most valuable customers to your landing pages and… discourage clicks from prospects who will never buy your products…Slaughter the Google ad control for each of your ad groups—and create bigger winners more often without breaking a sweat…Use longstanding principles of marketing and psychology that never die to put you on the fast-track to market domination, and…How to get the benefit of a “mastermind group” to improve your Google ads — without shelling out a bundle of money for seminars, airfare, food, drinks and hotelsHard to believe one single resource can usher in all these benefits and more?Perhaps. But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet, until you see the evidence for yourself. All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my PROOF. It will take just a few minutes, yet the rewards can be enormous for your business.But first a word of introduction… Let me introduce you to my partner Dr. Howie Jacobson — the highly acclaimed author of “AdWords for Dummies.” And, the creator of this brilliantly simple and masterfully explained ad writing formula he calls…”Last Ad Standing”Before we go any further, are you familiar with our records of accomplishment?If not, click here to discover why we’re very qualified to teach the “secret sauce” that guarantees to help you out-think, out-position and out-perform your competitors.But even with our credentials, I can’t stress this enough: You’ll learn more from us working together as a team than learning from us individually.Come to think of it, the Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” That really sums up Howie and me. So from this day forward, think of us as your lifeline for a richer and more rewarding experience with AdWords.After all, we each bring valuable and unique skill-sets to help anyone navigate the ever-changing AdWords terrain. With that said, I hope I’ve given you ample proof to take us seriously.Now, let’s take a closer look at Howie’s five-step ad writing formula he calls “LAST AD STANDING.”Get The Last Ad Standing System – Glenn Livingston & Howie Jacobson , Only Price $37Tag: The Last Ad Standing System – Glenn Livingston & Howie Jacobson  Review. The Last Ad Standing System – Glenn Livingston & Howie Jacobson  download. The Last Ad Standing System – Glenn Livingston & Howie Jacobson discount.