The Investor’s Toolkit – Mark Podolsky


Make $10,000 a Month in Real Estate Passive Income Within 12 to 18 Months by Working 2 Hours a Day From Anywhere in the World and Never Deal with Renters, Repairs or Renovations Now You Can Use the Proven Wealth-Building Secrets of a Master Land Investor to Build Real Estate Passive Income WITHOUT all of the HeadachesThere are lots of ways to make money in real estate without cash, credit or experience.  Why is no one talking about the migraine-free way to accomplish this?From The Desk Of: Dear Friend,If you have a job, career, professional practice or business that you absolutely love and happily spend 40 to 80 hours of your precious time on every week, then this message is NOT for you.If you’re looking for a way to accumulate maximum lasting wealth for you and your family with minimum stress and without gigantic time commitments, then this letter will show you how.Here’s the story:My name is Mark Podolsky. I’m a Land Investor, and I’ve been lucky enough to unlock the secrets of creating Passive Income – the “Holy Grail” of income – using a very simple and easy-to-duplicate business model.Since 2001, I’ve been buying and selling raw, undeveloped land.I’ve completed more than 3,500 land deals and haven’t lost money on a single one (I broke even on a deal once).Now I have a solid 6-Figure Passive Income that provides a wonderful life for my family and me, and I’ve made millions in cash.If it sounds like I’m bragging, let me point something out….…..I’m not a genius and I don’t work any harder than you do.I’ve just been very diligent about following good advice, ignoring naysayers and taking small actions towards my goals every day.Now, you probably know already that enormous amounts of money are made in real estate, and that many of the savviest and richest people in this world hold big portions of their wealth in real estate.And lots of good people put a lot of time, money and energy into buying and managing rental properties, and into flipping houses. Some are very successful taking this route.But what many people don’t realize is that there is a much simpler and easier way for you to build a cash-generating real estate machine.Land Investors typically enjoy much higher returns.In fact…You Can Make Greater Profits on a $100 Piece of Land than You Can on a $100,000 HouseI flipped a couple houses…the profit margins were definitely NOT worth the massive effort it took)The case for land gets even better….Here are just of few of the awful things you’ll avoid by choosing Land Investing over rental properties and house flipping:Never suffer the living nightmare of annoying tenants who constantly complain, destroy your property, and don’t pay rent on time… Never worry about paying to fix broken toilets, busted sewer pipes, backed-up septic tanks, flooded basements or leaky roofs…Never fear invasions by filthy, nasty, creepy-crawly intruders like rats, mice, termites, cockroaches, spiders or centipedes…Never face the harsh frustrations of restrictive building codes,chip-on-the-shoulder building inspectors, or control-freak homeowner associations…  Never live through the real-life-horror-story of renovating a house and discovering extremely expensive structural damage, mold, dry-rot, or asbestos after it’s too late to turn back…  Even though you could make money in the crowded worlds of house flipping and rental properties, the stress may lead to migraines and panic attacks – daily.Land Investing is…Real Estate Investing WITHOUT THE HEADACHESAnyway, here’s why this is important to you:I have created a product called “The Investor’s Toolkit.”The “Toolkit” will teach you my entire end-to-end process for pulling in massive amounts of cash and creating life-transforming passive income through land investing.However, the Investor’s Toolkit is expensive.And it’s NOT for casual “weekend business warriors.”Quite frankly, if you don’t have 1 to 2 hours of time to invest each day, then you probably shouldn’t invest your money in this product.This is a very serious opportunity to learn how you can create a lucrative business that you control completely.Picture your workdays like this:No ego-maniac bossesNo stroke-inducing commutes in bad trafficNo annoying workplace politics Everything is done on your termsIt’s NOT a get-rich-overnight proposition, and it has nothing to do with “signing up” friends, family or strangers into some odd-ball scheme.I’m going to give you all the details you’ll need to make a sound decision…But first, here’s a quick story:Back in 2001 I was in a really tough spot.I had a thankless, high-pressure job as an investment banker.My boss didn’t treat me with respect.I was struggling financially…just paying my bills on time was a big challenge.Constant stress was eating away at my health….Imagine – working 60 hours a week, scraping by financially – and always feeling an inch away from being fired!But most importantly, I was being robbed of precious time with my wife and my baby son.I was vulnerable, and I was dependent on the company I worked for…..the company that was just using me up like a disposable diaper. They didn’t care one lick about me.Completely by chance, I ran into an old friend. We bellied up to a bar, had a beer and caught up.Afterword, I rushed home to tell my wife about the secrets my friend Steve had shared with me. I had written them down on a bar napkin.My wife was thinking “oh great, a bar-napkin business idea.” I understood her skepticism, but Steve was making a “killing” from buying vacant land at auctions and then selling it.The secrets he shared just made good sense to me.And here’s the thing…..Land is simple. And the business model is simple.So I drew a line in the sand and decided to build a better life. I was a man on a mission.The rest, as they say, is history.18 months later my family was financially secure, and I quit my soul-crushing job because I didn’t need their money anymore.My land investing business had become a cash-generating wealth machine.For more than a decade I’ve been keeping track of what works in the land business and what doesn’t work.I’ve torn through volumes of information and rigorously tested hundreds of different techniques and methods.My secrets… The stuff that really works……the best and most profitable practices that can put significant money in your bank account and change your life in a matter of months….…it’s all in the Investor’s ToolkitNow here is  everything you need to know to decide if the Investor’s Toolkit is a good investment for you:The business model is Shockingly Simple, and it focuses on Building Systems.The 4 Pillars of the Investor’s Toolkit:Build a deal flow system to find lots of land you can buy cheap Build a due diligence system to protect yourselfBuild a marketing system to sell your properties fastBuild a delegation system to free up your time Why do you want to build systems?Because systems work 24/7They work while you’re playing.They even work while you’re sleeping.Now let’s go through the 4 Pillars of the Investor’s Toolkit in more detail:Pillar #1 – Deal FlowBuild a High-Volume Pipeline That Puts Stacks of“Pennies-on-the-Dollar”Land Deals on Your Desk Every WeekThe first section of the Investor’s Toolkit is called “More Deals Than You Can Handle.” Making sure land deals constantly flow to you is the “lifeblood” of your business.Here are a few secrets you’ll find out about “Deal Flow”:Why the #1 best source of land you can buy for pennies on the dollar is a list of people who are broadcasting to the world that they don’t want their propertyWhere to find smoking hot lists of properties loaded with motivated sellers and how to “mine the gold” out of these listsThe hidden power behind the simple little postage stamp, and how you can use it as a first-class ticket to land investing mega-successHow to “zero in” on the price you should offer for a piece of land in minutes using this simple and free process (instead of hiring an expensive appraiser)The 2 most frequent (and important) questions you’ll get from potential land sellers, and what you can say to handle these like a seasoned pro from day oneWhy encouraging potential land sellers to call you on the phone to negotiate is a slippery slope that will flush your precious hours down the drain. (Instead, just make take-it-or-leave-it offers to maximize your efficiency and your profits)I learned the hard way that a lot of people just LOVE to get you on the phone and pick your brain about how much their land is worth.You definitely do NOT want to become a land appraisal hotline.I’ll teach you how to protect yourself from “time vampires.”Pillar #2 – Due DiligenceCover Your “Behind” with Armor Plating Using Simple, Yet Highly Effective Due Diligence TechniquesThe second section of the Investor’s Toolkit is called “Due Diligence.” This is how you protect yourself, and how you sift through rubble to pull out the “gold nugget” land deals.Some of the key secrets you’ll discover about due diligence are:How to use your home computer to gather massive amounts of “intelligence” on land parcels for free, and who to call at the County office when you can’t find the information you needHow to close on properties legally and safely without ever meeting the other party in person – while still making them feel comfortable with the processTwo simple tricks to getting customized marketing pictures and even video tours of properties – without ever setting foot on themThe art of property tax timing that keeps your cash in your hands and out of the County’s hands for as long as possible to maximize your cash flowThe easiest way to slash your due diligence time and effort in half using my “batching” techniqueThe most important “Golden Super-Rule” of due diligence you must use to save your tail when you can’t figure out the value of a property you want to buy – just skip itSeriously…I can’t even begin to quantify how much this simple rule has saved me in potential losses.But it has allowed me to sleep like a baby almost every night for more than a decade – now that’s absolutely priceless.The biggest favor you can do for yourself is to just pass on deals when you can’t get comfortable with the value of the property.Pillar #3 – MarketingCreate Your Own Hungry Mob of  Loyal Customers Who Want to Buy Your Land So Fast You Won’t Even Have to Do Any “Selling”The Marketing section of the Investor’s Toolkit is called “More Buyers Than You Can Handle.”Rather than relying on real estate agents or online listings to sell your properties, you’ll create a system that does most of the work for you.Here’s a small handful of the juiciest secrets you’ll find behind the curtain:The 3 most destructive (and tempting) distractions that will drive your land investing business straight into the dirt, and what you need to focus on instead that will put cash in your pockets fastHow to use easy and inexpensive 1-page websites to build a list of people who are chomping at the bit to buy your landThe 7 best places to sell your land in the beginning before you have a pool of customers who love you and trust you3 techniques to becoming a recognized land expert and why this will make customers thrilled to buy from you instead of the other guyHow to sell properties twice as fast by making it virtually effortless for your customers to pay youWhy offering and standing behind a simple guarantee adds massive power to your business and keeps you out of courtIt’s inevitable that you’ll run into a pain-in-the-butt customer once in a while.Having a money-back guarantee and standing behind it is the best way to get these pests out of your hair fast.Why waste your time disputing or going to court? If you refund a customer, guess what?You still own the land! You can easily sell it again.Pillar #4 – VA ManagementFind Diamond-in-the-Rough Virtual Assistants  You Can Trust to Handle the Repetitive “Grunt Work” So You Can Slash Your Time Inputs to a MinimumThe biggest secret to exponential growth is spending your time working ON your business, not IN your business.Leveraging inexpensive Virtual Assistants (VA’s) online is your surest path to rapid income explosion.In the VA Management Section of the Investor’s Toolkit, you’ll get an inside look at: The 5 best places to where you can find skilled Virtual Assistants who will fight each other to do your repetitive land business tasks for youHow to create job postings that attract international talent for a fraction of what it would cost you to hire someone in the U.S.How to avoid the horrible mistakes most people make when giving VA’s new tasks to complete5 secrets to ensuring your VA’s are churning out high-standard work with excellent efficiencyThe surprising “Hire 3” technique that weeds out weaklings and helps you find the rock star “A Players”The one basic rule that will save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars and protect you from blood-boiling frustration – be quick to fire VA’sSo many smart people fail miserably at managing Virtual Assistants because they make the fatal mistake of getting emotionally involved.I’ll teach you the tricks of being objective and knowing when it’s time to cut underperforming VA’s loose.VA’s have no shortage of work, so knowing when they’re just not a good fit and letting them go in a dignified way is best for you and them. The four sections we just covered are the meat and potatoes of how to build wealth buying and selling raw land.If you’re like most of my new students, by now you probably have a burning question on your mind…How Do I Make Passive Income From Buying and Selling Raw Land?The answer is surprisingly simple – owner financing.The passive income magic happens when you sell your properties on easy owner financing terms.Instead of dreadful tenants, you have loyal customers who make monthly payments towards ownership of the land.Customers Working Towards Land Ownership Have a Mindset That is Completely Opposite from the Tenant Mindset.They actually care about the property. And the best part?If something goes wrong and they can’t continue making payments, you still own the land.You can sell it to someone else for cash or on owner financing terms.I guide all of my new students towards a balanced approach between flipping land for fast cash profits, and selling land on owner financing terms for long-term passive income.The Investor’s Toolkit will show you exactly how you can average over 300% returns on cash flips, and how you can leverage the powerful time value of money to make over 1,000% returns on properties you sell on owner financing terms.Now…I have a confession…I used to be afraid of revealing too many secretsI thought I would be creating competition for myself.But once I realized the staggering magnitude of land deals that are out there….I decided to open up my vault.To help you fill up your bank account at maximum speed, I’m going to throw in some Bonus materials which lay out pro-level strategies you can easily follow.This first bonus secret always catches my students completely off guard.But it makes them giddy when they start seeing huge spikes in profits.Get The Investor’s Toolkit – Mark Podolsky, Only Price 83$Tag: The Investor’s Toolkit – Mark Podolsky Review. 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