The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury


Total Size:Digital products: Get the download link at Account or directly via email.Support: LifetimeDownload: Unlimited Of Course The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja ChoudhuryPurchase The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury courses at here with PRICE $397 $162When purchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja ChoudhuryDiscover the secret path to awakening Shakti — the mystical and sacred energy within you.Do you feel as though you’re not living as the best possible version of yourself?Do you wish there was a way to tune into your full power and energy?Are you searching for that spiritual breakthrough that finally brings everything back into balance in your life?If you’re looking outside of yourself, you’ll never find it.Instead, you need to look inward to the living goddess inside you — who happens to be connected to universal consciousness…There’s a place deep inside your soul, where you embody all the magic, mystery, secrets, and power of the Universe…You just need to access it.It’s time to remind yourself of who you are — a living goddess — as you harness and cultivate your inner power…Bring the Healing Power of Shaktism Into Your LifeThe sacred feminine has been worshipped in India for millennia. It was the rise of Shaktism in the 6th century, though, that unlocked the power of many ancient mystical systems, including Yoga, Vedic Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Tantra…And if you’ve ever studied or heard of the principles of activating your Kundalini Shakti, you already know how to release negative karma and lift good karma into the higher centers of your being…Now going forward, do you know how to move through your daily life as a Shakti?As you’ll soon discover, the best way to thrive in this modern world is to summon your divine inner goddess and feed your spiritual desires — to become an awakened being and live fully…In a powerful new live video program with renowned spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury, you’ll tap into your inner potential to live like a Shakti…… as a force for good and justice in your life, your relationships, your physical being — and in the larger world.In this 9-week training program, you’ll discover the healing power of Shakti as you:Determine which Shakti vibrates most in YOU — Durga, Kali, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati, Lalitha, or the Dash Mahavidyas — and see how they can transform your life and our worldDiscover how all mantras are keys to unlocking Shakti in you, and how they help you explore the magic and alchemy of soundLearn the ancient Chamundaye Mantra to free yourself from bad karma and remove all obstacles from your lifeExplore the entire visible universe as Shakti’s womb and discover that Shakti is also an immense potential energy sitting inside you as Kundalini, waiting to awaken and unleash your powerLearn how Shakti’s energy bodies control three parts of your consciousnessDiscover divine energy and power in everything around youJourney into how mantras are generated, and how each sound is a Shakti in Vibration that leads to the creation of anything and everythingDiscover the story of Saraswati as a river of consciousness and creativity that flows into your lifeNavigate the 12-petalled lotus and discover your true center and coreMove through the world as truly human and compassionate in total happinessPlant one foot in the vast consciousness beyond, and one foot in the body and the world — all while living fully in bothTurn your life into a dance of consciousness and bliss — while staying healthy, successful, creative, and magic-filled along the wayWhat You’ll Explore on This Advanced 9-Week JourneyWe rarely offer extended 9-week courses — this is a unique opportunity to spend nine full weeks with Raja as your mentor…An award-winning documentary filmmaker, TED speaker, and spiritual teacher, Raja aims to disrupt human consciousness — and awaken you to your true evolutionary potential. He’s emerged as one of The Shift Network’s most popular faculty — initiating and guiding over 2,400 students into the mysteries of Kundalini Shakti, Shiva-Shakti Tantra, Karma, and the Third Eye.Particularly if you’ve already begun your journey down the path of Kundalini Shakti, Tantra, and Indian Wisdom, this live video program will deepen your practice as Raja meets you right where you are…In this 9-week transformational intensive, Raja will guide you through the skills you’ll need to call upon your inner goddess to restore the healing balance of masculine and feminine energies — in your life and in our world.Discover Which Shakti Goddess YOU AreWhich Goddess are you most drawn to? For example, you may connect most with:Adi Shakti, Parvati, Para — the ultimate Shakti or energy of the universeBhuvaneshwari — the Earth Mother and the Cosmic Womb in which we existSaraswati — the goddess of sound, creation, and mantras creating universesLakshmi — the divine Sri Devi of the heart, who brings grace, abundance, compassion, and love into your heart and into the world through youDurga or Chandi — the protective mother and fierce warrior who nurtures and protects you, and destroys all threats to your spiritual journey as ChamundayaKali and the Dash Mahavidyas beyond space and time — who live in the void and in your body and remove all obstacles to awakeningLalitha Tripura Sundari — the goddess of desire and seduction, fulfilling all desires and transforming them into spiritual awakening through the Sri ChakraArdhanarishwara — the genderless form of Shakti as neither male nor female but a perfect union of all dualitiesAnd all the Matris, Yoginis, and Devis that live in the nadis and energy centers of your body and in the astral world all around you.Purchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.During this transformative 9-week journey, Raja will help you discover which type of goddess energy vibrates most within you, and how to summon and invoke any or all of them.The Power of Live Streaming VideoYou’ll connect with Raja and experience his teachings through live streaming video. This connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Raja’s teachings. You can easily connect via audio-only if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Raja. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to awaken your inner goddess.Module 1: Shakti — The Mystery of the 3 WorldsWhat is Shakti and how does it manifest in your life?In this opening class, Raja will take you into the magical world of Shakti — starting with its origins in ancient India, through to its evolution in the sacred feminine practices of today.You’ll discover how everything is a dance between Consciousness (Shiva) and Energy (Shakti), how everything you see is the cosmic womb of Mother Shakti — and how everyone is a microcosm of that macrocosm.Raja will also tell you the story of how Shakti came into humanity through Sati and Parvati. You’ll explore how the Universe is a vibrating dance between consciousness and energy…In this module, you’ll discover:How Shakti manifests as 3 energy bodies or SharirasHow Shakti’s energy bodies control 3 parts of your consciousnessHow to discover divine energy and power in every aspect of your being and lifeThe significance of Sati’s descent to the EarthHow you can create magic when you learn to work with Shakti energyThe 2 paths of Shakti worship — inner and outerHow to invoke Sati and Parvati through puja, pilgrimage, mantra, and bhakti ritualThree secret mantras to awaken Shakti in her 3 worlds and in 3 parts of your bodyPurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Module 2: Mantra — The Sound of Creation in the UniverseHow does Shakti manifest in the Universe?In this session, you’ll explore the idea that the entire universe is created by sound — and the power of Shakti as Maha Saraswati, the Vac Vadini.You’ll examine how the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet are 50 parts of Sati — and also make up the most sacred 50 ancient pilgrimage sites in India, called Shakti Peethas.In this module, you’ll discover:Mantra Vidya and the power of sexuality, music, art, and creativityHow mantras are generated, and how each sound is a Shakti in Vibration that leads to the creation of anything and everythingThe story of Saraswati as a river of consciousness and creativity that flows into our livesHow the 50 letters of Sanskrit are actually secret codes for Shakti energy and power in your body and in the cosmosHow to invoke Saraswati to redesign and reinvent your life completely and get all the skills you need to become a ShaktiThe secret mantras of SaraswatiPurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Module 3: The Chandi Path of Protection & Being Karma FreeAs you dwell in the three worlds, you’ll need the protection of Shakti to guard and liberate you from our darkest impulses — as we all do.You store your traumas and negative energies in your stomach, perhaps without realizing it, and if you learn to awaken Durga or Chandi in your stomach, you can burn all that away and become light as a feather.You’ll see how Shakti not only protects and nourishes everyone, but also comes as the fierce Chaumundaya to remove all darkness and destroy the limitations of our egos.In this module, you’ll explore:The story of Durga or Chandi as the beginning of Shaktism in the classic text Devi MahatmyaThe nine demonic natures of our ego, and how we can overcome them on the path to enlightenmentThe power of Chamundaye, the destroyer of all obstacles, ego, and bad karmaThe Chandi Chamundaya Mantra for clearing everything and lighting your inner firePurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Module 4: The Shakti at the Lotus of the HeartIn this module, you’ll explore the power of Maha Lakshmi or Sri Devi, the Shakti of the heart bringing grace, abundance, love, compassion, and bliss into your life — and how all Shaktis actually come of the heart center.You’ll discover the Hridaya, or the center of give-and-take in the heart and the seat of your immortal essence, or Jiva.You’ll explore the Sri Mantra, Shreem — and the power of the pink 12-petalled lotus she sits on, as well as the white pearl of her essence.You’ll dive into:The Story of Lakshmi and the Churning of the Milky OceanThe secret to immortality and blissThe meeting point of will and grace at the heart center, or HridayaHow to navigate the 12-petalled lotus and discover your true center and coreHow to act in the world as truly human and compassionate in total happinessHow to chant the Maha Lakshmi Mantra using the power of Shreem to experience blissPurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Module 5: The 10 Powers of Kali Beyond Space & TimeThe most terrifying form of Shakti in the ancient Indian tradition has always been Kali — in all her different forms, the Dasha Mahavidyas (10 Goddesses of Wisdom).They represent absolute fearlessness. In fact, Kali is the sacred source of everything beyond space and time in the vast blackness of the Void — and in the vast blackness of your inner world.In fact, Kali can carry you from one dark space to the Void and remove all fears, obstacles, limitations, and blocks in your path instantly…In this module, you’ll:Discover why invoking Kali means dying to this world and being reborn immediately into higher states of consciousnessExplore the origins of Tantra and Kali worship in the ancient cremation grounds and forests across IndiaUnderstand why the worship of Kali can be greatly challenging and rewarding at the same timeExplore how your biggest fears hold you back from true enlightenmentFind out how Kali’s 10 forms are aspects of rebirth, and how they reside inside your bodyBe introduced to each of their 10 powers, seed sounds (beej mantras), and yantrasPurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Module 6: The Shakti of Desire, Awakening & DissolutionWhen you feel down and out, depressed or impotent, and find no desire to act in the World — the power of desire must be reignited in you…As you’ll discover this week, that’s where Lalitha comes in.Lalitha Tripura Sundari is Parvati, and is the seducer who sits at the thousand-petalled lotus just above you, pouring in reminders of who you really are.In this module, you’ll discover how Lalitha:Takes control of the three states of consciousness — waking, dreaming, and sleepingLifts you up to full awakening and consciousness of your true nature, as the Universal Shakti and Shiva in unionInspires desire, knowledge, and dissolution in you she lifts you up to her highest realms at the source, or ParaHarnesses her nature in the form of sexuality, creativity, dance, music, and divine awakenings to help you rise up to your true purposeCorrelates to Venus and the cycles of the moon in its 15 phasesHas a mantra that reflects the 15 phases and the three worldsPurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Module 7: The Sacred Geometry & Map of ShaktiThis week, Raja will walk you through the transformative power of sacred geometry and sound.You’ll discover how, by focusing your attention on a yantra (or sacred geometry) and chanting a mantra while holding a mudra (hand gesture), you can accelerate your evolution in connecting with all the Shaktis within you.As you explore many yantras, Raja will guide you to focus on the ultimate yantra — the Sri Chakra. You’ll discover how to use it for total transformation…In this pivotal module, you’ll explore:How meditating on Sri Chakra can remove delusions, fulfill desires, give you incredible powers — and bring health and abundance into your lifeThe ways Sri Chakra can liberate you to the source of the mother as Para at the Bindu through Nine Veils, or AvaranasHow yantras, mantras, and mudras work to turn on different energies of Shakti in the Sri ChakraThe Sri Chakra and the Nine Veils that keep us away from SourceThe 108 Devis, Eight Mothers, 64 Yoginis, the Eight Siddhis that lie hidden in the Sri ChakraHow to energize and bring your Sri Yantra to life as a portal or wormhole into the infinite womb of the universal motherPurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Module 8: The Serpent Fire of KundaliniThis week, Raja will guide you to return to the vibrating Source where you started — by discovering the ultimate power of Shakti as Kundalini through desire, will… and the grace of the divine source.Raja will show you how you’ve actually been awakening Kundalini this whole time — and how you can now awaken with intention through the seven chakras and the three main Nadis of your being.In this session, you’ll:Discover potential energy at the base of your spine — and explore how it rises up to the third eye, then seeks to reunite with Shiva at the SourceExplore the three types of Kundalini Shakti: Prana, Cit, and Para KundaliniDiscover the sacred Shat Chakra Japa Mantra (Seven Chakra Mantra) of Sri Vidya… as Guruji Amritananda once taught it to RajaLearn the six beej mantras of each chakra as centers of ShaktiMaster simple breaths, mudras, and bandhas to help you awaken Kundalini ShaktiLearn to live your life in the grace of the goddess by sitting in surrender at your heart center… and going through life as a fully empowered ShaktiPurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Module 9: Living as a ShaktiIn this closing class, Raja will guide you to experience the dance of Shiva and Shakti as the resonating force behind everything in the Universe — or a pulse you can vibrate with.You’ll see how the grace of this divine dance flows into you as bliss — through your crown chakra at the top of your head, as it fills the honeypot of bliss in your heart.From there, you can live as a vibrant Shakti as you move through the world…In this final module, you’ll discover:The half-male, half-female form of Shiva-Shakti just above the Sahasrara — the ultimate state of your consciousness, the nondual ArdhanarishwaraHow to plant one foot in the vast consciousness beyond, and one foot firmly in the body and the world — all while living fully in bothWays to turn your life into a dance of consciousness and bliss — while staying completely healthy, successful, creative, and magic-filled along the wayHow to invoke different aspects of Shakti energy in all parts of your lifeHow to find the one Shakti that resonates best with YOUR true self, and awaken her all the time… and eventually become herThe miracle of living life fully as a ShaktiPurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.The Becoming Shakti Bonus CollectionIn addition to Raja’s transformative 9-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonus sessions. These bonuses complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.Singing the Heart of ShaktiAudio Dialogue With Lisa Schrader and Tina MaliaAs a visionary musical artist, Tina Malia uses her sonic creations to cultivate emotional liberation, self-realization, and connection with nature and the Divine. Her album, Bridge to Vallabha, immerses us into the heart of the Beloved, where we experience the power of the Divine Feminine through mantra and song. In Bhakti Yoga, music is regarded as an expression of devotion and love for the Divine Mother. In this dialogue, you’ll discover Tina’s personal journey of Shakti surrender, and how making music a part of your spiritual practice offers you a new path toward healing and liberation.Tina Malia is a visionary musical artist whose sonic creations span sacred chant, world, dream pop, and folk music genres. A prolific singer, songwriter, instrumentalist, and sound engineer, Malia expresses her radiant inner landscape through song. She’s a beloved pioneer in a growing community of people around the world dedicated to residing in harmony with the Earth, and expressing it through art, health, education, and music. Her all-encompassing musical and spiritual perspective has led her to studio and live performances with a vast array of iconic artists including Kenny Loggins, India.Arie, Bonnie Raitt, Bassnectar, Deva Premal and Miten, Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Peter Yarrow (of Peter, Paul & Mary) Peter Kater, and Joanne Shenandoah.112 Verses of the Vigyan Bhairav TantraPDF Text as Interpreted by Raja ChoudhuryThe Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is a key Tantric text of the Trika school of Kashmir Shaivism, and the basis for many of the practices of Kundalini, Kriya, and Hatha Yoga as well as Sri Vidya and Kula Tantra. Cast as a dialogue between the god Bhairav (Shiva as the formless void of consciousness sitting at the Agya chakra) and Bhairavi (Shakti as the Kundalini Shakti or human body lying waiting at the Muladhara chakra), it presents 112 Tantric meditation or detachment techniques that can be used in everyday life. These include breath, concentration on the body, nondual awareness, sound, imagination, visualization, and contemplation through each of the senses. The work is not only a manual and guidebook, but a poetic work that’s almost Haiku-like in its presentation.Purchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.The Dance of Shiva & Shakti: The Sacred Origins of Hatha Yoga & TantraVideo Teaching From Raja ChoudhuryA dialogue between Shiva and Shakti in the Himalayas in ancient India is the core foundation underpinning the teachings of Hatha Yoga and Kaula Tantra (Kundalini, Sri Vidya and Kali Kula). In the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (and other scriptures compiled in Kashmir in the 8th and 9th centuries), Shiva guides Shakti through 112 methods of meditation to awaken our deepest consciousness and find union between ourselves and the Source from which we all arise. These teachings were a syncretic blend of Shaivism, Shaktism, Buddhism, Advaita (nondualism), Jainism, and Yoga and were the key secret wisdom about the sacred union of Shiva and Shakti in our bodies and in every moment of our lives — with ourselves, each other, the Earth, the cosmos, and with Source. Watch as Raja takes you on a brief guided tour of this sacred exchange and how you can experience it in your life.Are you interested in? activation goddess affirmations; inner goddess activation; goddess affirmations activation lyrics; intuitive goddess activation; goddess affirmations activation vibrationPurchasing The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD. Purchase The Inner Goddess Activation – Raja Choudhury courses at here with PRICE $397 $162