The Invisible Close – Lisa Sasevich


YOU’RE ABOUT TO DISCOVER HOW TO MAKE 5 FIGURES OR MORE IN 5 SHORT HOURS OR LESS……ALL WHILE MAKING THE DIFFERENCE YOU WERE MADE FOR… DOING WHAT YOU LOVEHi, my name is Lisa Sasevich, known by many as the Queen of Sales Conversion.I got that name from consistently converting 60-85% of the audiences that I speak for. I’m an ordinary work-from-home mom who has figured out how to boost sales using irresistible offers.As a result, I went from having an unfulfilling corporate job and sweating it out to make other people rich… To building my own multi-million dollar business in just three years.Since then, I’ve served clients in 134 COUNTRIES around the world… And have won the INC 500 “Fastest-Growing Privately Held Companies in America” award two years in a row.And most importantly – I go to sleep at night basking in the joy of knowing that I’m out there, doing the work I was made for.So as I mentioned, in this short video, I’m going to show you the 2-step process to turning your $7 investment into five-figures or more.AND THE BEST PART IS…You can do this WITHOUT A PRODUCTYou can do this WITHOUT A SUBSCRIBER LISTYou can do this even if NO ONE HAS ANY IDEA WHO YOU AREYou can do this without hype or getting hung up on the “SALES” partOf course, in order to pull off what I’m about to share with you – you need to be willing to do the work. It’s not enough to be a certified coach, a best-selling author, an experienced speaker or trainer, or a highly educated service professional.You must be dedicated to the difference that you make for others and be willing to take your attention off of your expertise long enough to put structure around getting that difference and expertise out into the world.This is not some get-rich-quick scheme… This is about positioning yourself as an expert and providing transformational value to your prospective clients to the point where they feel inspired to invest with you, on-the-spot.So I have a few QUESTIONS for youDo you love what you do, but hate the sales part?Have you had success somewhere else in your life but are now craving to do your own thing that makes money and a difference at the same time?Have you been spinning your wheels trying to gain traction online… With social media, your website, ezines, videos, or a bunch of other busy work that isn’t contributing to your bottom line?Have you heard from experts that speaking is a great way to market your business, but you have no idea how to get started?And last but most importantly… Are you ready to build a business and life that you’ve always wanted?If you answered “YES” to any of those questions… YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT PLACE – SO PAY CLOSE ATTENTION.Get The Invisible Close – Lisa Sasevich only Price $39 Here’s the 2-STEP process for turning 5 hours into a FIVE-FIGURE PAYDAY:STEP #1: BOOST YOUR SALES CONVERSIONWhether you are selling one-to-one or one-to-many, boosting your sales conversion is the key to leveraging the work that you’re already doing and getting paid 20-50% more for your time.Imagine speaking in front of a room of 100 people. You’re going to do the same amount of work with your presentation, and it’s going to require the same investment of time……But instead of 2 people walking out of the room as your clients… Imagine having 20 people walk out of the room as your clients. Not only do you get to serve 18 more people from the same effort, but it’s 10X more income for you and your family to create the freedom you desire and life that you design.I’LL SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN DO THAT.STEP #2: DO FREE SPEAKING GIGSWhen you combine your sales conversion abilities with free speaking… You are primed and ready to rake in the big bucks.These aren’t the speaking gigs where you have to be a fancy, trained presenter and are paid to keynote. Few people make 6-figures or more through paid keynote speaking.This is much simpler, and available to everyone – even if you are utterly unknown right now.Speaking for free to sell back-of-the-room products and services is where the big money rolls in.I’ve evaluated this 14 ways from Tuesday and I haven’t come up with anything better. Why?Because of the boatloads of benefits you get from free speaking.First off – there are more free speaking opportunities out there than you can shake a stick at. Companies and conferences and conventions and local meetings and groups are always looking for guest speakers to speak at their events and gatherings.SECONDLY – you can usually sell anything you want.Don’t have a product? No problem – just sell coaching! Imagine selling a mere 5 people a $2K/month coaching package.You just created a $10K/month INCOME with one free SPEAKING GIG!Or better yet… Sell a program you haven’t created yet. I’ve done this over and over with great success.Of course, you do this in the area of your expertise. It’s just about packaging your expertise.The moment I have paying clients for a program or training I’ve offered… You can bet it puts a fire under my butt to get the curriculum outlined and done and make it the best it can be!Finally, you can also use speaking to figure out what you SHOULD be selling, but haven’t realized yet….And, even more importantly, how you should be BRANDING yourself.So many people think they should figure out their branding and then go out and speak.This approach is totally BACKWARDS.Just think about it… You’re sitting by yourself in front of a computer… Racking your brain, trying to come up with a brand in a vacuum or with friends on Facebook who are not necessarily your ideal clients……When you could be speaking… Getting yourself in front of your ideal clients… and finding out exactly what they’re attracted to.You’ll come face-to-face with your people and discover what makes them tick, and what turns them on…and off.And you’ll know exactly how you should brand yourself. And you’ll do it without wasting thousands of dollars branding yourself in isolation… Only to discover you were totally off once you step into play!NOW HERE’S THE BEST PART ABOUT THIS 2-STEP PROCESS:It is extremely simple to get started. In fact, you could be doing your first free speaking gig this weekend. As I said before – you don’t need any credentials, you don’t need a list, you don’t even need a product!This process is so easy… I’m willing to walk you through it personally.It took me years of trial and error to turn this simple sales conversion process into a paint-by-numbers system… But now – I’m making that same system available to you.It’s called “The Invisible Close: Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Quick Start Program.”It’s the exact system I used to maximize my conversion rates without resorting to sleazy sales pitches.Chances are, you’re one of those people who LOVE what you do, but hate the sales part.But let’s face it – WE DO HAVE TO BRING PEOPLE TO A DECISION.And it works a lot better for your business, your life and for your prospective client if we can make the sale without being pushy or salesy… And bring them to a clear decision on-the-spot.The Invisible Close: Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers QuickStart Program is the holy grail for getting you out there right away…It’s the perfect launching pad for you to give your gifts and inspire your ideal clients to step up and invest in themselves through YOU.Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll get out of The Invisible Close, Boost Sales Using Irresistible Offers Quick Start Program:…You’ll discover how to make your offers irresistible by eliminating “fluff” and giving your customers what they really want.…You’ll learn no-cost practices you can apply right away that will instantly increase your conversion rates by 20-50%… With no extra out-of-pocket cost.…You’ll discover two little-known tweaks you can make to your presentations that will motivate your prospects to take action NOW… Instead of taking time to “think about it.”Trust me.. You’ll get used to seeing your audience leave your presentations with a sales receipt in-hand… and a smile on their face!…I’ll also reveal 97 closely-guarded secrets to boost sales without being ‘salesy’ or manipulating your audience.And best of all, “The Invisible Close” can help you double or even triple your income without any extra work or a marketing budget.I’ve designed this system to be as simple as possible. You can dive into this, act on the techniques you discover, and see a boost in your sales conversion right away.It’s truly painless, and dare I say….fun! Cause it feels so good to be finally getting out there with your thing!I usually charge $297 for THE INCREDIBLE, lifechanging program you’re just ONE CLICK AWAY from getting…..But for a limited time… When you order “The Invisible Close: Boost Sales… Using Irresistible Offers Quick Start Program” now, you’ll get instant access to this conversion-boosting training for just two payments of $97.That includes The Invisible Close workbook and five audio modules that will walk you through it and answer any questions you may have so that you can implement what you learn QUICKLY and start enjoying the income and difference making results right away.I LOVE TO SEE PEOPLEMake a choiceTake actionMove forward andCommit to something they desire.Even if the outcome of their choice is “No,” I love that they are clear about their choice and are free once they have chosen “YES” or “NO.”So go ahead and make a decision. GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO FLY!I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AGAIN SOON.If you’re still on the fence, here are a few of the countless testimonials from students who are just like you…These are fellow heart-centered entrepreneurs who are getting extraordinary results using “THE INVISIBLE CLOSE” line of products and trainings and are now making the difference that they KNOW they are meant to make.Get The Invisible Close – Lisa Sasevich only Price $39 Tag: The Invisible Close – Lisa Sasevich Review. 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